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Occurrence Details

Occurrence Number
105J 007
Occurrence Name
Occurrence Type
Drilled Prospect

General Information

Secondary Commodities: arsenic, copper, tungsten, lead, silver, gold
Aliases: Pad, Dragon Lake
Deposit Type(s): Skarn W
Location(s): 62.611650 N, -131.528810 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105J12
Location Comments: Location marks approximate location of trench #9.
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No


Work History

     *In Dec/2013 the location of this occurrence was moved approximately 430 m to the northeast to better represent the location of known mineralization.

Numerous skarn showings were first noted by the Geological Survry of Canada in 1945. They were initially staked as Pad cl 1-16 (74692) in Feb/60 by Kennco Explorations (Western) Ltd, which conducted a magnetometer survey and sampling program later in the year.

Restaked in May/67 by J.B. O'Neill as Mark cl 1-12 (Y18130), and in Apr/80 as Drag cl 1-16 (YA48659) by the Cub Joint Venture (Cassiar Resources Ltd, Highland-Crow Resources Ltd and Union Carbide Canada Ltd), which conducted magnetometer, prospecting and geochemical surveys later in the year.

Restaked as Nurf cl 1-38 (YA75565) in Apr/83 by a joint venture between Canamax Resources Inc and Canada Tungsten Mining Corporation Ltd, which performed mapping and geochemical surveys later in 1983 and 1984.

Restaked as Fire cl 1-28 (YB20328) in Jul/88 by Welcome North Mines Ltd, which carried out geological mapping and soil sampling programs later in the month.

Restaked as Drag cl 1-4 (YB67142) in Jun/96 by Eagle Plains Resources Ltd and Miner River Resources Ltd. The companies carried out prospecting and rock sampling in Aug/96 and staked Drag cl 5-8 (YB96313). The following month, the companies returned to the claims and carried out further prospecting and rock sampling. During the 1997 field season, the companies hand trenched and sampled numerous newly discovered mineralized showings.

A consultant visited the claim block in Oct/97 in order to review and verify the worked completed by the companies. In Dec/98 the companies added Drag cl 13-24 (YC09170) to their holdings. In Jul/99 the companies continued sampling the various skarn showings and completed a proton magnetometer survey over the two main showings. Based on the results of this program the companies drilled 4 diamond drill holes (301 m) on the Main showing. In Aug/99 the companies added Drag cl 25-44 (YC18119).
In Jul/2004 Bootleg Exploration Inc an affiliate company of Eagle Plains Resources carried out VLF and induced polarization (IP) / resistivity surveys over the eastern half of the Drag claims. In Aug/2004 Bootleg Exploration Inc carried out a regional silt, soil and rock sampling program on open ground located south and east of the Drag claims. In 2005 Eagle Plains Resources trenched and sampled some of the chargeability conductors outlined in the 2004 geophysical surveys.
In 2009 Eagle Plains Resources carried out a detailed soil sampling program over the middle of the claim block, covering the Main zone, the majority of the previously detected gold soil anomalies and the chargeability anomalies detected in the 2005 geophysical surveys. The following year the company carried out a trenching, XRF and soil sampling programs and flew a helicopter borne electromagnetic and magnetic geophysical survey over the claims.

In Jun/2011 Eagle Plains Resources optioned a 60% interest in the Drag claims to Olympic Resources Ltd in return for cash, shares and certain work commitments. Olympic Resources immediately staked Dragon cl 1-4 (YD65468) on a peninsula located on the south shore of Dragon Lake. Later in the summer Olympic Resources completed a 6 hole (660 m) diamond drill program on the claims. Two holes tested the Main zone, one hole tested mineralization uncovered by trenching near the Contact zone, while the 3 remaining holes tested skarn mineralization discovered approximately halfway between  the Main zone and the Creek showing. The company also collected a few rock samples from an anomalous area outlined by the 2010 exploration program.

Capsule Geology

The area is located in the south-central portion of the Selwyn Basin. Gold, silver, copper and tungsten occur with pyrrhotite and magnetite in pyroxene skarns along the margin of a recessive weathering, mid-Cretaceous quartz monzonite stock, tentatively assigned to the Selwyn Plutonic Suite which intrudes Proterozoic Yuseyu Formation argillaceous limestone, graphitic to calcareous phyllite, chert, calc-silicate rock, marble and quartzite of the Proterozoic and Lower Cambrian Hyland Group.

