General Information
Secondary Commodities: gold, bismuth, arsenic, molybdenum
Aliases: Lost Issac
Deposit Type(s): Orogenic Au
Location(s): 62.998280 N, -138.555610 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 115J15
Location Comments: Occurrence B = 6988000 N 623800 W
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No
Work History
*In May/2012 this occurrence was moved 3.3 km to the northeast and renamed Gertie Main.
Staked as Wine cl 49-57 (YA89937) in Aug/87 by R. McPhee. McPhee staked Wine cl 25-48 (YA89869) and Fish cl 49-62 (YA89893) and cl 81-94 (YA89907) at the same time.
J.Cone staked Roi cl 1-42 (YB4019) approximately 3.25 km to the southwest in Sep/87.
In 1988 McPhee hand trenched and collected 179 rock samples on two chained lines located on the southern end of the Fish claims (approximately 2 km to the northeast).
In Jul/99 a private syndicate staked Wolf cl 1-22 (YC17355) to the east. The syndicate carried out rock, soil and silt sampling in 2001.
S. Ryan staked Scroggie cl 1-16 (YC17251) 2 km to the northwest in Jul/99. Ryan prospected and sampled the claims in Aug/99.
Restaked as Rum Run cl 41-50 (YC20212) and cl 53-59 (YC20222) in Jun/2000 by G. Richards. These claims join Run Run claims located on the west side of Scroggie Creek (northwest of occurrence) staked earlier by G. Richards. In 2000 and 2001 Richards carried out geological mapping and soil, silt and rock sampling programs over all of his Rum Run claims.
In Nov/2000 S. Ryan staked Scroggie cl 17-24 (YC20535) on the north side of his claim block.
G. Richards carried out ground magnetic surveys in 2003 and 2005 and additional rock, soil and silt sampling programs in 2003, 2005 and 2008.
In Aug/2008 G. Richards staked Toluamide cl 1-22 (YC75987), cl 23-58 (YC76009) and cl 59-64 (YC76045) to the north, east, and southeast. In early Aug/2009 Richards carried out grid based soil sampling on the claims. In Aug/2009 Richards added Toluamide cl 65-138 (YD12601).
In Sep/2009 Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd optioned a package of 203 mineral claims commonly referred to as the Mariposa Gold property from G. Richards for cash, claims and certain work commitments. The Mariposa Gold property includes the Rum Run and Toluamide claims. The company carried out a ridge and spur soil sampling program in Oct/2009 to verify results obtained previously by G. Richards.
In 2010 Pacific Ridge prospected, rock sampled and grid soil sampled the area surrounding this occurrence In Aug/2010 the company announced the discovery of the Gertie gold-in-soil anomaly and staked Lou cl 1-240 (YD64152) to the south.
In the spring of 2011 Pacific Ridge flew an airborne magnetometer survey over the Scroggie and Mariposa Creek areas. Later in the year the company prospected and rock sampled the area in and around the Gertie anomaly. The company followed up the results with 3 diamond drill holes (282 m) collared within the main Gertie gold-in-soil anomaly.
The area is located around Mariposa Creek, east of the creek’s junction with Scroggie Creek in west-central Yukon. The actual occurrence lies just off the southern boundary of NTS map sheet 115N&O which was recently remapped by S. Gordey and J. Ryan (2004 and 2005) of the Geological Survey of Canada. Ryan and Gordey and others have recently finished remapping NTS map sheet 115J & K (the map sheet lying immediately to the south) and are in the final stages of releasing their results (tentatively 2012).
The occurrence area is believed to be underlain by a Devonian to Mississippian age sequence of quartz mica schist, amphibolite and other metavolcanic rocks. A large body of Late Triassic age pyroxenite (Pyroxene Mountain) intrudes to the northeast. The pyroxenite is likely a slightly older phase of the larger Early Jurassic granodiorite batholith which covers the area to the north. Numerous small mid-Cretaceous and Eocene granitic stocks are known to outcrop in the area.
No assessment work appears to have been carried out on the Roi claims.
McPhee orientated his sample lines to cover two lineaments observed on two separate remote sensing studies. The lines ran northeast and southwest from a starting point located approximately 2 km northeast of this occurrence (junction of Fish claims #’s 92, 94, 37 and 38). Two composite float (?) rock samples collected on the northwest line approximately 2.5 km northeast of this occurrence returned 3.1 g/t and 2.6 g/t gold.
