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Yukon Geological Survey

Occurrence Details

Occurrence Number
105K 009
Occurrence Name
Grew Creek
Occurrence Type

General Information

Primary Commodities: gold, silver
Secondary Commodities: mercury, arsenic
Aliases: Main Zone
Deposit Type(s): Epithermal Au-Ag: Low Sulphidation
Location(s): 62.046390 N, -132.854170 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105K02
Location Comments: .5 Kilometres
Hand Samples Available at YGS: Yes


Work History

The original claims were staked as Grew cl 1-48 (94550) between Nov/65 and Feb/66 by General Enterprises Ltd and optioned to Gaylord Mines Ltd in 1967, which carried out magnetometer, EM and IP surveying later in the year. Three drill holes reportedly planned in 1968 were apparently never drilled. The nearby Carlin cl 1-32 (Y5762) were staked in May 66 by S. Young and examined briefly by Scope Mining and Exploration Consultants later that year.

A. Carlos, unaware of any previous staking became interested in the area following reports of Faro residents hand mining and recovering placer gold from Grew Creek. Prospecting the area, Carlos noted the presence of Tertiary volcanics and strong structural features furthering his interest. In May/83 Carlos discovered gold mineralization in outcrop and restaked the occurrence area within Canyon cl 1-40 (YA75717) in Jun/83. Carlos carried out geological mapping and geochemical sampling later in the year. The Canyon group was optioned late in 1983 by Mincan joint venture (Hudson Bay Exploration and Development Company Ltd and Minorco Canada Ltd), which staked more claims and carried out geological mapping, VLF-EM and magnetometer surveying and geochemical sampling in 1984 and 1985; trenching and drilled 13 holes (1,732 m) in 1984; drilled 19 percussion holes (1,660 m) in 1985; and geochemical sampling, EM and magnetometer surveying in 1986, before dropping the option.

The Ren cl 1-2 (YA75799), Tar cl 1-8 (YA75786), Hell cl 1-8 (YA75778) and Ern cl 1-8 (YA75749) were staked contiguously with the southern corner of the original Canyon claims in Jul/83 by Ezee Golds Ltd, which carried out trenching in 1983, 1984 and 1986. In 1987 Ezee Golds drilled one hole (51.3 m) for assessment on the Ern etc claims; carried out trenching, road work and additional drilling in 1989 and 1990; and trenching and road work in 1992. In Oct/93, Ezee Golds performed trenching on the Ern, Hell, Tar, and Ren, claims and on fractional Vac, JSC and TMP claims.

The Canyon claims were reoptioned in 1987 by a joint venture between Noranda Exploration Company Ltd, Golden Nevada Resources Inc and Brenda Mines Ltd, which carried out property wide geochemical sampling, ground magnetometer, airborne geophysical surveying and drilled 17 holes (2,972 m) 500 m west of Grew Creek on Canyon cl 3 and 4 (Main Zone) in 1987; geophysical surveying, geochemical sampling and drilled 30 core holes (13,156.5 m) in the Main Zone, 10 core holes (3,045 m) in the Tarn Zone (east of Grew Creek) and 12 rotary holes (1,448 m) between the two zones in 1988; and drilled 10 holes (1,165 m) in 1989. Golden Nevada Resources Inc changed its name to Goldnev Resources Inc in Jun/89 and excavated 18 backhoe trenches and 4 pits in 1991 before dropping its option later in the year.

Noranda Exploration Company Ltd tied on Can cl 1-168 (YB7880) to the northwest in Sep/87 and optioned them to Mintel International Development Corporation, which carried out geochemical sampling later in the year. Mintel staked the Ran cl 1-1 040 (YB08978) adjacent to and northwest of the Can claims in 1987. Mintel changed its name to Golden Trump Resources Ltd in Apr/89 and transferred the Ran claims to Prime Equities Inc in Nov/91. The Can claims were transferred to Prime Equities International Corporation in Dec/91. Both the Can and Ran claim groups were later transferred to A. Carlos in Apr/92.
In 1992, Wheaton River Minerals signed a letter of agreement to acquire the Grew Creek deposit but the terms of the option agreement were not fulfilled and the core claims reverted to Carlos. By the end of 1992, all of the Canyon and Grand claims previously optioned by other companies were also returned to Carlos.

