General Information
Primary Commodities: coal
Deposit Type(s): Coal
Location(s): 61.345830 N, -136.090830 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 115H08
Location Comments: .5 Kilometres
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No
Work History
Staked as coal leases 8176 and 8177 in Jul/03 by John Quinn and H.E. Porter and examined by the Geological Survey of Canada in 1907.
Acquired in Apr/70 as part of Coal Exploration Licence No. 10 by Arjay Kirker Resources Ltd for Teslin Exploration Ltd, which conducted limited bulldozer trenching, road construction, sampling and a test IP survey in 1970 and 1971, drilled 6 holes (1 047.0 m) and conducted further limited trenching in 1972.
The property was staked as two coal leases (2960 and 2962) in Dec/73 and these were transferred to Braeburn Coal Ltd in May/76.
Reacquired as coal exploration licences Y416 and Y417 in Apr/89 by All-North Resources Ltd and by the W4 Joint Venture (Y434 and Y435) in Apr/90. W4 Joint Venture performed trenching and mapping in 1990 and 1991 and a 1972 trench exposure was sampled in detail and analyzed by the Geological Survey of Canada. A 1991 excavator trench testing for a strike extension of the Cairnes seam failed to reach bedrock.
In Dec/92, the coal licences were transferred to Cash Resources Ltd, which explored with 16 diamond drill holes totaling 1 826 m in 1993. The drill core was tested for coal bed methane potential by the Geological Survey of Canada in Aug/93.
In 1994 Cash Resources completed extensive trenching and drilled 23 diamond drill holes totaling 4 054 m. In Mar/95 the company was granted a 100% interest in an additional 18 Coal Exploration Licenses following which the company announced a $ 3.5 million diamond drill and excavator trenching exploration program. The company also initiated environmental, archeological and sociological studies in preparation for permitting. In the spring of 1995 Cash Resources approached the Yukon Territorial Government with a plan to build a mine mouth coal fired electrical generation plant on the property.
During the 1995 field season Cash Resources drilled 9 diamond drill holes (1 980 m) and carried out extensive excavator trenching and environmental surveys on the property. In 1997 the company drilled 10 diamond drill holes (1 667 m) and dug 21 excavator trenches (2 695m). In 1998 the company continued excavator trenching, and in Nov/98 entered into an option agreement with Usibelli Coal Mine Inc of Healy, Alaska allowing the company to acquire a 50% interest in the project subject to certain work conditions. In Mar/99 Usibelli funded 8 hole reverse circulation drill holes (614.5 m), excavator trenching and down-hole geophysical logging of 3 holes. In May/99 Usibelli dropped its option on the property due to low world prices for thermal coal.
Cash Resources changed its name to Cash Minerals Ltd in May/2001.
Cash Minerals received a positive scoping study dated April 13, 2005, that supported the potential for economic development of an open pit coal mine.
Capsule Geology
Over 30 coal seams occur within a 400 m sandstone and shale interval which forms part of the Lower to Middle Jurassic Laberge Group. The coal reserves are concentrated in a 50 m interval in the uppermost member of the Tanglefoot formation, approximately 210 to 240 m stratigraphically below the base of the Tantalus Formation (Allen, 2000). The best potential to date lies in the Cairnes seam which has an average thickness of 12.5 m and extends for a minimum of 1 500 m along strike. Teslin Exploration discovered another coal exposure on Red Ridge (Minfile Occurrence # 115H 012), 5 km to the northwest and 244 m stratigraphically below the base of the Tantalus Formation.
The main Cairnes seam occurs near the base of the sequence, on the northeast limb of a northwest-trending syncline. Where exposed in a surface trench it is 15.6 m thick and contains two partings, 92 and 54 cm thick. Drilling in 1972 showed that a 2 m thick coal seam occurs in the footwall 7.5 m stratigraphically below the Cairnes seam, and at least 27 other seams, ranging in thickness from 0.2 to 2.5 m, lie stratigraphically above it. The hanging wall seams appear to be less continuous than the Cairnes and footwall seams, but aggregate thickness of all the seams wider than 1.0 m is 10.4 m.