Ryan’s Scroggie claims were staked on the east side of Scroggie Creek, north of the junction of Scroggie and Mariposa Creeks. The southeast corner of his claim block covers the northwest portion of Pacific Ridge Exploration’s recently discovered Gertie gold-in-soil anomaly. Ryan collected 4 silt samples from two small pups flowing west into Scroggie Creek. One sample collected approximately 1 km northwest of the Gertie anomaly assayed 77 ppb. The sample was reported to have been collected down stream of a small pegmatite showings.
Richards labeled the Rum Run claims (claims 41-50), located along Mariposa Creek, the East Block. Two soil samples collected in 2000 from two small pups located north of the Mariposa Creek road and flowing southward returned 16 ppb and 10 ppb gold. These samples are located within Pacific Ridge Exploration’s recently discovered Gertie gold-in-soil anomaly. A third soil sample collected on the Mariposa Creek road east of the Rum Run claims (and on the Wolf claims near Occurrence B) returned 70 ppb gold. This sample appears to have been collected in the vicinity of the private syndicate’s 2001 rock sample which assayed 2 530 ppb gold.
The private syndicate staked the Wolf claim to explore for “Pogo” style mineralization. It appears the syndicate assumed the large intrusion located to the north might have a mid-Cretaceous age similar to other economically significant intrusions located throughout the Tintina Gold belt. Their 2001 exploration program attempted to re-locate McPhee’s anomalous results but was unsuccessful. The best results from the program was a soil sample collected approximately 1 km north of occurrence B, which returned 72 ppb gold and a rock sample collected from a pyritized dyke located along the Mariposa Creek Road (approximately 0.6 km southwest of occurrence B) which assayed 2 530 ppb gold.
Richards’ 2001 exploration program was limited to the Rum Run claims located on the west side of Scroggie Creek. Soil sampling and ground magnetic surveys carried out in 2003 and 2005 were limited to the East Block. Richard’s 2009 soil sampling program conducted before Pacific Ridge Exploration optioned his claims covered all of the pups located north of Mariposa Creek road. It outlined several spot soil anomalies to the north and east which would become Pacific Ridge’s Skookum Main and West (Minfile Occurrence #115O 075) gold-in-soil anomalies.
Following Pacific Ridge Exploration’s execution of an option agreement with G. Richards, the company carried out a late season ridge and spur deep auger soil sampling program to verify Richards’ earlier results. The program verified Richards’ results and roughly outlined a open-ended 2 km long gold-in-soil anomaly (20 ppb gold threshold), to the north (Skookum Jim) which would evolve into the Skookum Main and West gold-in-soil anomalies.
Pacific Ridge’s 2010 ground exploration program was focused on the Scroggie and Mariposa Creek areas. Grid soil sampling outlined five main gold in-soil anomalies; Skookum Jim, Hackly, Gertie (this occurrence), Maisy May and Big Alex. The Gertie soil gold-in-soil anomaly (occurrence A) is highlighted by 2 distinct parallel geochemical trends measuring approximately 2 km long by 150 m wide. It contains anomalous values of bismuth, arsenic and molybdenum. Gold in soil values, ranging up to 149 ppb gold are found adjacent to and within the anomalous trends. Float prospecting suggests that the two anomalous trends are underlain by quartz muscovite schist which may be structurally repeated Approximately 2 km to the east a pyritic dyke cutting bedrock schists was exposed by placer mining in Mariposa Creek. A chip sample of comprised of dyke material assayed 2 530 ppb gold over 2 m.
*The original occurrence location likely represented the center point of the Rio claim block. A review of assessment records failed to uncover any exploration work completed on the claims. The occurrence location was moved to the main Gertie occurrence (occurrence A) in May/2012. Occurrence B refers to the small gold-in-soil anomaly (informally referred to in this database as Gertie East) located approximately 2 km to the east, that surrounds the 2010 chip sample collected by Pacific Ridge.
The 2011 airborne geophysical survey combined with geological mapping and ground geophysics indicates that Mariposa Creek and the lower portion of Scroggie Creek are underlain by older, metamorphic rock types that have been affected by multiple episodes of faulting. This brittle deformation is defined by breaks and offsets of linear magnetic trends that represent different rock types and is theorized to provide ground preparations that is favourable for the migration of gold-bearing fluids and the deposition of gold. The observed patterns of a series of east-west trending structures, together with subsidiary northeast and north south trending structures, define a property scale corridor which is collectively referred to as the Mariposa fault.
