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Yukon Geological Survey

Occurrence Details

Occurrence Number
105K 093
Occurrence Name
Occurrence Type
Drilled Prospect

General Information

Secondary Commodities: arsenic, copper, zinc, lead, mercury, gold
Aliases: Maverick
Deposit Type(s): Epithermal Au-Ag-Cu: High Sulphidation
Location(s): 62.098060 N, -132.9975 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105K02
Location Comments: 1 Kilometres
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No


Work History

Originally staked as Pix cl 1-27 (Y3792) in Mar/66 by Parliament Mines Ltd, which carried out grid preparation (56.33 line km), magnetometer and EM surveying later that year. In 1967 the company carried out geological mapping and soil geochemical sampling.
Restaked as part of a large block of Canyon cl (41-320, YA81160) in Jan/84 by Hudson Bay Exploration and Development Company Ltd, which explored with reconnaissance geological mapping and geochemical sampling later in the year. The claims were staked under an option agreement with A. Carlos, who a year earlier staked Canyon cl 1-40 (YA75717) to the east. In 1987 Hudson Bay returned the entire Canyon claim group to Carlos.
In Sep/87 Noranda Exploration Company Ltd, together with Golden Nevada Resources Inc and Brenda Mines Ltd, optioned the Canyon claim group and staked Can cl 1-110 (YB7880) to the south. Noranda immediately optioned the claims to Mintel International Development Corporation, which carried out geochemical sampling later in the year. In 1988, a 50% interest in the claims was transferred to Prime Exploration Ltd which, together with Noranda, performed soil geochemical sampling and magnetometer surveying later that year. T. Murnion tied on Mike cl 1-19 (YB20746) to the south in August and Sep/88. Golden Nevada Resources Inc changed its name to Goldnev Resources Inc in Jun/89 and excavated 2 backhoe trenches and 3 pits, on the 410 Zone located 2.5 km southeast of this occurrence, in 1991 before dropping its option later in the year. In February and Apr/92 the Can and Canyon claim groups reverted back to Carlos.
In 1993 YGC Resources Ltd optioned Carlos’s Grew Creek property holdings (Minfile Occurrences #105K 008, 009, 113, this occurrence and 105F 047) and carried out a large exploration program that included diamond drilling, line cutting, soil sampling, geophysics and trenching throughout the property.
In 1994 YGC drilled 14 holes (1 307 m) in the South and Main Zones located approximately 8 km to the southeast; 14 holes (1 530m) on different areas of the Grew Creek property in 1995; and carried out definition drilling on Main zone in 1996. None of YGC’s work was concentrated around this occurrence. At the end of 1996 YGC elected not to complete the final year of the option agreement and returned the property to Carlos.
In Sep/2001 Carlos restaked various lapsed Canyon claims, located 1.5 km east of this occurrence location, as Maverick cl 1-12 (YC19362). In 2002 Carlos cut a grid and carried out an enzyme leach sampling program on the Maverick prospect located approximately 3 km to the southeast. The following year Carlos extended the Maverick grid, collected more enzyme leach samples and drilled 4 diamond drill holes (268.2 m) on an anomaly (“B”) detected by the 2002 enzyme leach survey. Carlos also collected more enzyme leach samples east of the Main zone (Minfile Occurrence #105K 093) located approximately 10 km to the south east and collared 3 diamond drill holes (150.9 m) on anomaly E. According to the 2008 compilation report prepared by R. Stroshein for Emerick Resources it appear that Carlos collared 5 additional diamond drill holes (219.80 m) on anomaly B in 2004 before he optioned the property to Freegold Ventures.
In Jul/2004 Carlos optioned the entire Grew Creek property to Freegold Ventures Ltd which drilled 12 diamond drill holes (633.4 m) on the Main zone. In 2005 Freegold Ventures carried out IP surveys on the Maverick prospect (this occurrence), the Main zone, and the Rat Creek and Tarn zones (they adjoin the Main zone on the southeast side). The company also drilled 6 diamond drill holes (960 m) on the Tarn and Rat Creek zones; 5 holes targeted the Tarn zone and one hole targeted the Rat Creek zone. Two of the Tarn zone drill holes were collared in overburden. The diamond drilling was conducted in two parts; mid to late March and November to mid- December.
In 2006 the company drilled 5 diamond drill holes (798 m) on the Tarn zone to test various IP chargeability targets. In the third quarter of 2007 Freegold Ventures dropped its option and returned the Grew Creek property to Carlos.
In Jan/2008 Carlos optioned the Grew Creek property to Emerick Resources Corporation which completed a compilation report in May/2008. Carlos carried out additional enzyme leach sampling in 2008.
In 2009, Emerick completed nine diamond drillholes (1 592.3 m) on the Grew Creek property. The holes tested Enzyme Leach soil anomalies located at various zones. Two holes (388.2 m) tested the Maverick prospect. The remaining seven diamond drill holes tested the Rat Creek (Minfile Occurrence #105K 009) and KM 410 (Minfile Occurrence 105K 113) zones.