Analyses, petrologic and geochemical studies by the Geological Survey of Canada in 1972, show that the Cairnes seam has an ASTM rank of High Volatile Bituminous B and a caloric value of about 31 401 kJ/kg (13 500 BTU/lb). Weighted ash content for the seam exclusive of major partings is 21.8%. Sulphur content is 0.3% and trace element contents are very low (0.6 ppm Se; 0.5 ppm Sb; 3.0 ppm As). Potential for coal bed methane is indicated by a high proportion of spores, cuticular plant matter, resins and waxes, and a high volatile rank. However, Beaton et al. (1992) suggested the coal bed methane potential is low based on Rock-Eval pyrolysis.
Drilling in 1993, outlined measured open-pitable reserves of 2 600 000 tonnes with a stripping ratio of 10 bank cubic metres per tonne of coal, indicated underground reserves of 2.9 million tonnes and inferred underground reserves of 5.7 million tonnes, for a total of 11.2 million tonnes. The seams are open at depth and along strike. The first eleven, 1993 drill holes outlined a zone of high volatile bituminous B coal which averaged 26.2% ash, 26.7% volatiles, 44.6% fixed carbon, 0.47% sulphur and a calorific value of 5476 cal/g (9779 BTU/lb).
The 1994 drill program increased total reserves to 31.7 million tonnes of high Volatile Bituminous "B" coal. The 18 new coal licenses gave Cash Resources rights to a large area which contains a number of other coal occurrences associated with the same sedimentary units that host the Division Mountain coal. In May/95 the company announced that a preliminary eight hole, 2 000 m diamond drill and excavator trenching program had extended the known coal measure for an additional strike length of 6.5 km. Total reserves in all categories were increased to 45 million tonnes of high Volatile Bituminous "B" coal. The 1997, 98 and 99 work programs concentrated on expanding known reserves on the property. At the end of 1998 Cash Resources estimated total reserves at 52 900 000 tonnes with a stripping ratio of 3.5:1 bank cubic metres of waste per tonne of raw coal. Usibelli agreed with Cash's reserve numbers, but suggested that the economically mineable reserve might be less and based on geotechnical observations they made in 1999, they recalculated the mineable reserves as 17 236 510 tonnes.
ALLEN, T.L., 2000. An evaluation of coal-bearing strata at Division Mountain (115H/8 east-half, 105E/5 west-half), south-central Yukon. In: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1999, D.S. Emond and L.H. Weston (eds.), Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, p. 177-198.
ALLEN, T.L., AND WESTON, L.H., 2001. Preliminary map of Division Mountain area (NTS 105E/5 W1/2 & 115H/8 E1/2), central Yukon. Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Open File 2001-3.
ARJAY KIRKER RESOURCES LTD, Jan/73. Assessment Report #019790 by M.P. Phillips.
ARJAY KIRKER RESOURCES LTD, 1973. Assessment Report *#061169 by M.P. Phillips.
AURUM GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS INC., 1994. Yukon Coal Inventory 1994. Energy and Mines Branch, Economic Development, Yukon Territorial Government, 169 p.
BEATON, A.P., CAMERON, A.R., AND GOODARZI, F., 1992. Petrography, geochemistry and utilization potential of the Division Mountain coal occurrence, Yukon Territory. In: Current Research, Part E, Geological Survey of Canada Paper 92-1E, p. 23-32.
CAIRNES, D.D., 1910. Lewes and Nordenskiold Rivers Coal District, Yukon Territory. Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 5, 70 p.
CASH RESOURCES LTD, News Release, 8 Mar/95; 11 May/95; 12 May/97; 22 Oct/97; 31 Mar/99; 4 May/99; 13 May/99; 31 Mar/05; 18 Apr/05
CASH RESOURCES LTD, Apr/95. Assessment Report #093307 by R.F. Gish.