Two of the three, 2011 drill holes (holes 11MP-17 & 18) collared on the main Gertie soil anomaly encountered poor ground conditions due to strong faulting and were abandoned before reaching their target depths. The third hole (hole 11MP-19) did not return any significant results.
GORDEY, S.P. AND RYAN, J.J. 2005. Geology, Stewart River Area (115N, 115 O and part of 115J), Yukon Territory; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4970, scale 1:250 000.
MCPHEE, R, Feb/89. Assessment Report #092672 by D. Waug.
PACIFIC RIDGE EXPLORATION LTD, Feb/2011. Assessment Report #095527 by J. Fingler.
PACIFIC RIDGE EXPLORATION LTD, News Release. 23 Sep/2009, 7 Dec/2009, 20 Apr/2010, 17 Aug/2010, 2 Mar/2011, 13 Apr/2011, 21 Jun/2011, 28 Jul/2011, 27 Sep/2011, 29 Nov/2011, 11 Apr/2012.
PRIVATE SYNDICATE, Jan/2002. Assessment Report #094297 by T. Morgan and V. Matkovich.
RICHARDS, G.G. May/2001. Assessment Report #094227 by G.G. Richards.
RICHARDS, G.G. May/2004. Assessment Report #094481 by G.G. Richards.
RICHARDS, G.G. Jan/2016. Assessment Report #094605 by G.G. Richards.
RICHARDS, G.G. Feb/2010. Assessment Report #095249 by G.G. Richards.
RICHARDS, G.G. AND PACIFIC RIDGE EXPLORATION LTD. Dec/2010. Assessment Report #095337 by G. Norman.
RYAN, J.J. AND GORDEY, S.P. 2002. Bedrock geology of Yukon-Tanana terrane in southern Stewart River map area, Yukon Territory. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2002-A1, 11 p.
RYAN, J.J. ET AL., 2003. Update on bedrock geological mapping of the Yukon-Tanana terrane, southern Stewart River map area, Yukon Territory. Geological Survey of Canada. Current Research 2003-A9, 7 p.
RYAN, J.J. AND GORDEY, S.P., 2004; Geology Stewart River Area (Parts of 115N/1,2,7,8 and 115O/2- 12), Yukon Territory; Geological Survey of Canada, Open file 4641, scale 1:100 000.
RYAN, S. Jan/2001. Assessment Report #094168 by S. Ryan.
YUKON EXPLORATION 1987, p. 282, 300.
YUKON EXPLORATION AND GEOLOGY OVERVIEW 2010, p. 29, 60; 2011, p. 46-45, 65, 72.
Staked as Wine cl 49-57 (YA89937) in Aug/87 by R. McPhee. McPhee staked Wine cl 25-48 (YA89869) and Fish cl 49-62 (YA89893) and cl 81-94 (YA89907) at the same time.
J.Cone staked Roi cl 1-42 (YB4019) approximately 3.25 km to the southwest in Sep/87.
In 1988 McPhee hand trenched and collected 179 rock samples on two chained lines located on the southern end of the Fish claims (approximately 2 km to the northeast).
In Jul/99 a private syndicate staked Wolf cl 1-22 (YC17355) to the east. The syndicate carried out rock, soil and silt sampling in 2001.
S. Ryan staked Scroggie cl 1-16 (YC17251) 2 km to the northwest in Jul/99. Ryan prospected and sampled the claims in Aug/99.
Restaked as Rum Run cl 41-50 (YC20212) and cl 53-59 (YC20222) in Jun/2000 by G. Richards. These claims join Run Run claims located on the west side of Scroggie Creek (northwest of occurrence) staked earlier by G. Richards. In 2000 and 2001 Richards carried out geological mapping and soil, silt and rock sampling programs over all of his Rum Run claims.
In Nov/2000 S. Ryan staked Scroggie cl 17-24 (YC20535) on the north side of his claim block.
G. Richards carried out ground magnetic surveys in 2003 and 2005 and additional rock, soil and silt sampling programs in 2003, 2005 and 2008.
In Aug/2008 G. Richards staked Toluamide cl 1-22 (YC75987), cl 23-58 (YC76009) and cl 59-64 (YC76045) to the north, east, and southeast. In early Aug/2009 Richards carried out grid based soil sampling on the claims. In Aug/2009 Richards added Toluamide cl 65-138 (YD12601).
