General Information
Secondary Commodities: gold, arsenic
Aliases: Green West Zone, Kaiser Zone, Main West Zone, Sleeping Giant Zone, Schultz Showing, Green East Zone
Deposit Type(s): Plutonic Related Au, Vein Au-Quartz
Location(s): 61.7268 N, -128.363990 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105H09
Location Comments: Location data for Main zone. Green West zone = 533390 W, 6845907 N. Kaiser zone = 532921 W, 6845500 N. Main West zone = 533447 W, 6844236 N. Sleeping Giant Zone = 534579 W, 6844158 N. Schultz showing = 533842 W, 6845368. Green East zone = 534079 W, 6845790 N. Measurements calculated from drill hole collars.
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No
*This occurrence covers all 3Ace property claims located west of the Little Hyland River.
During the summer of 1997 Hudson Bay Exploration and Development Company Ltd carried out a regional silt sampling survey to follow-up anomalous results reported in a 1989 Geological Survey of Canada regional stream and water geochemical survey. Initial anomalous silt samples were followed up with further silt, soil and rock sampling.
Staked as Hit cl 1-32 (B.C.) in Sep/97 by Hudson Bay Exploration and Development Company Ltd. During the summer of 1998 Hudson Bay carried out silt sampling and grid based rock and soil sampling programs on the claims. The company enlarged their claim holdings by staking Hit cl 33- 104 (B.C.) in Jul/98 and Hit cl 105-129 (B.C.) in Sep/98.
Between August and Sep/98 A. McMillan staked 3 Ace cl 1-83 (B.C.) along the southern and western boundaries of the Hit claims. McMillan subsequently optioned the claims in Dec/98 to Hudson Bay.
In Sep/98 Hudson Bay staked Ha cl 1-20 (B.C.) and Hat cl 1-20 (B.C.) 5 km and 9.5 km to the north-northwest respectively,(measured from the occurrence location). Hudson Bay added Ha cl 21-113 (B.C.) in Dec/98 to surround the original 20 Ha claims, forming a contiguous claim block with the Hat claims to the northwest and the Hit/3 Ace claim group to the southeast. By the end of 1998 Hudson Bay’s claim holdings formed a contiguous, northwest-southeast trending block that straddled the Nahanni Range Road and covers this occurrence and the neighbouring Road occurrence (Minfile Occurrence #105H 036) located approximately 3 km to the southeast (east side of the Little Nahanni River).
In 1999 the company carried out geological mapping, rock and silt sampling and grid based soil sampling on the Ha and Hat claims. Hudson Bay also carried out a grid based soil sampling program on the 3 Ace claims. In addition the company explored the Hit claims with airborne geophysics, prospecting, geological mapping and follow-up soil sampling programs. In September and Oct/99 the company collared 4 diamond drill holes (600.1 m) to test gold and arsenic soil anomalies located on the Hit claims. Three of the holes were located between 0.5 and 1 km northeast of this occurrence while the fourth hole was collared 1.6 km to the northwest.
In Nov/2000 Hudson Bay dropped its option on the 3 Ace claims and returned the property to McMillan. The following year McMillan carried out prospecting and additional soil sampling (on his 3 Ace claims) to follow up airborne geophysical and soil anomalies identified by Hudson Bay in 1999.
In Mar/2003 ATAC Resources Ltd optioned the 3 Ace claims from McMillan. In early Jun/2003 ATAC carried out excavator trenching, geological mapping and rock sampling in and around the Road occurrence (east side of Nahanni Range Road). The company also carried out hand trenching and prospecting on several other targets located within the claims. Approximately two weeks later the company terminated its option on the claims. Later in the summer McMillan sampled a quartz vein located approximately 3 km northwest of the Road occurrence which assayed 5 401.1 g/t gold (~157.53 Oz/ton gold). The outcrop is located within an area now known as the Main zone (this occurrence).
In Feb/2005 McMillan optioned the claims to North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd, operators of the Cantung Tungsten Mine located approximately 30 km to the north, just across the border in the Northwest Territories. At the time of signing, the 3 Ace claim block consisted of 38 remaining claims. During June and Jul/2005 North American Tungsten carried out grid soil sampling and horizontal loop electromagnetic (HLEM) and ground magnetic geophysical surveys over the Road occurrence and Grid “C” located southeast of the Main zone. In Mar/2008 North American Tungsten’s option on the 3 Ace claims expired.
Beginning in Oct/2007 A. McMillan began restaking 3 Ace, Hat and Hit claims as they lapsed. By February 2010 McMillan had staked 112 King claims over the expired Hat and Hit claims and 20 Ace claims over various expired 3 Ace claims. The restaking of these claims eliminated any doubt that the high grade gold showings found by McMillan were located within claims he owned. On March 5, 2010 Northern Tiger Resources Inc announced that the company had signed a Letter of Intent to acquire the newly named 3Ace property in return for cash, shares and certain work commitments. The agreement was finalized one month later.
In May/2010 Northern Tiger staked Ace cl 21-152 (YD59388) 5 km to the north (on NTS map sheet 105H 16) overtop lapsed Hit and Hat claims. In Jul/2010 the company staked Jack cl 1-5 (YD29172) and Jack cl 23-39 (YD29199) south of the occurrence and Jan cl 1-4 (YD10902) on the east side of the Nahanni Range Road. By mid-July/2010 the 3Ace property consisted of 293 claims.
Northern Tiger’s 2010 exploration season was focused on the area surrounding the Main zone, located on the west side of the Little Hyland River. The company conducted a 1st phase exploration program consisting of detailed structural mapping, prospecting, hand trenching and detailed rock and soil sampling. In Sep/2010 the company initiated a second phase exploration program consisting of 9 diamond holes (1 240 m) which tested the Main and Sleeping Giant zones. Mineral claims located on the east side of the river including the Road occurrence only received a cursory examination.
Between August and Nov/2010 Northern Tiger staked an additional 682 claims in the area. The claims were staked to fill in gaps located between existing claim groups and cover the potential strike extensions of various mineralized structures. Claims associated with this occurrence include Joe cl 1 – 102 (YD24701) staked in Sep/2010.
In 2011 Northern Tiger carried out a large exploration program on their claim holdings. The company conducted an airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey and silt sampling program over their entire 3Ace property. In addition the company extensively soiled sampled and rock sampled the southwest portion of their claim block, and drilled 34 diamond drill holes (8 458 m). Thirty-two holes (7 893 m) tested targets associated with this occurrence while the remaining two holes (565 m) tested the Road occurrence.
