General Information
Primary Commodities: tungsten, tungsten trioxide
Secondary Commodities: copper
Deposit Type(s): Skarn W
Location(s): 63.282220 N, -130.1525 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105O08
Location Comments: .5 Kilometres
Hand Samples Available at YGS: Yes
Work History
Discovered and sampled in Aug/62 and staked as Judy cl 1-18 and Jill cl 1-16 (N41442) in Sep/62 by Amax Exploration Ltd (through a subsidiary, Southwest Potash Corporation), which transferred the property to Amax Potash Ltd in late 1971, to Amax Northwest Mining Company Ltd in early 1972, which took the claims to lease in late 1972.
Amax carried out geological mapping, rock geochemical sampling and magnetometer surveying in 1963; trenching and rock geochemical sampling 1964 and geological mapping and grid soil geochemical sampling in 1967; drilled 5 holes (1 416.4 m) in 1968; built a tote road in 1970; drilled 22 holes (2 370.1 m) in 1971 and 48 holes (6 954.3 m) in 1972; drove a 74.7 m adit at the 1 890 m elevation (of which 487.7 m was in the B Zone), drilled 43 holes (1 652.9 m) underground, drove a 27.4 m raise, and shipped a 295 tonne sample to Colorado for metallurgical tests in 1973; conducted environmental and feasibility studies in 1974-76; performed legal surveys in 1977; shipped another 91 tonne metallurgical sample and drilled underground in 1979; drilled 2 holes (300 m) on surface in 1980; carried out surface surveys and engineering studies in 1981 and 1982 and 1985 and underground exploration in 1983; obtained an underground metallurgical sample of about 180 tonnes in 1984;carried out road building in 1985.
The property was sold to Canada Tungsten Mining Corporation Ltd in 1986. Canada Tungsten staked Buck cl (YA83708) on the northwest side of the claim block in Aug/87 and restaked one of the original claims as Wasteful cl (YB3251) in Sep/89.
The first fringe staking took place in 1973, when Tyee Lake Resources Ltd and Saxon Industries Ltd added the Ken cl (Y69349 & A68001) to the west and south, and S. Belzburg staked 400 Shale, Ache, etc cl (Y69105 and A67912) to the northeast and southwest. Belzburg carried out magnetic surveying in 1973 and optioned 109 claims in Dec/74 to Regency Resources Ltd and Groton Minerals Ltd. Following a geochemical survey and mapping program, the Ken group was optioned from 1974 to 1975 by Canada Tungsten Mining Corporation, which carried out magnetic and Turam surveying in 1974 and drilled 2 holes (567.2 m) in 1975, and was investigated briefly by Union Carbide in 1976. In 1981, Lorcan Resources Ltd purchased the Ken group.
In 1993 Canada Tungsten Mining Corporation Ltd merged with Minerex Resources Ltd and Canamax Resources Ltd to form Canada Tungsten Inc. In Aug/94 Aur Resources Inc purchased a 48% interest in Canada Tungsten, before merging the two merged in Jan/97. In Oct/97 the Mactung deposit was sold to North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd. In 2005, a 2000 m in 25-hole diamond drilling program was completed. In 2006, EBA engineering was contracted to complete baseline environmental studies on the property.
An updated NI 43-101 compliant mineral estimate was prepared in 2007 by Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associated Inc (Scott Wilson RPA). Wardrop Engineering Inc. completed the feasibility study for the deposit. in 2009, basing their analysis on the 2007 report.
Capsule Geology
Scheelite occurs in five separate skarn horizons formed from limy layers in a 300 m thick sequence of Lower Cambrian phyllite near the margin of a Cretaceous stock. The lowest zone (A) occurs in a lens of limestone slump breccia surrounded by phyllite. The upper zone (E) appears to be conformable with overlying black shale of the Ordovician to Lower Devonian Road River Group. One or more unconformities are suspected to occur within the sequence but have not been identified. The skarn zones are separated by hornfelsed argillite, quartzite and minor conglomerate. The zones range in thickness from 15 to 60 m and average about 23 m. Mineralization is developed along a length of over 900 m, and over 300 m downdip from the intrusive contact. The sequence dips gently south away from the stock and is disrupted by north and east trending block faults.