CASH RESOURCES LTD, Aug/96. Assessment Report #093508 by R.F. Gish.
CASH RESOURCES LTD, May/98. Assessment Report #093824 by R.F. Gish.
CASH RESOURCES LTD, Apr/2000. Assessment Report #094129 by R.F. Gish.
GEORGE CROSS NEWSLETTER, 27 Aug/93; 22 Oct/93; 17 May/95; 7 Feb/96; 15 Apr/96; 31 Oct/97.
NORTHERN MINER, 6 Mar/95; 10 Apr/95.
TESLIN EXPLORATIONS LTD, 17 Jan/72. Brief submitted to Yukon Territory Water Board Hearing, Whitehorse.
TESLIN EXPLORATIONS LTD, Aug/70. Assessment Report #060584 by R.J. Kirker.
W4 JOINT VENTURE, 1990. Assessment Report *#092937 by R.C. Carne.
W4 JOINT VENTURE, Apr/91. Assessment Report #092970 by R.C. Carne.
W4 JOINT VENTURE, Apr/92. Assessment Report #093032 by R.C. Carne.
WHITEHORSE STAR, 30 Sep/71; 25 Aug/72; 19 Jan/73; 25 Nov/93; 10 Mar/95; 15 May/95; 31 May/95.
YUKON EXPLORATION & GEOLOGY 1994, p. 5-6. 1995, p. 15-16. 1997, p. 32-33, 35, 38. 1998, p. 25, 27. 1999, p. 26, 29, 31, 177-198.
Staked as coal leases 8176 and 8177 in Jul/03 by John Quinn and H.E. Porter and examined by the Geological Survey of Canada in 1907.
Acquired in Apr/70 as part of Coal Exploration Licence No. 10 by Arjay Kirker Resources Ltd for Teslin Exploration Ltd, which conducted limited bulldozer trenching, road construction, sampling and a test IP survey in 1970 and 1971, drilled 6 holes (1 047.0 m) and conducted further limited trenching in 1972.
The property was staked as two coal leases (2960 and 2962) in Dec/73 and these were transferred to Braeburn Coal Ltd in May/76.
Reacquired as coal exploration licences Y416 and Y417 in Apr/89 by All-North Resources Ltd and by the W4 Joint Venture (Y434 and Y435) in Apr/90. W4 Joint Venture performed trenching and mapping in 1990 and 1991 and a 1972 trench exposure was sampled in detail and analyzed by the Geological Survey of Canada. A 1991 excavator trench testing for a strike extension of the Cairnes seam failed to reach bedrock.
In Dec/92, the coal licences were transferred to Cash Resources Ltd, which explored with 16 diamond drill holes totaling 1 826 m in 1993. The drill core was tested for coal bed methane potential by the Geological Survey of Canada in Aug/93.
In 1994 Cash Resources completed extensive trenching and drilled 23 diamond drill holes totaling 4 054 m. In Mar/95 the company was granted a 100% interest in an additional 18 Coal Exploration Licenses following which the company announced a $ 3.5 million diamond drill and excavator trenching exploration program. The company also initiated environmental, archeological and sociological studies in preparation for permitting. In the spring of 1995 Cash Resources approached the Yukon Territorial Government with a plan to build a mine mouth coal fired electrical generation plant on the property.
During the 1995 field season Cash Resources drilled 9 diamond drill holes (1 980 m) and carried out extensive excavator trenching and environmental surveys on the property. In 1997 the company drilled 10 diamond drill holes (1 667 m) and dug 21 excavator trenches (2 695m). In 1998 the company continued excavator trenching, and in Nov/98 entered into an option agreement with Usibelli Coal Mine Inc of Healy, Alaska allowing the company to acquire a 50% interest in the project subject to certain work conditions. In Mar/99 Usibelli funded 8 hole reverse circulation drill holes (614.5 m), excavator trenching and down-hole geophysical logging of 3 holes. In May/99 Usibelli dropped its option on the property due to low world prices for thermal coal.