In 2012 Northern Tiger carried out additional trenching, geological mapping and sampling and collared 15 diamond drill holes (1 711 m) on various targets located in and around this occurrence.
The area is located in the Little Hyland River valley, approximately 175 km north of the Town of Watson Lake. The actual occurrence lies approximately 3 km northwest of the Nahanni Range Road which services North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd’s Cantung tungsten mine which is located approximately 30 km to the north. The area lies within the Selwyn Mountains and is underlain by a sequence of Selwyn Basin stratigraphy composed primarily of shallow marine shelf and off-shelf sedimentary rock derived from the ancient North American Platform.
The occurrence area is underlain by a broad package of west-northwest trending, north-northeast dipping coarse grained clastic sediments, siltstones, pyllitic shale, limestone and calcareous siltstone and shale of the Upper Proterozoic to Lower Cambrian Hyland Group. Various companies have previously assigned the Hyland Group rocks to the Neoproterozoic Yusezyu Formation. Recent mapping by C. Buchanan, a geologist employed by Northern Tiger Resources suggests that the northern, central and southeast portion of the claim block, including the majority of claims located west of the Little Hyland River are underlain by calcareous sedimentary rocks tentatively assigned to the Algae Lake member. The Algae Lake member is comprised of a succession of calcareous phyllite, calcareous arkosic sandstone, thin-bedded calcareous siltstone, ribbon-bedded limestone, thick-bedded non-calcareous quartz pebble conglomerate and locally limestone cobble to boulder breccia.
In the southwest corner of the 3Ace property a thrust fault thrusts a wedge of older Yusezyu Formation rocks onto younger Algae Lake member rocks. The wedge is bounded by the Hyland Fault to the west and the Little Hyland Fault to the east. North of the wedge, the Hyland Fault continues to separate Algae Lake member rocks from older Yusezyu rocks to the west. A northwest-southeast trending fault (March Fault) lies along the eastern side of the 3Ace claim block. The fault separates Algae Member rocks from Cambrian to Ordovician Rabbitkettle Formation limestone in the southeast and younger Hyland Group Narchilla Formation rocks to the northeast. Two periods of compressional deformation are recorded in the rocks and the package is bounded to the north and south by inferred lateral to oblique-slip faults in the Sprogge and Dayo Creek valleys. Mid-Cretaceous age quartz monzonite and quartz-biotite monzonite dykes and related veining associated with stocks of the Tombstone Plutonic suite have intruded tensional features related to the inferred faulting.
*This Minfile occurrence number was previously assigned to a different Minfile occurrence. On-going editing and review of the database has led to some Minfile occurrences being removed and their numbers being assigned to new occurrences.
Hudson Bay Exploration’s 1998 soil sampling program on the Hit outlined 8 anomalies which returned gold values 100 ppb or greater. Seven of the anomalies were located on the west side of the Little Nahanni River (this occurrence) while the eighth was located on the east side (Minfile Occurrence #105H 036). The seven anomalies generally outline most of Northern Tiger Resources’ main gold anomalies except for the Main zone, Main West zone and the North zone prospect. These three zones/anomalies were not covered by Hudson Bay’s original soil survey.
Hudson Bay’s 1999 drill program tested 4 different soil anomalies. Diamond drill hole 99-01 tested Hudson Bay’s Hit-A3 soil anomaly (Northern Tiger’s Green West zone). It returned a 1.5 m intersection of shale/arkose that assayed 4 505 ppb gold (4.5 g/t) and a 4.5 m intersection of subarkosic wacke that assayed 723 ppb gold. Drill hole 99-02 tested an area located between Hit-A2 and Hit-A4 soil anomalies (north of Northern Tiger’s 500 showing). It did not return any significant gold mineralization but did return greater than 600 ppm arsenic from a conglomerate unit. Drill hole 99-03 tested an area northwest of the Hit-A4 soil anomaly (Northern Tiger’s North zone) while drill hole 99-4 tested the Hit-A4 anomaly (Northern Tiger’s Sleeping Giant zone). Neither hole intersected gold mineralization however drill hole 99-03 returned elevated arsenic values in a thin shale unit near the top of the hole.
Soil sampling carried out by Hudson Bay on the Hat claims (located north of the Hit claims returned a 200 m by 300 m gold (high of 196 ppb) and arsenic (700 ppm) anomaly which is open to the south and east. This anomaly is located northeast of Northern Tiger’s Green zone and has not yet been fully investigated by the company. Soil sampling carried out on the Ha claims located further to the north on topographic map sheet 105H 16 did not return any significant anomalies.
Soil Sampling completed by Hudson Bay on McMillan’s 3 Ace claims outlined two gold and arsenic anomalies. Anomaly A1 measures approximately 200 m wide by 200 m long and is open to the northeast and trends onto Hudson Bay’s Hit claims. The anomaly returned values up to 236.3 ppb gold and 93.8 ppm arsenic and lies southwest of Northern Tiger’s Main zone. Anomaly A2 measures approximately 300 m wide by 300 m long and returned values up to 224.7 ppm gold. Anomaly A2 lies approximately 1 km south of Northern Tiger’s Sleeping Giant zone. Hudson Bay never followed up on either anomaly.
In 2001 A. McMillan carried out follow-up soil and rock sampling over areas missed by Hudson Bay. The soil sampling did not return any significant anomalies. A single rock sample collected from quartz pebble chert conglomerate underlain by limestone and shale in the vicinity of Northern Tigers Main zone returned 4 610 ppb gold (4.6 g/t). The sample was collected southeast of Anomaly A1.
ATAC Resources examined the 3 Ace claims in June/2003. The company trenched and sampled the Road occurrence (Minfile occurrence #105H 036) located on the east side of the Nahanni Range Road and subsequently dropped its option. It appears that McMillan continued prospecting the 3 Ace claims after ATAC Resources dropped its option. In the fall of 2003 McMillan discovered a quartz vein containing visible gold which returned an assay of 5 401 g/t gold. (~157.53 Oz/ton). The outcrop is located within an area now known as the “Main” zone.
