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Occurrence Details

Occurrence Number
115I 093
Occurrence Name
Eliza S
Occurrence Type
Drilled Prospect

General Information

Secondary Commodities: copper, gold, zinc, molybdenum, silver, lead
Aliases: Goulter
Deposit Type(s): Epithermal Au-Ag-Cu: High Sulphidation
Location(s): 62.079570 N, -137.179870 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 115I03
Location Comments: Location provided by Rockhaven Resources 2019
Hand Samples Available at YGS: Yes


Work History

Staked as Silver Queen cl (12632) in July 1917 by C.P. Mack, who explored with 18.3 m of drifting in 1918-1923. The nearby Newbauer cl (12982) was staked in March 1920 by M. Newbauer, who drove a 3 m long drift later in the year. Mack re-staked the showing in October 1929 as Mack, etc. cl (15476 ), while Orloff King added the adjoining Ptarmigan cl (15729) in October 1932 and Gold Standard cl (15789) in July 1934 and filed 17 m of tunneling on the Gold Standard in 1941.

The Mack claims expired in October 1937 and were re-staked as Mack cl (39134) in May 1939 by C.P. Mack who added six adjoining claims between June 1940 and August 1946. This group was optioned briefly in March 1947 by G.A. Reynolds and C.L. Coleman, was taken to lease in November 1956 and was optioned in May 1972 by Area Exploration Company (Cyprus). Silver Standard Mines Ltd staked YU cl (73506) 1.6 km northeast in July 1958 and explored with mapping and EM surveys in 1958-1959 and later with geochemical sampling and hand trenching.

Re-staked by G. Dickson as Wedge cl 1-15 (YA82167), by M. Muursepp as Bull cl 1-8 (YA81420) and other miscellaneous claims, in 1984. Prochem Ltd. optioned the leased claims and some of the Wedge claims and explored with soil geochemistry, EM-16 surveys and bulldozer trenching in 1985, grid geochemistry and bulldozer trenching in 1986, and 12 holes (822 m) in 1987, and 11 holes (1,219.2 m) in 1988. Bedrock mapping, mechanical trenching, soil geochemistry, and ground magnetics were also performed in 1988. The 1987 and 1988 work was funded by a subsidiary of Prochem's; Aurchem Resources Ltd, which performed additional trenching and soil sampling in 1989.

In 1990, Aurchem built roads, excavated 12 trenches on the Eliza Creek zone and conducted magnetometer and IP surveys. Two hundred soil samples were collected from the Eliza Creek zone and 7 drums of vein material were collected for metallurgical testing.

In 1991, Aurchem expanded the soil grid and completed property wide geological mappings, IP/Resistivity and VLF-EM surveys and target specific magnetometer surveys. All previous exploration results, including soil sample locations, were compiled on a new compilation map. The new survey grid, three trenches were completed and 300 soil samples were collected.

Aurchem added JBF cl 1-7 ((fractional) YB362590) and Jon-Wedge cl 1-6 (YB35895) in August 1992 and explored with 3,384.8 m of reverse circulation drilling in 32 holes in July and August, 1992. In July 1993, the Wedge cl 1-4 and 16-17 were transferred to J. Dickson from the estate of G. Dickson. In 1993, Aurchem conducted IP/resistivity and magnetic surveys, geological mapping and soil geochemistry on the Ras, Wedge, Jon-Wedge, JLZ, and JBF claims.

In March 1995, the Wedge claims were transferred to Aurchem Exploration Ltd. In early 1996, BYG obtained an option to purchase all of Aurchem's claims located in the Mt Nansen area. As part of this agreement BYG funded an extensive trenching and mapping program from August to October 96, on the Bull 2, JBF 1-f, Jon-Wedge 3 and LCGS 1 claims. BYG encountered financial difficulties at the end of 1996 and suspended most exploration activities.

In February 1999, BYG announced plans to temporarily shut down the Mount Nansen Mine. In March 1999, BYG was placed in receivership and the Nansen mine became a Type II Minesite. The Wedge, Etzel and Bull claims reverted to Aurchem after the federal government took over maintenance of the adjoining Mount Nansen mine site in July 1999.

