General Information
Secondary Commodities: molybdenum, copper
Aliases: Canadian Creek
Deposit Type(s): Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au
Location(s): 62.712220 N, -138.964170 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 115J10
Location Comments: 1 Kilometres
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No
Work History
Staked as Aztec cl 1-151(Y37004) in Aug/69 by Trans Columbia Exploration Ltd, which conducted airborne mag and spectrometer surveys followed by grid soil sampling and mapping of anomalous areas in 1970 and a small ground mag survey in 1972.
Restaked as Dry cl 1-32 (Y76312) in Aug/73 by Casino Silver Mines Ltd. Restaked Sep/92 as Maya cl 1-40 (YB37592) by Renoble Holdings Inc. Renoble staked Aztec cl 1-52 (YB37540) to the east and Koffee cl 1-58 (YB37482) to the north at the same time. In Jan/93 Renoble staked Ice cl 1-74 (YB37901) to the northwest. In Mar/93, Renoble optioned all of its claim holdings in the area (Ice, Maya, Aztec and Koffee ) to Eastfield Resources Ltd, subject to a profit sharing agreement. Eastfield also optioned the adjoining Ana claims (located to the northeast) from Nordac Mining Corp at the same time.
In Feb/93 Eastfield optioned a 50% interest in the Aztec and Maya claims to Canadian Comstock Explorations Ltd in return for certain work commitments and option payments. During the 1993 field season Comstock carried out road building, geological mapping, rock and soil sampling and ground magnetic and IP geophysical surveys on the claims. Comstock's option was terminated in 1994.
In Jun/96 Eastfield consolidated the Maya and adjoining Aztec, Koffee, Ana, and Ice claim blocks into the Canadian Creek property. Following consolidation Eastfield entered into an option agreement with Alexis Resources Ltd whereby Alexis was granted the right to earn an undivided 51% interest in the property by incurring $ 1 500 000 in expenditures, paying $250 000 in option payments and issuing 200 000 shares before Jun/2000. In 1996 Alexis completed geophysical and geochemical surveys and extensive excavator trenching on the Koffee and Ana claims.
In May/97 Eastfield reorganized into two companies, one of which is named Wildrose Resources Ltd. The Ana, Koffee, Maya, Aztec and Ice claims were transferred to Wildrose. In 1997 Wildrose and joint venture partner Alexis Resources conducted a program of road-building, drill-pad construction and prospecting on the Canadian Creek property.
In 1999 Wildrose carried out rock and soil sampling and road reclamation on the Ana and Koffee claims (located to the north). In May/2000 Wildrose optioned 55 claims (Casino "B" claims) adjoining the eastern boundary of the Canadian Creek property from Great Basin Gold Ltd (the successor company of Pacific Sentinel Corporation) and assumed responsibility for filing assessment work on 83 additional claims (Casino "A" claims) that cover the neighboring Casino deposit. Later in the year Wildrose drilled 12 diamond drill holes (2 066 m) on the Casino "B", Ana and Koffee claims. In 2001 the company carried out an evaluation program on it's entire Canadian Creek property. Although little work was completed near this occurrence, assessment credit from these programs was used to keep the Maya claims (including those surrounding this occurrence) in good standing.
In Dec/2002 Wildrose optioned a 60% participating interest in it's Canadian Creek property, including the Casino "B" claims, to Canley Developments Inc (subsequently renamed Sargold Resources Corporation). Wildrose regained a 100% interest in these claims in Feb/2004 when Sargold relinquished its option.
In Feb/2005 Wildrose optioned a 60% interest in the Canadian Creek property to Veraz Petroleum Ltd for cash, shares and certain work commitments. In the summer of 2006 the company extended the Casino "B" grid, carried out limited soil sampling and surveyed the location of all known drill holes and other notable features. In Oct/2006 Wildrose re-organized such that, Wildrose retained ownership of the Spanish Mountain gold project in British Columbia and transferred all their other exploration properties including Canadian Creek to a new company, Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. Veraz Petroleum retained their option.
In Jul/2007 Veraz Petroleum funded a 5 hole (879 m) diamond drill program on the eastern end of the Casino "B" claims (Minfile Occurrence #115J 101). In Feb/2008 Veraz Petroleum terminated its option and returned the property to Cariboo Rose. In 2008 Cariboo Rose carried out a remote sensing "Aster image" program of the entire property including this occurrence.