The two lower zones (A & B) consist of scheelite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite and minor molybdenite and garnet in dark green diopside skarn, and grade better than 1% WO3. The upper three zones (C, D and E) are generally lighter in colour with a lower sulphide content and grade less than 1% WO3. Massive hydrous skarn containing amphibole, clinozoisite or biotite overprints and forms veins cutting the anhydrous pyroxene and garnet skarns.
The deposit is bisected by the Yukon-NWT border. The underground work showed that the A zone is only a folded portion of the main B Zone, which is 15 to 30 m thick and dips 30° south. The other three zones vary from 3 to 18 m thick, separated by bands of waste, and lie directly above the B Zone. Cantung found a zone immediately west of the boundary that assayed 0.23% W03 in a chip sample and another zone containing traces of sphalerite in shale of the Ordovician to Lower Devonian Road River Group. GSC sampling in 1978 of cherty phosphatic breccia cutting the shale to the south gave assays of up to 40 ppm U.
Recent studies suggest that an unroofed intrusion located south of the deposit is responsible for the mineralizing fluids rather than the Cirque Lake stock north of the deposit. Fluid inclusions indicate that the skarn-forming fluids were low in salinity (less than 5%) and contained methane but very little CO2. Gerstner et al. (1989) recorded homogenization temperatures and pressures in the range 470 to 325°C and 2.5 to 2.1 kbars. Most of the pyroxene skarn appears to have formed at about 430°C, while much of the garnet skarn formed at about 380°C. Biotite skarn formed under the same narrow range of conditions as the other two skarn types, but continued to develop down to 325°C.
Potentially mineable reserves of 25.3 million tonnes grading 0.88% WO3, based on samples from 140 surface and underground drill holes and results of underground exploration carried out between 1968 and 1980, were calculated by Strathcona Mineral Services Ltd as reviewed by Roscoe Postle Associates Inc (RPA) in 1992 and reported by Roscoe et al (2001). In its 1992 review, RPA used the Strathcona resource classification to estimate the amount of proven and probable reserves for the deposit and classified them as Mesured and Indicated Resources since the deposit has not yet been demonstrated to be economic. They report the Measured and Indicated Resources of 13 669 000 tonnes grading 0.95% WO3. In addition Roscoe et al report that the Strathcona estimates include an additional Inferred Resource of 13 785 000 tonnes grading 0.84% WO3, but do not specify the location of this material.
The 2005 surface diamond drilling program returned high-grade values, e.g., DDH MS156 - 9.80 m @ 1.77% WO3 and 35.20 m @ 1.55%. The 2005 Drill holes targeted a westerly plunging Z-fold in the higher grade underground horizon.
An NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate was completed April 2007. An Indicated Resource of 33 029 000 tonnes @ 0.88% WO3 and an Inferred Resource of 11 857 000 tonnes @ 0.78% WO3 (0.5% WO3 block cut-off grade) were reported.
A 2009 feasibility study was completed by Wardrop. Using the krieged estimate from the 2007 study, a probable underground mineral reserve was calculated for the Yukon portion of the Upper 2B and Lower 2B zones. A total of 10,790,000 tonnes grading 1.1869% WO3 was calculated at a 0.616% WO3 mining cut-off grade.
ALLAN, J.F., AND FINDLAY, A.R., Apr/72. The MacMillan Tungsten Property. Talk presented at the Fourth Northern Resource Conference, Whitehorse.
AMAX EXPLORATION INC, Oct/67. Assessment Report #092555 by R.J. Cathro.
AMAX EXPLORATION INC, 1967. Assessment Report *#019045 by R.J. Cathro.
