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Occurrence Details

Occurrence Number
106C 082
Occurrence Name
Occurrence Type
Drilled Prospect

General Information

Secondary Commodities: barite, copper, zinc, lead, silver, gold
Aliases: Cooker, Rod
Deposit Type(s): Sediment hosted Mississippi Valley-Type Pb-Zn (MVT)
Location(s): 64.176670 N, -133.851110 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 106C04
Location Comments: Appears to represent general area of 4, 1979 drill holes (holes 1-4).
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No
Last Reviewed: Mar 10, 2017


Last Updated: Mar 10, 2017

Staked as Cooker cl 1-96 (YA13059) in Oct/76 by McIntyre Mines Ltd which carried out minor hand trenching and reconnaissance prospecting, soil and silt sampling programs during the year.  The company optioned the claims to Edina International Ltd in 1977.  The company carried out a soil sampling program over the norther portion of the claim group and conducted reconnaissance geological mapping, hand trenching and rock sampling over areas containing previously discovered lead-zinc and silver mineralization.
In 1978 Edina International carried out magnetic and electromagnetic surveys over the claims followed by g 6 diamond drill holes (391 m) in 1979.
D.M. O'Neill staked Nika cl 1-8 (YA77761) 3 km to the northeast in Aug/85 and performed mapping and prospecting in 1986.
Restaked within Rod cl 61-148 (YD71951) in Sep/2010 by Strategic Metals Ltd. The claims are part of a larger group of Rod claims (~890 claims) and are part of Strategic Metals larger Midas Touch project. In 2011 the company grid soil sampled an area located approximately 2 km to the northeast and collected an east-west trending line of reconnaissance soil samples approximately 170 m north of the assumed occurrence location. No other work appears to have been carried in the vicinity of this occurrence. 

The area is located approximately 110 km northeast of the town of Mayo and 6 km north of Mount Mervyn in east-central Yukon. Access to the occurrence area is by float plane to McQuesten Lake located approximately 70 km to the west and then helicoptering to the property or utilizing aircraft to ATAC Resources Rau airstrip located to the west and then employing a helicopter.
The area was geologically mapped in the early 1970’s by S Blusson of the Geological Survey of Canada (1974 – 1:250 000 scale) as part of Operation Stewart. Blusson’s maps were used by most geologists and exploration companies until 2010 when the Yukon Geological Survey initiated the Rackla Belt project to better understand the geology of the area, following the discovery of Carlin-type gold mineralization on ATAC Resources’ Rackla Gold Project located to the north. J. Chakungal and V. Bennett of the Yukon Geological Survey (YGS) initially re-mapped topographic map sheet 106C 04 in 2010 but left the survey the following spring. M. Colpron continued the project by mapping topographic map sheet 106C 03 in 2011. In 2012 Colpron et al. mapped topographic map sheets 106C 02 and 01 and published a structural and stratigraphic compilation of topographic map sheets 106C 1-4 and 106D 01 in 2013. The 2013 compilation included an updated version of topographic map sheet 106C 04.
The occurrence area is located at the northern boundary of the Selwyn Basin. Colpron’s map (106C 04) shows that the actual occurrence location is in the hanging wall of the Dawson Thrust. The fault separates Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) to Lower Cambrian siliciclastic and carbonates to the south from younger Upper Devonian to Lower Mississippian Earn Group clastic rocks to the north. The actual occurrence site is underlain by Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) Hyland Group Algae Formation limestone and shales.
     *Information regarding the Edina occurrence (i.e. this occurrence) is very scarce. Most of the data has either never been filed for assessment or lost over time. Of the two assessment reports available (assessment reports # #090315 and 091295) neither contains accurate locational data other than a general maps of the claim block and soil grid. The drill records (assessment report #091295) contains grid co-ordinates but no actual location map. Using the soil grid map enclosed in assessment report #090315 and the enclosed geochemical results maps for lead, zinc and silver, one can determine the general area of the geochemical anomalies and associated showings and drill holes. 