In Feb/93 YGC Resources Ltd optioned the Grew Creek property (Minfile Occurrences 105K 008, 093, 113, this occurrence and 105F 047) and later in the year drilled 17 holes (1944 m) on the Canyon claims and carried out trenching on the Ran claims.
In Apr/94 YGC purchased the Ketza River property (Minfile Occurrence 105F 019) including a 400 metric tonnes per day mill from Wheaton Rivers Minerals Ltd. The sale was paid for with YGC shares and resulted in Wheaton River becoming controlling shareholder in YGC. YGC planned to truck Grew Creek ore to the Ketza River mill for processing, starting in 1995. Projected production was expected to be 30,000 oz (930,000 gm) Au per year for 3 years, with a 93% recovery. The plan never proceeded.
During the 1994 exploration season YGC drilled 14 holes (1,307 m) in the South and Main Zones. Nine holes were drilled in the South Zone to identify and sample the mineralization along the zone. The remaining 5 holes were drilled to fill in, test continuity and determine the upper level of bedrock mineralization at the eastern end of the Main Zone. In Oct/94 Carlos transferred the Grand, Ran, Can and Canyon claim groups to YGC.

In 1995 YGC drilled 14 diamond drill holes (1,530 m) on the Grew Creek property. Twelve of the holes were drilled to test various targets in and adjoining the Main Zone. One hole was drilled at the Main West Zone located 2 km to the west on Canyon cl 48 (YA81167). The remaining hole was drilled on Canyon cl 221 (YA81340) located approximately 16 km to the west (Minfile Occurrence 105K 113).

In the spring of 1996 YGC drilled 17 diamond drill holes (1560.7 m) to systematically drill test the continuity of the Main Zone mineralization on intermediate sections between 10+175E and 10+287.5E. Following completion of the program, the company carried out a compilation study which included surveying the location of all known drill holes and calculating an updated resources estimate for the Main Zone (non 43-101 compliant). At the end of 1996 YGC elected not to complete the final year of the option agreement and returned the various claim groups to Carlos.

Carlos staked Canon cl 1-6 (YC08793) in May/98 and Canon cl 7-14 (YC08939) in Jul/98, 2.5 km north of this occurrence location and contiguous with the existing Grew Creek claim block. Later that year Carlos carried out VLF-EM and magnetometer surveying, prospecting, soil sampling and trenching on the Canon claims.

In 2000 Carlos carried out an enzyme leach sampling program on a grid located between this occurrence location and the Robert Campbell Highway (located to the north). In 2001 and 2002 Carlos drilled 4 holes (191.1 m) and 6 holes (416.7 m), respectively, to test one of the anomalies (E) which is located immediately east of the occurrence location. Carlos also collected additional enzyme leach samples to increase his sampling density. In 2003 Carlos collared 3 diamond drill holes (150.9 m) on anomaly E and 4 diamond drill holes on the Maverick prospect’s anomaly B (Minfile Occurrence 105K 093) located approximately 10 km to the northwest. In 2004, before Carlos optioned the Grew Creek property, Carlos drilled 5 additional diamond drill holes (219.80 m) on anomaly B.

In Jul/2004 Carlos optioned the entire Grew Creek property to Freegold Ventures Ltd which drilled 12 diamond drill holes (633.4 m) on the Main zone. In 2005 Freegold Ventures carried out IP surveys on the Maverick prospect (Minfile Occurrence 105K 093), the Main zone, and the Rat Creek and Tarn zones (they adjoin the Main zone on the southeast side). The company followed up by drilling 6 diamond drill holes (960 m) on the Tarn and Rat Creek zones; 5 holes targeted the Tarn zone and 1 hole targeted the Rat Creek zone. Two of the Tarn zone drill holes were collared in overburden. The diamond drilling was conducted in two parts; mid to late March and November to mid-December.

In 2006 the company drilled 5 diamond drill holes (798 m) on the Tarn zone to test various IP chargeability targets. In the third quarter of 2007 Freegold Ventures dropped its option and returned the Grew Creek property to Carlos.
In Jan/2008 Carlos optioned the Grew Creek property to Emerick Resources Corporation which completed a compilation report in May/2008. Carlos carried out additional enzyme leach sampling in 2008.