AMAX EXPLORATION INC and MACMILLAN PASS TUNGSTEN, 1968. Assessment Report *#019046 by A.R. Findlay.
AMAX EXPLORATION INC, Oct/72. Assessment Report #091293 by F. Harris.
CANADA TUNGSTEN MINING CORPORATION, 1974. Assessment Report *#061197 by P. Bailey et al.
DICK, L.A., 1980. A comparative study of the geology, mineralogy, and conditions of formation of contact metasomatic mineral deposits in the northeastern Canadian Cordillera. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Queen's University, p. 32-37, 81-84, 110-113.
DICK, L.A., Aug/76. Metamorphism and metasomatism at the Macmillan Pass tungsten deposit. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University.
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA Paper 69-55, p. 52-53; Paper 79-lA, p. 398-399; 1982-83 (NWT), p. 85-86.
GERSTNER, M.R., BOWMAN, J.R., AND PASTERIS, J.D., 1989. Skarn formation at the Macmillan Pass tungsten deposit (Mactung), Yukon and Northwest Territories. I. P-T-X-V characterization of the methane-bearing, skarn-forming fluids. Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 27, p. 545-563.
HARRIS, F.G., 23 Apr/80. Geology of the Macmillan Pass tungsten deposit. Paper presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Toronto.
MINERAL INDUSTRY REPORT 1973, p. 19-21; 1974, p. 20-21; 1975, p. 30; 1976, p. 20-32; (NWT) 1978, p. 136.
WARDDROP ENGINEERING INC., 2009. Technical Report on the Mactung Property – Yukon, Canada. Wardrop Engineering Inc. (April 3, 2009), by Nory Narciso.
NORTH AMERICAN TUNGSTEN CORP. LTD., News Release, 4 Oct/05; 14 Mar/07; 245 Sept/07; 23 Feb/09;
REGENCY RESOURCES LTD, 1975. Assessment Report *#061241 by D.W. Tully.
ROSCOE, W., POSTLE, J., RENNIE, D. and HUGHES-PEARL, J., 2001. Report on the Tungsten Assets of North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd, 150 p.
SCOTT WILSON ROSCOE POSTLE ASSOCIATES INC., 2007. Technical Report on the Mactung Tungsten Deposit, Macmillan Pass, Yukon. Report for NI 43-101, by P.A. Lacroix and R.B. Cook.
SOUTHWEST POTASH CORPORATION, Aug/63. Assessment Report #017468 by J.F. Allen.
SOUTHWEST POTASH CORPORATION, Oct/64. Assessment Report #017467 by H.G. Sherwood.
STRATO GEOLOGICAL LTD, 1973. Assessment Report *#060905 by S. Belzberg et al.
TYEE LAKE RESOURCES LTD, 1973. Assessment Report *#060937 by W.R. Bacon and D.W. Burns.
Discovered and sampled in Aug/62 and staked as Judy cl 1-18 and Jill cl 1-16 (N41442) in Sep/62 by Amax Exploration Ltd (through a subsidiary, Southwest Potash Corporation), which transferred the property to Amax Potash Ltd in late 1971, to Amax Northwest Mining Company Ltd in early 1972, which took the claims to lease in late 1972.
Amax carried out geological mapping, rock geochemical sampling and magnetometer surveying in 1963; trenching and rock geochemical sampling 1964 and geological mapping and grid soil geochemical sampling in 1967; drilled 5 holes (1 416.4 m) in 1968; built a tote road in 1970; drilled 22 holes (2 370.1 m) in 1971 and 48 holes (6 954.3 m) in 1972; drove a 74.7 m adit at the 1 890 m elevation (of which 487.7 m was in the B Zone), drilled 43 holes (1 652.9 m) underground, drove a 27.4 m raise, and shipped a 295 tonne sample to Colorado for metallurgical tests in 1973; conducted environmental and feasibility studies in 1974-76; performed legal surveys in 1977; shipped another 91 tonne metallurgical sample and drilled underground in 1979; drilled 2 holes (300 m) on surface in 1980; carried out surface surveys and engineering studies in 1981 and 1982 and 1985 and underground exploration in 1983; obtained an underground metallurgical sample of about 180 tonnes in 1984;carried out road building in 1985.
