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Occurrence Details

Occurrence Number
105K 029
Occurrence Name
Occurrence Type
Drilled Prospect

General Information

Secondary Commodities: lead, zinc, copper, silver
Aliases: Pinnacle, Hugo Creek
Deposit Type(s): Skarn, Skarn Pb-Zn, Vein Polymetallic Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Location(s): 62.944550 N, -132.249360 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105K16
Location Comments: Occurrence location marks approximate location of Lad occurrence as recorded on Overburden Resources 2008 geology map. Pinnacle = 639695 W, 6983940 N.
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No


     *This occurrence covers the Lad occurrence and various satellite showings located within the northern and western portions of the Andrew property.
In September and Oct/67 the Hess Syndicate (Atlas Explorations Ltd, Quebec Cartier Mining Company and Phillips Brothers (Canada) Ltd), staked Lad cl 3-12, 19-38 and 45-62 (Y14076) south and east of the occurrence. The syndicate carried out reconnaissance scale geological mapping and rock, silt and soil sampling prior to staking the claims. In the summer of 1968 the syndicate carried out geological mapping, rock and soil sampling, hand trenching and a ground magnetic and electromagnetic survey.
Based on early exploration results obtained in 1968 the syndicate added Lad cl 65-102 (Y31259) in August and Sep/68. The enlarged claim block included this occurrence. In 1969, the syndicate carried out road construction, bulldozer trenching, geological mapping, geochemical sampling and geophysical (airborne and ground) surveying. Most of this information was never filed for assessment credit.

The Atlas interest was transferred in 1974 to Cima Resources Ltd, which drilled two diamond drill holes (14.8 m) in 1977 on the Lad Occurrence.
In Jul/96 R. Berdahl staked Andrew cl 1-2 (YB65796) 1.75 km to the south to cover the Hugo Creek area.  The claims were staked in association with Andrew cl 3-10 (YB65798) located 4.25 km to the southeast which are associated with the Andrew and other associated deposits (Minfile Occurrence 105K 089 etc.). In 1996 as part of a larger exploration program, Berdahl prospected and collected grab samples from various showing located on and around Andrew cl 1-2.

During the summer of 1999, Berdahl carried out exploration work elsewhere on the Andrew claims. No further work was carried on this portion of the claim block until the property was optioned by Noranda Exploration.
During the summer of 2000 Noranda Inc visited the Andrew claims. In Aug/2000 after reviewing and verifying previous work carried out by the Hess Syndicate and Berdahl, Noranda optioned the Andrew claims. Noranda immediately staked AMB cl 1-68, 70 and 72-104 (YC02355) forming a contiguous claim block that covered this occurrence and included the Andrew claims. In Sep/2000, as part of the option agreement, Berdahl staked Scott cl 3-34 (YC02457) to the southwest. Noranda merged the Andrew, Scott and AMB claims together and formed the “Andrew property” which covered the various historic showings discovered by the Hess Syndicate.

During the winter of 2000/01, Noranda flew an airborne magnetic and EM geophysical survey over the entire Andrew property. The company staked AMB cl 105-112 (YC02776) in Jul/2001 on the southwest corner of the claim group and carried out property wide geological mapping, prospecting and rock sampling programs. The company also carried out a ground magnetic and gravity geophysical survey over the Lad occurrence, one of three geophysical surveys the company completed on the property. The company also completed two limited soil sampling surveys elsewhere on the property.
From July to Oct/2001 the company collared 15 diamond drill holes (2 717.7 m) on the property. Drilling associated with this occurrence include 2 holes which tested the Lad occurrence, 1 hole which tested the Pinnacle showing (located approximately 1.5 km to the north) and 1 hole which tested a coincident magnetic-electromagnetic anomaly located approximately 1.5 km to the southeast. 

Between Sep/2001 and Feb/2002, Noranda staked AMB cl 115-162 (YC09953, includes fractional claims) on the northeast side of the block to protect internal fractions within the group and to extend the claim block to the southeast.
During August and Sep/2002 the company carried out grid soil sampling and collared an additional 8 diamond drill holes on the Andrew occurrence. No significant work was carried out over the Lad occurrence or areas associated with this occurrence. In 2003 Noranda subsequently terminated its option agreement on the property and returned the claims to Berdahl.
On February 1, 2007 Overland Resources Ltd announced it had secured a twelve month exclusive option to acquire a 90% interest in the Andrew property from Berdahl for US$50,000.00. Overland Resources immediately renamed the property the Andrew Base Metal project and undertook due diligence including reviewing all previous exploration data and calculating a JORC (Australian –Joint Ore Reserve Committee) compliant resource calculation for the Andrew showing/deposit.

