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Occurrence Details

Occurrence Number
115J 025
Occurrence Name
Occurrence Type

General Information

Secondary Commodities: copper
Aliases: Gap
Deposit Type(s): Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au
Location(s): 62.74 N, -138.736940 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 115J10
Location Comments: 1 Kilometres
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No


Work History

Staked as Peg cl 1-16 (Y35914) and cl 19-32 (Y35923) in Jul/69 by H. Fromme and optioned to Glenlyon Mines Ltd, which conducted grid soil sampling later in the year. In Nov/69 Montana Mines Ltd staked Gap cl 1-6 (Y40697) on the southern end of the Peg claim block. The company carried out reconnaissance rock and soil sampling the following year.
Restaked as AXS cl 1-18 (YD17559) in Oct/2009 by Western Copper Corporation. The claims are part of a larger block of 136 AXS claims staked at the same time.

Capsule Geology

The area was regionally mapped in the early 1970's by D. Templeman-Kluit (1974) of the Geological Survey of Canada. S. Johnston of the Canada/Yukon Geoscience Office (now part of the Yukon Geological Survey) and R. Shives of the Geological Survey of Canada (1995) released a geological compilation which covered this area. The geological compilation was constructed and interpreted using geophysical data obtained from airborne multiparameter geophysical surveys flown over the region by the by the Geological Survey of Canada in 1993 and 1994 and by geological mapping conducted by Johnston on adjoining topographic map sheet 115 I/12 in 1992.
Based on Johnston and Shives geological compilation the occurrence area is underlain by the Mid-Cretaceous Dawson Range Batholith. The occurrence is located near the boundary between biotite-hornblende granodiorite and hornblende-biotite diorite phases of the batholith. A small Late Cretaceous quartz-monzonite to aplite intrusion assigned to the Casino Intrusions, a subset of the Prospector Mountain Plutonic Suite intrudes the batholith west of the occurrence. Geological mapping carried out by Glenlyon Mines noted several roof pendants of metasedimentary rocks within the Peg claims. These roof pendants are likely remnants of the underlying Devonian to Mississippian Wolverine Creek Metamorphic suite basement rocks.
Glenlyon Mines staked the claims to explore for porphyry type copper-molybdenum mineralization similar to that found on the neighbouring Casino deposit (Minfile Occurrence #115J 028). Soil sampling carried out by the company outlined a small low-order copper-molybdenum soil anomaly located along the grid baseline at line station L0+00. The highest values recorded were 131 ppm copper and 3 ppm molybdenum. The anomaly was located in the south end of the Peg claim block at the intersection of Peg claims 2, 4 and 19. *Comparing location maps included in assessment report #060220 with more recent topographic maps, it appears that the soil anomaly is actually located on the northwest side of the ridge hosting the occurrence.


GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, 1994b. Airborne Geophysical Survey, Selwyn River - West, Yukon Territory (NTS 115J/10, 11, 14, 15). Open File 2816.

GLENLYON MINES LTD, Aug/70. Assessment Report #060220 by G.G. Carlson.

GORDEY, S.P. AND MAKEPEACE, A.J. 2003: Yukon Digital Geology, version 2.0, S.P. Gordey and A.J. Makepeace (comp); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1749 and Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 2003-9 (D).

JOHNSTON, S.T., 1993. Geological map of Wolverine Creek map area Dawson Range Yukon (115 I/12): Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Open File 1993-3 (G).

JOHNSTON. S.T. AND HACHEY, N., 11993. Preliminary results of 1:50 000 scale geological mapping in Wolverine Creek map area (115 I/12), Dawson Range, southwest Yukon. In: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1992. Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, p. 49-60.

JOHNSTON, S.T. AND SHIVES, R. B. K., 1995. Interpretation of an airborne multiparameter geophysical survey of the northern Dawson Range, central Yukon: A progress report. In: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1994. Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, p. 105-111.

JOHNSTON, S.T. AND SHIVES, R. B. K., 1995. Geological compilation with interpretation from geophysical surveys of the northern Dawson Range, central Yukon (115 J/9 & 10; 115 I/12) (1:100 000 scale map). Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Open File 1995-2.

MINERAL INDUSTRY REPORT 1969-70, p. 53-54.

TEMPLEMAN-Kluit, D.J., 1974. Reconnaissance geology of Aishihik Lake, Snag and part of Stewart River map-areas, west-central Yukon; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 73-41, 97 p. (including preliminary maps 16-1973 (115JK), 17-1973 (115H) and 18-1973 (115N)).

Location Map

Last Updated: Sep 15, 2011

Work History

Year Work Type Comment
1970 Other On Gap claims, reconnaissance scale.
1969 Geochemistry: Soil On Peg claims.
1969 Geology: Bedrock Mapping On Peg claims.

Regional Geology - Terrane

Group: Intermontane
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: Yukon-Tanana
Realm: peri-Laurentian

Regional Geology - Bedrock

Group/Suite: Whitehorse
Formation: Dawson Range
Period Max: Cretaceous
Age Max: 107 MA
Period Min: Cretaceous
Age Min: 94 MA
Rock Major: tonalite
Rock Minor: granite
Reference: Ryan et al. (2013) - GSC CGM 117
Geological Unit (1M): mKW
Geological Unit (250K): mKgW

Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence

Report Number Year Title Worktypes Holes Drilled Meters Drilled
096155 2011 Prospecting, Soil Geochemistry, Airborne Magnetic and Radiometric Surveying, and Airphoto-Orthophoto Surveying on Betty Project Gamma-Ray Spectrometry - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Orthophoto - Airphotography, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Prospecting - Other, Backhoe - Trenching
095057 2008 Summary Report of the 2008 Aster Image Program on the Canadian Creek Property Infrared - Remote Sensing
019767 1970 Geophysical Report on Airborne Magnetic and Airborne Radiometric Surveys Gamma-Ray Spectrometry - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics
060220 1970 Geological and Geochemical Report on the Peg 1-16 and Peg 19-32 Mineral Claims-Dawson Range Area Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Line Cutting - Other
017450 1966 Report on Geochemical Survey-Dip Creek Watershed Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry
019098 1965 Geophysical Report-Cat Claims-Casino Creek Area Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics

Related References

Number Title Page(s) Document Type
ARMC016557 Geology map - 115J/10 - Colorado Creek Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock)
ARMC016558 Geochemical values total extraction map - 115J/10 - Colorado Creek Geochemical Map

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