Cash Resources changed its name to Cash Minerals Ltd in May/2001.
Cash Minerals received a positive scoping study dated April 13, 2005, that supported the potential for economic development of an open pit coal mine.
Capsule Geology
Over 30 coal seams occur within a 400 m sandstone and shale interval which forms part of the Lower to Middle Jurassic Laberge Group. The coal reserves are concentrated in a 50 m interval in the uppermost member of the Tanglefoot formation, approximately 210 to 240 m stratigraphically below the base of the Tantalus Formation (Allen, 2000). The best potential to date lies in the Cairnes seam which has an average thickness of 12.5 m and extends for a minimum of 1 500 m along strike. Teslin Exploration discovered another coal exposure on Red Ridge (Minfile Occurrence # 115H 012), 5 km to the northwest and 244 m stratigraphically below the base of the Tantalus Formation.
The main Cairnes seam occurs near the base of the sequence, on the northeast limb of a northwest-trending syncline. Where exposed in a surface trench it is 15.6 m thick and contains two partings, 92 and 54 cm thick. Drilling in 1972 showed that a 2 m thick coal seam occurs in the footwall 7.5 m stratigraphically below the Cairnes seam, and at least 27 other seams, ranging in thickness from 0.2 to 2.5 m, lie stratigraphically above it. The hanging wall seams appear to be less continuous than the Cairnes and footwall seams, but aggregate thickness of all the seams wider than 1.0 m is 10.4 m.
Analyses, petrologic and geochemical studies by the Geological Survey of Canada in 1972, show that the Cairnes seam has an ASTM rank of High Volatile Bituminous B and a caloric value of about 31 401 kJ/kg (13 500 BTU/lb). Weighted ash content for the seam exclusive of major partings is 21.8%. Sulphur content is 0.3% and trace element contents are very low (0.6 ppm Se; 0.5 ppm Sb; 3.0 ppm As). Potential for coal bed methane is indicated by a high proportion of spores, cuticular plant matter, resins and waxes, and a high volatile rank. However, Beaton et al. (1992) suggested the coal bed methane potential is low based on Rock-Eval pyrolysis.
Drilling in 1993, outlined measured open-pitable reserves of 2 600 000 tonnes with a stripping ratio of 10 bank cubic metres per tonne of coal, indicated underground reserves of 2.9 million tonnes and inferred underground reserves of 5.7 million tonnes, for a total of 11.2 million tonnes. The seams are open at depth and along strike. The first eleven, 1993 drill holes outlined a zone of high volatile bituminous B coal which averaged 26.2% ash, 26.7% volatiles, 44.6% fixed carbon, 0.47% sulphur and a calorific value of 5476 cal/g (9779 BTU/lb).
The 1994 drill program increased total reserves to 31.7 million tonnes of high Volatile Bituminous "B" coal. The 18 new coal licenses gave Cash Resources rights to a large area which contains a number of other coal occurrences associated with the same sedimentary units that host the Division Mountain coal. In May/95 the company announced that a preliminary eight hole, 2 000 m diamond drill and excavator trenching program had extended the known coal measure for an additional strike length of 6.5 km. Total reserves in all categories were increased to 45 million tonnes of high Volatile Bituminous "B" coal. The 1997, 98 and 99 work programs concentrated on expanding known reserves on the property. At the end of 1998 Cash Resources estimated total reserves at 52 900 000 tonnes with a stripping ratio of 3.5:1 bank cubic metres of waste per tonne of raw coal. Usibelli agreed with Cash's reserve numbers, but suggested that the economically mineable reserve might be less and based on geotechnical observations they made in 1999, they recalculated the mineable reserves as 17 236 510 tonnes.
ALLEN, T.L., 2000. An evaluation of coal-bearing strata at Division Mountain (115H/8 east-half, 105E/5 west-half), south-central Yukon. In: Yukon Exploration and Geology 1999, D.S. Emond and L.H. Weston (eds.), Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, p. 177-198.