Prior to North American Tungsten commencing their summer e exploration program, a company representative and a geologist from Aurora Geosciences paid a one day visit to the 3 Ace claims. Inspection of some of the claim posts located along the assumed boundary between Hudson Bay Exploration’s Hit claims and the 3 Ace claims determined that the claims were mis-plotted on government claim maps and there was a variable amount of overlap along the northeastern boundary of the two claim groups raising doubt whether the high-grade visible gold showing was actually located within the 3 Ace claims. Soil and geophysical grids were adjusted accordingly.
North American Tungsten cut two soil grids. The Main soil grid straddled the Little Hyland River with approximately half of the grid lying on each side. Neither soil sampling nor the total magnetic nor horizontal loop electromagnetic surveys returned any significant anomalies. A second soil grid was established over the area covered by Hudson Bay’s 1999 A2 soil anomaly. Sampling returned values up to 450 ppb gold along the western part of the grid.
Northern Tiger’s 2010 exploration program was aimed at verifying the high gold grades located on the west side of the Little Hyland River. The company spent several weeks sampling the Discovery outcrop and the Main zone to verify previous results. Once verification was received the company embarked on a surface exploration program consisting of geological mapping, silt sampling and soil sampling across the southwest side of the property. Based on early positive results detailed soil sampling grids were established over the Main and North zones and the Green West zone.
Hand trenching traced the Discovery vein for approximately 50 m in a northerly direction along strike before it disappeared beneath heavy overburden. The vein where exposed averages approximately 1 m in width, dips approximately 50 degrees to the east and is hosted within a shear zone (Main zone) which cross cuts a contact between interbedded quartz-pebble conglomerate and fine grained phyllite lithologies. Soil sampling suggests the Main zone extends for a minimum of 100 m and also suggests the presence of a second mineralized vein to the east (up slope of the Discovery vein. Chip sampling of exposed sections of the vein returned assays of up to 1 013.54 g/t gold (29.56 Oz/ton) over 1.10 m. The company cautioned that such high values and the frequency of coarse gold were considered to have an inherent “nugget effect” on results.
Follow-up rock sampling of anomalous soil sampling results uncovered the Sleeping Giant zone 1.2 km east of the Main zone. The zone consists predominantly of a white massive quartz vein containing variable amounts of coarse crystalline arsenopyrite and occasionally visible gold. The vein trends north, has a minimum width of 25 m and has been traced along strike for 300 m before disappearing under overburden. Assays from 20 rock samples ranged from trace to 44.2 g/t gold from a 1.1 m chip sample.
Approximately 2 km north of the Main zone, Northern Tiger identified the Green West zone. The Green West zone consists of an east-west trending zone hosting scoroditic and arsenical mineralization extending at least 2 km in strike along a property-scale structural corridor. Mineralization occurs both within small veins and more commonly, as strongly altered quartz-pebble conglomerate wallrock commonly brecciated and associated with strong clay alteration and local silicification. Rock sampling returned values from trace to 66.5 g/t gold with 17 rock samples returning values in excess of 1.0 g/t gold.
Preliminary ground exploration in 2010 also identified the North zone approximately 500 m east-northeast of the Main zone. The North zone consists of metre-scale quartz veins containing arsenopyrite, minor galena and visible gold. Rock sampling returned values ranging from trace to 90.8 g/t gold and 5.0 g/t silver.
In Sep/2010 Northern Tiger followed up their preliminary exploration results with a nine-hole (1 240 m) diamond drill program. Three hole (299 m) were collared to test the Main zone with the remaining six holes (941 m) testing the Sleeping Giant zone. Two of the three holes collared on the Main zone intersected significant mineralization. Both holes intersected quartz veins and intensely fractured quartz pebble conglomerate with abundant quartz flooding +/- additional quartz veining. Mineralized veins contained up to 4 % arsenopyrite and the highest gold intercepts were also closely associated with clay altered sheared phyllite. Notable intersections include 30.3 m grading 4.3 g/t gold from hole 3A-10-01 and 10.9 m grading14.8 g/t gold from hole 3A-10-02.
Five of the six diamond drill holes collared to test the Sleeping Giant zone intersected significant mineralized structures. Drilling revealed that the Sleeping Giant zone consistently occurs as a very gently east-dipping zone, roughly six metres in width along the 180 m drilled portion of its strike extent. Drill results, combined with surface sampling suggest that high-grade gold mineralization may be specific to certain parts of the zone and that a strong coarse gold effect exists. Notable intersection include 6.5 m grading 1.35 g/t gold from hole 3A-10-04 and 4.8 m grading 1.05 g/t gold from hole 3A-10-05.
The majority of the 2011 exploration program was focused on the southwest portion of the 3Ace property. Soil sampling was completed over the entire southwest portion of the property to fill in areas missed by the initial sampling program. Three new anomalies were outlined; Green East zone, Main West zone and the Kaiser trend. The Green East anomaly measures approximately 1 250 m long by 500 m wide and is located due east of the Green West zone. The Main West zone, parts of which were detected in 2010, lies northwest of the Main zone and is the western extension of the Main zone. The Kaiser trend measures 1 500 m long by 250 m wide and trends northwest of the Main West zone towards the western edge of the Green West Zone.
Silt sampling outlined anomalous results from creeks draining the Main West, Kaiser and Sleeping Giant zones. Several other anomalies were detected from streams occurring elsewhere on the property; however time restraints prevented the company from following them up. Rock sampling and trenching continued throughout the season and was principally used to follow-up the soil sample results.
Northern Tiger drilled 34 diamond drill holes (8 1458 m) in 2011. Four targets were tested; Main zone = 23 holes (5 604 m), Green West zone = 7 holes (1 976 m), North zone = 2 holes (416 m) and the Road occurrence = 2 holes (462 m) The Road occurrence is located on the east side of the Little Hyland River and is a separate occurrence (Minfile Occurrence # 105H 036).
Six of seven diamond drill holes collared on the Green West zone were completed. All six holes intercepted narrow zones of relatively low-grade gold mineralization which did not adequately explain the scale and tenor of the Green West soil anomaly. Further drill testing is recommended. The North zone was tested with two scout drill holes. One of the holes, hole 3ANZ-11-01 displayed visible gold; however the drill core split sample sent to the lab assayed only 0.4 g/t gold. The second hole did not return any significant assays.
Northern Tiger successfully completed 18 out of 23 drill holes targeting the Main Zone. Drilling intersected gold mineralization related to a steeply dipping shear zone which hosts an en echelon array of vein segments that are linked by stockwork veins and breccia. Notable results include 4.6 g/t gold over 35.0 m, including 106.21 g/t gold over 1.0 m from hole 3A-11-16 and 2.58 g/t gold over 53.0 m, including 17.71 g/t gold over 2.0 m from hole 3A-11-33. At the end of 2011 the Main zone had a define strike length of 220 m that is open in all directions.