In 2009, Emerick completed nine diamond drillholes (1,592.3 m) on the Grew Creek property. The holes tested Enzyme Leach soil anomalies located at various zones. Two holes (381.0 m) tested the Rat Creek target area located south and east of the main zone. The remaining seven diamond drill holes tested the Maverick (Minfile Occurrence 105K 093) and KM 410 (Minfile Occurrence 105K 113) zones.

Capsule Geology

The Grew Creek epithermal gold deposit is hosted by Eocene Ross Assemblage volcanic and sedimentary rocks deposited in a pull-apart basin within the Tintina Fault zone. The gold occurs in stockwork quartz veins and hydrothermal breccias cutting hydrothermally altered rhyolite. In Dec/89 Goldnev Resources Ltd reported that the Main Zone contained drill indicated reserves of 773,020 tonnes grading 8.92 g/t gold and 33.6 g/t silver. Within this deposit Goldnev identified a high grade core containing a drill indicated reserve of 184,950 tonnes grading 12.14 g/t gold. Metallurgical testing by Noranda in 1988 indicated that recoveries of 92-94% are possible using simple cyanide processing.

In the Main Zone, rhyolitic tuffs are juxtaposed against a cyclic sequence of Carboniferous and Permian aged fluvial sediments along the northwest-southeast trending Grew Creek fault. The faulted contact is partly intruded by a quartz-feldspar porphyry dike. The pyroclastic rocks, dike, fault and sediments all dip steeply to the north. The volcanic rocks are hydrothermally altered to illite-quartz and illite-quartz-adularia assemblages, with an outer propylitic halo.

Mineralization consists of pyrite, marcasite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, argentite, electrum, silver selenides, galena and sphalerite. Fluorite is also present in the Tarn zone, 2 km southeast of the Main zone. Gangue minerals include quartz, adularia, carbonates, and quartz pseudomorphs after calcite. In the main zone, gold and silver occur as micron-size grains in chalcedony stringer stockworks and adjacent silicified tuffs. There is a good correlation between gold and silver assays, with a gold: silver ratio of about 1:4 for ore-grade mineralization, which occurs in an elongated zone trending west-northwest. The mineralization is strongly anomalous in arsenic and mercury, but mercury shows only a weak correlation with gold and silver. Most high mercury values lie along the fault, above the gold-silver zone.

Initial drilling on the Main Zone returned a best intersection of 11.7 g/t gold and 150.9 g/t silver across 31.4 m, while the best section exposed in a trench assayed 3.6 g/t gold and 15.3 g/t silver across 13 m. The 1989 drilling focused on the Main Zone, with the best intersection returning 10.5 g/t gold over 13 m.

The Tarn Zone, located 2 km to the east, consists of quartz-fluorite-chalcedony stockworks and localized silicification within a 900 x 100 m zone of sericitized rhyolite dikes and tuff. The best assays were 150 ppb gold across 2.0 m in a trench and 520 ppb gold over 1.5 m in a drill hole.

Prospecting in the area is difficult due to a thick cover of glacial till. Plouffe (1989) showed that gold is concentrated in the silt and clay size fraction down-ice from the Grew Creek deposit, but the common pathfinder elements silver, antimony, arsenic and mercury show little correlation with the gold distribution.

On the Ern claims, Ezee's 1987 drill hole cut silicified, argillized crystal-lithic felsic tuff stained with limonite, but returned only trace gold.

YGC’s 1993 diamond drilling intersected strongly altered volcanic rocks beneath a zone of hydrothermal alteration exposed in a surface trench. The 1994 drilling showed that mineralization in the South Zone consists of an extensive quartz-adularia stringer stockwork of low grade gold-silver values. The best intersections were 2.33 g/t gold and 4.1 g/t silver over 10.4 m. The South Zone mineralization appears to be connected with the Main Zone mineralization, but further drilling in between the two zones needs to be carried out to confirm this theory. The drilling in the Main Zone confirmed earlier reported grades. The best intersection was 1.69 g/t gold and 3.0 g/t silver over 24 m. In Oct/94 YGC calculated an open pit mineable reserve for the Main zone of 173,000 tonnes grading 12 g/t gold and 32.3 g/t silver.

