General Information
Staked as Rum cl 1-228 (Y47370) in Nov/69 by Montana Mines Ltd, which carried out reconnaissance geochemical sampling and prospecting.
In Mar/99 Prime Properties Syndicate staked Yogo cl 1-20 (YC09836) 10 km west-northwest; Bingo cl 1-20 (YC09856) 7 km northwest; and Orego cl 1-80 (YC13922) 5 km northeast of the occurrence. The claims were subsequently optioned to Prospector International Resources Inc, which carried out geochemical rock, silt and soil sampling and prospecting later in 1999 and additional geochemical sampling in 2000.
In May/99 Deltango Gold Ltd staked Dan cl 1-124 (YC15045) north and west of the Orego claims, between them and the Bingo claims and at the same time staked Man cl 9-128 (YC14925) west of the Bingo claims and surrounding the Yogo claims. Deltango carried out geochemical rock, silt and soil sampling, prospecting and geological mapping in Aug/99.
Prospector International changed its name to Prospector Consolidated Resources Inc in Sep/2001.
Restaked within Coffee cl 627-726(YC96801) in Nov/2009 by Kaminak Gold Corp. By the end of 2010 the company expanded their claim holdings to own in excess of 3 000 Coffee claims. The company did this to cover any potential mineralization system that might be hosted within their property.
The area was reconnaissance mapped by D. Templeman-Kluit in 1974. Since that time various geologists have mapped near this area but no one has directly mapped the occurrence area in detail. Gordey and Makepeace (2003) released a geological compilation that covered this area. M. Colpron of the Yukon Geological Survey released a Tectonic Assemblage map which included this portion of the Yukon-Tanana Terrane in 2006. Colpron's stratigraphic units and age dates differ slightly from those used by Gordey and Makepeace because he is trying to work out terrane wide relationships.
At present, the Coffee property covers in excess of 15 000 acres (3 000+ claims) and stretches across topographic map sheet 115J 14 and portions of map sheets 115J 13 and 15. It is located on the south side of the Yukon River and stretches roughly from Britannia Creek on the east to Independence Creek on the west. The property is underlain by a sequence of shallowly to moderately south to southwest-dipping Paleozoic metamorphic rocks that are assigned to the Yukon-Tanana terrane and are intruded by the Cretaceous Coffee Creek granite along a west to northwest-trending contact.
This occurrence is located approximately 4.25 km south of Kaminak Gold’s main Coffee property (Minfile Occurrences #115J 110 & 111) and has not yet been mapped by the company. Based on geological mapping carried out to the north this occurrence is underlain by mid-Late Cretaceous Coffee Creek granite, part of the larger Dawson Range Batholith. Further to the north, Prospector's and Deltango's former claims were located at or near the contact between the intrusive rock and the Paleozoic metamorphic rocks. Both the metamorphic and granite rocks are likely cut by intermediate to felsic dykes of unknown age.
A search of assessment reports and other records failed to uncover any of Montana Mines exploration results. The occurrence location likely marks the approximately centre point of the company’s Rum claims.
Sampling on the Yogo and Bingo claims groups in 1999 by Prospector did not return any significant results. On the Orego claims, the company delineated two anomalies at the east and west ends of the property in 1999. The areas contain soil samples that are anomalous in bismuth, tellurium and locally gold. In 2000, further soil sampling of the western anomaly defined a 400 by 900 m north-northwest trending anomalous area containing coincident and highly anomalous gold, arsenic, antimony and mercury values. The anomaly which is still open in one direction is underlain by quartz-mica schist and contains peak values of 694 ppb gold, 480 ppm arsenic, 23 ppm antimony and 371 ppb mercury.
