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Yukon Geological Survey

YGS Publication Details

Reference Number
Yukon Exploration and Geology 1997
Reference Type
Indian & Northern Affairs Canada/Department of Indian & Northern Development: Exploration & Geological Services Division
Document Type
Annual Report

General Information

Abstract: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1997 consists of four parts: Part A is a comprehensive overview of mining and exploration activity in Yukon; Part B summarizes the activities of Government agencies which provide technical and financial assistance to the Yukon mining and exploration industries; Part C consists of geological reports by Canada/Yukon Geoscience Office geologists and industry geologists; and Part D is a collection of reports by industry and government geologists on new discoveries and the continued assessment of select mineral deposits.
Authors: Roots, C.F. (ed.)
Map Scale: 1 : 0
NTS Mapsheet(s): Yukon Wide
Citation: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1997. Roots, C.F. (ed.), 1998. Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Exploration and Geological Services, Whitehorse, 160 p.


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Location Map

NTS Mapsheet(s): Yukon Wide

Related Occurrences

Name Number Type Status
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Justin - Lost Ace 105H 108 Hard-rock Prospect
Mel 095D 005 Hard-rock Deposit
Cabin Lake 105B 144 Hard-rock Showing
Justin - Big Swifty 105H 107 Hard-rock Prospect
Justin (Main) 105H 035 Hard-rock Drilled Prospect
Dragon 105J 007 Hard-rock Drilled Prospect
Sprogge 105H 103 Hard-rock Prospect
Casino 115J 028 Hard-rock Deposit
Jane 105M 035 Hard-rock Drilled Prospect
Kudz Ze Kayah 105G 117 Hard-rock Deposit

Related Compilations

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YEG1997_03 Contains Murphy, D.C. Stratigraphic framework for syngenetic mineral occurrences, Yukon-Tanana Terrane south of Finlayson lake: A progress report
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YEG1997_09 Contains Hunt, J.A. The setting of the volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in the Finlayson lake district
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YEG1997_16 Contains Hart, C.J.R. TAD - an unusual porphyry occurrence in the Dawson Range, Yukon