The property was sold to Canada Tungsten Mining Corporation Ltd in 1986. Canada Tungsten staked Buck cl (YA83708) on the northwest side of the claim block in Aug/87 and restaked one of the original claims as Wasteful cl (YB3251) in Sep/89.
The first fringe staking took place in 1973, when Tyee Lake Resources Ltd and Saxon Industries Ltd added the Ken cl (Y69349 & A68001) to the west and south, and S. Belzburg staked 400 Shale, Ache, etc cl (Y69105 and A67912) to the northeast and southwest. Belzburg carried out magnetic surveying in 1973 and optioned 109 claims in Dec/74 to Regency Resources Ltd and Groton Minerals Ltd. Following a geochemical survey and mapping program, the Ken group was optioned from 1974 to 1975 by Canada Tungsten Mining Corporation, which carried out magnetic and Turam surveying in 1974 and drilled 2 holes (567.2 m) in 1975, and was investigated briefly by Union Carbide in 1976. In 1981, Lorcan Resources Ltd purchased the Ken group.
In 1993 Canada Tungsten Mining Corporation Ltd merged with Minerex Resources Ltd and Canamax Resources Ltd to form Canada Tungsten Inc. In Aug/94 Aur Resources Inc purchased a 48% interest in Canada Tungsten, before merging the two merged in Jan/97. In Oct/97 the Mactung deposit was sold to North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd. In 2005, a 2000 m in 25-hole diamond drilling program was completed. In 2006, EBA engineering was contracted to complete baseline environmental studies on the property.
An updated NI 43-101 compliant mineral estimate was prepared in 2007 by Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associated Inc (Scott Wilson RPA). Wardrop Engineering Inc. completed the feasibility study for the deposit. in 2009, basing their analysis on the 2007 report.
Capsule Geology
Scheelite occurs in five separate skarn horizons formed from limy layers in a 300 m thick sequence of Lower Cambrian phyllite near the margin of a Cretaceous stock. The lowest zone (A) occurs in a lens of limestone slump breccia surrounded by phyllite. The upper zone (E) appears to be conformable with overlying black shale of the Ordovician to Lower Devonian Road River Group. One or more unconformities are suspected to occur within the sequence but have not been identified. The skarn zones are separated by hornfelsed argillite, quartzite and minor conglomerate. The zones range in thickness from 15 to 60 m and average about 23 m. Mineralization is developed along a length of over 900 m, and over 300 m downdip from the intrusive contact. The sequence dips gently south away from the stock and is disrupted by north and east trending block faults.
The two lower zones (A & B) consist of scheelite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite and minor molybdenite and garnet in dark green diopside skarn, and grade better than 1% WO3. The upper three zones (C, D and E) are generally lighter in colour with a lower sulphide content and grade less than 1% WO3. Massive hydrous skarn containing amphibole, clinozoisite or biotite overprints and forms veins cutting the anhydrous pyroxene and garnet skarns.
The deposit is bisected by the Yukon-NWT border. The underground work showed that the A zone is only a folded portion of the main B Zone, which is 15 to 30 m thick and dips 30° south. The other three zones vary from 3 to 18 m thick, separated by bands of waste, and lie directly above the B Zone. Cantung found a zone immediately west of the boundary that assayed 0.23% W03 in a chip sample and another zone containing traces of sphalerite in shale of the Ordovician to Lower Devonian Road River Group. GSC sampling in 1978 of cherty phosphatic breccia cutting the shale to the south gave assays of up to 40 ppm U.