The 2012 field season was delayed by a large snow pack and subsequent rapid melt that damaged sections of the Nahanni Range Road denying access to the 3Ace property. Subsequently world financial markets softened resulting in the inability of junior exploration companies, including Northern Tiger to raise money for exploration work. Northern Tiger originally planned for 3 00 m of diamond drilling but ultimately completed 15 holes (1 711 m). Seven holes (366 m) tested the Sleeping Giant zone, four holes (891 m) tested the Main zone and four single scout holes (454 m) tested the Green East zone, Kaiser Trend, Main West zone and the Schultz showing.
Drilling at the Main zone successfully extended the breadth and depth of the central mineralized shoot. Notable results were 3.6 g/t gold over 8.6 m from hole 3A-12-38 and 1.0 g/t gold over 20.o m from hole 3A-12-36. A single drill hole collared to test the Kaiser Trend intercepted broad zones of mineralization with notable results of 0.5 g/t gold over 10.0 m and 0.6 g/t gold over 32.4 m. The single hole collared to test Main West zone returned 6.0 m grading 0.4 g/t gold. The scout holes collared on the Green East zone and the Schultz showing did not return any significant results.
Prior to drilling, Northern Tiger carried out an extensive trenching program at the Sleeping Giant zone. The trenching program uncovered a new high-grade vein segment. The new vein is estimated to be 25 m along strike and is estimated to be 3 m wide. Eleven continuous 1 m chip samples taken along strike returned a weighted average of 50.3 g/t gold. Additional trenching was also completed on other Sleeping Giant vein segments which provided additional structural information which determined that drilling completed in 2010 may not have adequately tested the zone. As a result Northern Tiger redirected the drill rig to the Sleeping Giant zone.
The Sleeping Giant zone was tested by 7 short holes (average 52 m). The holes tested a number of outcropping targets including the vein in Trench 1 where previous channel samples returned up to 132.9 g/t gold. Holes 3ASG-12-01 (2.1 g/t gold over 5.0 m and 1.3 g/t gold over 2.0 m) and 3ASG-12-07 (3.3 g/t gold over 7.3 m) both intersected the mineralized vein exposed in Trench 1(including visible gold in two places in hole 3ASG-12-01), but gold grades were not as high as encountered in the channel sampling. The company believe the coarse gold observed in the trenches is resulting in a strong “nugget effect” which makes it challenging to determine average grades using the relatively small sample sizes obtained through channel sampling and drilling.
*This occurrence covers all 3Ace property claims located west of the Little Hyland River.
During the summer of 1997 Hudson Bay Exploration and Development Company Ltd carried out a regional silt sampling survey to follow-up anomalous results reported in a 1989 Geological Survey of Canada regional stream and water geochemical survey. Initial anomalous silt samples were followed up with further silt, soil and rock sampling.
Staked as Hit cl 1-32 (B.C.) in Sep/97 by Hudson Bay Exploration and Development Company Ltd. During the summer of 1998 Hudson Bay carried out silt sampling and grid based rock and soil sampling programs on the claims. The company enlarged their claim holdings by staking Hit cl 33- 104 (B.C.) in Jul/98 and Hit cl 105-129 (B.C.) in Sep/98.
Between August and Sep/98 A. McMillan staked 3 Ace cl 1-83 (B.C.) along the southern and western boundaries of the Hit claims. McMillan subsequently optioned the claims in Dec/98 to Hudson Bay.
In Sep/98 Hudson Bay staked Ha cl 1-20 (B.C.) and Hat cl 1-20 (B.C.) 5 km and 9.5 km to the north-northwest respectively,(measured from the occurrence location). Hudson Bay added Ha cl 21-113 (B.C.) in Dec/98 to surround the original 20 Ha claims, forming a contiguous claim block with the Hat claims to the northwest and the Hit/3 Ace claim group to the southeast. By the end of 1998 Hudson Bay’s claim holdings formed a contiguous, northwest-southeast trending block that straddled the Nahanni Range Road and covers this occurrence and the neighbouring Road occurrence (Minfile Occurrence #105H 036) located approximately 3 km to the southeast (east side of the Little Nahanni River).
In 1999 the company carried out geological mapping, rock and silt sampling and grid based soil sampling on the Ha and Hat claims. Hudson Bay also carried out a grid based soil sampling program on the 3 Ace claims. In addition the company explored the Hit claims with airborne geophysics, prospecting, geological mapping and follow-up soil sampling programs. In September and Oct/99 the company collared 4 diamond drill holes (600.1 m) to test gold and arsenic soil anomalies located on the Hit claims. Three of the holes were located between 0.5 and 1 km northeast of this occurrence while the fourth hole was collared 1.6 km to the northwest.
In Nov/2000 Hudson Bay dropped its option on the 3 Ace claims and returned the property to McMillan. The following year McMillan carried out prospecting and additional soil sampling (on his 3 Ace claims) to follow up airborne geophysical and soil anomalies identified by Hudson Bay in 1999.
In Mar/2003 ATAC Resources Ltd optioned the 3 Ace claims from McMillan. In early Jun/2003 ATAC carried out excavator trenching, geological mapping and rock sampling in and around the Road occurrence (east side of Nahanni Range Road). The company also carried out hand trenching and prospecting on several other targets located within the claims. Approximately two weeks later the company terminated its option on the claims. Later in the summer McMillan sampled a quartz vein located approximately 3 km northwest of the Road occurrence which assayed 5 401.1 g/t gold (~157.53 Oz/ton gold). The outcrop is located within an area now known as the Main zone (this occurrence).
In Feb/2005 McMillan optioned the claims to North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd, operators of the Cantung Tungsten Mine located approximately 30 km to the north, just across the border in the Northwest Territories. At the time of signing, the 3 Ace claim block consisted of 38 remaining claims. During June and Jul/2005 North American Tungsten carried out grid soil sampling and horizontal loop electromagnetic (HLEM) and ground magnetic geophysical surveys over the Road occurrence and Grid “C” located southeast of the Main zone. In Mar/2008 North American Tungsten’s option on the 3 Ace claims expired.