In Jun/2009 Cariboo Resources optioned a 60% interest in the Canadian Creek property to Alder Resources Ltd for cash, shares and certain work commitments. Alder Resources immediately staked Kana cl 1-35 (YC99879) and fractional claims 36-45 (YC99914) on the northern boundary of the Ana and Koffee claim blocks. The claims were registered to Eastfield Resources Ltd the underlying owner of the Canadian Creek property. During the summer of 2009 Alder enlarged the existing soil grid to cover the entire property and carried out infill soil sampling. In the fall of 2009 Alder drilled 10 diamond drill holes (1 425 m) on the property.
Capsule Geology
The region around the occurrence largely escaped Pleistocene glaciation. The result is that there is less than 1% outcrop by area over much of the region and weathered rocks commonly extend to depths of greater than 75m. Johnston (1995) used data acquired from an airborne multiparameter geophysical survey conducted in 1993 and 1994 to improve the existing geological knowledge of the region.
Johnston's work indicates that the area is underlain by Yukon Tanana Terrane rocks, consisting of Devonian to Mississippian metavolcanic and metaigneous rocks belonging to the Wolverine Creek Metamorphic Suite. The metamorphic rocks form a synform which is cored by intermediate rocks of the Mid-Cretaceous Dawson Range Batholith. The batholith consists of mafic, intermediate and felsic phases. The mafic and intermediate phases are sheet or sill-like bodies that are concordant with foliation in the `pendant¿ and in adjacent metamorphic wall rocks. The felsic phase forms discordant plugs that intrude the more mafic phases of the batholith and its wall rocks.
The Dawson Range batholith is in turn intruded by the Casino Plutonic Suite which is represented by fine- to medium-grained leucocratic granite, quartz monzonite and alaskite with associated aplite phases. The Casino Plutonic Suite is composed of stocks up to 18 km in diameter and is only exposed in the Colorado Creek (NTS 115 J/9) and Selwyn River (NTS 115 J/10) map areas. The Casino Plutonic Suite was originally thought to be Late Cretaceous (70 Ma) but work by Selby et al., (1999) indicates that although the Casino Plutonic Suite intrudes the Dawson Range Batholith, it's age is indistinguishable (104.2 +/- 0.5 Ma, U-Pb zircon). Late Cretaceous igneous activity produced a northwest-trending belt of small stocks, one of which, the Patton porphyry intrudes the Casino Plutonic Suite rocks and producing the copper-gold-molybdenum mineralization present at the neighboring Casino deposit (Minfile Occurrence #115J 028).
The occurrence is underlain by Dawson Range Batholith granodiorite, which contains some altered and quartz-veined sections. Several non-coincident copper and molybdenum soil anomalies were found. Minor amounts of molybdenite were noted in quartz veins which cut granodiorite in several localities.
Comstock's exploration program concentrated on the western half of the Aztec claims. Several weak geochemical and geophysical anomalies were found however none were judged significant enough to warrant follow up work. The 1996 through 1998 work programs were carried out to follow up geophysical targets and delineate future drill targets. The bulk of the work was carried out on the Koffee and Ana claims.
Over the years the majority of exploration work on the Canadian Creek property was carried out to the north on the Koffee, Ana and Casino "B" claims. Excess assessment credit on these claims was used to keep the Aztec, Maya and Ice claims in good standing. Work carried out in the vicinity of this occurrence includes the 2005 survey of drill holes and other prominent features, the 2008 "Aster Image" program and fill-in soil sampling conducted in 2009.
ALDER RESOURCES LTD, News Release, 26 Aug/2009.
ALDER RESOURCES LTD, Summary Report on the Canadian Creek Property for Alder Resources Ltd by J.W. Morton and C.W.P. Russell, Jul 27 2009. (available on Sedar).
ALDER RESOURCES LTD, Dec/2009. Web Site:
CARIBOO ROSE RESOURCES LTD., Interim Financial Statements. Ending Nov. 30 2007 p. 9, Years Ended Feb 28/2009 and Feb 29/2008 p. 13. (explains Veraz Petroleum option - available on SEDAR).
CARIBOO ROSE RESOURCES LTD., News Release, 23 Oct/2006, 17 Jul/2009, 11 Oct/2007, 15 Jun/2009, 10 Sep/2009, 24 Sept/2009, 7 Dec/2009.
EASTFIELD RESOURCES LTD, Dec/93. Assessment Report #093144 by J. Chapman and G. Garratt.