The best results recorded in 1995 were returned from the Main Zone, where hole #181 intersected ore grade gold-silver bearing quartz-adularia vein stockwork mineralization. The hole drilled near the eastern end of the zone returned 15.0 m assaying 7.63 g/t gold and 8.6 g/t silver. Other holes drilled on the Rat Creek Grid, Knoll Zone and in the contact area of a pyroclastic tuff and rhyolite flow dome located immediately east of Rat Creek returned anomalous gold values up to 633 ppb gold.

Twelve of the 1996 drill holes intersected significant gold mineralization in the Main Zone. The best result was recorded in hole GC-94-196 which returned 28.55 g/t gold over 17.0 m including 4.5 m grading 41.3 g/t and 6.59 m grading 41.95 g/t. The hole intersected thick banded quartz vein mineralization at the 795 m elevation which YGC believed represented a central core or feeder zone of the Main Zone deposit. The mineralization occurs within the phyllic alteration zone and is directly related to strong quartz-adularia alteration.

At the end of the 1996 drilling program YGC completed an updated resource estimate for the Main Zone. Employing a 1 g/t gold cutoff grade, a block model estimation calculated a total resource of 527,360 tonnes grading 5.27 g/t gold to the 710 m level. Within this total resource the company estimated an open pit resource of 382,000 tonnes grading 5.08 g/t gold above the 750 m elevation (YGC Resources, 1997, AR 093627). This resource estimate is not 43-101 compliant and later reports from the same author do not refer to it.

Samples from the 2000 sampling program were analyzed using Enzyme Leach technology, revealing several anomalous zones just south of and parallel to the Danger Creek Fault and although no report of this work was ever filed for assessment purposes geochemical anomaly maps produced from this sampling accompanied subsequent reports on the 2001 and 2002 drill programs. Drilling intersected altered and brecciated quartz feldspar porphyry, mixed sedimentary and volcanic lithologies and basalt. Samples of core from both years were submitted for analysis and generally returned values for gold below the detection limit of the analytical techniques employed, the highest reported value was 109 ppb gold over 0.6 m from sericitically altered quartz feldspar porphyry near the bottom of Hole #CGGC-8.

The 2003 and 2004 drilling of the Maverick enzyme leach anomaly B intersected mafic volcanic complex rocks but did not detect any significant gold values. The 2004 drilling program completed by Freegold Ventures indicated that the dominant vein trend is north.The 2005 report on the 2004 drilling lists the 1998 historical Orcan Minerals resource estimate (not NI 43-101 compliant), the same resource is listed in a Freegold Ventures news release (July 14 2004).  
Four diamond drill holes were collared on the Tarn zone in mid Mar/2005 before the IP survey was undertaken. The holes intersected intense phyllitic alteration associated with anomalous values in gold, silver, mercury and arsenic. The holes also intersected local fine quartz-adularia zones up to 40 m in length that yielded anomalous values up to 0.174 g/t gold and 2.3 g/t silver (news release 10 May/2005). The second phase of drilling collared 1 diamond drill hole on the Tarn zone and 1 hole on the Rat Creek zone. Two other holes were abandoned in overburden.

The 2006 diamond drill holes were completed between January and early Mar/2006 and were an extension of the second phase of the 2005 drill program. The 2006 drill holes targeted IP anomalies on the Tarn zone. The single hole collared on the Tarn zone in late 2005 and the five 2006 drill holes all intersected favorable alteration and displayed evidence of hydrothermal activity similar to that found at the Main zone but did not intersect any economic intervals.

A 2008 technical report summarizes the work to date on the property (Emerick Resources, 2008, by Stroshein), and lists resource estimates from 1988, 1992, 1993 and 1996. The resource estimated in the 2007 YGC report (by Stroshein) is not mentioned in the 2008 Emerick report (by Stroshein). It states that a resource was calculated in 2005 but.this information hasn't yet been located.