Beginning in Oct/2007 A. McMillan began restaking 3 Ace, Hat and Hit claims as they lapsed. By February 2010 McMillan had staked 112 King claims over the expired Hat and Hit claims and 20 Ace claims over various expired 3 Ace claims. The restaking of these claims eliminated any doubt that the high grade gold showings found by McMillan were located within claims he owned. On March 5, 2010 Northern Tiger Resources Inc announced that the company had signed a Letter of Intent to acquire the newly named 3Ace property in return for cash, shares and certain work commitments. The agreement was finalized one month later.
In May/2010 Northern Tiger staked Ace cl 21-152 (YD59388) 5 km to the north (on NTS map sheet 105H 16) overtop lapsed Hit and Hat claims. In Jul/2010 the company staked Jack cl 1-5 (YD29172) and Jack cl 23-39 (YD29199) south of the occurrence and Jan cl 1-4 (YD10902) on the east side of the Nahanni Range Road. By mid-July/2010 the 3Ace property consisted of 293 claims.
Northern Tiger’s 2010 exploration season was focused on the area surrounding the Main zone, located on the west side of the Little Hyland River. The company conducted a 1st phase exploration program consisting of detailed structural mapping, prospecting, hand trenching and detailed rock and soil sampling. In Sep/2010 the company initiated a second phase exploration program consisting of 9 diamond holes (1 240 m) which tested the Main and Sleeping Giant zones. Mineral claims located on the east side of the river including the Road occurrence only received a cursory examination.
Between August and Nov/2010 Northern Tiger staked an additional 682 claims in the area. The claims were staked to fill in gaps located between existing claim groups and cover the potential strike extensions of various mineralized structures. Claims associated with this occurrence include Joe cl 1 – 102 (YD24701) staked in Sep/2010.
In 2011 Northern Tiger carried out a large exploration program on their claim holdings. The company conducted an airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey and silt sampling program over their entire 3Ace property. In addition the company extensively soiled sampled and rock sampled the southwest portion of their claim block, and drilled 34 diamond drill holes (8 458 m). Thirty-two holes (7 893 m) tested targets associated with this occurrence while the remaining two holes (565 m) tested the Road occurrence.
In 2012 Northern Tiger carried out additional trenching, geological mapping and sampling and collared 15 diamond drill holes (1 711 m) on various targets located in and around this occurrence.
The area is located in the Little Hyland River valley, approximately 175 km north of the Town of Watson Lake. The actual occurrence lies approximately 3 km northwest of the Nahanni Range Road which services North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd’s Cantung tungsten mine which is located approximately 30 km to the north. The area lies within the Selwyn Mountains and is underlain by a sequence of Selwyn Basin stratigraphy composed primarily of shallow marine shelf and off-shelf sedimentary rock derived from the ancient North American Platform.
The occurrence area is underlain by a broad package of west-northwest trending, north-northeast dipping coarse grained clastic sediments, siltstones, pyllitic shale, limestone and calcareous siltstone and shale of the Upper Proterozoic to Lower Cambrian Hyland Group. Various companies have previously assigned the Hyland Group rocks to the Neoproterozoic Yusezyu Formation. Recent mapping by C. Buchanan, a geologist employed by Northern Tiger Resources suggests that the northern, central and southeast portion of the claim block, including the majority of claims located west of the Little Hyland River are underlain by calcareous sedimentary rocks tentatively assigned to the Algae Lake member. The Algae Lake member is comprised of a succession of calcareous phyllite, calcareous arkosic sandstone, thin-bedded calcareous siltstone, ribbon-bedded limestone, thick-bedded non-calcareous quartz pebble conglomerate and locally limestone cobble to boulder breccia.
In the southwest corner of the 3Ace property a thrust fault thrusts a wedge of older Yusezyu Formation rocks onto younger Algae Lake member rocks. The wedge is bounded by the Hyland Fault to the west and the Little Hyland Fault to the east. North of the wedge, the Hyland Fault continues to separate Algae Lake member rocks from older Yusezyu rocks to the west. A northwest-southeast trending fault (March Fault) lies along the eastern side of the 3Ace claim block. The fault separates Algae Member rocks from Cambrian to Ordovician Rabbitkettle Formation limestone in the southeast and younger Hyland Group Narchilla Formation rocks to the northeast. Two periods of compressional deformation are recorded in the rocks and the package is bounded to the north and south by inferred lateral to oblique-slip faults in the Sprogge and Dayo Creek valleys. Mid-Cretaceous age quartz monzonite and quartz-biotite monzonite dykes and related veining associated with stocks of the Tombstone Plutonic suite have intruded tensional features related to the inferred faulting.
*This Minfile occurrence number was previously assigned to a different Minfile occurrence. On-going editing and review of the database has led to some Minfile occurrences being removed and their numbers being assigned to new occurrences.
Hudson Bay Exploration’s 1998 soil sampling program on the Hit outlined 8 anomalies which returned gold values 100 ppb or greater. Seven of the anomalies were located on the west side of the Little Nahanni River (this occurrence) while the eighth was located on the east side (Minfile Occurrence #105H 036). The seven anomalies generally outline most of Northern Tiger Resources’ main gold anomalies except for the Main zone, Main West zone and the North zone prospect. These three zones/anomalies were not covered by Hudson Bay’s original soil survey.
Hudson Bay’s 1999 drill program tested 4 different soil anomalies. Diamond drill hole 99-01 tested Hudson Bay’s Hit-A3 soil anomaly (Northern Tiger’s Green West zone). It returned a 1.5 m intersection of shale/arkose that assayed 4 505 ppb gold (4.5 g/t) and a 4.5 m intersection of subarkosic wacke that assayed 723 ppb gold. Drill hole 99-02 tested an area located between Hit-A2 and Hit-A4 soil anomalies (north of Northern Tiger’s 500 showing). It did not return any significant gold mineralization but did return greater than 600 ppm arsenic from a conglomerate unit. Drill hole 99-03 tested an area northwest of the Hit-A4 soil anomaly (Northern Tiger’s North zone) while drill hole 99-4 tested the Hit-A4 anomaly (Northern Tiger’s Sleeping Giant zone). Neither hole intersected gold mineralization however drill hole 99-03 returned elevated arsenic values in a thin shale unit near the top of the hole.
