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Yukon Geological Survey

Occurrence Details

Occurrence Number
106C 148
Occurrence Name
Occurrence Type

General Information

Secondary Commodities: lead, zinc, silver
Aliases: Val
Deposit Type(s): Manto Polymetallic Ag-Pb-Zn, Sediment hosted Mississippi Valley-Type Pb-Zn (MVT)
Location(s): 64.298860 N, -133.696050 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 106C05
Location Comments: Location based on sample G286172 (AR 095720).
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No


Work History

Staked as Vera cl 1-164 (YA37382) in July, 1978 by Prism Joint Venture (Asamera Oil Corporation, Chieftain Development Company Ltd., Prism Resources Ltd., Siebens Oil & Gas Ltd. and E & B Exploration Ltd.). In 1979, Dome Petroleum Ltd. replaced Siebens in the joint venture. Dome dropped its interest and E & B Exploration's interest was transferred to Imperial Metals Ltd. in 1983 and acquired in 1984 by Prism, at which time Prism became project operator. In 1985, Prism changed its name to International Prism Exploration Ltd. In October 1997, 15966 Yukon Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Manson Creek Resources Ltd., staked Rusty cl 1-131 (YB99989) surrounding the occurrence. A regional airborne geophysical survey was conducted over the claim block in 2001 (no report available). Strategic Metals Ltd. re-staked the historical Val and Rusty areas as the Rusty series claims (e.g., Rusty 182, YD33422) in 2010, covering the occurrence. Strategic took grab and soil samples over the Azure occurrence in 2010 and dug a small hand trench.

Regional & Property Geology

The occurrence is located at the southern edge of the Mackenzie Platform, a predominantly shallow water carbonate and clastic sequence that formed on the western margin of the North American craton during Lower Proterozoic through Paleozoic times. The regional geology consists of Upper Proterozoic Rapitan(?) Group mudstones overlain by Upper Proterozoic Profeit Formation dolostones and Upper Proterozoic Nadaleen Formation silty limestone. Over these units are minor clastic and carbonate rocks of the Neoproterozoic to Lower Cambrian Hyland Group. Lower Paleozoic platform carbonates unconformably overlie these units. An arcuate east-west trending, south-dipping normal fault lies north of the occurrence, separating it from Paleoproterozoic Wernecke Supergroup clastic rocks and Upper Proterozoic Pinguicula Formation clastics and carbonates to the north.

The following property description is summarized from Kammerer & Eaton (2011):
The northern section of the Rusty property, which includes the Canyon occurrence, is underlain by a thick succession of dark shale, slate, and lesser phyllite. These units are intruded by a number of diorite bodies. Mineralization in the area has been noted at or near contacts between shale and diorite intrusions, often in north striking vein/fault structures within either unit. Mineralization has also been found at two locations within shale where no nearby intrusion is known. Shale and slate units strike generally east-northeast, and dip gently to the south. Structural continuity is disrupted by numerous vertical faults with large horizontal and vertical displacements, as well as low angle faults and thrust faults.

The Azure occurrence is comprised of a quartz-siderite vein with a 110 m strike length in a well exposed, north facing chute of shale located 1.9 km east of the Canyon occurrence (MINFILE occurrence 106C 147). The vein is currently open to the north where bedrock is buried beneath talus and appears to terminate to the south where bedrock is well exposed (AR 096938).

Mineralization & Results:

The Azure occurrence was discovered in 2010 by Strategic Metals during a prospecting program in the area. The showing consists of a shale hosted quartz-siderite vein striking roughly 020° and dipping 52 to 62° to the east over a 110 m strike length. The thickness of the vein typically ranges between 15 to 30 cm and is locally up to 45 cm in places. Mineralization is present as massive galena and tetrahedrite associated with siderite breccia.
In 2010, Strategic Metals collected seven rock samples, which included five chip sample and two grab samples. A chip sample taken from a 12 m long section of coarse crystalline galena returned assays of 1410 g/t/ Ag, 66.04% Pb, and 8.22% Zn. A sample of malachite stained siderite breccia containing tetrahedrite in the matrix returned assays of 1510 g/t Ag and 5.17% Cu over 0.22 m. Hand trenching exposed vein material containing massive galena, limonite, malachite and tetrahedrite-bearing quartz that returned weighted average grades of 1914 g/t Ag, 48.87% Pb, 12.62% Zn and 0.88% Cu over 0.42 m in two consecutive samples (AR 095720).

Location Map

Last Updated: Mar 24, 2020

Work History

Year Work Type Comment
2010 Geochemistry: Rock Grab sampling.
2010 Geochemistry: Soil
2010 Trenching: Hand One trench.
2001 Airborne Geophysics: Electromagnetic Also magnetics in a regional survey.

Regional Geology - Terrane


Regional Geology - Bedrock

Period Max:
Age Max: MA
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Age Min: MA
Rock Major:
Rock Minor:
Geological Unit (1M):
Geological Unit (250K):

Related References

Number Title Page(s) Document Type
2003-9(D) Yukon Digital Geology (version 2) Open File (Geological - Bedrock)

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