No 43-101 compliant resource estimate has been released to date (Jan 2014).

Location Map

Last Updated: Aug 29, 2018

Work History

Year Work Type Comment
2011 Drilling: Diamond NI-43-101 technical report
2010 Drilling: Diamond
2009 Drilling: Diamond Nine holes,1,600 m.
2008 Pre-existing Data: Research/Summarize Completed by Emerick Resources.
2006 Drilling: Diamond Five holes, 798 m.
2005 Drilling: Diamond 6 holes; 960 m
2005 Ground Geophysics: IP On Main Tarn and Rat Creek zones.
2004 Drilling: Diamond Seventeen holes, 853.2 m.
2003 Drilling: Diamond Three holes, 159.9 m.
2002 Drilling: Diamond Six holes, 416.7 m.
2001 Drilling: Diamond Four holes, 191.1 m.
2000 Geochemistry: Soil Enzyme Leach.
1996 Drilling: Diamond Seventeen holes, 1,560.7 m.
1996 Studies: Resource Estimate NON 43-101-compliant
1995 Drilling: Diamond Fourteen holes, 1,530 m.
1994 Drilling: Diamond Fourteen holes, 1,307 m.
1993 Drilling: Diamond Seventeen holes, 1,944 m.
1992 Trenching: Hand Performed in the 410 zone area.
1991 Trenching: Mechanical
1989 Development, Surface: Access Road
1989 Drilling: Diamond Ten holes, 1,165 m.
1989 Trenching
1988 Drilling: Diamond Forty-five holes, 14,360 m.
1988 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Also IP survey.
1987 Airborne Geophysics: Electromagnetic Also VLF and magnetic surveys.
1987 Drilling: Diamond One hole, 57.3 m.
1987 Geochemistry: Soil
1986 Geochemistry: Soil
1986 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Also EM survey.
1986 Trenching
1985 Drilling: Rotary Nineteen holes; 1,660 m.
1985 Geochemistry: Soil
1985 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1985 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Also EM survey.
1984 Drilling: Diamond Thirteen holes,1,732 m.
1984 Geochemistry: Soil
1984 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1984 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Also VLF-EM survey.
1984 Trenching
1983 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1983 Other: Prospecting
1983 Trenching
1983 Geochemistry: Soil
1967 Ground Geophysics: EM Also Magnetic and IP surveys.

Regional Geology - Terrane

Group: Intermontane
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: Yukon-Tanana
Realm: peri-Laurentian

Regional Geology - Bedrock

Group/Suite: Ross
Period Max: Paleogene
Age Max: 58 MA
Period Min: Paleogene
Age Min: 48 MA
Rock Major: porphyry/rhyolite
Rock Minor:
Reference: Hinz et al. in Mira Geoscience (2017) - YGS MR-18
Geological Unit (1M): lTR
Geological Unit (250K): lTR2

Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence

Report Number Year Title Worktypes Holes Drilled Meters Drilled
095828 2011 Assessment Report, 2011 Exploration Program Gamma-Ray Spectrometry - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Orthophoto - Airphotography, Diamond - Drilling, Rotary - Drilling, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Downhole Survey - Ground Geophysics, IP - Ground Geophysics, Resistivity - Ground Geophysics, Prospecting - Other 70 19107
095232 2009 2009 Diamond Drilling Report on the Canyon Gold Grew Creek Project Diamond - Drilling 3 1592.30
094694 2005 Assessment Report of Diamond Drilling and IP Surveys on the Canyon 12, Canyo 65-66, Maverick 2-4 and Maverick 6 Diamond - Drilling, IP - Ground Geophysics 8 1020.40
093416 1995 1995 Diamond Drilling Report on the Grew Creek Gold Project Diamond - Drilling 14 1530
093154 1993 1993 Diamond Drilling Report on the Carlos Gold Project Diamond - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry 17 1960
062293 1988 Report on the Grew Creek Property Research/Summarize - Pre-existing Data
092634 1988 Report on1988 Exploration Activities on the Canyon and Grand Claims Diamond - Drilling, Rotary - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Heavy Mineral Concentrate - Lab Work/Physical Studies 52 17649.50
092106 1987 Geochemical & Geophysical Report on the Canyon 7-16, Canyon 33-36 Soil - Geochemistry, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics
092002 1987 Geochemical & Geophysical Report on the Grew Creek Property Electromagnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Soil - Geochemistry
091543 1984 Geophysical Report of Ground Magnetic and Electromagnetic Surveys on the Canyon Claim Group Diamond - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry, EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Backhoe - Trenching, Handblast - Trenching 2 200.20
091587 1984 Exploration Report of Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical Surveys on the Canyon Claim Group Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Heavy Mineral Concentrate - Lab Work/Physical Studies
017738 1967 A Report on a Ground Magnetic and Electromagnetic Survey EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics
092062 1966 Geological Map of Faro area Regional Bedrock Mapping - Geology