In Sep/2009 Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd optioned a package of 203 mineral claims commonly referred to as the Mariposa Gold property from G. Richards for cash, claims and certain work commitments. The Mariposa Gold property includes the Rum Run and Toluamide claims. The company carried out a ridge and spur soil sampling program in Oct/2009 to verify results obtained previously by G. Richards.
In 2010 Pacific Ridge prospected, rock sampled and grid soil sampled the area surrounding this occurrence In Aug/2010 the company announced the discovery of the Gertie gold-in-soil anomaly and staked Lou cl 1-240 (YD64152) to the south.
In the spring of 2011 Pacific Ridge flew an airborne magnetometer survey over the Scroggie and Mariposa Creek areas. Later in the year the company prospected and rock sampled the area in and around the Gertie anomaly. The company followed up the results with 3 diamond drill holes (282 m) collared within the main Gertie gold-in-soil anomaly.
The area is located around Mariposa Creek, east of the creek’s junction with Scroggie Creek in west-central Yukon. The actual occurrence lies just off the southern boundary of NTS map sheet 115N&O which was recently remapped by S. Gordey and J. Ryan (2004 and 2005) of the Geological Survey of Canada. Ryan and Gordey and others have recently finished remapping NTS map sheet 115J & K (the map sheet lying immediately to the south) and are in the final stages of releasing their results (tentatively 2012).
The occurrence area is believed to be underlain by a Devonian to Mississippian age sequence of quartz mica schist, amphibolite and other metavolcanic rocks. A large body of Late Triassic age pyroxenite (Pyroxene Mountain) intrudes to the northeast. The pyroxenite is likely a slightly older phase of the larger Early Jurassic granodiorite batholith which covers the area to the north. Numerous small mid-Cretaceous and Eocene granitic stocks are known to outcrop in the area.
No assessment work appears to have been carried out on the Roi claims.
McPhee orientated his sample lines to cover two lineaments observed on two separate remote sensing studies. The lines ran northeast and southwest from a starting point located approximately 2 km northeast of this occurrence (junction of Fish claims #’s 92, 94, 37 and 38). Two composite float (?) rock samples collected on the northwest line approximately 2.5 km northeast of this occurrence returned 3.1 g/t and 2.6 g/t gold.
Ryan’s Scroggie claims were staked on the east side of Scroggie Creek, north of the junction of Scroggie and Mariposa Creeks. The southeast corner of his claim block covers the northwest portion of Pacific Ridge Exploration’s recently discovered Gertie gold-in-soil anomaly. Ryan collected 4 silt samples from two small pups flowing west into Scroggie Creek. One sample collected approximately 1 km northwest of the Gertie anomaly assayed 77 ppb. The sample was reported to have been collected down stream of a small pegmatite showings.
Richards labeled the Rum Run claims (claims 41-50), located along Mariposa Creek, the East Block. Two soil samples collected in 2000 from two small pups located north of the Mariposa Creek road and flowing southward returned 16 ppb and 10 ppb gold. These samples are located within Pacific Ridge Exploration’s recently discovered Gertie gold-in-soil anomaly. A third soil sample collected on the Mariposa Creek road east of the Rum Run claims (and on the Wolf claims near Occurrence B) returned 70 ppb gold. This sample appears to have been collected in the vicinity of the private syndicate’s 2001 rock sample which assayed 2 530 ppb gold.
The private syndicate staked the Wolf claim to explore for “Pogo” style mineralization. It appears the syndicate assumed the large intrusion located to the north might have a mid-Cretaceous age similar to other economically significant intrusions located throughout the Tintina Gold belt. Their 2001 exploration program attempted to re-locate McPhee’s anomalous results but was unsuccessful. The best results from the program was a soil sample collected approximately 1 km north of occurrence B, which returned 72 ppb gold and a rock sample collected from a pyritized dyke located along the Mariposa Creek Road (approximately 0.6 km southwest of occurrence B) which assayed 2 530 ppb gold.
Richards’ 2001 exploration program was limited to the Rum Run claims located on the west side of Scroggie Creek. Soil sampling and ground magnetic surveys carried out in 2003 and 2005 were limited to the East Block. Richard’s 2009 soil sampling program conducted before Pacific Ridge Exploration optioned his claims covered all of the pups located north of Mariposa Creek road. It outlined several spot soil anomalies to the north and east which would become Pacific Ridge’s Skookum Main and West (Minfile Occurrence #115O 075) gold-in-soil anomalies.
