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YGS Publication Details

Reference Number
Surficial geology, Dawson Region, Yukon, parts of NTS 115O/14 & 15 and 116B/1, 2, 3, & 4
Reference Type
Yukon Geological Survey
Document Type
Open File (Geological - Surficial)

General Information

Abstract: Local-scale surficial geology mapping was completed as part of a community hazards mapping program coordinated by the Northern Climate ExChange (Yukon Research Centre, Yukon College). This program assesses potential landscape hazards under changing future conditions by incorporating a variety of data sets, including surficial geology, topography (slope and aspect), permafrost distribution, site-specific permafrost data (e.g. ground penetrating radar, electrical resistivity tomography and borehole data), analyses of past hydrological and climatological trends, and future climate projections. The surficial geology map describes surface landscape features, sediment texture, genetic material, surface expression and geomorphological processes. Detailed descriptions of local surficial geology and hazard analysis methodology are presented in the accompanying report. The accompanying landscape hazard classification map identifies existing and potential geological hazards such as landslides, permafrost stability and flooding; the hazard map is presented in stoplight colours to provide an intuitive tool for community decision makers aiming to incorporate an adaptation planning framework into existing land use management practices.
Authors: McKenna, K.M. and Lipovsky, P.S.
Keywords: climate change, Community Hazards, Dawson City, geohazards, Geological Hazards, Geomorphology, hydrology, landscape hazards, landslides, Permafrost, Surficial Geology
Map Scale: 1 : 25000
NTS Mapsheet(s): 115O14, 115O15, 116B01, 116B02, 116B03, 116B04
Citation: McKenna, K.M. and Lipovsky, P.S., 2014. Surficial geology, Dawson Region, Yukon, parts of NTS 115O/14 & 15 and 116B/1, 2, 3, & 4. Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 2014-12, 1:25000 scale.


Name Comment
report This report is 27MB. Download PDF
surficial map File is 23.01 MB Download PDF
geohazard map This pdf is 26MB. Download PDF

Location Map

NTS Mapsheet(s): 115O14, 115O15, 116B01, 116B02, 116B03, 116B04

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Surficial Geology dataset Dataset Yearly

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