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YGS Publication Details

Reference Number
Yukon Exploration and Geology 2001
Reference Type
Indian & Northern Affairs Canada/Department of Indian & Northern Development: Exploration & Geological Services Division
Document Type
Annual Report

General Information

Abstract: Yukon Exploration and Geology (YEG) is the main publication of the Yukon Geology Program (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Yukon Government). This is the 24th volume of the YEG series. It contains up-to-date information on mining and mineral exploration activity, studies by industry, and results of recent geological field studies. Information in this volume comes from prospectors, exploration and government geologists, mining companies and students who are willing to collectively benefit the Yukon's mineral industry.

The 2001 volume has four parts. The fi rst - Mineral Industry - includes overviews of Mining and Exploration in the Territory. The second part - Government - outlines the activities and organization of the Yukon Geology Program. This section also includes updates on the Mineral Resource Assessments, the Yukon Mining Incentives Program, and announcements of the third Mining Land Use Reclamation Awards, the Robert E. Leckie Awards. The third part - Geological Fieldwork - contains reports describing regional mapping, and more detailed geological, geochemical, geophysical, geochronological, paleontological, paleomagnetic and placer deposit studies. The last part - Property Descriptions - is a collection of geological reports of mineral occurrences with recent exploration advances or detailed studies, and is authored by industry and government geologists, as well as university students.
Authors: Emond, D.S., Weston, L.W., and Lewis, L.L. (eds.)
NTS Mapsheet(s): Yukon Wide
Citation: Yukon Exploration and Geology 2001. Emond, D.S., Weston, L.W., and Lewis, L.L. (eds.), 2002. Exploration and Geological Sciences Division, Yukon Region, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 278 p.


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Location Map

NTS Mapsheet(s): Yukon Wide

Related Occurrences

Name Number Type Status
Brewery Creek 116B 160 Hard-rock Past Producer
Casino 115J 028 Hard-rock Deposit
Grew Creek 105K 009 Hard-rock Deposit

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YEG2001_16 Contains Mortensen, J.K. and Gabites, J.E. Lead isotopic constraints on the metallogeny of southern Wolf Lake, southeastern Teslin and northern Jennings River map areas, Yukon and British Columbia: Preliminary results
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YEG2001_11 Contains Harris, M.J., Symons, D.T.A., and Hart, C.J.R. No remagnetization in plutonic rocks of the Whitehorse Trough, southern Yukon: An extensive paleomagnetic conglomerate test
YEG2001_15 Contains McCausland, P.J.A., Symons, D.T.A., Hart, C.J.R., and Blackburn, W.H. Paleomagnetism and geobarometry of the Granite Mountain batholith, Yukon: Minimal geotectonic motion of the Yukon-Tanana Terrane relative to North America
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YEG2001_18 Contains Bond, J.D. and Plouffe, A. Finlayson Lake Targeted Geoscience Initiative (southeastern Yukon), Part 2: Quaternary geology and till geochemistry