In Jul/2007 Overland Resources staked Bridge cl 1-8 (YC56739), cl 11-16 (YC56747) and cl 19-32 (YC5677753) to the southwest linking the main property to the pre-existing Scott claims. The company also staked Ozzie cl 1-16 (YC56665) and cl 17-32 (YC56703) south and southwest of the Andrew deposit.
During the 2007 exploration season Overland Resources carried out property wide geological mapping, prospecting and rock and soil sampling programs. The company also tested the Andrew deposit with a 10 hole (2 800 m) diamond drill program. It appears the details of only 1 diamond drill hole were ever filed for assessment credit. The remaining 9 holes were likely only filed for physical work thus not requiring an assessment report. The Hugo Creek area, an area associated with this occurrence was explored with geological mapping and rock and grid soil sampling.
On July 15, 2007, after receiving the results of the first 5 diamond drill holes collared on the Andrew deposit, Overland Resources announced that it had elected to exercise its option early to acquire a 90% interest in the Andrew Base Metal project from Berdahl in return for cash and 5 million share options.

In February/2008 the company was issued a Winter Road Permit allowing it to mobilize heavy equipment and other supplies to the project area. In mid-April/2008 Overland Resources commenced their 2008 exploration program consisting of 135 diamond drill holes (23 427.7 m), geological mapping, prospecting, rock, silt and soil sampling. Work carried on areas associated with this occurrence includes 2 diamond drill holes (214.9 m) collared on the Lad occurrence, minor rock sampling carried out in the Hugo Creek area and general prospecting and geological mapping carried out throughout the area.
Overland Resources did not carry out any field work in 2009, instead the company worked towards releasing a preliminary independent economic evaluation of the entire Yukon Base Metal project (specifically the Andrew and other deposits) and conducting metallurgical experiments on the project’s ore.
In 2010 as part of a larger property wide exploration program, Overburden Resources carried out geological mapping, prospecting and rock chip sampling in and around the Pinnacle, Hugo Creek, and Lad showings (this occurrence).
During the 2011 exploration season Overland Resources carried out further infill drilling on their known deposits. No significant exploration appears to have been carried out on the Lad occurrence or any of its associated showings.

In Jun/2012 the company released an updated study into the economics of developing a mining operation at the entire Yukon Base Metal project. Despite robust grades the economic study indicated a sustained long term improvement in both zinc and lead prices would be required to provide a suitable return to the company. Thus the company elected to suspend all further exploration and mine permitting work for the entire Yukon Base Metal project.
All mining claims necessary for the project are in good standing until at least 2026.

The property area is located approximately 15 km east of Mt Selous, in east-central Yukon. The closest settlements Faro and Ross River, Yukon are located 100 km to the southwest and 115 km south of the property, respectively. A winter trail connects the property to the North Canol Road at Dragon Lake located approximately 60 km to the south. Normal access to the property is by helicopter or short take-off and landing fixed wing aircraft via a 400 m unsealed airstrip located approximately 600 m northeast of the Lad occurrence (this occurrence).
The property is located in the western portion of the Selwyn Basin; a continental margin rift-fill and cover sedimentary sequence lying off the coast of ancestral North America. The oldest stratigraphic units on the property are the Yusezyu and Narchilla Formations of the Neoproterozoic to Lower Cambrian Hyland Group. They are overlain by Ordovician to Silurian Road River Group rocks which are in turn overlain by Devonian to Mississippian Earn Group rocks. The Hyland Group comprises an upper thrust sheet that overlies the Road River and Earn Group rocks. The entire sequence has been intruded by Cretaceous granite, quartz monzonite and granodiorite intrusions assigned to the Selwyn Plutonic Suite.
Initial exploration work carried out by Atlas Explorations in 1968 identified 14 separate vein showings on the property. Three separate areas; Lad, Pinnacle and Hugo Creek are associated with this occurrence. The Lad occurrence was discovered by Atlas Explorations through soil sampling, prospecting and trenching.  It initially consisted of three small isolated showings (showings H, K and L on Noranda’s location map, assessment report #094274). Geological mapping completed by Overland Resources shows that the Lad occurrence is underlain by chert, sandstone and limestone assigned to Hyland Group, Lower Yusezyu Formation (PCH1.)