 Exploration over the years has outlined three styles of mineralization within the claim block/property.
  1. Chalcopyrite, minor scheelite and gold in pyrrhotite-pyroxene skarn.
  2. Quartz-pyrite-sericite-stibnite +/-scheelite veins in kaolinized intrusive rocks.
  3. Arsenopyrite-quartz veins within sericitized gritty quartzites.
The property was originally staked following the discovery of numerous pods of pyrrhotite- pyroxene skarn. Follow-up exploration over the years identified the other two mineralization types. Silicified-calc-silica horizons host disseminated to banded semi-massive pyrrhotite mineralization with the sulfide mineral content of the gold bearing samples averaging 57%. The Main zone is the largest of these targets and is comprised of three exposures of limonitic calc-silicate rock lying within a quartzite unit located approximately 350 m south-southwest of Dragon Lake. Soil sampling in 1988 outlined a gold-copper-arsenic anomaly over the zone

The Creek showing located approximately 200 m to the southwest consists of a 3.5 m thick calc-silicate horizon containing massive pyrrhotite bands that outcrop in an open cut on the east side of a creek valley. Mineralization is locally well-layered but typically is disseminated and fine grained. A 3 m chip sample collected from the upper exposure returned a 3 m chip assay that assayed 1 106 ppb gold.

Six hundred metres west of the Main zone is a second skarn zone 5 m wide and 100 m long. The best specimen from this zone assayed 0.23 g/t gold, 1.5 g/t silver and 0.13% copper over 2 m. Stream silts are reported to have returned up to 459 ppb gold and 50 ppb platinum.
Quartz-stibnite veins up to 2.5 cm wide have been observed in intrusive rocks. These generally contain low gold concentrations. Quartz-arsenopyrite veins have been observed in altered sedimentary rocks and generally contain higher concentrations of gold; up to 12.7 g/t.

Arsenopyrite-quartz-sericite veins were also observed in several outcrops located within the intruded sequence, near the intrusive contact. The veins are rarely wider than 2 cm and can rarely be traced for more than a metre in the rubbly outcrop. The best assay returned 3.0 g/t gold and 67.2 g/t silver.

The 1996 work program confirmed the gold potential of the skarn zones and tested the potential of the alteration haloes surrounding the sulphide bearing skarns. Chip samples from pyroxene skarn lenses returned 12.7 g/t gold over 1.0 m and 3.54 g/t gold over 5.0 m. During the 1997 exploration program, 14 sites in and around the Main zone were hand trenched and sampled. Additional rocks samples were collected from other showings located on the claim block. Chip samples from the Main zone returned 1.87 g/t gold over 9.0 m and 1.21 g/t gold over 15.3 m. The consultant verified earlier sampling results and prepared an evaluation report which the companies used to obtain funding for a diamond drill program.

The 1999 rock sampling program and the magnetometer survey were used to locate 4 drill holes on the Main zone. The holes intersected thick bands of actinolite skarn and calc-silicate rock containing up to 5% pyrrhotite. Gold values in skarn were generally weakly elevated with a few spot highs but no consistent mineralization was intersected. The best result was 3.66 g/t gold over 1.2 m.

The 2004 Induced Polarization (IP) geophysical survey identified a zone of elevated chargeability measuring 300 m wide that crossed through part of the Main zone and corresponded with a number of showings that contained elevated gold values. The anomaly is open to the east. A second chargeability zone measuring 10 to 15 m wide was identified to the southeast. The regional sampling program did not identify any new areas of mineralization.

In 2005 Eagle Plains trenched 8 separate areas which hosted coincident geochemical and chargeability anomalies. Five of the trenches reached bedrock and generally encountered rocks exhibiting moderate to intense contact metamorphism (skarn-type alteration) and in places intense iron-oxide (gossanous) staining. The best results were from trenches 3 and 4 where 3 samples returned 481.8 ppb, 799.8 ppb and 1 140.1 ppb gold. The 2009 soil sampling program confirmed and in-filled some of the results from the 1983 grid located over the Main zone and the intrusive/sediment contact (Contact zone) as well as expand the soil sampling coverage to the south.

The 2010 soil sampling program was designed to cover areas of the property which had seen little or no previous sampling and returned broad soil anomalies containing values up to 454 ppb gold. Rock and chip sampling was carried out over various historic trenches and outcrop showings. A chip sample from the Main zone returned values up to 4.9 g/t gold, 1.1 g/t silver and 0.1% copper over 6 m including 19 g/t gold, 1.9 g/t silver and 0.12% copper over 1 m. A grab sample of historic drill core from diamond drill hole 99-01 returned 19 g/t gold, representing high-grade gold potential that was previously undiscovered on the property. The airborne geophysical survey was flown to locate any buried intrusions and/or major structural features that could be controlling and influencing mineralization.
The Dragon claims were staked to cover a campsite and off load facilities used in the 2011 drill program. All six of the 2011 diamond drill holes detected precious metal mineralization. The best results were 5.7 g/t gold over 0.25 m in hole #4 which tested skarn mineralization associated with the Main zone and 1.57 g/t gold over 3.0 m from hole #2 which tested a highly oxidized, mineralized skarn occurrence discovered in 2010. Numerous exploration targets remain untested on the property.


