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Reference Number
Geology and mineralization on the Dromedary property, central Yukon
Reference Type
Indian & Northern Affairs Canada/Department of Indian & Northern Development: Exploration & Geological Services Division
Document Type
Annual Report Paper

General Information

Abstract: The Dromedary property consists of 344 claims on Dromedary Mountain, Kalzas Mountain, and the intervening Macmillan River valley, all immediately northeast of Tintina Trench and 240 km northeast of Whitehorse. The property lies within Selwyn Basin geological terrane, and the following rock units are present: Proterozoic-Cambrian Hyland Group, Kechika phyllite and limestone, minor Road River shale and siltstone, Earn Group conglomerate, limestone, black silty shale and baritic chert, and overlying Permian shelf sediments. South Fork subvolcanic intrusions and Cretaceous granitic plugs have induced local biotite and calc-silicate hornfels and skarn.

The area was staked by Anaconda in 1980 and four areas of interest identified: Dromedary Creek, Dromedary Mountain, François and Kal-Cave. Blackstone Resources Inc. optioned the property in 1996 and has drilled the Dromedary Creek and François areas, encountering massive sulphide mineralization in all five holes. Economic grade Pb-Zn and massive pyrrhotite with significant gold occur on the François grid.

In 1997 the magnetic signature of the pyrrhotite on the François grid was traced 5 km, and soil anomalies were detected further to the west. In the Kal-Cave area a 7.5 km long lead-zinc soil anomaly was refined and numerous new occurrences of iron-sulphide mineralization, carbonate porphyroblasts, manganese and iron oxide were detected. Best samples from this area contain 5.53% Pb and 5.83% Zn.
Authors: Butterworth, B.P. and Jones, M.
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105M
Citation: Butterworth, B.P. and Jones, M., 1998. Geology and mineralization on the Dromedary property, central Yukon. In: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1997, Roots, C.F. (edt), Indian & Northern Affairs Canada/Department of Indian & Northern Development: Exploration & Geological Services Division, p. 121-124.


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NTS Mapsheet(s): 105M

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