Related References

Number Title Page(s) Document Type
1992GeolVol3_14 Grew Creek epithermal gold-silver deposit, Tintina Trench, Yukon, 105 K/2 Annual Report Paper
YEG1984 Yukon Exploration 1984 109-111 Annual Report
YEG1985_86 Yukon Exploration 1985-86 251-252 Annual Report
YEG1987 Yukon Exploration 1987 182-183 Annual Report
YEG1988_89 Yukon Exploration 1988 110-113 Annual Report
YEG1983 Yukon Exploration and Geology 1983 193 Annual Report
YEG1993 Yukon Exploration and Geology 1993 7,8 Annual Report
YEG1996 Yukon Exploration and Geology 1996 28,30,32 Annual Report
YEG1995 Yukon Exploration and Geology 1995 16,18 Annual Report
YEG1994 Yukon Exploration and Geology 1994 5,10,12 Annual Report
YEG2000 Yukon Exploration and Geology 2000 22,25 Annual Report
YEG2004 Yukon Exploration and Geology 2004 14, 30, 33 Annual Report
YEG2002 Yukon Exploration and Geology 2002 12-13,24, 26 Annual Report
YEG2001 Yukon Exploration and Geology 2001 18-19, 24, 25 Annual Report
YEG2003 Yukon Exploration and Geology 2003 24-25 Annual Report
YEG2005 Yukon Exploration and Geology 2005 33, 38, 40 Annual Report
1988GeolVol2_09 Bimodal Volcanism Along the Tintina Trench, Near Faro and Ross River Annual Report Paper
ARMC018788 Field map - Pelly River area - 105K/2 Geoscience Map (General)
ARMC016720 Geochemical map - 105K/2 - Swim Lakes Geochemical Map
ARMC016721 Geochemical map - 105K/2 - Swim Lakes Geochemical Map
ARMC016722 Geochemical sample location map - 105K/2 - Swim Lakes Geochemical Map
ARMC016723 Geology map - 105K/2 - Swim Lakes Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock)
ARMC016724 Geology map - 105K/2 - Swim Lakes Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock)
ARMC016719 Geology map - 105K/2 - Swim Lakes - Data from Al Sangster 1966, Reg Davis 1964, and Tintina OEX 1969 Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock)
CHRISTIE, A.R., DUKE, J. AND RUSHTON, R., 1989. Grew Creek Gold Deposit, Tintina Trench, Yukon. Poster presented at Whitehorse Geoscience Forum, 1989.
DUKE, J.L., 1989. The Grew Creek Au-Ag Deposit in South-Central Yukon. In: The Gangue, Geological Association of Canada Newsletter No. 27, May/89.
DUKE, J.L., 1990. The Grew Creek Gold-Silver Deposit in South-Central Yukon Territory. In: Mineral Deposits of the Northern Canadian Cordillera, Yukon-Northeastern British Columbia, J.G. Abbott and R.J.W. Turner (eds), 8th IAGOD Symposium Field Trip No. 14 Guidebook, Geological Survey of Canada Open File 2169, p. 309-313.
EMERICK RESOURCES CORPORATION, 15 May/2008. Summary Geological Report on the Grew Creek Property, Yukon Territory, Canada. By R.Stroshein.
EMERICK RESOURCES CORPORATION, News Release, 16 Jan/2008; 10 Nov/2009.
Freegold Ventures Ltd, 2005. report on Grew Creek Diamond Drilling, by Robert Stroshein
FREEGOLD VENTURES LTD, News Release, 14 Jul/2004, 10 May/2005, 27 Sep/2005, 3 Nov/2005, 11 May/2006, 10 Apr/2007, 13 Nov/2007 (Consolidated Financial Statements).
GEORGE CROSS NEWSLETTER, 8 Jan, 14 Apr, 26 May/88; 30 May, 4 Jul, 26 Sep, 7 Dec/89; 18 Feb/93; 14 Dec/93, 10 May/96, 11 Jun/96, 21 Jan/97.
Golden Predator Canada Corp, 2011, Assessment report 095828 by M. Shutty, closed.
Golden Predator Canada Corp, 2012, Assessment report 096353 by S. Carlos, closed.
GORDEY, S.P. and IRWIN, S.E.B., 1987. Geology, Sheldon Lake and Tay River map areas, Yukon Territory, scale 1:250 000. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 19-1987.
GORDEY, S.P. and MAKEPEACE, A.J., 2003. Yukon Digital Geology, version 2.0, S.P Gordey and A.J. Makepeace (comp); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1749 and Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 2003-9(D).
GORDEY, S.P., 1990. Geology of Tenas Creek (105K/1), Swim Lakes (105K/2) and Faro (105K/3 map areas, Yukon Territory, scale 1:50 000. Energy Mines and Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada Open File 2249.
NORTHERN MINER, 18 Jan/88; 24 Feb/92, 20 May/96, 17 Jun/96.
ORCAN MINERAL ASSOCIATES LTD, Apr/92. Mining Resources of the Grew Creek Deposit. (Available in EMR Library, Whitehorse, Yukon).
PLOUFFE, A., 1989. Drift prospecting and till geochemistry in Tintina Trench, southeastern Yukon. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.
Stroshein, R.W., 2011: Geological Report on Diamond Drilling 2010 on the Carlos Zone, Grew Creek Property, Yukon, Canada: Technical Report, May 2011.
WHEATON RIVER MINERALS LIMITED, Jun/92. Advanced Exploration Program Grew Creek Project. (Available in EMR Library, Whitehorse, Yukon).