Recent studies suggest that an unroofed intrusion located south of the deposit is responsible for the mineralizing fluids rather than the Cirque Lake stock north of the deposit. Fluid inclusions indicate that the skarn-forming fluids were low in salinity (less than 5%) and contained methane but very little CO2. Gerstner et al. (1989) recorded homogenization temperatures and pressures in the range 470 to 325°C and 2.5 to 2.1 kbars. Most of the pyroxene skarn appears to have formed at about 430°C, while much of the garnet skarn formed at about 380°C. Biotite skarn formed under the same narrow range of conditions as the other two skarn types, but continued to develop down to 325°C.
Potentially mineable reserves of 25.3 million tonnes grading 0.88% WO3, based on samples from 140 surface and underground drill holes and results of underground exploration carried out between 1968 and 1980, were calculated by Strathcona Mineral Services Ltd as reviewed by Roscoe Postle Associates Inc (RPA) in 1992 and reported by Roscoe et al (2001). In its 1992 review, RPA used the Strathcona resource classification to estimate the amount of proven and probable reserves for the deposit and classified them as Mesured and Indicated Resources since the deposit has not yet been demonstrated to be economic. They report the Measured and Indicated Resources of 13 669 000 tonnes grading 0.95% WO3. In addition Roscoe et al report that the Strathcona estimates include an additional Inferred Resource of 13 785 000 tonnes grading 0.84% WO3, but do not specify the location of this material.
The 2005 surface diamond drilling program returned high-grade values, e.g., DDH MS156 - 9.80 m @ 1.77% WO3 and 35.20 m @ 1.55%. The 2005 Drill holes targeted a westerly plunging Z-fold in the higher grade underground horizon.
An NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate was completed April 2007. An Indicated Resource of 33 029 000 tonnes @ 0.88% WO3 and an Inferred Resource of 11 857 000 tonnes @ 0.78% WO3 (0.5% WO3 block cut-off grade) were reported.
A 2009 feasibility study was completed by Wardrop. Using the krieged estimate from the 2007 study, a probable underground mineral reserve was calculated for the Yukon portion of the Upper 2B and Lower 2B zones. A total of 10,790,000 tonnes grading 1.1869% WO3 was calculated at a 0.616% WO3 mining cut-off grade.
ALLAN, J.F., AND FINDLAY, A.R., Apr/72. The MacMillan Tungsten Property. Talk presented at the Fourth Northern Resource Conference, Whitehorse.
AMAX EXPLORATION INC, Oct/67. Assessment Report #092555 by R.J. Cathro.
AMAX EXPLORATION INC, 1967. Assessment Report *#019045 by R.J. Cathro.
AMAX EXPLORATION INC and MACMILLAN PASS TUNGSTEN, 1968. Assessment Report *#019046 by A.R. Findlay.
AMAX EXPLORATION INC, Oct/72. Assessment Report #091293 by F. Harris.
CANADA TUNGSTEN MINING CORPORATION, 1974. Assessment Report *#061197 by P. Bailey et al.
DICK, L.A., 1980. A comparative study of the geology, mineralogy, and conditions of formation of contact metasomatic mineral deposits in the northeastern Canadian Cordillera. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Queen's University, p. 32-37, 81-84, 110-113.
DICK, L.A., Aug/76. Metamorphism and metasomatism at the Macmillan Pass tungsten deposit. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University.
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA Paper 69-55, p. 52-53; Paper 79-lA, p. 398-399; 1982-83 (NWT), p. 85-86.
GERSTNER, M.R., BOWMAN, J.R., AND PASTERIS, J.D., 1989. Skarn formation at the Macmillan Pass tungsten deposit (Mactung), Yukon and Northwest Territories. I. P-T-X-V characterization of the methane-bearing, skarn-forming fluids. Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 27, p. 545-563.
HARRIS, F.G., 23 Apr/80. Geology of the Macmillan Pass tungsten deposit. Paper presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Toronto.
MINERAL INDUSTRY REPORT 1973, p. 19-21; 1974, p. 20-21; 1975, p. 30; 1976, p. 20-32; (NWT) 1978, p. 136.
