General Information
Abstract: Proterozoic strata in central Yukon are exposed in the Coal Creek, Hart River and Wernecke inliers. The Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic strata are well correlated across the inliers; however, correlation of the Mesoproterozoic units remains ambiguous. We present two stratigraphic logs of Mesoproterozoic units PP1 and PP2 (previously termed PR1 and PR2, respectively) in the Coal Creek inlier. PP1 is dominantly siltstone and sandstone, whereas PP2 is mostly dolostone. In one section where the contact is well exposed, PP2 gradationally overlies PP1, suggesting that these units, at least locally, are conformable. Based on similarities in the stratigraphy and contact relationships with underlying and overlying units, we suggest that PP1 and PP2 are correlative with the Pinguicula Group formally defined in the Hart River and Wernecke inliers. Resolving how PP1 and PP2 correlate with Proterozoic strata exposed in other inliers provides insight into basin development along northwest Laurentia during the Meso–Neoproterozoic.
Authors: Webb, L.C. and Ambrose, T.K.
NTS Mapsheet(s): 116B11, 116B14
Citation: Webb, L.C. and Ambrose, T.K., 2024. Preliminary observations of the Mesoproterozoic Pinguicula Group in the Coal Creek inlier, Yukon (parts of NTS 116B/11, 14). In: Yukon Exploration and Geology Technical Papers 2023, L.H. Weston and Purple Rock Inc. (eds.), Yukon Geological Survey, p. 139–154.
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NTS Mapsheet(s): 116B11, 116B14
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YEG2023 | Contained By | L.H. Weston and Purple Rock Inc. (eds.) | Yukon Exploration and Geology 2023 |