ALLEN, T.L., AND WESTON, L.H., 2001. Preliminary map of Division Mountain area (NTS 105E/5 W1/2 & 115H/8 E1/2), central Yukon. Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Open File 2001-3.
ARJAY KIRKER RESOURCES LTD, Jan/73. Assessment Report #019790 by M.P. Phillips.
ARJAY KIRKER RESOURCES LTD, 1973. Assessment Report *#061169 by M.P. Phillips.
AURUM GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS INC., 1994. Yukon Coal Inventory 1994. Energy and Mines Branch, Economic Development, Yukon Territorial Government, 169 p.
BEATON, A.P., CAMERON, A.R., AND GOODARZI, F., 1992. Petrography, geochemistry and utilization potential of the Division Mountain coal occurrence, Yukon Territory. In: Current Research, Part E, Geological Survey of Canada Paper 92-1E, p. 23-32.
CAIRNES, D.D., 1910. Lewes and Nordenskiold Rivers Coal District, Yukon Territory. Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 5, 70 p.
CASH RESOURCES LTD, News Release, 8 Mar/95; 11 May/95; 12 May/97; 22 Oct/97; 31 Mar/99; 4 May/99; 13 May/99; 31 Mar/05; 18 Apr/05
CASH RESOURCES LTD, Apr/95. Assessment Report #093307 by R.F. Gish.
CASH RESOURCES LTD, Aug/96. Assessment Report #093508 by R.F. Gish.
CASH RESOURCES LTD, May/98. Assessment Report #093824 by R.F. Gish.
CASH RESOURCES LTD, Apr/2000. Assessment Report #094129 by R.F. Gish.
GEORGE CROSS NEWSLETTER, 27 Aug/93; 22 Oct/93; 17 May/95; 7 Feb/96; 15 Apr/96; 31 Oct/97.
NORTHERN MINER, 6 Mar/95; 10 Apr/95.
TESLIN EXPLORATIONS LTD, 17 Jan/72. Brief submitted to Yukon Territory Water Board Hearing, Whitehorse.
TESLIN EXPLORATIONS LTD, Aug/70. Assessment Report #060584 by R.J. Kirker.
W4 JOINT VENTURE, 1990. Assessment Report *#092937 by R.C. Carne.
W4 JOINT VENTURE, Apr/91. Assessment Report #092970 by R.C. Carne.
W4 JOINT VENTURE, Apr/92. Assessment Report #093032 by R.C. Carne.
WHITEHORSE STAR, 30 Sep/71; 25 Aug/72; 19 Jan/73; 25 Nov/93; 10 Mar/95; 15 May/95; 31 May/95.
YUKON EXPLORATION & GEOLOGY 1994, p. 5-6. 1995, p. 15-16. 1997, p. 32-33, 35, 38. 1998, p. 25, 27. 1999, p. 26, 29, 31, 177-198.