WARDDROP ENGINEERING INC., 2009. Technical Report on the Mactung Property – Yukon, Canada. Wardrop Engineering Inc. (April 3, 2009), by Nory Narciso.
NORTH AMERICAN TUNGSTEN CORP. LTD., News Release, 4 Oct/05; 14 Mar/07; 245 Sept/07; 23 Feb/09;
REGENCY RESOURCES LTD, 1975. Assessment Report *#061241 by D.W. Tully.
ROSCOE, W., POSTLE, J., RENNIE, D. and HUGHES-PEARL, J., 2001. Report on the Tungsten Assets of North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd, 150 p.
SCOTT WILSON ROSCOE POSTLE ASSOCIATES INC., 2007. Technical Report on the Mactung Tungsten Deposit, Macmillan Pass, Yukon. Report for NI 43-101, by P.A. Lacroix and R.B. Cook.
SOUTHWEST POTASH CORPORATION, Aug/63. Assessment Report #017468 by J.F. Allen.
SOUTHWEST POTASH CORPORATION, Oct/64. Assessment Report #017467 by H.G. Sherwood.
STRATO GEOLOGICAL LTD, 1973. Assessment Report *#060905 by S. Belzberg et al.
TYEE LAKE RESOURCES LTD, 1973. Assessment Report *#060937 by W.R. Bacon and D.W. Burns.
Location Map
Last Updated: Mar 28, 2014
Work History
Year | Work Type | Comment |
2009 | Studies: Feasibility | Wardrop Engineering Inc. |
2007 | Studies: Geotechnical | 42 boreholes -total depth of 225 m. 139 m of open-hole and 86 m of closed-hole drilling. 42 test pits for total of 125 m. |
2007 | Studies: Resource Estimate | Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associates Inc |
2005 | Development, Underground: Rehabilitation | portal to adit was reopened and rehabilitated. |
2005 | Drilling: Diamond | Number of holes drilled: 25 Amount of work done: 6000 |
2005 | Geochemistry: Rock | Amount of work done: 100 TONNES metallurgical testing. |
1985 | Development, Surface: All Weather Road | |
1985 | Other | Also engineering studies. |
1984 | Geochemistry: Rock | Amount of work done: 181.82 TONNES Underground sample for matallurgical testing. |
1983 | Other | |
1981 | Other | Also Engineering studies. |
1980 | Drilling: Diamond | Number of holes drilled: 2 Amount of work done: 300 METRES |
1979 | Drilling: Diamond | Underground drilling. |
1979 | Geochemistry: Rock | Amount of work done: 272.73 TONNES Metallurgical testing. |
1977 | Other | |
1974 | Other | |
1973 | Drilling: Diamond | Number of holes drilled: 43 Amount of work done: 1652.93 METRES Underground drilling |
1973 | Geochemistry: Rock | Amount of work done: 295.45 TONNES Metallurgic test. |
1973 | Other | Amount of work done: 27.43 METRES |
1973 | Development, Underground: Tunnelling | adit and underground workings |
1972 | Drilling: Diamond | Number of holes drilled: 48 Amount of work done: 6954.32 METRES |
1971 | Drilling: Diamond | Number of holes drilled: 22 Amount of work done: 2370.12 METRES |
1970 | Development, Surface: All Weather Road | |
1968 | Drilling: Diamond | Number of holes drilled: 5 Amount of work done: 1416.4 METRES |
1967 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1967 | Trenching | |
1964 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1964 | Trenching | |
1963 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1963 | Trenching |
Regional Geology - Terrane
Group: Ancestral North America
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: North America - basinal strata
Realm: Laurentia
Regional Geology - Bedrock
Formation: Sekwi
Terrane: Laurentia
Period Max: Cambrian
Age Max: 521 MA
Period Min: Cambrian
Age Min: 510 MA
Rock Major: limestone
Rock Minor: limestone conglomerate
Reference: Abbott (2013) - YGS GM 2013-1
Geological Unit (1M): lCS
Geological Unit (250K): lCS
Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence
Report Number | Year | Title | Worktypes | Holes Drilled | Meters Drilled |