Grid soil sampling carried out in 1977 outlined 3 lead, zinc and silver anomalies located in the center and western ends of the claim block. Prospecting carried out the same year located silver bearing galena and/or sphalerite mineralization along the fault zone associated with the Dawson Thrust. Location data and descriptions of the actual zones is sketchy but rock samples returned up to 17.85 % lead, 22.70 % zinc, 0.192 % copper and 346.3 ppm silver (pg. 14, Assessment Report # 090315)
Based on geological descriptions contained in the two Edina International assessment reports, the soil grid maps, and assuming the company drilled the best soil anomalies, it appears the occurrence location marks the general location of 4 (holes 79-1 to 4) of the 1979 drill holes. The 4 holes were all collared northwards at various angles and intersected varying amounts of dolomite and shale followed by massive black shales (Earn Group?), which generally match the known geology. Some of the holes appear to intersect fault gouge. No systematic assays were collected from the holes but four general samples (no location given) returned up to 3.4 % lead, 3.75 % zinc, 44.5 g/t silver and 0.0686 g/t gold (pg. 11, Assessment Report # 091295).
Drill hole 79-5 appears to have been collared 1 200 m to the west and 500 m to the south. It appears to have intersected shale and dolomite initially followed by the fault zone and then graphitic black shale. It appears this hole was collared on the western end of the same Algae formation as intersected in the first four drill holes. The last drill hole was collared approximately 3 550 m west and slightly south. It appears to have intersected Earn Group graphitic shale for its entire length.
On the Nika claims, located to the northeast, barite occurs as thin to medium beds and as blebs in Earn Group shale. One rock sample from the western part of the claims was anomalous in silver, cadmium, nickel, iron and vanadium.

The Edina occurrence is located towards the eastern end of the Rod claim block. None of Strategic Metals assessment reports mention the actual occurrence, the 1979 drill holes or Edina International’s assessment reports. Strategic Metals does not appear to have actively explored around this occurrence. In 2011 the company collected a line of soil samples approximately 170 m to the north. No anomalies were detected.


Location Map

Last Updated: Mar 10, 2017

Work History

Year Work Type Comment
2011 Geochemistry: Soil Grid sampling 2 km to east, single line of samples approximately 170 m to north.
1979 Drilling: Diamond Six holes (391 m).
1978 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Also EM surveys.
1978 Trenching: Hand Also collected rock samples.
1977 Geochemistry: Soil Grid based on northern half of claim block.
1977 Geology: Bedrock Mapping Around showings.
1977 Trenching: Hand
1976 Geochemistry: Soil Also silt. Reconnaissance scale.
1976 Other: Prospecting Reconnaissance scale.
1976 Trenching: Hand Minor hand trenching at mineralized showings.

Regional Geology - Terrane

Group: Ancestral North America
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: North America - basinal strata
Realm: Laurentia

Regional Geology - Bedrock

Supergroup: Windermere
Group/Suite: Hyland
Formation: Algae
Terrane: Laurentia
Period Max: Ediacaran
Age Max: 635 MA
Period Min: Ediacaran
Age Min: 543 MA
Rock Major: limestone, dolostone,
Rock Minor: diamictite, shale, calcareous siltstone/sandstone
Reference: Colpron et al. (2013) - YGS OF 2013-13
Geological Unit (1M): PCH
Geological Unit (250K): PCH7

Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence

Report Number Year Title Worktypes Holes Drilled Meters Drilled
097022 2016 Assessment Report describing Prospecting, Channel Sampling, Geological Mapping and LIDAR Surveys Rock - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, LIDAR - Remote Sensing
096891 2014 Assessment Report Describing Geochemical Sampling, Prospecting and Preliminary Economic Assessment at the Rau Trend Soil - Geochemistry, Prospecting - Other, Preliminary Economic Assessment - Studies
095907 2011 Assessment Report Describing Geological Mapping, Prospecting, Geochemical Sampling and Diamond Drilling at the Rod Property Diamond - Drilling, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Prospecting - Other 12 2213.02
091295 1979 [Diamond Drill Logs, Cooker Group, Eask Rackla River Area] Soil - Geochemistry
090315 1978 Geochemical Report on the Cooker Group of Mineral Claims Prospecting - Other, Research/Summarize - Pre-existing Data

Related References

Number Title Page(s) Document Type
YEG2010_05 New bedrock geology of Mount Mervyn map sheet (106C/04) and mineral potential for the South Wernecke mapping project. p. 55-87. Annual Report Paper
MIR1977 Mineral Industry Report 1977 p. 37. Annual Report
YEG1985_86 Yukon Exploration 1985-86 p. 288-289. Annual Report
YEG2010_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2010 p. 11, 24, 61. Annual Report
YEG2011_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2011 p. 38. Annual Report
YEG2012_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2012 p. 15-17. Annual Report
2013-13 Geological map of the Rackla belt, east-central Yukon (NTS 106C/1-4, 106D/1) 106C 04 - Mount Mervyn. Open File (Geological - Bedrock)
EDINA RESOURCES LTD, Dec/79. Assessment Report #091295 by J.H. Montgomery.
STRATEGIC METALS LTD, Apr/2010. Assessment Report #095691 by W.D. Eaton and M. Kammerer.
STRATEGIC METALS LTD, Apr/2012. Assessment Report #095907 by M. Dumala.
STRATEGIC METALS LTD, Feb/2015. Assessment Report #096737 by J. Morton.

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