Drill Core at YGS Core Library

Number Property Year Drilled Core Size Photos Data
GC-11-276 Grew Creek 2011 0 1
GC-11-281 Grew Creek 2011 0 1
GC-04-235 Grew Creek 2004 NTW 16 0
GC-04-236 Grew Creek 2004 NTW 22 0
CGGC-10 Grew Creek 2002 BQ 4 2
CGGC-5 Grew Creek 2002 BQ 14 2
CGGC-8 Grew Creek 2002 BQ 4 1
CGGC-9 Grew Creek 2002 BQ 10 2
CGGC-1 Grew Creek 2001 BQ 4 3
GC-94-156 Grew Creek 1994 NQ 8 2
GC-94-157 Grew Creek 1994 NQ 10 2
GC-94-158 Grew Creek 1994 NQ 8 2
GC-94-159 Grew Creek 1994 NQ 10 2
GC-94-160 Grew Creek 1994 HQ 12 2
GC-94-161 Grew Creek 1994 NQ 10 2
GC-94-164 Grew Creek 1994 NQ 10 2
GC-94-165 Grew Creek 1994 NQ 8 2
GC-94-166 Grew Creek 1994 NQ 8 2
GC-94-167 Grew Creek 1994 NQ 10 2
GC-94-168 Grew Creek 1994 NQ 8 2
GC-94-169 Grew Creek 1994 NQ 8 2
CAN-1 Grew Creek 1984 HQ 0 3
CAN-10 Grew Creek 1984 HQ 0 0
CAN-10W Grew Creek 1984 HQ 0 0
CAN-2 Grew Creek 1984 HQ 0 2
CAN-3 Grew Creek 1984 HQ 0 0
CAN-4 Grew Creek 1984 HQ 0 0
CAN-5 Grew Creek 1984 HQ 0 0
CAN-6 Grew Creek 1984 HQ 0 0
CAN-7 Grew Creek 1984 HQ 0 0
CAN-8 Grew Creek 1984 HQ 0 0

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