093827 | 1997 | 1997 Geological Assessment Report on Emerald Lake Claims | Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry | ||
091012 | 1981 | 1981 Geological Geochemical Assessment Report Hess River Property | Orthophoto - Airphotography, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology | ||
091293 | 1972 | Drill Logs for Drilling on Mactung property | Diamond - Drilling | 9 | 1826.97 |
061013 | 1972 | [more drill logs fro diamond drilling on the Mactung Property] | Diamond - Drilling | 2 | 178.31 |
061016 | 1968 | [more drill logs for diamond drilling on the Mactung Project] | Diamond - Drilling | 7 | 1513.03 |
019046 | 1968 | [Diamond Drill Report MacMillan Tungsten] | Diamond - Drilling | 2 | 449 |
019035 | 1968 | 1968 Progress Report and Proposed Program 1969 Itsi Project | Silt - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Prospecting - Other | ||
092555 | 1967 | Geological Mapping and Geochemical Soil Survey | Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology | ||
017468 | 1963 | MacMillan Pass Tungsten Showing Geological Survey - Claim Groups | Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics |
Related References
Number | Title | Page(s) | Document Type |
ARMC900009 | Progress Reports - Selwyn Project 1973 | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
YEG1983 | Yukon Exploration and Geology 1983 | 26-27 | Annual Report |
MIR1973 | Mineral Industry Report 1973 | 19-21 | Annual Report |
MIR1974 | Mineral Industry Report 1974 | 20-21 | Annual Report |
MIR1975 | Mineral Industry Report 1975 | 30 | Annual Report |
MIR1976 | Mineral Industry Report 1976 | 20-32 | Annual Report |
ARMC016468 | Geology map overlay of Keele Peak - Hess project - Figure No. 24 - 105O/8 | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
BROCK000085 | Aeromagnetic series - Map 4361G - Sheet 105O/8 - Keele Peak with handwritten notations | Geoscience Map (General) |
Citations |
ALLAN, J.F., AND FINDLAY, A.R., Apr/72. The MacMillan Tungsten Property. Talk presented at the Fourth Northern Resource Conference, Whitehorse. |
DICK, L.A., 1980. A comparative study of the geology, mineralogy, and conditions of formation of contact metasomatic mineral deposits in the northeastern Canadian Cordillera. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Queen's University, p. 32-37, 81-84, 110-113. |
DICK, L.A., Aug/76. Metamorphism and metasomatism at the Macmillan Pass tungsten deposit. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University. |
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA Paper 69-55, p. 52-53; Paper 79-lA, p. 398-399; 1982-83 (NWT), p. 85-86. |
GERSTNER, M.R., BOWMAN, J.R., AND PASTERIS, J.D., 1989. Skarn formation at the Macmillan Pass tungsten deposit (Mactung), Yukon and Northwest Territories. I. P-T-X-V characterization of the methane-bearing, skarn-forming fluids. Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 27, p. 545-563. |
HARRIS, F.G., 23 Apr/80. Geology of the Macmillan Pass tungsten deposit. Paper presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Toronto. |
NORTH AMERICAN TUNGSTEN CORP. LTD., News Release, 4 Oct/05; 14 Mar/07; 245 Sept/07; 23 Feb/09; |
ROSCOE, W., POSTLE, J., RENNIE, D. and HUGHES-PEARL, J., 2001. Report on the Tungsten Assets of North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd, 150 p. |
SCOTT WILSON ROSCOE POSTLE ASSOCIATES INC., 2007. Technical Report on the Mactung Tungsten Deposit, Macmillan Pass, Yukon. Report for NI 43-101, by P.A. Lacroix and R.B. Cook. |
WARDDROP ENGINEERING INC., 2009. Technical Report on the Mactung Property – Yukon, Canada. Wardrop Engineering Inc. (April 3, 2009), by Nory Narciso. |