General Information
Abstract: This report contains three main sections: 1) introduction, description of Exploration and Geological Services Division and overview of the Yukon Mineral industry; 2) technical reports by government and contributing geologists on the geology of Yukon mineral deposits and mineral districts under active investigation; and 3) descriptions of mineral properties and mineral claims staked in 1982 and summaries of assessment work undertaken by exploration companies to obtain assessment credits.
Authors: Exploration and Geological Services Division
Map Scale: 1 : 0
NTS Mapsheet(s): Yukon Wide
Citation: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1982. Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Exploration and Geological Services, Whitehorse, 259 p.
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Location Map
NTS Mapsheet(s): Yukon Wide
Related Occurrences
Name | Number | Type | Status |
Ivo | 095E 031 | Hard-rock | Drilled Prospect |
Bangon | 116G 066 | Hard-rock | Showing |
Oro Main | 105O 032 | Hard-rock | Drilled Prospect |
Bix 79-2 | 115P 067 | Hard-rock | Drilled Prospect |
Bubble | 105K 051 | Hard-rock | Showing |
Stroshein | 105O 045 | Hard-rock | Showing |
Minorco | 105O 046 | Hard-rock | Showing |
Hammer | 105K 084 | Hard-rock | Drilled Prospect |
Sulpetro | 095D 026 | Hard-rock | Deposit |
Limey Ridge | 105O 034 | Hard-rock | Drilled Prospect |
Cynthia | 105O 007 | Hard-rock | Prospect |
Logan | 105B 099 | Hard-rock | Deposit |
Hyland Gold | 095D 011 | Hard-rock | Deposit |
Butter | 115I 126 | Hard-rock | Anomaly |
Heidi | 116H 065 | Hard-rock | Showing |
Jane | 116H 049 | Hard-rock | Anomaly |
Stu - Zone A | 115I 011 | Hard-rock | Drilled Prospect |
Lady Di | 105K 108 | Hard-rock | Drilled Prospect |
Mel East | 095D 027 | Hard-rock | Showing |
Bix | 115P 031 | Hard-rock | Drilled Prospect |
Related Compilations
Compilation Name | Feature Type | Update Frequency |
Related Publications
Number | Relationship | Authors | Title |
YEG1982-pg50 | Contains | Morison, S.R. | A sedimentologic description of Clear Creek Fluviatile sediments 115 P, central Yukon |
YEG1982-pg73 | Contains | Vaillancourt, P. | Geology of pyrite-sphalerite-galena concentrations in Proterozoic quartzite at Quartz Lake, southeastern Yukon |
YEG1982-pg26 | Contains | Emond, D.S. | Geology of the EPD Stanniferous Breccia Deposit, McQuesten Area, 115 P, Yukon |
YEG1982-pg18 | Contains | Abbott, G. | Origin of the Clinton Creek Asbestos Deposit |
YEG1982-pg38 | Contains | Lynch, G.V., Pride, C., and Watson, P. | Petrology and geochemistry of the Pattison Alaskite Pluton, Yukon |
YEG1982-pg55 | Contains | Roots, C.F. and Moore, J.M., Jr. | Proterozoic and Early Paleozoic volcanism in the Ogilvie Mountains: An example from Mount Harper, west-central Yukon |
YEG1982-pg68 | Contains | Smith, M.J. | The Skukum Volcanic Complex, 105 D SW: Geology and comparison to the Bennett Lake Cauldron Complex |
YEG1982-pg34 | Contains | Lowey, G. | Report of 1982 field work on Early Tertiary clastics, west-central Yukon |