Following Pacific Ridge Exploration’s execution of an option agreement with G. Richards, the company carried out a late season ridge and spur deep auger soil sampling program to verify Richards’ earlier results. The program verified Richards’ results and roughly outlined a open-ended 2 km long gold-in-soil anomaly (20 ppb gold threshold), to the north (Skookum Jim) which would evolve into the Skookum Main and West gold-in-soil anomalies.
Pacific Ridge’s 2010 ground exploration program was focused on the Scroggie and Mariposa Creek areas. Grid soil sampling outlined five main gold in-soil anomalies; Skookum Jim, Hackly, Gertie (this occurrence), Maisy May and Big Alex. The Gertie soil gold-in-soil anomaly (occurrence A) is highlighted by 2 distinct parallel geochemical trends measuring approximately 2 km long by 150 m wide. It contains anomalous values of bismuth, arsenic and molybdenum. Gold in soil values, ranging up to 149 ppb gold are found adjacent to and within the anomalous trends. Float prospecting suggests that the two anomalous trends are underlain by quartz muscovite schist which may be structurally repeated Approximately 2 km to the east a pyritic dyke cutting bedrock schists was exposed by placer mining in Mariposa Creek. A chip sample of comprised of dyke material assayed 2 530 ppb gold over 2 m.
*The original occurrence location likely represented the center point of the Rio claim block. A review of assessment records failed to uncover any exploration work completed on the claims. The occurrence location was moved to the main Gertie occurrence (occurrence A) in May/2012. Occurrence B refers to the small gold-in-soil anomaly (informally referred to in this database as Gertie East) located approximately 2 km to the east, that surrounds the 2010 chip sample collected by Pacific Ridge.
The 2011 airborne geophysical survey combined with geological mapping and ground geophysics indicates that Mariposa Creek and the lower portion of Scroggie Creek are underlain by older, metamorphic rock types that have been affected by multiple episodes of faulting. This brittle deformation is defined by breaks and offsets of linear magnetic trends that represent different rock types and is theorized to provide ground preparations that is favourable for the migration of gold-bearing fluids and the deposition of gold. The observed patterns of a series of east-west trending structures, together with subsidiary northeast and north south trending structures, define a property scale corridor which is collectively referred to as the Mariposa fault.
Two of the three, 2011 drill holes (holes 11MP-17 & 18) collared on the main Gertie soil anomaly encountered poor ground conditions due to strong faulting and were abandoned before reaching their target depths. The third hole (hole 11MP-19) did not return any significant results.
GORDEY, S.P. AND RYAN, J.J. 2005. Geology, Stewart River Area (115N, 115 O and part of 115J), Yukon Territory; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4970, scale 1:250 000.
MCPHEE, R, Feb/89. Assessment Report #092672 by D. Waug.
PACIFIC RIDGE EXPLORATION LTD, Feb/2011. Assessment Report #095527 by J. Fingler.
PACIFIC RIDGE EXPLORATION LTD, News Release. 23 Sep/2009, 7 Dec/2009, 20 Apr/2010, 17 Aug/2010, 2 Mar/2011, 13 Apr/2011, 21 Jun/2011, 28 Jul/2011, 27 Sep/2011, 29 Nov/2011, 11 Apr/2012.
PRIVATE SYNDICATE, Jan/2002. Assessment Report #094297 by T. Morgan and V. Matkovich.
RICHARDS, G.G. May/2001. Assessment Report #094227 by G.G. Richards.
RICHARDS, G.G. May/2004. Assessment Report #094481 by G.G. Richards.
RICHARDS, G.G. Jan/2016. Assessment Report #094605 by G.G. Richards.
RICHARDS, G.G. Feb/2010. Assessment Report #095249 by G.G. Richards.
RICHARDS, G.G. AND PACIFIC RIDGE EXPLORATION LTD. Dec/2010. Assessment Report #095337 by G. Norman.
RYAN, J.J. AND GORDEY, S.P. 2002. Bedrock geology of Yukon-Tanana terrane in southern Stewart River map area, Yukon Territory. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2002-A1, 11 p.
RYAN, J.J. ET AL., 2003. Update on bedrock geological mapping of the Yukon-Tanana terrane, southern Stewart River map area, Yukon Territory. Geological Survey of Canada. Current Research 2003-A9, 7 p.