Soil sampling carried out by Hudson Bay on the Hat claims (located north of the Hit claims returned a 200 m by 300 m gold (high of 196 ppb) and arsenic (700 ppm) anomaly which is open to the south and east. This anomaly is located northeast of Northern Tiger’s Green zone and has not yet been fully investigated by the company. Soil sampling carried out on the Ha claims located further to the north on topographic map sheet 105H 16 did not return any significant anomalies.
Soil Sampling completed by Hudson Bay on McMillan’s 3 Ace claims outlined two gold and arsenic anomalies. Anomaly A1 measures approximately 200 m wide by 200 m long and is open to the northeast and trends onto Hudson Bay’s Hit claims. The anomaly returned values up to 236.3 ppb gold and 93.8 ppm arsenic and lies southwest of Northern Tiger’s Main zone. Anomaly A2 measures approximately 300 m wide by 300 m long and returned values up to 224.7 ppm gold. Anomaly A2 lies approximately 1 km south of Northern Tiger’s Sleeping Giant zone. Hudson Bay never followed up on either anomaly.
In 2001 A. McMillan carried out follow-up soil and rock sampling over areas missed by Hudson Bay. The soil sampling did not return any significant anomalies. A single rock sample collected from quartz pebble chert conglomerate underlain by limestone and shale in the vicinity of Northern Tigers Main zone returned 4 610 ppb gold (4.6 g/t). The sample was collected southeast of Anomaly A1.
ATAC Resources examined the 3 Ace claims in June/2003. The company trenched and sampled the Road occurrence (Minfile occurrence #105H 036) located on the east side of the Nahanni Range Road and subsequently dropped its option. It appears that McMillan continued prospecting the 3 Ace claims after ATAC Resources dropped its option. In the fall of 2003 McMillan discovered a quartz vein containing visible gold which returned an assay of 5 401 g/t gold. (~157.53 Oz/ton). The outcrop is located within an area now known as the “Main” zone.
Prior to North American Tungsten commencing their summer e exploration program, a company representative and a geologist from Aurora Geosciences paid a one day visit to the 3 Ace claims. Inspection of some of the claim posts located along the assumed boundary between Hudson Bay Exploration’s Hit claims and the 3 Ace claims determined that the claims were mis-plotted on government claim maps and there was a variable amount of overlap along the northeastern boundary of the two claim groups raising doubt whether the high-grade visible gold showing was actually located within the 3 Ace claims. Soil and geophysical grids were adjusted accordingly.
North American Tungsten cut two soil grids. The Main soil grid straddled the Little Hyland River with approximately half of the grid lying on each side. Neither soil sampling nor the total magnetic nor horizontal loop electromagnetic surveys returned any significant anomalies. A second soil grid was established over the area covered by Hudson Bay’s 1999 A2 soil anomaly. Sampling returned values up to 450 ppb gold along the western part of the grid.
Northern Tiger’s 2010 exploration program was aimed at verifying the high gold grades located on the west side of the Little Hyland River. The company spent several weeks sampling the Discovery outcrop and the Main zone to verify previous results. Once verification was received the company embarked on a surface exploration program consisting of geological mapping, silt sampling and soil sampling across the southwest side of the property. Based on early positive results detailed soil sampling grids were established over the Main and North zones and the Green West zone.
Hand trenching traced the Discovery vein for approximately 50 m in a northerly direction along strike before it disappeared beneath heavy overburden. The vein where exposed averages approximately 1 m in width, dips approximately 50 degrees to the east and is hosted within a shear zone (Main zone) which cross cuts a contact between interbedded quartz-pebble conglomerate and fine grained phyllite lithologies. Soil sampling suggests the Main zone extends for a minimum of 100 m and also suggests the presence of a second mineralized vein to the east (up slope of the Discovery vein. Chip sampling of exposed sections of the vein returned assays of up to 1 013.54 g/t gold (29.56 Oz/ton) over 1.10 m. The company cautioned that such high values and the frequency of coarse gold were considered to have an inherent “nugget effect” on results.
Follow-up rock sampling of anomalous soil sampling results uncovered the Sleeping Giant zone 1.2 km east of the Main zone. The zone consists predominantly of a white massive quartz vein containing variable amounts of coarse crystalline arsenopyrite and occasionally visible gold. The vein trends north, has a minimum width of 25 m and has been traced along strike for 300 m before disappearing under overburden. Assays from 20 rock samples ranged from trace to 44.2 g/t gold from a 1.1 m chip sample.
Approximately 2 km north of the Main zone, Northern Tiger identified the Green West zone. The Green West zone consists of an east-west trending zone hosting scoroditic and arsenical mineralization extending at least 2 km in strike along a property-scale structural corridor. Mineralization occurs both within small veins and more commonly, as strongly altered quartz-pebble conglomerate wallrock commonly brecciated and associated with strong clay alteration and local silicification. Rock sampling returned values from trace to 66.5 g/t gold with 17 rock samples returning values in excess of 1.0 g/t gold.
Preliminary ground exploration in 2010 also identified the North zone approximately 500 m east-northeast of the Main zone. The North zone consists of metre-scale quartz veins containing arsenopyrite, minor galena and visible gold. Rock sampling returned values ranging from trace to 90.8 g/t gold and 5.0 g/t silver.
In Sep/2010 Northern Tiger followed up their preliminary exploration results with a nine-hole (1 240 m) diamond drill program. Three hole (299 m) were collared to test the Main zone with the remaining six holes (941 m) testing the Sleeping Giant zone. Two of the three holes collared on the Main zone intersected significant mineralization. Both holes intersected quartz veins and intensely fractured quartz pebble conglomerate with abundant quartz flooding +/- additional quartz veining. Mineralized veins contained up to 4 % arsenopyrite and the highest gold intercepts were also closely associated with clay altered sheared phyllite. Notable intersections include 30.3 m grading 4.3 g/t gold from hole 3A-10-01 and 10.9 m grading14.8 g/t gold from hole 3A-10-02.
Five of the six diamond drill holes collared to test the Sleeping Giant zone intersected significant mineralized structures. Drilling revealed that the Sleeping Giant zone consistently occurs as a very gently east-dipping zone, roughly six metres in width along the 180 m drilled portion of its strike extent. Drill results, combined with surface sampling suggest that high-grade gold mineralization may be specific to certain parts of the zone and that a strong coarse gold effect exists. Notable intersection include 6.5 m grading 1.35 g/t gold from hole 3A-10-04 and 4.8 m grading 1.05 g/t gold from hole 3A-10-05.
