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YGS Publication Details

Reference Number
Yukon Exploration and Geology 1996
Reference Type
Indian & Northern Affairs Canada/Department of Indian & Northern Development: Exploration & Geological Services Division
Document Type
Annual Report

General Information

Abstract: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1996 consists of three parts: Part A is a comprehensive overview of mining and exploration activity in Yukon; Part B summarizes the activities of Government agencies which provide technical and financial assistance to the Yukon mining and exploration industries; and Part C consists of geological reports by Canada/Yukon Geoscience Office geologists and industry geologists.
Authors: Yukon Exploration and Geological Services
Map Scale: 1 : 0
NTS Mapsheet(s): Yukon Wide
Citation: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1996. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Yukon Exploration and Geological Services Division, Whitehorse, 147 p.


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Location Map

NTS Mapsheet(s): Yukon Wide

Related Occurrences

Name Number Type Status
Wellgreen-Far East Zone 115G 024 Hard-rock Deposit
Plata 105N 003 Hard-rock Deposit
Fyre Lake 105G 034 Hard-rock Deposit
AurMac Airstrip 105M 088 Hard-rock Deposit
Brewery Creek 116B 160 Hard-rock Past Producer
Mel 095D 005 Hard-rock Deposit
Casino 115J 028 Hard-rock Deposit
Grew Creek 105K 009 Hard-rock Deposit
Cynthia 105O 007 Hard-rock Prospect
Jane 105M 035 Hard-rock Drilled Prospect
Kudz Ze Kayah 105G 117 Hard-rock Deposit

Related Compilations

Compilation Name Feature Type Update Frequency

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Number Relationship Authors Title
YEG1996-pg74 Contains Hunt, J.A.,. Dunn, C.E, Timmerman, J.R.M. and Zantvoort, W.G. Biogeochemical prospecting in the Yukon-Tanana Terrane, Yukon Territory
YEG1996-pg131 Contains Hart, C.J.R. Geology and Geochemistry of the Teslin Crossing Pluton: A gold-rich alkalic porphyry target
YEG1996-pg56 Contains Doherty, A. Mamu-Bravo-Kulan claims: A VHMS exploration target based on geochmical and geophysical anomalies in Mississippian volcanics within Cassiar Platform, NTS 105-F/7, 8, 9, & 10
YEG1996-pg35 Contains Hunt, J.A. Massive Sulphide Deposits in the Yukon-Tanana and Adjacent Terranes
YEG1996-pg122 Contains Harris, M.J., Symons, D.T.A., Blackburn, W.H. and Hart, C.J.R. Paleomagnetic Study of the mid-Cretaceous Mount McIntyre pluton, Whitehorse map area (105D), southern Yukon Territory
YEG1996-pg62 Contains Murphy, D.C. and Timmerman, J.R.M. Preliminary Geology of the Northeast Third of Grass Lakes Map Area (105G/7), Pelly Mountains, southeastern Yukon
YEG1996-pg107 Contains Hart, C.J.R. and Jober, S.A. Soil Geochemistry above Deeply Weathered Porphyry Deposits in Unglaciated Terrain, Dawson Range, Central Yukon
YEG1996-pg92 Contains Smuk, K.A., Williams-Jones, A.E. and Francis, D. The Carmacks Hydrothermal Event: An Alteration Study in the Southern Dawson Range, Yukon
YEG1996-pg46 Contains Blanchflower, D., Deighton, J. and Foreman, I. The Fyre Lake Deposit: A New Copper-Cobalt-Gold VMS Discovery
YEG1996-pg138 Contains Roots, C.F. Upper Paleozoic strata with potential for massive sulphide mineralization, northwestern Lansing map area (105 N), Yukon
YEG1996-pg53 Contains Tucker, T.L., Turner, A.J., Terry, D.A. and Bradhsaw, G.D. Wolverine Massive Sulfide Project, Yukon