Work History
Staked as DAS cl 9-30 (YA2044) in July, 1975 by Union Miniere Explorations and Mining Corporation Ltd. (UMEX), which then staked DAS cl 1-8 and 31-42 (YA2304) contiguously to the west in August, 1975. UMEX together with Shell Canada Resources Ltd. formed the Blackstone Project, which carried out geochemical soil sampling and geological mapping of the DAS claims in 1975.
Re-staked as Monster cl 1-40 (YB42607) in June, 1993 by Pamicon Developments Ltd. and Equity Engineering Ltd. Later in the same month the companies, re-staked the Wizard showing (MINFILE occurrence 116B 102) located 7.5 km to the northeast as Monster cl 41-72 (YB42107). The claims were subsequently optioned by the privately funded Monster Joint Venture, which immediately carried out geological mapping, prospecting and geochemical soil sampling of the two claim groups, herein referred to as the Monster East (cl 41-72) and Monster West (cl 1-40) areas. The Monster Joint Venture subsequently became Pendisle Resources Ltd.
Pendisle staked Monster cl 73-112 (YB48361) in May, 1994 between the two previously staked claim groups, forming a contiguous block of claims; staked Monster cl 113-265 (YB48591), also in May, on the southwest side of the claim block; carried out geological mapping, prospecting, geochemical soil sampling and ground radiometric surveying across the claim block in July and August, 1994.
In June, 1996, Blackstone Resources Limited (formerly Pendisle Resources) carried out helicopter-borne magnetic and radiometric surveying over the Ogilvie Mountain breccia belts, which included detailed coverage of the Monster claims. In July, 1998 Blackstone targeted magnetic and structural features outlined by the geophysical survey and carried out geological mapping, prospecting, rock and soil sampling. Blackstone Resources changed its name to Blackstone Ventures Inc. in April, 2001.
In June, 2001 Blackstone announced a purchase agreement with Monster Copper Resources Inc., a private exploration company, whereby Monster Copper Resources would acquire Blackstone’s interest in this and other nearby properties in exchange for shares and work commitments. Subsequent work by Monster Copper during 2001 to 2003 was focused on areas to the east of this occurrence and are reported in MINFILE occurrence 116B 102.
Monster Copper Resources was subsequently acquired by Monster Copper Corporation (formerly Coventary Charter Corporation) in May, 2003 as the company’s `qualifying transaction’ prior to the recommencement of trading of its shares on the TSX Venture Exchange.
In 2007 Monster Copper Resources Inc. analyzed 1071 pulps of soil and rock samples collected by Blackstone Resources between 1993 to 1998 for U.
Go Metals Mining Corp., previously known as Gorilla Minerals and Go Cobalt Mining Corp., purchased the Monster Property in 2017 and performed geological mapping, soil sampling, prospecting, airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical surveys and a Remote Spectral Geology (RSG) study over the entire property in 2018.
Regional & Property Geology
The area is situated in the southern Ogilvie Mountains and is cored by the Coal Creek Inlier, an oval shaped and east-trending window of Proterozoic clastic rocks that have been penetrated by mineralized breccias and cut by mafic sills and dikes. The Lower Proterozoic stratigraphy of the Coal Creek Inlier has been correlated by Thorkelson (2000) to that of the Wernecke Supergroup, defined by Delaney (1985), in the Wernecke Mountains located some 250 km to the east. The geological setting of the southern Ogilvie Mountains is considered highly favourable for hosting Olympic Dam type Cu-U-Au-Ag deposits.
The claims are underlain by Lower Proterozoic Quartet Group shale, quartzite, wacke, conglomerate; Lower Proterozoic Gillespie Lake Group dolomite (commonly containing stromatolites), shaly dolomite, siltstone, shale; these rocks are intruded by breccias of the Northern Wernecke Breccia Belt (Lane and Godwin, 1992) which are in turn cut by minor diorite intrusions. The Wernecke breccias comprise: (1) heterolithic breccia with carbonate, hematite, or chlorite matrix; and (2) monolithic breccias with Fairchild, Quartet, or Gillespie Lake Group fragments. The breccias form a circular body in plan about 3 km across known as “the Donut” (Lane and Godwin, 1992). Alteration occurs as: hematization, carbonate , chlorite, and pink K-spar often associated with the breccia matrix as well as local magnetite in dolomite (Jasper Zone). Significant structures hosting mineralization are generally centered on the intersection of northeast and northwest trending faults. This and several other similar occurrences (MINFILE occurrence 116B 068, 084, 099, and 113) are located along the Monster Fault, a steep east-west normal structure of Proterozoic age which is downthrown to the north.
Mineralization & Results
Early grid soil sampling and geological mapping by the Blackstone Project in the seventies focused on carbonate-hosted lead-zinc and copper mineralization over the original Dash occurrence located on the southwest side of “the Donut”. The company outlined several soil anomalies; the largest covering 300 by 750 m. Mineralization was reported as disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite in silicified dolomite associated with diorite intrusions. Best assays returned up to 640 ppm Zn, up 2 800 ppm Cu, and anomalus Co in soils; and up to 0,19% Cu across 6 m in rocks.
Work carried out in 1993 and 1994 indicated widespread Cu mineralization throughout the Monster claims, with the areas of strongest mineralization often associated with large diorite bodies. In the area surrounding this occurrence, 5 zones of mineralization were reported with the highest results occurring in rocks at or near the diorite contact. These zones include: the 4900, East Copper Cobalt, SE Spur, South Cobalt and the Cobalt Cirque (MINFILE occurrences 116B 172, 174, 173 and 177).
Analysis in 2007 by Monster Copper Resources of pulps of soil and rock samples collected by Blackstone Resources between 1993 and 1997 for uranium yielded up to 32 ppm U.