The majority of the 2011 exploration program was focused on the southwest portion of the 3Ace property. Soil sampling was completed over the entire southwest portion of the property to fill in areas missed by the initial sampling program. Three new anomalies were outlined; Green East zone, Main West zone and the Kaiser trend. The Green East anomaly measures approximately 1 250 m long by 500 m wide and is located due east of the Green West zone. The Main West zone, parts of which were detected in 2010, lies northwest of the Main zone and is the western extension of the Main zone. The Kaiser trend measures 1 500 m long by 250 m wide and trends northwest of the Main West zone towards the western edge of the Green West Zone.
Silt sampling outlined anomalous results from creeks draining the Main West, Kaiser and Sleeping Giant zones. Several other anomalies were detected from streams occurring elsewhere on the property; however time restraints prevented the company from following them up. Rock sampling and trenching continued throughout the season and was principally used to follow-up the soil sample results.
Northern Tiger drilled 34 diamond drill holes (8 1458 m) in 2011. Four targets were tested; Main zone = 23 holes (5 604 m), Green West zone = 7 holes (1 976 m), North zone = 2 holes (416 m) and the Road occurrence = 2 holes (462 m) The Road occurrence is located on the east side of the Little Hyland River and is a separate occurrence (Minfile Occurrence # 105H 036).
Six of seven diamond drill holes collared on the Green West zone were completed. All six holes intercepted narrow zones of relatively low-grade gold mineralization which did not adequately explain the scale and tenor of the Green West soil anomaly. Further drill testing is recommended. The North zone was tested with two scout drill holes. One of the holes, hole 3ANZ-11-01 displayed visible gold; however the drill core split sample sent to the lab assayed only 0.4 g/t gold. The second hole did not return any significant assays.
Northern Tiger successfully completed 18 out of 23 drill holes targeting the Main Zone. Drilling intersected gold mineralization related to a steeply dipping shear zone which hosts an en echelon array of vein segments that are linked by stockwork veins and breccia. Notable results include 4.6 g/t gold over 35.0 m, including 106.21 g/t gold over 1.0 m from hole 3A-11-16 and 2.58 g/t gold over 53.0 m, including 17.71 g/t gold over 2.0 m from hole 3A-11-33. At the end of 2011 the Main zone had a define strike length of 220 m that is open in all directions.
The 2012 field season was delayed by a large snow pack and subsequent rapid melt that damaged sections of the Nahanni Range Road denying access to the 3Ace property. Subsequently world financial markets softened resulting in the inability of junior exploration companies, including Northern Tiger to raise money for exploration work. Northern Tiger originally planned for 3 00 m of diamond drilling but ultimately completed 15 holes (1 711 m). Seven holes (366 m) tested the Sleeping Giant zone, four holes (891 m) tested the Main zone and four single scout holes (454 m) tested the Green East zone, Kaiser Trend, Main West zone and the Schultz showing.
Drilling at the Main zone successfully extended the breadth and depth of the central mineralized shoot. Notable results were 3.6 g/t gold over 8.6 m from hole 3A-12-38 and 1.0 g/t gold over 20.o m from hole 3A-12-36. A single drill hole collared to test the Kaiser Trend intercepted broad zones of mineralization with notable results of 0.5 g/t gold over 10.0 m and 0.6 g/t gold over 32.4 m. The single hole collared to test Main West zone returned 6.0 m grading 0.4 g/t gold. The scout holes collared on the Green East zone and the Schultz showing did not return any significant results.
Prior to drilling, Northern Tiger carried out an extensive trenching program at the Sleeping Giant zone. The trenching program uncovered a new high-grade vein segment. The new vein is estimated to be 25 m along strike and is estimated to be 3 m wide. Eleven continuous 1 m chip samples taken along strike returned a weighted average of 50.3 g/t gold. Additional trenching was also completed on other Sleeping Giant vein segments which provided additional structural information which determined that drilling completed in 2010 may not have adequately tested the zone. As a result Northern Tiger redirected the drill rig to the Sleeping Giant zone.
The Sleeping Giant zone was tested by 7 short holes (average 52 m). The holes tested a number of outcropping targets including the vein in Trench 1 where previous channel samples returned up to 132.9 g/t gold. Holes 3ASG-12-01 (2.1 g/t gold over 5.0 m and 1.3 g/t gold over 2.0 m) and 3ASG-12-07 (3.3 g/t gold over 7.3 m) both intersected the mineralized vein exposed in Trench 1(including visible gold in two places in hole 3ASG-12-01), but gold grades were not as high as encountered in the channel sampling. The company believe the coarse gold observed in the trenches is resulting in a strong “nugget effect” which makes it challenging to determine average grades using the relatively small sample sizes obtained through channel sampling and drilling.
