General Information
Abstract: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1998 consists of four parts: Part A is a comprehensive overview of mining and exploration activity in the Yukon; Part B outlines the activity and organization of the Yukon Geology Program; Part C contains regional reports from new government mapping, geochemical and geophysical studies, as well as some placer deposit studies; and Part D is a collection of reports by industry and government geologists on new mines and mineral occurrences with recent exploration advances.
Authors: Roots, C.F. and Emond, D.S (eds.)
NTS Mapsheet(s): Yukon Wide
Citation: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1998. Roots, C.F. and Emond, D.S (eds.), 1999. Exploration and Geological Sciences Division, Yukon Region, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 258 p.
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Location Map
NTS Mapsheet(s): Yukon Wide
Related Occurrences
Name | Number | Type | Status |
Justin - Kangas | 105H 105 | Hard-rock | Drilled Prospect |
Justin - Lost Ace | 105H 108 | Hard-rock | Prospect |
Justin (Main) | 105H 035 | Hard-rock | Drilled Prospect |
Brewery Creek | 116B 160 | Hard-rock | Past Producer |
Sprogge | 105H 103 | Hard-rock | Prospect |
Mel | 095D 005 | Hard-rock | Deposit |
Related Compilations
Compilation Name | Feature Type | Update Frequency |
Related Publications
Number | Relationship | Authors | Title |
YEG1998_OV | Contains | Burke, M., LeBarge, W.P., and Abbott, G. | Yukon Mining & Exploration Overview 1998 |
YEG1998_24 | Contains | Colpron, M. | A new mineral occurrence in Yukon-Tanana Terrane near Little Salmon Lake (105 L/2), central Yukon |
YEG1998_11 | Contains | Sebert, C. and Hunt, J.A. | A note on preliminary lithogeochemistry of the Fire Lake area |
YEG1998_20 | Contains | Stroshein, R. | A summary report on the geology of the Brown-McDade gold-silver deposit, Mount Nansen mine area, Yukon |
YEG1998_19 | Contains | Diment, R. and Craig, S. | Brewery Creek gold deposit, central Yukon |
YEG1998_04 | Contains | Murphy, D.C. and Piercey, S.J. | Finlayson project: Geological evolution of Yukon-Tanana Terrane and its relationship to Campbell Range belt, northern Wolverine Lake map area, southeastern Yukon |
YEG1998_16 | Contains | Marsh, E.E., Hart, C.J.R., Goldfarb, R.J., and Allen, T.L. | Geology and geochemistry of the Clear Creek gold occurrences, Tombstone gold belt, central Yukon Territory |
YEG1998_23 | Contains | Keyser, H.J. | Geology and mineralization of the Len intrusive-hosted gold prospect, McQuesten area, Yukon |
YEG1998_13 | Contains | Harris, M.J., Symons, D.T.A., Hart, C.J.R., and Blackburn, W.H. | Jurassic plate motions of the Stikine Terrane, southern Yukon: A paleomagnetic and geothermometric study of the Teslin Crossing Pluton (105E/7) |
YEG1998_10 | Contains | Piercey, S.J., Hunt, J.A., and Murphy, D.C. | Lithogeochemistry of meta-volcanic rocks from Yukon-Tanana Terrane, Finlayson lake region, Yukon: Preliminary results |
YEG1998_15 | Contains | Yarnell, J.M., Stanley, G., and Hart, C.J.R. | New paleontological investigations of upper Triassic shallow-water reef carbonates (Lewes River Group) in the Whitehorse area, Yukon |
YEG1998_18 | Contains | Nowosad, M. and LeBarge, W. | Placer deposit grain size and water quality sampling program |
YEG1998_17 | Contains | Allen, T.L., Hart, C.J.R., and Marsh, E.E | Placer gold and associated heavy minerals of the Clear Creek drainage, central Yukon: Past to present |
YEG1998_07 | Contains | Pigage, L.C. | Preliminary geology of Rose Mountain, Anvil District, central Yukon (105 K/5) |
YEG1998_14 | Contains | Hunt, J. | Preliminary results from water sampling in the Pelly-Cassiar Platform volcanic belt, southeastern Yukon |
YEG1998_06 | Contains | Hunt, J. | Preliminary stratigraphy and distribution of Devono-Mississippian massive sulphide-bearing volcanic rocks in the Mount Vermilion (Wolf) area, Pelly Mountains (105 G/5 and G/6), southeast Yukon |
YEG1998_12 | Contains | de Keijzer, M. and Williams, P.F. | The exotic nature of the Last Peak eclogite in the Teslin zone, south-central Yukon Territory |
YEG1998_09 | Contains | Lowey, G.W. | The geology of placer gold deposits in the Indian River area, west-central Yukon |
YEG1998_08 | Contains | Bond, J.D. | The Quaternary history and till geochemistry of the Anvil District, east-central Yukon |
YEG1998_22 | Contains | Hulstein, R., Zuran, R., Carlson, G.G., and Fields, M. | The Scheelite Dome gold project, central Yukon |
YEG1998_21 | Contains | Gibson, J.S.M., Holbek, P.M., and Wilson, R.G., | The Wolf property - 1998 update: Volcanogenic massive sulphides hosted by rift-related, alkaline, felsic volcanic rocks, Pelly Mountains, Yukon |
YEG1998_05 | Contains | Colpron, M. | Glenlyon project: Preliminary stratigraphy and structure of Yukon-Tanana Terrane, Little Kalzas Lake area, central Yukon (105L/13) |