GLENLYON MINING LTD, Aug/70. Assessment Report #060219 by C.G. Carlson.
GEORGE CROSS NEWSLETTER, 29 Sep/70; 22 Jul/93; 11 Aug/93; 28 Feb/94; 17 Mar/97; 13 Aug/97.
JOHNSTON, S.T. AND SHIVES, R.B.K., 1995. Interpretation of an airborne multiparameter geophysical survey of the Northern Dawson Range, central Yukon. A progress report. In Yukon Exploration and Geology, 1994. Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, p. 105-111.
JOHNSTON, S.T., 1995. Geological compilation with interpretation from geophysical surveys of the northern Dawson Range, central Yukon. (115J/9 & 10; 115I/12) (1:100 00 scale map). Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Open File 1995-2 (G).
MINERAL INDUSTRY REPORT 1969-70, p. 54-55.
SELBY, D. and NESBITT, B.E., 1998. Biotite chemistry of the Casino Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Occurrence, Dawson Range, Yukon. In: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1997. Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, p. 83-88.
SELBY, D. ET AL., 1999. Major and trace element compositions and Sr-Nd-Pb systematics of crystalline rocks from the Dawson Range, Yukon Canada. In: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 36, p. 1463-1481.
TRANS COLUMBIA EXPLORATION LTD, Sep/70. Assessment Report #061956 by D.R. Cochrane and A.J. Sinclair.
TRANS COLUMBIA EXPLORATION LTD, Jul/70. Assessment Report #019922 by W.R. Newman.
TRANS COLUMBIA EXPLORATION LTD, Sep/72. Assessment Report #019923 by S.L. Sander.
TRANS COLUMBIA EXPLORATION LTD Oct/70. Assessment Report #060227 by S.L. Sander.
WILDROSE RESOURCES LTD ET AL., Feb/2001. Assessment Report #094169 by J.W. Morton.
WILDROSE RESOURCES LTD ET AL., Feb/2002. Assessment Report #094244 by J.W. Morton.
WILDROSE RESOURCES LTD, News Release, 19 Dec/2002; 1 Dec/2003; 3 Mar/2004.
YUKON EXPLORATION AND GEOLOGY 1993, p. 4, 6, 8; 1994 p. 10; 1996 p. 24, 30; 1997 p. 24, 35.
Staked as Aztec cl 1-151(Y37004) in Aug/69 by Trans Columbia Exploration Ltd, which conducted airborne mag and spectrometer surveys followed by grid soil sampling and mapping of anomalous areas in 1970 and a small ground mag survey in 1972.
Restaked as Dry cl 1-32 (Y76312) in Aug/73 by Casino Silver Mines Ltd. Restaked Sep/92 as Maya cl 1-40 (YB37592) by Renoble Holdings Inc. Renoble staked Aztec cl 1-52 (YB37540) to the east and Koffee cl 1-58 (YB37482) to the north at the same time. In Jan/93 Renoble staked Ice cl 1-74 (YB37901) to the northwest. In Mar/93, Renoble optioned all of its claim holdings in the area (Ice, Maya, Aztec and Koffee ) to Eastfield Resources Ltd, subject to a profit sharing agreement. Eastfield also optioned the adjoining Ana claims (located to the northeast) from Nordac Mining Corp at the same time.
In Feb/93 Eastfield optioned a 50% interest in the Aztec and Maya claims to Canadian Comstock Explorations Ltd in return for certain work commitments and option payments. During the 1993 field season Comstock carried out road building, geological mapping, rock and soil sampling and ground magnetic and IP geophysical surveys on the claims. Comstock's option was terminated in 1994.
In Jun/96 Eastfield consolidated the Maya and adjoining Aztec, Koffee, Ana, and Ice claim blocks into the Canadian Creek property. Following consolidation Eastfield entered into an option agreement with Alexis Resources Ltd whereby Alexis was granted the right to earn an undivided 51% interest in the property by incurring $ 1 500 000 in expenditures, paying $250 000 in option payments and issuing 200 000 shares before Jun/2000. In 1996 Alexis completed geophysical and geochemical surveys and extensive excavator trenching on the Koffee and Ana claims.
In May/97 Eastfield reorganized into two companies, one of which is named Wildrose Resources Ltd. The Ana, Koffee, Maya, Aztec and Ice claims were transferred to Wildrose. In 1997 Wildrose and joint venture partner Alexis Resources conducted a program of road-building, drill-pad construction and prospecting on the Canadian Creek property.