Capsule Geology

The occurrence is underlain by a northwest-southeast trending band of Carboniferous and Permian chert and siliceous tuff of the Anvil Allochthonous Assemblage that is bound to the north by the Grew Creek Fault and to the south by the Tintina Fault. Further to the north across the Grew Creek Fault, Tertiary aged chert-quartz conglomerate and rhyolitic ash flow tuffs occur. Chloritization and shearing of the units are commonly reported.
Surveying in 1966 identified two EM anomalies, about 1.8 km apart along strike, that occur in the mapped vicinity of the Grew Creek fault. Results of the 1967 soil sampling were reported as total heavy metal (copper+lead+zinc) values and several broad areas of weakly anomalous (> 30 ppm and < 150 ppm) response and a number of spot highs (> 500 ppm) were delineated but no mineralization was found as a result of this work.
Sampling in 1986 returned weakly anomalous mercury values (up to 580 ppb) and gold (up to 60 ppb) in area roughly coincident with the more westerly of the two EM anomalies mentioned above. These EM anomalies were reconfirmed by geophysical surveying by Hudson Bay.
Trenching and pitting in 1991 which targeted structural and geophysical targets in 410 Zone (Km 410 of the Robert Campbell Highway) was hampered by extensive permafrost. One trench reached bedrock, exposing moderately to highly fractured, unaltered basalt which returned only background values for gold.
Samples from the 2002 soil geochemical program were analyzed by enzyme leach and interpretation of the complex geochemical distribution of the results identified three primary anomalous target areas (anomalies) for follow-up. These targets, described as “well developed robust oxidation anomalies” are defined primarily by oxidation suite element distributions and in the case of anomaly A are centered on a distinctive northwest trending gold high where it intersects a north-northwest trending bismuth high. An association with arsenic and antimony was noted with gold in anomalies A and B, both of which were recommended for follow-up drilling. The 2003 drilling of the Maverick enzyme leach anomaly B intersected mafic volcanic complex rocks but did not detect any significant gold values.
The 2004 drilling intersected the same mafic volcanic complex and also did not return any detectable gold values. The 2005 IP survey outlined several chargeability highs on the Maverick grid however follow-up drilling of IP anomalies in other areas of the property determined that highly variable overburden depths lead to inconsistent results.


CARLOS, A., Feb/2003. Assessment Report #094380 by A. Carlos and G.T. Hill.

CARLOS, A., Jan/2004. Assessment Report #094454 volume 1 by A. Carlos

CARLOS, A., Jan/2004. Assessment Report #094454 volume 2 by G.T. Hill.

EMERICK RESOURCES CORPORATION, 15, May/2008. Summary Geological Report on the Grew Creek Property, Yukon Territory, Canada. By R. Stroshein. (available on SEDAR).


FREEGOLD VENTURES LTD, Jun/2006. Assessment Report #094694 Volume 1 by R. Stroshein.

FREEGOLD VENTURES LTD, Jun/2006. Assessment Report #094694 Volume 2 by P. Walcott.

FREEGOLD VENTURES LTD, News Release, 14 Jul/2004, 10 Apr/2007, 13 Nov/2007 (Consolidated Financial Statements).

GOLDNEV RESOURCES INC, Nov/91. Assessment Report #092988 by L.R. Haynes.

GORDEY, S.P. and IRWIN, S.E.B., 1987. Geology, Sheldon Lake and Tay River map areas, Yukon Territory, scale 1:250 000. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 19-1987.

GORDEY, S.P., 1990. Geology of Tenas Creek (105K/1), Swim Lakes (105K/2) and Faro (105K/3 map areas, Yukon Territory, scale 1:50 000. Energy Mines and Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada Open File 2249.