In 2009, 101073531 Saskatchewan Corp. flew a regional airborne and magnetic survey that included the Eliza S occurrence. In 2011, Ansell Capital Corp optioned the Discovery Creek property, including the Eliza S occurrence, from Aurchem Exploration. Ansell Capital carried out bedrock mapping as well as rock and soil geochemistry in 2011

Regional & Property

The occurrence is located in the Dawson Range within Yukon-Tanana Terrane (YTT). The rocks of the YTT in this region consist of Early Mississipian metamorphic rocks separated into meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous suites (Stroshein, 1998). The meta-sedimentary suite consists of micaceous quartz-feldspar gneiss, schist and quartzite of the Nasina Assemblage. The meta-igneous package is comprised of biotite-hornblende feldspar gneiss and coarse-grained granodiorite orthogneiss with lesser amphibolite.

Four rock types dominate the geology surrounding the occurrence and are comprised of:
1. Paleozoic metamorphic Yukon-Tanana gneiss, quartzite, and amphibolite to the south;
2. Triassic to Jurassic metamorphosed alkali-feldspar-rich plutonic suites;
3. Mid-Cretaceous Mount Nansen Suite andesite, felsic lapilli tuffs, basaltic to latite volcanic rocks; and quartz feldspar porphyry, dacite, latite, and quartz monzonite porphyritic hypabyssal rocks; and
4. Mid-Cretaceous Whitehorse granodiorite.
A porphyry copper-molybdenum complex (MINFILE occurrence 115I 066) is found in the northeast section of the claims, with argillic and propylitic alteration haloes covering the remainder. The porphyry complex occurs at the intersection between a major northwest structure and an east-west fault. Copper and molybdenum ± gold and silver occur in a porphyry stock and phyllic-altered granodiorite. Surface leaching and oxidation is variable, but can reach considerable depths. A steeply dipping, northwest-striking epithermal vein system which formed peripheral to the porphyry migrated inward during cooling and collapsed, creating a complex system of overlapping mineralization including: porphyry Cu-Mo-Au-Ag; northwest striking mesothermal quartz-pyrite-gold veins; and northwest striking epithermal quartz-Au-Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu veins.

The Eliza S showing consists of two main epithermal veins over a 914 strike length along the edge of a volcanic-granodiorite contact.  

Mineralization & Results

Mineralization at the Eliza S prospect consists of pyrite with lesser galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite in quartz ± carbonate veins.

Drilling in 1987 and 1988 by Aurchem returned anomalous gold and silver values ranging from 0.3 to 17.1 g/t Au and 10.3 to 2742.8 g/t Ag. Trenching results from 1989 returned assays up to 0.058 oz/ton Au over 11 feet including 2 feet of 0.04 oz/ton Au, 1.56 oz/ton Ag, 2.12% Pb, and 0.19% Zn. Other trenching samples returned 3 m of 1.0 g/t Au and 7.9 m of 3.4 g/t Au. Soil sampling returned assays of >50 ppm Au, 1-2 ppm Ag, and >120 ppm Pb.
In 2011, Ansell Capital performed soil sampling with the best sample returning 1377.5 ppb Au, 23.6 ppm Ag, 4783.7 ppm Pb and 859 ppm Zn.

Location Map

Last Updated: Mar 12, 2024

Work History

Year Work Type Comment
2023 Geochemistry: Rock
2023 Geochemistry: Soil
2023 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics
2011 Geochemistry: Rock
2011 Geochemistry: Soil
2011 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
2009 Airborne Geophysics: Electromagnetic
2009 Airborne Geophysics: Magnetic
2003 Geochemistry: Soil
1997 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1996 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1996 Trenching: Mechanical
1994 Drilling: Percussion Twenty-seven holes, 3,855 m. Includes drilling on Eliza Creek extension.
1993 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Also IP, and resistivity surveys.
1992 Drilling: Reverse Circulation
1992 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1992 Ground Geophysics: IP Also resistivity, and VLF-EM surveys.
1991 Ground Geophysics: IP I.P., VLF-EM and magnetometer surveys.
1991 Geochemistry: Soil
1991 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1991 Trenching: Mechanical
1990 Ground Geophysics: IP Also magnetic survey.
1990 Geochemistry: Soil
1990 Trenching: Mechanical
1989 Geochemistry: Soil
1989 Trenching: Mechanical
1988 Drilling: Diamond Eleven holes, 1,219 m.
1988 Geochemistry: Soil
1988 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1988 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics
1988 Trenching: Mechanical
1987 Drilling: Diamond Twelve holes, 822 m.
1986 Geochemistry: Soil
1986 Trenching: Mechanical
1986 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1986 Ground Geophysics: EM
1985 Geochemistry: Soil
1985 Ground Geophysics: EM EM-16 survey.
1985 Trenching: Mechanical
1985 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1985 Other: Prospecting
1962 Geochemistry: Soil
1962 Trenching
1959 Ground Geophysics: EM
1959 Trenching: Hand
1958 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1941 Development, Underground: Drifting/Raising 17 m of drifting by M. Neubauer.
1923 Development, Underground: Drifting/Raising Completed 18.28 m of drifting between 1918 and 1923.