In 1999 Wildrose carried out rock and soil sampling and road reclamation on the Ana and Koffee claims (located to the north). In May/2000 Wildrose optioned 55 claims (Casino "B" claims) adjoining the eastern boundary of the Canadian Creek property from Great Basin Gold Ltd (the successor company of Pacific Sentinel Corporation) and assumed responsibility for filing assessment work on 83 additional claims (Casino "A" claims) that cover the neighboring Casino deposit. Later in the year Wildrose drilled 12 diamond drill holes (2 066 m) on the Casino "B", Ana and Koffee claims. In 2001 the company carried out an evaluation program on it's entire Canadian Creek property. Although little work was completed near this occurrence, assessment credit from these programs was used to keep the Maya claims (including those surrounding this occurrence) in good standing.
In Dec/2002 Wildrose optioned a 60% participating interest in it's Canadian Creek property, including the Casino "B" claims, to Canley Developments Inc (subsequently renamed Sargold Resources Corporation). Wildrose regained a 100% interest in these claims in Feb/2004 when Sargold relinquished its option.
In Feb/2005 Wildrose optioned a 60% interest in the Canadian Creek property to Veraz Petroleum Ltd for cash, shares and certain work commitments. In the summer of 2006 the company extended the Casino "B" grid, carried out limited soil sampling and surveyed the location of all known drill holes and other notable features. In Oct/2006 Wildrose re-organized such that, Wildrose retained ownership of the Spanish Mountain gold project in British Columbia and transferred all their other exploration properties including Canadian Creek to a new company, Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. Veraz Petroleum retained their option.
In Jul/2007 Veraz Petroleum funded a 5 hole (879 m) diamond drill program on the eastern end of the Casino "B" claims (Minfile Occurrence #115J 101). In Feb/2008 Veraz Petroleum terminated its option and returned the property to Cariboo Rose. In 2008 Cariboo Rose carried out a remote sensing "Aster image" program of the entire property including this occurrence.
In Jun/2009 Cariboo Resources optioned a 60% interest in the Canadian Creek property to Alder Resources Ltd for cash, shares and certain work commitments. Alder Resources immediately staked Kana cl 1-35 (YC99879) and fractional claims 36-45 (YC99914) on the northern boundary of the Ana and Koffee claim blocks. The claims were registered to Eastfield Resources Ltd the underlying owner of the Canadian Creek property. During the summer of 2009 Alder enlarged the existing soil grid to cover the entire property and carried out infill soil sampling. In the fall of 2009 Alder drilled 10 diamond drill holes (1 425 m) on the property.
Capsule Geology
The region around the occurrence largely escaped Pleistocene glaciation. The result is that there is less than 1% outcrop by area over much of the region and weathered rocks commonly extend to depths of greater than 75m. Johnston (1995) used data acquired from an airborne multiparameter geophysical survey conducted in 1993 and 1994 to improve the existing geological knowledge of the region.
Johnston's work indicates that the area is underlain by Yukon Tanana Terrane rocks, consisting of Devonian to Mississippian metavolcanic and metaigneous rocks belonging to the Wolverine Creek Metamorphic Suite. The metamorphic rocks form a synform which is cored by intermediate rocks of the Mid-Cretaceous Dawson Range Batholith. The batholith consists of mafic, intermediate and felsic phases. The mafic and intermediate phases are sheet or sill-like bodies that are concordant with foliation in the `pendant¿ and in adjacent metamorphic wall rocks. The felsic phase forms discordant plugs that intrude the more mafic phases of the batholith and its wall rocks.
The Dawson Range batholith is in turn intruded by the Casino Plutonic Suite which is represented by fine- to medium-grained leucocratic granite, quartz monzonite and alaskite with associated aplite phases. The Casino Plutonic Suite is composed of stocks up to 18 km in diameter and is only exposed in the Colorado Creek (NTS 115 J/9) and Selwyn River (NTS 115 J/10) map areas. The Casino Plutonic Suite was originally thought to be Late Cretaceous (70 Ma) but work by Selby et al., (1999) indicates that although the Casino Plutonic Suite intrudes the Dawson Range Batholith, it's age is indistinguishable (104.2 +/- 0.5 Ma, U-Pb zircon). Late Cretaceous igneous activity produced a northwest-trending belt of small stocks, one of which, the Patton porphyry intrudes the Casino Plutonic Suite rocks and producing the copper-gold-molybdenum mineralization present at the neighboring Casino deposit (Minfile Occurrence #115J 028).