Location Map
Last Updated: Apr 29, 2019
Work History
Year | Work Type | Comment |
2012 | Drilling: Diamond | Northern Tiger drilled 15 holes (1 711 m) to test various targets in southwest corner of property. |
2012 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | Carried out further mapping and rock sampling in southwest corner of property. |
2012 | Trenching: Hand | Carried out additional trenching. |
2011 | Airborne Geophysics: Radiometric | Also magnetic survey. |
2011 | Drilling: Diamond | Northern Tiger collared 34 holes, (8 458 m). Thirty-two holes(7 893 m) tested targets in southwest corner of property. |
2011 | Geochemistry: Rock | Carried out extensive rock sampling program over all known showing located in southwest portion of property. |
2011 | Geochemistry: Silt | Northern Tiger sampled entire 3Ace property. |
2011 | Geochemistry: Soil | Grid sampled entire southwest portion of property. |
2010 | Drilling: Diamond | Northern Tiger collared 9 holes = 1 240 m. Tested Main( 3 holes, 299 m) and Sleeping Giant (6 holes, 941 m) zones. |
2010 | Geochemistry: Soil | Northern Tiger carried out rock and soil sampling around Main zone. |
2010 | Geology: Detailed Bedrock Mapping | Northern Tiger carried out detailed mapping in vicinity of Main zone. |
2010 | Trenching: Hand | Northern Tiger trenched in and around Main zone. |
2007 | Other | Between Oct 2007 and February 2010 McMillan restaked expired 3 Ace, Hit and Hat claims as they expired. |
2005 | Geochemistry: Soil | North American Tungsten carried out grid soil sampling. |
2005 | Ground Geophysics: Magnetics | North American Tungsten carried out magnetic and HLEM surveys. |
2003 | Other: Prospecting | ATAC Resources and McMillan prospected 3 Ace claims. |
2001 | Geochemistry: Soil | McMillan carried out follow-up soil sampling |
2001 | Other: Prospecting | McMillan prospected on 3 Ace claims. |
1999 | Airborne Geophysics: Magnetic | Carried out by Hudson Bay on Hit claims. |
1999 | Drilling: Diamond | Hudson Bay collared 4 holes (600.1 m) to test gold and arsenic soil anomalies located on Hit claims. |
1999 | Geochemistry: Rock | Carried out by Hudson Bay on Hab and Hit claims |
1999 | Geochemistry: Silt | Carried out by Hudson Bay on Hab and Hit claims. |
1999 | Geochemistry: Soil | Grid based. Carried out by Hudson Bay on Hab, Hit and 3 Ace claims. |
1999 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | Carried out by Hudson Bay on Hab and Hat claims. |
1998 | Geochemistry: Rock | Grid based. Carried out by Hudson Bay. |
1998 | Geochemistry: Silt | Carried out by Hudson Bay. |
1998 | Geochemistry: Soil | Grid based. Carried out by Hudson Bay. |
1997 | Geochemistry: Silt | Hudson Bay carried out regional silt sampling program to follow up GSC survey. |
1989 | Geochemistry: Silt | Geological Survey of Canada carried out regional silt and water sampling program. |
Regional Geology - Terrane
Group: Ancestral North America
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: North America - basinal strata
Realm: Laurentia
Regional Geology - Bedrock
Supergroup: Windermere
Group/Suite: Hyland
Formation: Yusezyu
Member: middle, mixed
Terrane: Laurentia
Period Max: Ediacaran
Age Max: 635 MA
Period Min: Cambrian
Age Min: 541 MA
Rock Major: sandstone, shale, limestone
Rock Minor:
Reference: Moynihan (2016) - YGS OF 2016-36
Geological Unit (1M): PCH
Geological Unit (250K): PCH3
Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence
Report Number | Year | Title | Worktypes | Holes Drilled | Meters Drilled |
097001 | 2016 | Assessment Report describing 2016 Soil Sampling Program on the 3 Aces Property | Soil - Geochemistry | ||
096895 | 2013 | Geochemical Report on 2013 Exploration on the 3 Ace Property | Soil - Geochemistry | ||
096496 | 2012 | Diamond Drilling on the 3Ace Property | Diamond - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry | 15 | 1711 |
095790 | 2011 | 2011 Exploration Activity on the 3Ace Property: Drilling, Geochemical, and Geophysical Surveys, Little Hydland River | Gamma-Ray Spectrometry - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Diamond - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry, Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Prospecting - Other | 4 | 8458 |
095347 | 2010 | Assessment Report on the 2010 Geological and Geochemical Programs on the 3Ace Property, Southeast Yukon | Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Prospecting - Other | ||
094112 | 1999 | Assessment Report Diamond Drilliing Hit Property | Diamond - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry | 4 | 660.10 |
093975 | 1998 | Assessment Report Geochemical Survey Hit Property | Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry |
Related References
Number | Title | Page(s) | Document Type |
YEG2010_OV | Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2010 | p. 34-35, 58. | Annual Report |
YEG2005_08 | Gold mineralization in the upper Hyland River area: a non-magmatic origin | p. 109-125. | Annual Report Paper |
YEG2011_OV | Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2011 | p. 29-30, 62, 72. | Annual Report |
2003-9(D) | Yukon Digital Geology (version 2) | Open File (Geological - Bedrock) | |
YEG2012_OV | Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2012 | p. 41-42, 61, 65. | Annual Report |
YEG1999 | Yukon Exploration and Geology 1999 | p.12, 29, 31. | Annual Report |
BROCK000251 | Mineral occurrence map with regional geochemical anomalies and notes - 105H - Frances Lake | Geoscience Map (General) |
Citations |
ATAC RESOURCES LTD, Interim Financial Statements for the periods ended June 30, 2003, p. 8. Available on SEDAR, August 26, 2003. |
ATAC RESOURCES LTD, News Release. 3 Jun/2003, 17 Jun/2003. |
NORTH AMERICAN TUNGSTEN CORPORATION LTD, 2005. Yukon Exploration Incentive Plan (YEIP) Report - 2005-60, by S. Casselman. |
NORTH AMERICAN TUNGSTEN CORPORATION LTD, Jan/2009. Consolidated Financial Statements for the Years Ended Sep 30, 2008 and 2007. p. 12. (Available on SEDAR). |
NORTH AMERICAN TUNGSTEN CORPORATION LTD, News Release, 3 Feb/2005, 18 Feb/2005. |
NORTHERN TIGER RESOURCES INC, Apr/2012. Assessment Report #095790 by C. Buchanan. |
NORTHERN TIGER RESOURCES INC, News release. 5 Mar/2010, 7Apr/2010, 26 May/2010, 27 Jul/2010, 2 Sep/2010, 8 Sep/2010, 21 Sep/2010, 4 Nov/2010, 17 Nov/2010, 25 Nov/2010, 3 May/2011, 31 Aug/2011, 8 Sep/2011, 26 Sep/2011, 25 Oct/2011, 1 Dec/2011, 20 Dec/2011, 17 Jan/2012, 24 May/2012, 17 Jul/2012, 31 Jul/2012, 8 Aug/2012, 31 Oct/2012. |
NORTHERN TIGER RESOURCES INC, Nov/2010. Assessment Report #095347 by C.M. Schulze and C. Buchanan. |
Drill Core at YGS Core Library
Number | Property | Year Drilled | Core Size | Photos | Data |
3A-10-01 | 3 Aces | 2010 | NTW | 0 | 0 |
3A-10-02 | 3 Aces | 2010 | NTW | 0 | 0 |
3A-10-03 | 3 Aces | 2010 | NTW | 0 | 0 |
3A-10-04 | 3 Aces | 2010 | NTW | 0 | 0 |
3A-10-05 | 3 Aces | 2010 | NTW | 0 | 0 |
3A-10-06 | 3 Aces | 2010 | NTW | 0 | 0 |
3A-10-07 | 3 Aces | 2010 | NTW | 0 | 0 |
3A-10-08 | 3 Aces | 2010 | NTW | 0 | 0 |
3A-10-09 | 3 Aces | 2010 | NTW | 0 | 0 |