Showing H consists of a 0.3048 m wide skarn unit exposed for approximately 2 m and containing disseminated chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite. Showing K is described by Atlas Explorations as a poorly exposed, mineralized, cross-cutting shear containing disseminated galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and pyrite across 1.2 to 1.5 m. Chip sampled returned average assays of approximately 17 g/t silver, 5 % lead and 0.3 % zinc. Showing L is described by Noranda Exploration as consisting of pods of silicified siltstone containing replacement style pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena mineralization. Cima Resources collared two short drill holes on Showing L. One of the holes returned sulfide mineralization which assayed 4.7 % zinc, 5.3 % lead and 133.7 g/t silver over 1.2 m.
Berdahl spent the mid- to late 1990’s restaking and consolidating the Andrew property. Most of his exploration work was focused on the Andrew occurrence/deposit. Noranda Exploration paid a visit to the property before optioning it. During the 2001 exploration season the company carried out a property wide exploration program which included following up geophysical anomalies discovered during the previous winter’s airborne geophysical survey and examining all previously discovered showings. Noranda used the results from prospecting, rock and soil sampling and the geophysical surveys to guide their initial diamond drill program.
Diamond drill hole AN-01-01 tested the down dip of surface mineralization at Showing L (Cima Resources previous drill holes). The hole intersected quartzite host rock separated by a faulted interval of black shale. No significant mineralization was encountered in the hole. Hole An-01-02 tested a geophysical anomaly located approximately 250 m to the northeast. It intersected several fault zones in a shale sequence but no mineralization. Hole An-01-03 tested a coincident electromagnetic-magnetic-gravity anomaly located approximately 1 400 m to the southeast. It intersected several zones of sheared, carbonaceous shales containing minor pyrite. Noranda’s 2002 exploration program was concentrated on the Andrew Occurrence located to the southeast.
Overland Resources carried out a lengthy due diligence program in the early part of 2007 before they elected to option the Andrew property which the company immediately renamed the Andrew Base Metal project. During 2007 the company carried out a property wide prospecting, geological mapping and rock and sampling program. It appears the Lad showing only received a cursory examination with the company concentrating their efforts on other areas of the property.

In 2008 Overburden Resources collared 2 diamond drill holes (214.89 m) on the Lad showing. The holes were centered approximately half way between original showings K and L. The drill collars mark the approximate location of the Lad showing/occurrence as reported in the location data of this Minfile record. The holes were designed to test for semi-massive replacement style galena-sphalerite-pyrrhotite mineralization.
Drillhole LD08-01 was collared 40 m southwest of the mineralization observed at surface. The drillhole intersected 120.4 m of interbedded mudstone and sandstone hosting pyrite, pyrrhotite and trace sphalerite veins but assaying did not return any significant sulphide mineralization. The core did display moderate silica flooding and chlorite alteration. Drillhole LD08-002 was collared 15 m northeast of the first hole and intersected highly fracture mudstone chert and rare interbedded sandstone. The mudstone displayed moderate silica alteration and local reduction patches proximal to quartz veins. Fractures displayed a common vein assemblage of pyrrhotite, pyrite, quartz, minor chalcopyrite and trace galena and sphalerite. Assay results were generally low, although a 2 m wide zone starting at 24.38 m returned 0.4 % zinc and 0.4 % lead. Overland Resources concluded that the distribution of mineralization was highly irregular and podiform resulting in the drill holes missing the strongly mineralized areas observed at surface. The company suggested an induced polarization survey might be useful to delineate areas of increased sulphide concentration proximal to the occurrence and provide additional targets for future drilling.
The Pinnacle showing is located approximately 1.5 km north of the Lad occurrence. It was discovered by Atlas Explorations through soil sampling, prospecting and trenching.  It initially consisted of two small isolated showings (showings F and G on Noranda’s location map, assessment report #094274). Geological mapping completed by Overland Resources shows that the showing is underlain by sandstone quartzite, mudstone and limestone assigned to the Devonian to Mississippian Earn Group. Atlas Explorations described Showing F as consisting of two parallel, closely spaced, sulphide veins exhibiting skarn type mineralization. The veins are hosted by limestone bordered on both sides by quartzite. The veins vary in width from about 0.3 m to 3 m, but average about 1.6 m. Average values across the each vein was 205.7 g/t silver, 6 % lead, 3 % zinc and 2 % copper. Showing G is located approximately 250 m south of Showing F. It consists of copper, lead, zinc and silver mineralization in and adjacent to shears in a skarn altered siliceous limestone unit.