RYAN, J.J. AND GORDEY, S.P., 2004; Geology Stewart River Area (Parts of 115N/1,2,7,8 and 115O/2- 12), Yukon Territory; Geological Survey of Canada, Open file 4641, scale 1:100 000.
RYAN, S. Jan/2001. Assessment Report #094168 by S. Ryan.
YUKON EXPLORATION 1987, p. 282, 300.
YUKON EXPLORATION AND GEOLOGY OVERVIEW 2010, p. 29, 60; 2011, p. 46-45, 65, 72.
Location Map
Last Updated: Mar 19, 2014
Work History
Year | Work Type | Comment |
2011 | Drilling: Diamond | Three holes, 282 m. Two holes abandoned, third hole no significant results. |
2010 | Geochemistry: Rock | Also carried out prospecting. |
2010 | Geochemistry: Soil | Grid based soil sampling. |
2010 | Airborne Geophysics | Magnetics survey. |
2009 | Geochemistry: Soil | Ridge and spur sampling carried out north of Mariposa Creek road. Pacific Ridge Exploration carried out follow-up sampling to verify Richards results. |
2005 | Geochemistry: Soil | Carried out on East Block of claims. |
2005 | Ground Geophysics: Magnetics | Carried out over East Block of claims. |
2003 | Geochemistry: Soil | Carried out on East block of claims.. |
2003 | Ground Geophysics: Magnetics | Carried out over East Block of claims. |
2001 | Geochemistry: Soil | Also rock and silt sampling carried out on Wolf claims. |
2000 | Geochemistry: Silt | Richards also carried out rock sampling. |
1999 | Geochemistry: Silt | Also prospected on claims. |
1988 | Geochemistry: Rock | Grab and composite samples. |
1988 | Trenching: Hand |
Regional Geology - Terrane
Group: Intermontane
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: Yukon-Tanana
Realm: peri-Laurentian
Regional Geology - Bedrock
Group/Suite: Snowcap
Terrane: Yukon-Tanana
Period Max: Ediacaran
Age Max: 635 MA
Period Min: Devonian
Age Min: 375 MA
Rock Major: quartzite, psammite, schist
Rock Minor:
Reference: Ryan et al. (2013) - GSC CGM 116
Geological Unit (1M): PDS
Geological Unit (250K): PDS1
Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence
Report Number | Year | Title | Worktypes | Holes Drilled | Meters Drilled |
097277 | 2017 | Technical Report on the Mariposa Project in the White Gold District, Yukon Territory | All Weather Road - Development, Surface, Rock - Geochemistry, Mechanical - Trenching | ||
096551 | 2012 | 2011-2012 Soil Geochemical, Trenching and Diamond Drilling Assessment Report | Diamond - Drilling, Diamond - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry, Drill Core - Geochemistry, Rock - Geochemistry, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Backhoe - Trenching, Backhoe - Trenching | 28 | 5250 |
096417 | 2011 | 2011 Soil Geochemical Assessment Report on the Mariposa Property | Soil - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry | ||
095949 | 2011 | 2011 Airborne Geophysical Survey Report on the Mariposa Property | Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics | ||
095527 | 2010 | 2010 Soil Geochemical Assessement Report on the MARIPOSA Property | Soil - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry | ||
095249 | 2009 | Geochemical Report on the Mariposa Property | Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Prospecting - Other, Data Compilation - Pre-existing Data | ||
095337 | 2009 | Ridge and Spur Soil Geochemical Assessment Report on the Mariposa Property | Soil - Geochemistry | ||
094605 | 2005 | Geophysical and Geochemical Report on the Rum Run Property | Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics | ||
094481 | 2003 | Geochemical Geological Report on the Rum Run Property | Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics | ||
094250 | 2001 | Geochemical Geological Report on the Rum Run Property | Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, EM - Ground Geophysics, Line Cutting - Other, Prospecting - Other | ||
094229 | 2000 | Geochemical Geological Report on the Rum Run Property | Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Prospecting - Other | ||
094227 | 2000 | Geochemical Geological Report on the Rum Run Property | Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology |
Related References
Number | Title | Page(s) | Document Type |
2003-9(D) | Yukon Digital Geology (version 2) | Open File (Geological - Bedrock) | |
YEG2010_OV | Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2010 | Annual Report | |
YEG2011_OV | Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2011 | Annual Report |
Citations |