Regional Geology - Terrane

Group: Intermontane
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: Yukon-Tanana
Realm: peri-Laurentian

Regional Geology - Bedrock

Group/Suite: Mount Nansen
Period Max: Cretaceous
Age Max: 110 MA
Period Min: Cretaceous
Age Min: 90 MA
Rock Major: andesite/dacite/breccia/tuffs/rhyolite/porphyry/plugs/dykes/sills
Rock Minor:
Reference: Tempelman-Kluit (1984) - GSC OF 1101
Geological Unit (1M): mKN
Geological Unit (250K): mKN

Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence

Report Number Year Title Worktypes Holes Drilled Meters Drilled
095471 2011 Summary Report on the 2011 Reconnaissance Mapping and Soil Geochemistry Program Rock - Geochemistry, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology
095089 2009 Report on a Geophysical Survey on the Mount Nansen Property and the Tawa Property Electromagnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics
093138 1993 Report on a Soil Geochemical Survey Carried out on the Discovery Creek Property on Claims of: Wedge, Jbf, Jon-Wedge, Lcgs Soil - Geochemistry, Line Cutting - Other
093059 1992 Report on the Reverse Circulation Drilling With Assays Carried out on the Discovery Creek Property on Claims of: Wedge, Bull , Ras, Ras Reverse Circulation - Drilling 32 3384.80
092987 1991 Report Magnetic and IP Surveys Discovery Creek Project Soil - Geochemistry, Regional Bedrock Mapping - Geology, IP - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Mechanical - Trenching
092701 1989 Report on the Geology and Mineral Inventory of the Mt. Nansen and Tawa Properties With Assessment of the Economic Potential for Open Pit Mining of Oxidized Mineralization in the Brown-McDade Zone Data Compilation - Pre-existing Data, Resource Estimate - Studies
092588 1988 1988 Diamond Drill and Exploration Program - Discovery Creek Project Diamond - Drilling, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Mechanical - Trenching 15 1219.20
091958 1987 1987 Diamond Drill Program Carried out on Wedge, Ras, Lgcs, and Msl Claims Diamond - Drilling 16 821.74
091845 1986 Geological, Geophysical, Geochemical and General Exploration Including Trenching was Carried out on Wedge, Ras, Lgsc, and Msl Claims Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, EM - Ground Geophysics, Line Cutting - Other, Hand - Trenching
092153 1986 Geological, Geophysical, Geochemical and General Exploration Including Trenching was Carried out on Wedge, Ras, Lgcs, and Msl Claims Interpretation - Airphotography, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, EM - Ground Geophysics, Metallurgical Tests - Lab Work/Physical Studies, Petrographic - Lab Work/Physical Studies, Line Cutting - Other, Mechanical - Trenching
091658 1985 Geological, Geophysical, and Geochemical Exploration Work Carried out on Wedge 5-10,15 Interpretation - Airphotography, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, EM - Ground Geophysics, Prospecting - Other, Mechanical - Trenching
062230 1966 Preliminary Feasibility Report Development and Mining Operations at the Mount Nansen Properties Pre-feasibility - Studies
060738 1959 Report on the Reconnaissance Electromagnetic Survey in the Nansen Creek Area, Yukon Territory - Silver Standard Group, Brown McDade Group EM - Ground Geophysics
019091 1958 Geology of Nansen Creek Area Claims Silver Standard Mines Ltd. Bedrock Mapping - Geology
092059 1958 Report on Geology of Nansen Creek Area Claims Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology

Related References

Number Title Page(s) Document Type
ARMC006793 Correspondence Re: Discovery Creek project, Mount Nansen Miscellaneous Company Documents
YEG1998_20 A summary report on the geology of the Brown-McDade gold-silver deposit, Mount Nansen mine area, Yukon Annual Report Paper
YEG1997_14 Geology and mineral deposits of the Mount Nansen camp, Yukon Annual Report Paper
1999-1(D) Yukon Digital Geology Open File (Geological - Bedrock)

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