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Occurrence Details

Occurrence Number
116B 057
Occurrence Name
Spotted Fawn
Occurrence Type
Drilled Prospect

General Information

Secondary Commodities: lead, silver
Aliases: Galena Farm, Jessie, Little Twelve Mile, Melville
Deposit Type(s): Vein Polymetallic Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Location(s): 64.379440 N, -138.694170 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 116B07
Location Comments: .5 Kilometres
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No


Work History

Staked as Spotted Fawn cl (5160) in Sep/01 by C. Celine, who financed trenching in 1902-03 through a private syndicate, Twelvemile Quartz Mg & Dev C. Restaked as Galena Farm cl (6837) in Oct/03 by W.J. Elliott and Jessie cl (6999) & Melville cl (7000) in Sep/04 by Elliott & W.R. Melville. These and neighboring claims were optioned by Syndicat Lyonnais du Klondike, which drove a 55 m adit on the Jessie claim in 1905-06. A total of 10 claims were surveyed in 1907 and leased as Crown Granted claims in Sep/09.
Only the Galena Farm and Melville claims are still in good standing. They were explored in 1920 by the Spotted Fawn C and purchased later by Yukon Cons Gold Corp, which performed mapping and sampling in 1962. Numerous claims have been staked around the two leases, including Ophir, London, Jupiter, etc cl (12572) in Jun/16 by D.B. Cole and associates, who performed trenching until 1946; Keno, Radium, etc cl (57668) in May/51 by The Klondike E Synd; Snow cl (79083) in 1962 by Yukon Cons Gold Corp L, Rome cl (76544) in Mar/65 by Arivaca EL; Tom cl (87390) in May/66 by W. Kaufmann, who conducted a small geochem sampling program; and Kem cl (Yl5381) in Jun/68 by Klondike EL, which explored by trenching in 1968 and 1969, drilled several short packsack holes in 1970, started a tote road to the property in 1972, hand trenched and drilled 4 holes (36.6 m) in 1974, and hand trenched in 1976.
The fringe ground was restaked as No cl (YA32507) in May/79 and as Claim cl (YA79181) in Aug/83 by G. Hakonson.

Capsule Geology

Several lensoid, northeast-striking, siderite-galena-pyrite-arsenopyrite veins cut Mississippian Keno Hill Quartzite near a large Cretacesous syenite stock. Geochemical work indicates that four or more veins may be present. Two veins have been extensively explored, one on the Galena Farm claim and the other, on which a short adit was driven, about 0.8 km to the south. The veins have been traced about 18 m along strike and seldom exceed 0.6 m in width. An average assay is about 16% Pb and 822.8 g/t Ag , with selected specimens assaying up to 4 388.5 g/t Ag. Nine tonnes were reportedly sacked for shipment in 1920 but no smelter results are available. The 1920 report also claimed that 16 different veins were exposed across 30 m on the Ophir claim and that one of these veins was 1.2 m wide and contained a 71 cm width of massive galena.
The actual position of some of the early work and mineral showings is uncertain because of a discrepancy between the claim names used in the reports and their actual positions according to the survey plan. Cockfield (1918) stated that the southerly showing was on the Ophir claims although he did not mention an adit there. Claim sketches showed the Ophir at this location, adjoining the Galena Farm cl on the downstream (southwest) side, but the survey plan shows it adjoining on the northwest side. Hester's report mentions a short adit southwest of the Galena Farm and describes galena in ferricrete but does not mention an adit upstream (northeast) of the Galena Farm, where the Jessie claim was situated. If the 1906 adit was actually driven northeast of the Galena Farm, it has been obscured by overburden and never examined since. A sample of the ferricrete assayed in 1963 returned 164.6 g/t Ag and 5.4% Pb.



GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA Memoir 364, p. 137-138.

GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA Summary Report 1918, Part B, p. 15-17.

KLONDIKE EXPLORATION LTD, May/69. Assessment Report by C. Zimmerman.



YUKON CONSOLIDATED GOLD CORP. LTD, Aug/63. Assessment Report #019458 by B.W. Hester.

Location Map

Last Updated: Sep 15, 2011

Work History

Year Work Type Comment
1962 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1962 Other
1907 Other
1905 Other Amount of work done: 55 METRES Adit.
1902 Trenching: Hand

Regional Geology - Terrane

Group: Ancestral North America
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: North America - basinal strata
Realm: Laurentia

Regional Geology - Bedrock

Group/Suite: Tsichu
Formation: Keno Hill
Terrane: Laurentia
Period Max: Carboniferous
Age Max: 359 MA
Period Min: Carboniferous
Age Min: 323 MA
Rock Major: orthoquartzite
Rock Minor: slate
Reference: Thompson et al. (1994) - GSC OF 2849
Geological Unit (1M): CT
Geological Unit (250K): CT1

Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence

Report Number Year Title Worktypes Holes Drilled Meters Drilled
090183 1977 Geochemistry, Geology, and Radiometric Survey on the TING, NOTING, and PROSPECTING Claims Gamma-Ray Spectrometry - Airborne Geophysics, Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Water - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Gamma-ray Spectrometry - Ground Geophysics, Petrographic - Lab Work/Physical Studies, Prospecting - Other
090184 1976 Report on Geochemistry, Geology and Radiometric Survey on the NEBULOUS 1-33 Claims Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Water - Geochemistry, Gamma-ray Spectrometry - Ground Geophysics, Petrographic - Lab Work/Physical Studies
019458 1962 [1962 Work on SNOW Claim and Galena Farm and Melville Crown Grants] Rock - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Prospecting - Other, Research/Summarize - Pre-existing Data

Related References

Number Title Page(s) Document Type
ARMC006835 Fig. U-TG6 - Radiometric survey map - Spotted Fawn grid - Ukon Joint Venture Geophysical Map
ARMC006891 Fig. U-TS2 - Geochemistry map - Tombstone area - Ukon joint venture Geochemical Map
ARMC006797 Magnetometer survey - Spotted Fawn grid - Ukon joint venture Geophysical Map
ARMC006798 Fig. U-TG8 - Archer, Cathro and Associates - Detail: zone S2 - radiometrics and assays Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock)
ARMC006890 Fig. U-TS1 - Radiometrics map - Tombstone area - Ukon joint venture Geophysical Map

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