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Reference Number
Preliminary lithostratigraphy of the Laberge Group (Jurassic), south-central Yukon: Implications concerning the petroleum potential of the Whitehorse Trough.
Reference Type
Yukon Geological Survey
Document Type
Annual Report Paper

General Information

Abstract: The Whitehorse Trough, a Mesozoic sedimentary basin in south-central Yukon that has potential for gas and oil, consists of the Lewes River Group (Triassic), the Laberge Group (Jurassic), and the Tantalus Formation (Jura-Cretaceous). The Laberge Group in the Carmacks (115I) and Laberge (105E) map areas is subdivided into four informal lithostratigraphic units: the Richthofen, Tanglefoot, Conglomerate and Nordenskiold formations. The Richthofen formation, distinguished by siltstone to very fine sandstone and mudstone couplets, is exposed in the southern part of the Laberge map area where it rests unconformably to conformably on the Lewes River Group and is unconformably and/or conformably overlain by the Tanglefoot formation. The Tanglefoot formation, distinguished by coalbearing, interbedded sandstone and mudstone, is exposed in the northern part of the Laberge map area and the southern part of the Carmacks map area where it rests unconformably on the Lewes River Group, and is overlain by the Tantalus Formation. The Conglomerate (conglomerate) and Nordenskiold (dacite tuff) formations occur as minor units within the Tanglefoot formation. The Richthofen-Tanglefoot formation unconformity and/or conformity is a potential petroleum play in the central Whitehorse Trough, whereas the Lewes River Group-Tanglefoot formation unconformity is a potential petroleum play in the northern Whitehorse Trough.
Authors: Lowey, G.W.
Keywords: Geological Mapping, hydrocarbon potential
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105D, 105E, 115A, 115F, 115G, 115H, 115I, 115K
Citation: Lowey, G.W., 2004. Preliminary lithostratigraphy of the Laberge Group (Jurassic), south-central Yukon: Implications concerning the petroleum potential of the Whitehorse Trough. In: Yukon Exploration and Geology 2003, Emond, D.S. and Lewis, L.L. (eds.), Yukon Geological Survey, p. 129-142.


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NTS Mapsheet(s): 105D, 105E, 115A, 115F, 115G, 115H, 115I, 115K

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