Noranda Exploration resampled both showings in 2001. Noranda described Showing F as quartzite and recrystallized limestone containing irregular sulfide lenses and disseminations. Grab samples from the sulphide pods averaged 2.5 % copper, 7.9 % lead, 6.9 % zinc and 249 g/t silver. Showing G was described as silicified limestone and siltstone containing irregular sulphide lenses and disseminations. Grab samples from sulphide pods averaged 1.9 % copper, 3.2 % lead, 5.2 % zinc and 211 g/t silver. Noranda collared a single drill hole in 2001 (98.5 m) on Showing F to test surface mineralization at depth. It intersected a mineralized zone from 48.4 to 62.1 m consisting of strongly silicified and brecciated quartzite containing approximately 1 % disseminated pyrite and no significant base metal content.
In 2010 Overland Resources geologically mapped the area around the Pinnacle showing. They reported that the main mineralized area (Showing F) consisted of an approximately 4 m thick unit of limestone interbedded with thin brown mudstone.  Mineralization occurs on the margins of the limestone and consists of finely disseminated to vein controlled to semi-massive aggregates of galena, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite and pyrrhotite within tabular replacement zones. Mineralization is found on both the upper and lower contacts of the limestone unit and grading out into surrounding sandstone stratigraphy with internal laminations and veining. Overland Resources considered the showing to fit the description of carbonate replacement deposits. The showing was never drill tested by the company.
The Hugo Creek showings are located approximately 2 km southwest of the Lad occurrence. They were discovered by Atlas Explorations in 1967 while carrying out a regional helicopter reconnaissance exploration program and represent the first showings discovered in the area by the company. The showings consist of at least 4 fault-controlled massive to semi-massive sulphide pods associated with silicification and quartz veining and consisting of pyrite and galena with minor chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite. The veins appear to be up to 50 cm thick with steep dips. Massive galena boulders have been found in the creek bed and limestone cobbles have been reported on the northeast hillside. Outcrop is scarce in the area, however the majority of the area appears to be underlain by slate, sandstone, conglomerate and limestone rocks assigned to the Ordovician to Silurian Road River Group. A fault appears to separate this unit from Hyland group rocks to the west. Devonian to Mississippian black clastic rocks lay to the east. A Cretaceous granitic batholith outcrops a few kms to the west.The best showing appears to be Showing B. Atlas Explorations described it as a 1.3 m to 2 m wide shear zone exposed for about 9 m on both sides of Hugo Creek. A 0.6 m section of the footwall hosts disseminated chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, galena, sphalerite and pyrite mineralization.  A grab sample of this mineralization collected by Atlas Explorations returned 1 703 g/t silver 15.3 % lead, 3.1 % zinc and 4.4 % copper. Atlas felt the showings were too small to pursue.
Noranda Exploration prospected the area in 2001 and sampled Showings C and D located up stream of Showing B.  A rock sample from parallel quartz sulphide veins up to 50 cm thick hosted by silicified quartzites and containing pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite returned 0.13 % copper, 7.44 % lead, 3.79 % zinc and 95 g/t silver from vein # 1 and 3.76 % copper, 0.1 % lead, 0.5 % zinc and 153 g/t silver from vein # 2. Noranda collared a single diamond drill hole (146 m – it appears to have been collared near showing B) later in the season. The hole tested the areas of best mineralization observed to date. It intersected only minor sphalerite mineralization.
Overland Resources carried out a large rock, soil and silt sampling program over the Hugo Creek area in 2007. Rock and soil sample returned several significant anomalous areas (locally greater than the 10 000 ppm detection limit) for lead, zinc and copper in and around Hugo Creek which appear to correlate to Atlas Explorations original showings (taking into account locational inaccuracies inherent to the original sampling).  The company prospected and collected 3 rock samples from the Hugo Creek area in 2008 with the best result returning 314 ppm lead and 1 320 ppm zinc. 

