Occurrence Details

Occurrence Number:
115I 106
Occurrence Name:
Occurrence Type:
Drilled Prospect
Date printed:
2/16/2025 2:32:42 AM

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General Information
Work History
Assessment Reports

General Information

Secondary Commodities: gold, lead, zinc
Aliases: Freegold
Deposit Type(s): Vein Au-Quartz
Location(s): 62°20'30" N - -137°13'45" W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 115I06
Location Comments: .5 Kilometres
Hand Samples Available: No
Last Reviewed:


Work History

Staked by P.F. Guder as Happy cl (68058) in January 1954, and re-staked by him as Happy cl (90758) in September 1964, and as Happy cl (YA4627) in June 1976. The claims were hand trenched in 1978-1979 by Yukon Revenue Mines Ltd., transferred to Guder Mining Exploration Ltd., and trenched in 1982 and 1986.

Shakwak Exploration Company Ltd. tied on Luck cl (YA81629) to the east in May 1974 and carried out geological mapping and geochemical sampling later in the year. Big Creek Joint Venture (Big Creek Resources Ltd. and Rexford Minerals Ltd) tied on Angus cl (YB5977) to the north in Jul/87.

Re-staked by Harris and Associates as Happy 1-10 cl (YB38132, YB46566) in July and December 1993. In the summer and fall of the same year, Harris carried out reconnaissance soil and rock sampling and minor blast trenching on the Happy cl 1-4 (YB38132).

Re-staked by B. Harris as Happy cl 1-8 (YC19282) and Feliz cl 1-10 (YC19290) in May 2001. Harris carried out prospecting, line cutting and grid work in June 2002 and limited soil sampling, magnetometer and VLF-EM surveying in December 2002.

Northern Freegold Resources consolidated the claims in 2006 as part of their Golden Revenue property and performed a property wide VTEM and magnetic airborne survey, including the Happy occurrence.

Triumph Gold acquired Northern Freegold Resources in 2015 and the property is now termed the Freegold Mountain Project. Triumph Gold drilled one hole (420 m) in 2017 and performed mechanical trenching (5 trenches, 93 m), as well as rock and soil geochemistry in 2018.

Regional & Property Geology

The occurrence is partly underlain by Yukon-Tanana Terrane (YTT). The rocks of the YTT in this region consist of Early Mississippian metamorphic rocks separated into meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous suites. The meta-sedimentary suite consists of micaceous quartz-feldspar gneiss, schist and quartzite. The meta-igneous package is comprised of biotite-hornblende feldspar gneiss and coarse-grained granodiorite orthogneiss with lesser amphibolite.

The YTT basement rocks in the area are cut by numerous plutonic and volcanic events from the Mesozoic (Murray & Friend, 2018), including:
1. Early Jurassic Long Lake monzonite and granodiorite plutonic suites;
2. Mid-Cretaceous Mount Nansen Suite andesite to diorite;
3. Mid-Cretaceous Whitehorse granodiorite, quartz monzonite and monzodiorite;
4. Late Cretaceous Casino quartz monzonite;
5. Late Cretaceous Prospector Mountain gabbro;
6. Late Cretaceous Carmacks basalt and andesite; and,
7. Quartz feldspar and feldspar hornblende porphyry dykes and plugs.

The Happy occurrence is located immediately north of the Big Creek Fault in a quartz monzonite plug.

Mineralization & Results

Guder found gold-bearing quartz float while placer mining and staked his claims while searching for the source. A showing containing galena and sphalerite was reportedly found by Yukon Revenue Mines Ltd.

Harris collected 19 rock samples and 115 soil samples from 5 traverse lines in 1993. Three pits were blasted along Happy Creek in areas of quartz-carbonate veining in a felsic porphyry. The soil samples returned several individual spot highs in Au, with the best sample returning > 6,667 ppb Au. A weak Au and As anomaly 175 m long was also found. One rock sample of felsic porphyry cut by narrow quartz arsenopyrite veins assayed 2,673 ppb Au.

What is described as a possible breccia zone in an area underlain by quartz monzonite was located on the ridge crest between Boliden and Happy Creeks. Two samples collected in the area returned anomalous Au and Bi (peak values of 683 ppb and 109 ppm, respectively). Geophysical surveying and geochemical sampling carried out late in 2002 did not produce any significant results.

Work History

Date Work Type Comment
12/31/2002 Ground Geophysics Also VLF survey.
12/31/2002 Other
12/31/1993 Geochemistry
12/31/1993 Geochemistry
12/31/1993 Trenching
12/31/1986 Trenching
12/31/1984 Geology
12/31/1984 Geochemistry
12/31/1982 Trenching
12/31/1978 Trenching
12/13/2018 Geochemistry Grab and chip samples.
12/13/2018 Geochemistry
12/13/2018 Trenching Five trenches totaling 93 m.
12/13/2017 Geochemistry
12/13/2017 Drilling One hole totaling 420 m.
12/13/2006 Airborne Geophysics Property wide survey.
12/13/2006 Airborne Geophysics Property wide survey.
12/13/2002 Geochemistry

Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence

Report Number Year Title Worktypes Holes Drilled Meters Drilled
094745 2006 2006 Geophysical Assessment Report on the Freegold Mountain Property Electromagnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics
091895 1986 Report on Geological Mapping and Geochemical Surveys Done on the Stoddart Property Soil - Geochemistry, Surveying - Other
060200 1970 Report on the Geophysical and Geochemical Surveys Ram and Bow Claim Groups Electromagnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry
060606 1969 Geochemical Report on the Com Group East and Com Group West Mineral Claims Soil - Geochemistry

Related References

Number Title Page(s) Reference Type Document Type
2018-2 Bedrock geological map of the Mount Freegold district, Dawson Range Yukon Geological Survey Open File (Geological - Bedrock)