Deltango's work in the area identified anomalously high levels of gold, arsenic, antimony and bismuth in silt samples from creeks in the central and north-eastern parts of their Dan claims which border Prospector's Orego claims. The creeks which drain the area of the Orego claims where Prospector delineated their western anomaly contained peak values of 52.9 ppb gold, 87.9 ppm arsenic and 5.09 ppm antimony. On the Man claims, single samples from two different creeks draining the intrusive contact returned 86.3 ppb gold with 115.3 ppm arsenic and 82.4 ppb gold with 163.5 ppm arsenic, respectively. These anomalous samples appear to be spatially associated with locally pervasive float of weakly foliated, garnet bearing, quartz-muscovite schist and altered basic igneous rock containing minor sulphides. This float which occurs in the inferred area of contact with the intrusive stock was found along the length of the contact area investigated.
All of the previously identified anomalies noted above, appear to have been picked up by geochemical sampling conducted by Kaminak Gold on their main Coffee property. Due to their success on the main property, Kaminak Gold has delayed prospecting and sampling the area around this occurrence. The company plans to explore the rest of their property as time and resources permit.
DELTANGO GOLD LTD, Dec/2000. Assessment Report #094174 by G. Jilson.
KAMINAK GOLD CORPORATION, Mar/2011. Technical Report Coffee Gold project, Yukon Territory, Canada. Report prepared by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. Project Number 3CK008.00 by J-F Couture and J.P. Siddorn.
PROSPECTOR INTERNATIONAL RESOURCES INC, Jan/2000. Assessment Report #094064 by B.J. Jaworski and B. Meyer.
PROSPECTOR INTERNATIONAL RESOURCES INC, Feb/2001. Assessment Report #094207 by B.J. Jaworski and M. Vanwermeskerken.
RESOURCE STOCK WATCH (THE), Aug/2000. Volume 20, Issue 24.
TEMPLEMAN-Kluit, D.J., 1974. Reconnaissance geology of Aishihik Lake, Snag and part of Stewart River map-areas, west-central Yukon; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 73-41, 97 p. (including preliminary maps 16-1973 (115JK), 17-1973 (115H) and 18-1973 (115N)).
Location Map
Work History
Year | Work Type | Comment |
2000 | Other | |
1999 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1999 | Other | |
1999 | Other | |
1969 | Other |
Regional Geology - Terrane
Regional Geology - Bedrock
Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence
Report Number | Year | Title | Worktypes | Holes Drilled | Meters Drilled |
095505 | 2011 | Assessment Report Describing Geochemical, Geophysical and Survey Work on the Coffee Claims | Gamma-Ray Spectrometry - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Orthophoto - Airphotography, Diamond - Drilling, Reverse Circulation - Drilling, Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Hydraulic - Trenching | 247 | 48001 |
095302 | 2010 | Coffee Property-2010 Assessment Report | Diamond - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Petrographic - Lab Work/Physical Studies, Backhoe - Trenching | 76 | 16104 |
Related References
Number | Title | Page(s) | Document Type |
2006-1 | Tectonic assemblage map of Yukon-Tanana and related terranes in Yukon and northern British Columbia (1:1 000 000 scale) | Open File (Geological - Bedrock) | |
2003-9(D) | Yukon Digital Geology (version 2) | Open File (Geological - Bedrock) | |
YEG2010_15 | Geology of new gold discoveries in the Coffee Creek area, White Gold District, west-central Yukon. | Annual Report Paper | |
YEG1999 | Yukon Exploration and Geology 1999 | Annual Report | |
YEG2000 | Yukon Exploration and Geology 2000 | Annual Report | |
ARMC008077 | Geochemical sample results map - Coffee Creek | Geochemical Map | |
ARMC012525 | Field sheet - 115-J-14 - Coffee Creek showing 1/2 mile geochem. | Geochemical Map | |
ARMC012522 | Field sheet - 115-J-14 - Coffee Creek showing geochem. | Geochemical Map | |
ARMC012527 | Field sheet - 115-J-14 - Coffee Creek with geochemical plot | Geochemical Map | |
ARMC012526 | Field sheet - 115-J-14 - Coffee Creek with geochemical sample sites | Geochemical Map | |
ARMC012530 | Field sheet - 115-J-14 - Coffee Creek with geology marked | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC012529 | Field sheet - 115-J-14 - Coffee Creek with home granite marked | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC012531 | Field sheet 115-J-14 - Coffee Creek with minerals marked | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) |
Citations |