The occurrence is underlain by Dawson Range Batholith granodiorite, which contains some altered and quartz-veined sections. Several non-coincident copper and molybdenum soil anomalies were found. Minor amounts of molybdenite were noted in quartz veins which cut granodiorite in several localities.
Comstock's exploration program concentrated on the western half of the Aztec claims. Several weak geochemical and geophysical anomalies were found however none were judged significant enough to warrant follow up work. The 1996 through 1998 work programs were carried out to follow up geophysical targets and delineate future drill targets. The bulk of the work was carried out on the Koffee and Ana claims.
Over the years the majority of exploration work on the Canadian Creek property was carried out to the north on the Koffee, Ana and Casino "B" claims. Excess assessment credit on these claims was used to keep the Aztec, Maya and Ice claims in good standing. Work carried out in the vicinity of this occurrence includes the 2005 survey of drill holes and other prominent features, the 2008 "Aster Image" program and fill-in soil sampling conducted in 2009.
ALDER RESOURCES LTD, News Release, 26 Aug/2009.
ALDER RESOURCES LTD, Summary Report on the Canadian Creek Property for Alder Resources Ltd by J.W. Morton and C.W.P. Russell, Jul 27 2009. (available on Sedar).
ALDER RESOURCES LTD, Dec/2009. Web Site:
CARIBOO ROSE RESOURCES LTD., Interim Financial Statements. Ending Nov. 30 2007 p. 9, Years Ended Feb 28/2009 and Feb 29/2008 p. 13. (explains Veraz Petroleum option - available on SEDAR).
CARIBOO ROSE RESOURCES LTD., News Release, 23 Oct/2006, 17 Jul/2009, 11 Oct/2007, 15 Jun/2009, 10 Sep/2009, 24 Sept/2009, 7 Dec/2009.
EASTFIELD RESOURCES LTD, Dec/93. Assessment Report #093144 by J. Chapman and G. Garratt.
GLENLYON MINING LTD, Aug/70. Assessment Report #060219 by C.G. Carlson.
GEORGE CROSS NEWSLETTER, 29 Sep/70; 22 Jul/93; 11 Aug/93; 28 Feb/94; 17 Mar/97; 13 Aug/97.
JOHNSTON, S.T. AND SHIVES, R.B.K., 1995. Interpretation of an airborne multiparameter geophysical survey of the Northern Dawson Range, central Yukon. A progress report. In Yukon Exploration and Geology, 1994. Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, p. 105-111.
JOHNSTON, S.T., 1995. Geological compilation with interpretation from geophysical surveys of the northern Dawson Range, central Yukon. (115J/9 & 10; 115I/12) (1:100 00 scale map). Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Open File 1995-2 (G).
MINERAL INDUSTRY REPORT 1969-70, p. 54-55.
SELBY, D. and NESBITT, B.E., 1998. Biotite chemistry of the Casino Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Occurrence, Dawson Range, Yukon. In: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1997. Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, p. 83-88.
SELBY, D. ET AL., 1999. Major and trace element compositions and Sr-Nd-Pb systematics of crystalline rocks from the Dawson Range, Yukon Canada. In: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 36, p. 1463-1481.
TRANS COLUMBIA EXPLORATION LTD, Sep/70. Assessment Report #061956 by D.R. Cochrane and A.J. Sinclair.
TRANS COLUMBIA EXPLORATION LTD, Jul/70. Assessment Report #019922 by W.R. Newman.
TRANS COLUMBIA EXPLORATION LTD, Sep/72. Assessment Report #019923 by S.L. Sander.
TRANS COLUMBIA EXPLORATION LTD Oct/70. Assessment Report #060227 by S.L. Sander.
WILDROSE RESOURCES LTD ET AL., Feb/2001. Assessment Report #094169 by J.W. Morton.
WILDROSE RESOURCES LTD ET AL., Feb/2002. Assessment Report #094244 by J.W. Morton.
WILDROSE RESOURCES LTD, News Release, 19 Dec/2002; 1 Dec/2003; 3 Mar/2004.
YUKON EXPLORATION AND GEOLOGY 1993, p. 4, 6, 8; 1994 p. 10; 1996 p. 24, 30; 1997 p. 24, 35.