In 2010 Overland Resources carried out geological mapping and rock chip sampling in the Hugo Creek and surrounding area. Sample results appear to match earlier results obtained by Noranda Exploration and Atlas Explorations. Overburden Resources felt that surface geology indicated the area is prospective for Keno Hill style silver-base metal vein mineralization and although mineralization was spotty in outcrop, soil sampling indicated mineralization extends past known outcrop exposures, thus indicating a high potential for blind deposits.
The discovery of the Andrew, Darin and Darcy deposits elsewhere on the property resulted in the company focusing their exploration efforts on defining resources within those areas. Exploration ceased on the Lad occurrence and associated showings. The company planned to revisit them but the cessation of exploration in 2012 ended the potential for any further exploration work.


Location Map

Last Updated: Jun 19, 2014

Work History

Year Work Type Comment
2012 Studies: Preliminary Economic Assessment Economic assessment of project led company to mothball property until metal prices rise.
2010 Geochemistry: Rock Chip sampling of Lad occurrence, Pinnacle showing and Hugo Creek area.
2010 Geology: Detailed Bedrock Mapping Carried out around Lad occurrence, Hugo creek and Pinnacle area.
2008 Drilling: Diamond Two holes (214.9 m) collared on Lad occurrence.
2008 Geochemistry: Rock Minor rock sampling in Hugo Creek area.
2008 Geology: Detailed Bedrock Mapping Geological mapping carried throughout the property.
2007 Geochemistry: Rock Carried out in Hugo Creek area.
2007 Geochemistry: Soil Soil sampling tested Hugo Creek area.
2007 Geology: Regional Bedrock Mapping Geological mapping carried out in Hugo Creek area.
2001 Airborne Geophysics: Magnetic Also Electromagnetic.
2001 Drilling: Diamond Two holes tested Lad occurrence, one hole tested Pinnacle showing, one hole test magnetic/electromagnetic anomaly 1.5 km southeast of Lad occurrence.
2001 Geochemistry: Rock Property wide.
2001 Geology: Regional Bedrock Mapping Property wide.
2001 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Carried out over Lad occurrence and also included gravity data.
1996 Geochemistry: Rock Berdahl sampled Hugo Creek area.
1974 Drilling: Diamond Two holes(14.8 m) collared on Lad occurrence.
1969 Airborne Geophysics: Magnetic Also electromagnetic.
1969 Geochemistry: Rock Also expaned soil sampling.
1969 Geology: Regional Bedrock Mapping
1969 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Also EM.
1969 Trenching: Mechanical Bulldozer trenched various areas.
1968 Geochemistry: Rock Sampled showings.
1968 Geochemistry: Soil Soil sampled to try and trace extent of mineralization.
1968 Geology: Regional Bedrock Mapping Mapped showings.
1968 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Also electromagnetic survey.
1968 Trenching: Hand Trenched various showings.
1967 Geochemistry: Rock Also limited soil and silt sampling.
1967 Geology: Regional Bedrock Mapping Atlas Explorations carried out regional exploration program using a helicopter. They mapped and sampled obvious gossans.

Regional Geology - Terrane

Group: Ancestral North America
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: North America - basinal strata
Realm: Laurentia

Regional Geology - Bedrock

Group/Suite: Earn
Formation: Portrait Lake/Prevost
Terrane: Laurentia
Period Max: Devonian
Age Max: 385 MA
Period Min: Carboniferous
Age Min: 345 MA
Rock Major: siltstone/sandstone/conglo
Rock Minor: barite/limestone
Reference: Gordey (1995) - GSC Map 19-1987, sheet 2
Geological Unit (1M): DME
Geological Unit (250K): DME1

Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence

Report Number Year Title Worktypes Holes Drilled Meters Drilled
096194 2011 2011 Assessment Report Geological and Geochemical Surveying on the Selous Claims Diamond - Drilling, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology 68 1414.04
095705 2010 Geological, Geochemical and Drilling Assessment Report for Quartz Mining Claims Grouping HM02805 Diamond - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Metallurgical Tests - Lab Work/Physical Studies, Prospecting - Other, Environmental Assessment/Impact - Studies, Geotechnical - Studies 3712.10
095648 2008 Geological, Geochemical and Diamond Drilling Assessment Report on the Yukon Base Metal Project Diamond - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry, Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Prospecting - Other, Backhoe - Trenching 135 23424.70
094274 2001 Exploration Report on the Andrew Property, Mayo Mining District Diamond - Drilling, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Gravity Survey - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Prospecting - Other 15 2717.66
060718 1969 Report on Bulldozer Trenching & Geological Mapping of Trenches Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Mechanical - Trenching
019016 1968 Geological Report Lad Mineral Claim Group Bedrock Mapping - Geology
019010 1968 [Geochemical and Geophysical Report on the LAD Mineral Claim Group] Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Line Cutting - Other, Prospecting - Other
019011 1968 Airborne Geophysical Survey Report (Magnetic, Electromagnetic) Electromagnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics
019012 1968 Geochemical Report Lad Mineral Claim Group Soil - Geochemistry, Regional Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Line Cutting - Other, Prospecting - Other, Hand - Trenching
060719 1968 Geochemical Report Lad Mineral Claim Group Soil - Geochemistry
060720 1968 Geophysical Report Lad Mineral Claim Group EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Line Cutting - Other
019013 1968 Geochemical Report Lad Mineral Claim Group Soil - Geochemistry, Line Cutting - Other
019009 1968 Geological Report Lad Mineral Claim Group Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology
018941 1968 Hess Project Report 1968 Laforce Lake - Mount Selous Area Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Regional Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Prospecting - Other
019809 1968 Hess Area Project Proposed Property Follow-Up 1968 Field Season Research/Summarize - Pre-existing Data
018947 1967 Hess River Project Report Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology
019032 1967 Hess River Project Report Data Compilation - Pre-existing Data

Related References

Number Title Page(s) Document Type
YEG1987 Yukon Exploration 1987 181. Annual Report
YEG1999_OV Yukon Mining & Exploration Overview 1999 25. Annual Report
YEG2001_OV Yukon Mining & Exploration Overview 2001 12, 25. Annual Report
YEG2002_OV Yukon Mining, Development & Exploration Overview 2002 20, 24, 26. Annual Report
YEG2007_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2007 22, 37, 10. Annual Report
YEG2010_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2010 53, 63, 64. Annual Report
YEG2008_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2008 18, 32, 36. Annual Report
YEG2011_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2011 41-42, 70, 72. Annual Report
2003-9(D) Yukon Digital Geology (version 2) Open File (Geological - Bedrock)
ARMC016743 Geochemical results and claims group map of sheet 105K/9 - Revised Geochemical Map
ARMC016346 Geochemical results of claim group map of sheet 105K/9 - Revised - Ross River Geochemical Map
ARMC019299 Memo re: soils drilling near Shrimp Lake and upper Vangorda Creek with attached map Miscellaneous Company Documents
BERDAHL, R.S., Dec/99. YEIP Report #99-050 by R.S. Berdahl.
FINDLAY, R.B., Apr/69. Mineralogical study and trend surface analysis of the Lad Group. Unpublished B.A.Sc. thesis, University of British Columbia. (available in EMR Library).
GORDEY, S.P., 2008. Geology, Selwyn Basin (105J and 105K), Yukon; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5438, 2 maps at 1:250 000 scale and 1 sheet cross-sections at 1:100 000 scale.
OVERLAND RESOURCES LTD, Aug/2011. Assessment Report# 095705 by A. Tolson et. al.
OVERLAND RESOURCES LTD, Feb/2008. Assessment Report# 095645 by A. Bresser.
OVERLAND RESOURCES LTD, Jan2008. Assessment Report# 094959 by Jo van Randen.
OVERLAND RESOURCES LTD, May/2009. Assessment Report# 095648 by H. Bresser.
OVERLAND RESOURCES LTD., News Release, 1 Feb/2007, 15 Mar/2007, 6 Jun/2007, 26 Jul/2007; 7 Feb/2008, 18 Apr/2008; 14 Jul/2008, 20 May/2009; Jun/2009, 13 Jun/2012.

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