GORDEY, S.P. and MAKEPEACE, A.J., 2003. Yukon Digital Geology, version 2.0, S.P Gordey and A.J. Makepeace (comp); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1749 and Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 2003-9(D).

HUDSON BAY EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LTD, Nov/86. Assessment Report #091885 by R. Stroshein.

PARLIAMENT MINES LTD, Nov/66. Assessment Report #017935 by A.C.A. Howe.

PARLIAMENT MINES LTD, Apr/68. Assessment Report #017737 by J.E. Tilsley and R. Morgan.

YGC RESOURCES LTD, Mar/95. Assessment Report #093239 by R. Stroshein.

YGC RESOURCES LTD, Jan/96. Assessment Report #093416 by R. Stroshein.

YGC RESOURCES LTD, Mar/97. Assessment Report #093627 by R. Stroshein.

YUKON EXPLORATION 1984, p. 109-110; 1987, p. 182, 183; 1991, p. 5.

YUKON EXPLORATION AND GEOLOGY 1983, p. 193, 2003, p. 24-25, 2004, p. 14, 30, 33, 2005, p. 33, 38, 40.

Location Map

Last Updated: Jul 13, 2018

Work History

Year Work Type Comment
2005 Ground Geophysics: IP Carried out on Maverick prospect.
2003 Drilling: Diamond Four holes, 268.2 m. Targeted anomaly B. Assessment Report #094454.
2003 Geochemistry: Soil Enzyme leach.
2002 Geochemistry: Soil Also rock sampling.
2002 Other: Prospecting
1991 Trenching: Mechanical
1988 Geochemistry: Soil
1988 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Ground magnetic survey.
1987 Geochemistry: Soil
1984 Geochemistry: Soil Reconnaissance scale.
1984 Geology: Bedrock Mapping Reconnaissance scale.
1967 Geochemistry: Soil
1967 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1966 Ground Geophysics: EM Also magnetics.

Regional Geology - Terrane

Group: Intermontane
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: Yukon-Tanana
Realm: peri-Laurentian

Regional Geology - Bedrock

Group/Suite: Klinkit
Terrane: Yukon-Tanana
Period Max: Carboniferous
Age Max: 340 MA
Period Min: Carboniferous
Age Min: 307 MA
Rock Major: volcaniclastic sandstone
Rock Minor: conglomerate, shale, limestone, chert
Reference: Gordey (2013) - GSC Map 2149A, Sheet 2
Geological Unit (1M): CK
Geological Unit (250K): CK3

Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence

Report Number Year Title Worktypes Holes Drilled Meters Drilled
095828 2011 Assessment Report, 2011 Exploration Program Gamma-Ray Spectrometry - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Orthophoto - Airphotography, Diamond - Drilling, Rotary - Drilling, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Downhole Survey - Ground Geophysics, IP - Ground Geophysics, Resistivity - Ground Geophysics, Prospecting - Other 70 19107
095232 2009 2009 Diamond Drilling Report on the Canyon Gold Grew Creek Project Diamond - Drilling 3 1592.30
093416 1995 1995 Diamond Drilling Report on the Grew Creek Gold Project Diamond - Drilling 14 1530
092621 1988 Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical Report on the Can 1-94, Can 101-110, Can 113-147, Can 149 Claims Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Detailed Surficial Mapping - Geology, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics
092002 1987 Geochemical & Geophysical Report on the Grew Creek Property Electromagnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Soil - Geochemistry
091885 1986 Report of Geochemical and Geophysical Surveys on the KM 400 and KM 410 Grids Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Line Cutting - Other
091587 1984 Exploration Report of Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical Surveys on the Canyon Claim Group Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Heavy Mineral Concentrate - Lab Work/Physical Studies
019824 1971 Exploration Report Hoho-Bram and Lorna, Roto, Gran, Jean, Aro Mineral Claim Groups Tintina-Anvil Project 1971 Rotary - Drilling, Historical Drill Core - Geochemistry, Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, EM - Ground Geophysics, Gravity Survey - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Petrographic - Lab Work/Physical Studies, Prospecting - Other, Data Compilation - Pre-existing Data
017737 1967 Geological and Geochemical Surveys on the Pix Group of Mineral Claims Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology
092062 1966 Geological Map of Faro area Regional Bedrock Mapping - Geology
017935 1966 Report on Geophysical Surveys on Property of Parliament Mines Ltd. EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics

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