Location Map
Last Updated: Jun 28, 2018
Work History
Year | Work Type | Comment |
2009 | Geochemistry: Soil | Fill-in sampling to cover areas missed previously. |
2008 | Pre-existing Data: Research/Summarize | Aster image survey. |
2005 | Pre-existing Data: Data Compilation | Surveyed drill hole collars and other prominent features. |
2001 | Studies: Pre-feasibility | Company carried out evaluation program on Canadian Creek property, occurrence area received cusory examination. |
1999 | Development, Surface: Access Road | Repairing access roads. |
1999 | Geochemistry: Soil | Also rock sampling. |
1997 | Development, Surface: Access Road | Upgrading road network. |
1997 | Geochemistry: Rock | Also soil sampling. |
1996 | Geochemistry: Rock | Sampling of trenches. |
1996 | Ground Geophysics: IP | |
1996 | Trenching: Mechanical | |
1993 | Development, Surface: Access Road | |
1993 | Geochemistry: Soil | Also rock sampling. |
1993 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1993 | Ground Geophysics: Magnetics | |
1972 | Ground Geophysics: Magnetics | |
1970 | Airborne Geophysics: Gamma-Ray Spectrometry | Also magnetic survey. |
1970 | Geochemistry: Soil | |
1970 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping |
Regional Geology - Terrane
Group: Intermontane
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: Yukon-Tanana
Realm: peri-Laurentian
Regional Geology - Bedrock
Group/Suite: Whitehorse
Formation: Dawson Range
Period Max: Cretaceous
Age Max: 107 MA
Period Min: Cretaceous
Age Min: 94 MA
Rock Major: tonalite
Rock Minor: granite
Reference: Ryan et al. (2013) - GSC CGM 117
Geological Unit (1M): mKW
Geological Unit (250K): mKgW
Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence
Report Number | Year | Title | Worktypes | Holes Drilled | Meters Drilled |
095057 | 2008 | Summary Report of the 2008 Aster Image Program on the Canadian Creek Property | Infrared - Remote Sensing | ||
093144 | 1993 | Geological, Geochemical, Geophysical Report on the Aztec Claims | Interpretation - Airphotography, All Weather Road - Development, Surface, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, IP - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics | ||
019923 | 1972 | Aerial Reconnaissance Report-Trans-Columbia Exploration Ltd.-Covering Aztec Mineral Claims | Cursory Property Visit - Other, Data Compilation - Pre-existing Data | ||
060227 | 1970 | Geochemical Report on the Aztec, Squaw, Tlingits Group Claims and Portion of the New Group Claims | Soil - Geochemistry, Property Evaluation - Other, Prospecting - Other | ||
061956 | 1970 | Geochemical and Petrographic Report on the Aztec, Squaw, Tlingits Group of Claims and a Portion of the New Group Claims | Soil - Geochemistry, Petrographic - Lab Work/Physical Studies, Cursory Property Visit - Other | ||
019922 | 1970 | Geological Report on the Trans Columbia Explorations Ltd. Properties-Casino Area | Data Compilation - Pre-existing Data |
Related References
Number | Title | Page(s) | Document Type |
ARMC012481 | Vertical section I - Trench "C" - Casino - Fig. 3 | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC012482 | Vertical section II - Casino - Fig. 4 | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC012483 | Vertical section III - Casino - FIg. 5 | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC012484 | Plan map of diamond drilling and provisional geology - Casino | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC012485 | Department of mines map - Klotassin River with hand drawn geology markings - Casino | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC012486 | Maps, special release report and report to the shareholders on the Casino and Canadian Creek property, Y.T. | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC012489 | Some remarks concerning the geology of the "Canadian Basin" | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC012479 | Sample location map - Casino geochemical orientation survey - Fig. 1 | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC016557 | Geology map - 115J/10 - Colorado Creek | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC012480 | Comparison of anomaly contrasts for total and cold-extractable Cu on stream sediments - Casino - Fig. 2 | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC012488 | Dispersion of some minor elements in the vicinity of Casino orebody | Report | |
ARMC012478 | Location plan - Casino area claims - 1969 | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC012576 | Correspondence and notes from Reno Gold Mines Ltd. - Canadian Creek and Jack Meloy prospects | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC012477 | Location plan of Aztec No. 1 to 151, Squaw No. 1 to 12, Tlingits No. 1 to 12 mineral claims - Job # 373-69 | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC016558 | Geochemical values total extraction map - 115J/10 - Colorado Creek | Geochemical Map | |
ARMC012487 | Geology and rotary drilling at the Casino deposit | Report |
Citations |