Location Map
Last Updated: Jul 16, 2018
Work History
Year | Work Type | Comment |
1999 | Drilling: Reverse Circulation | Number of holes drilled: 8 Amount of work done: 614.5 METRES |
1999 | Ground Geophysics: Downhole Survey | |
1999 | Trenching: Mechanical | |
1998 | Trenching: Mechanical | |
1997 | Drilling: Diamond | Ten holes, 1,667 m. |
1997 | Trenching: Mechanical | |
1995 | Drilling: Diamond | Nine holes, 1,980 m. |
1995 | Studies: Environmental Assessment/Impact | |
1995 | Trenching: Mechanical | |
1994 | Drilling: Diamond | Twenty-three holes, 4,054 m. |
1994 | Trenching | |
1993 | Drilling: Diamond | Sixteen holes, 1,826 m. |
1990 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1990 | Trenching | |
1972 | Drilling: Diamond | Six holes, 1,047 m. |
1972 | Trenching: Mechanical | |
1971 | Geochemistry: Rock | |
1971 | Ground Geophysics: IP | |
1970 | Development, Surface: Access Road | |
1970 | Geochemistry: Rock | |
1970 | Ground Geophysics: IP | |
1970 | Trenching: Mechanical |
Regional Geology - Terrane
Group: Intermontane
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: Stikinia
Realm: peri-Laurentian
Regional Geology - Bedrock
Formation: Tantalus
Period Max: Jurassic
Age Max: 171 MA
Period Min: Cretaceous
Age Min: 125 MA
Rock Major: conglomerate/sandstone
Rock Minor:
Reference: Colpron (2011) - YGS GM 2011-1
Geological Unit (1M): JKT
Geological Unit (250K): JKT
Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence
Report Number | Year | Title | Worktypes | Holes Drilled | Meters Drilled |
097188 | 2017 | NI43-101 Technical Report on the Division Mountain Coal Property and Related Exploration Licences, Yukon Territory, Canada | Data Compilation - Pre-existing Data | ||
097196 | 2017 | Report on Preliminary Reconnaissance of Coal Exploration Licence Areas in the Whitehorse Trough, North-Central Yukon, 2017 | Property Evaluation - Other | ||
093824 | 1997 | 1997 Final Report | Diamond - Drilling, Backhoe - Trenching | 10 | 1667 |
093508 | 1995 | Assessment Report 1995 Field Work | Diamond - Drilling, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Backhoe - Trenching | 9 | 1979.70 |
093307 | 1994 | 1994 Final Report | Diamond - Drilling, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, EM - Ground Geophysics, Seismic - Ground Geophysics, Line Cutting - Other, Environmental Assessment/Impact - Studies, Mechanical - Trenching | 23 | 4054 |
095317 | 1993 | 1993 Final Report on the Division Mountain Coal Property | Diamond - Drilling, EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Line Cutting - Other | 16 | 1810.50 |
093032 | 1991 | Summary Report on the Division Mountain Coal Project, Southern Yukon for W4 Joint Venture on Coal Exploration Licenses Y434 and Y435 | Regional Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Prospecting - Other, Mechanical - Trenching | ||
092937 | 1990 | Summary Report on the Division Mountain Coal Prospect Southern Yukon for W4 Joint Venture | Research/Summarize - Pre-existing Data | ||
019790 | 1972 | Report on 1972 Diamond Drilling and Trenching Program | Diamond - Drilling, Mechanical - Trenching | 6 | 1047 |
019920 | 1971 | 1971 Report on Explorations for Coal in the Carmacks and Nordenskiold Areas | All Weather Road - Development, Surface, Rock - Geochemistry, IP - Ground Geophysics, Prospecting - Other | ||
060582 | 1971 | [Report on Explorations in Nordenskiold and Carmacks Area] | Diamond - Drilling, Rock - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology | 1 | 94.50 |
060897 | 1970 | Exploration Activities of Norman H. Ursel Associates Ltd. | Rock - Geochemistry, Gamma-ray Spectrometry - Ground Geophysics, Prospecting - Other, Handblast - Trenching | ||
060584 | 1970 | Nordenskiold Coal Area Yukon Territory | Hydraulic - Trenching |
Related References
Number | Title | Page(s) | Document Type |
ARMC006612 | Correspondence Re: Nordenskiold coal area - Division Mountain | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC016652 | Geochemical map - 115H/8 - Vowel Mountain | Geochemical Map |
Citations |
Drill Core at YGS Core Library
Number | Property | Year Drilled | Core Size | Photos | Data |
97-60 | Division Mountain | 1997 | HQ | 4 | 1 |
72-01 | Division Mountain | 1972 | HQ | 0 | 2 |
72-02 | Division Mountain | 1972 | HQ | 16 | 2 |
72-03 | Division Mountain | 1972 | HQ | 26 | 2 |
72-04 | Division Mountain | 1972 | HQ | 4 | 1 |
72-05 | Division Mountain | 1972 | HQ-NQ | 0 | 2 |
72-06 | Division Mountain | 1972 | NQ | 16 | 2 |
DDH-1 | Teslin | 1971 | NQ | 0 | 1 |