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Reference Number
Analysis of geoscience data for geothermal exploration in the Dakwäkäda (Haines Junction) area, Yukon
Reference Type
Yukon Geological Survey
Document Type
Open File (Geological - Bedrock)

General Information

Abstract: In collaboration with the Yukon Geological Survey, the Geological Survey of Canada, and other project partners, Innovate Geothermal Ltd. performed an analysis of geoscience data in southwestern Yukon as part of an effort to better understand the potential for geothermal energy resources that, if present, could be utilized to help reduce fossil fuel use. The study area for this project is located in the vicinity of the Village of Haines Junction (Dakwäkäda) and lies between the Denali and Shakwak fault zones. The main aim of this project is to analyze and interpret a variety of pre-existing and newly acquired geological and geophysical datasets to evaluate where geothermal reservoirs may be present within the study area. A secondary aim is to propose favourable drilling locations, if warranted, for exploratory wells to collect information on subsurface temperature and permeability. The geoscience work accomplished here includes both 2D map interpretation as well as construction of a 3D geologic model that was guided by geophysical inversion modelling of gravity, magnetic and audio-magnetotelluric survey data. At a regional scale, multiple lines of evidence suggest that subsurface temperatures are above the crustal average. More importantly, a municipal water well drilled in 2002 in the Village of Haines Junction produce warm (~20 °C) water from a depth of ~350 m. This water well proves that at least one permeable sediment-hosted geothermal aquifer is present under Haines Junction. Additional geothermal aquifers within the pile of young sediment that sits atop the bedrock are likely present. However, due to a lack of deep drilling in the area, the exact location, temperature, thickness and permeability of such aquifers remains unknown. In this study, a depth-to-bedrock model has been generated to aid with the identification of favourable target areas for exploratory drilling of geothermal wells. The four areas where the top-of-bedrock is deepest have estimated depths in the range 650 to 1225 m below ground surface. Temperature data from two wells in the Haines Junction area suggests the temperature gradient is ~60 °C/km. Thus, geothermal aquifers located near the top-of-bedrock in the four areas identified could have temperatures in the range of 39–74 °C. Production of geothermal fluids from these areas requires permeability in the sediments that sit above the bedrock. Deeper drilling is needed to measure actual subsurface temperatures beneath the village and to identify permeable intervals. Geologic structures and faults that may control permeability in the bedrock remain poorly constrained.
Authors: Witter, J.B.
Keywords: Denali fault, dezadeash, geophysical inversion, geothermal, shakwak fault
NTS Mapsheet(s): 115A11, 115A12, 115A13, 115A14
Citation: Witter, J.B., 2024. Analysis of geoscience data for geothermal exploration in the Dakwäkäda (Haines Junction) area, Yukon. Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 2024-3, 42 p. plus appendices.


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NTS Mapsheet(s): 115A11, 115A12, 115A13, 115A14

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