Location Map

Last Updated: Dec 6, 2013

Work History

Year Work Type Comment
2011 Drilling: Diamond Drilled 6 holes (660 m) over three areas
2011 Geochemistry: Rock Collected from anomalous area detected in 2010.
2010 Airborne Geophysics: Electromagnetic Also colected magnetic data.
2010 Geochemistry: Soil Also used XRF to compare results.
2010 Trenching: Hand
2009 Geochemistry: Soil Detail survey over Main zone and majority of historic gephysical and gold soil anomalies.
2005 Trenching: Handblast Trenched and sampled some of the chareability anomalies detected in 2004 survey.
2004 Geochemistry: Soil Also collected silt and rock samples.
2004 Ground Geophysics: IP Ran survey over eastern half of claim block. Also collected VLF data.
1999 Drilling: Diamond Drilled 4 holes (301 m). Used geophysical results to located holes.
1999 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Proton magnetometer.
1997 Geochemistry: Rock
1997 Trenching: Hand
1996 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1996 Geochemistry: Rock
1996 Other: Prospecting
1988 Geochemistry: Soil
1988 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1983 Geology: Bedrock Mapping
1983 Geochemistry: Soil
1980 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Magnetometer survey.
1960 Geochemistry: Rock Chip sampling.
1960 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Magnetometer survey.
1945 Geology: Regional Bedrock Mapping Skarn mineralization discovered by Geological Survey of Canada during regional mapping program.

Regional Geology - Terrane

Group: Ancestral North America
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: North America - basinal strata
Realm: Laurentia

Regional Geology - Bedrock

Supergroup: Windermere
Group/Suite: Hyland
Formation: Yusezyu
Terrane: Laurentia
Period Max: Ediacaran
Age Max: 635 MA
Period Min: Ediacaran
Age Min: 542 MA
Rock Major: phyllite/shale/sandstone/grit/conglomerate/limestone
Rock Minor: marble
Reference: Gordey (1996) - GSC Map 19-1987, sheet 1
Geological Unit (1M): PCH
Geological Unit (250K): PCH6

Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence

Report Number Year Title Worktypes Holes Drilled Meters Drilled
095415 2010 2010 Geological and Geochemical Report on the Dragon Lake Property Electromagnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Hand - Trenching
095334 2010 2010 Geological and Geochemical Report on the Dragon Lake Property Electromagnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Hand - Trenching
094566 2005 Report on the 2005 Trenching Program on the Dragon Lake Property, Ross River Area, Yukon Handblast - Trenching
018941 1968 Hess Project Report 1968 Laforce Lake - Mount Selous Area Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Regional Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Prospecting - Other
017565 1960 Kennco Explorations, (Western) Limited Pad Group Dragon Lake, Yukon Territory Rock - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics

Related References

Number Title Page(s) Document Type
YEG1984 Yukon Exploration 1984 105. Annual Report
YEG1989 Yukon Exploration 1989 57, 58. Annual Report
YEG1983 Yukon Exploration and Geology 1983 187. Annual Report
YEG1997 Yukon Exploration and Geology 1997 29, 35. Annual Report
YEG2004_OV Yukon Mining, Development & Exploration Overview 2004 11, 30. Annual Report
YEG1998_OV Yukon Mining & Exploration Overview 1998 12, 29. Annual Report
YEG1999_OV Yukon Mining & Exploration Overview 1999 10, 11, 29, 31. Annual Report
YEG2005 Yukon Exploration and Geology 2005 28, 38. Annual Report
YEG2009_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2009 58. Annual Report
YEG2010_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2010 24, 59. Annual Report
YEG2011_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2011 35, 63, 72. Annual Report
2003-9(D) Yukon Digital Geology (version 2) Open File (Geological - Bedrock)
ARMC013650 Air photo overlays A12371-250 showing silt and soil sample locations and property development record - Dragon Lake area Geoscience Map (General)
ARMC016323 Geochemical results and claim group map of sheet 105J/12 - Revised - Ross River Geochemical Map
ARMC016691 Geochemical results and claim group map of sheet 105J/12 0 Revised Geoscience Map (General)
ARMC016689 Geochem samples map - 105J/12 - With notes on Selwyn project Geochemical Map
ARMC016690 Geochem samples locations map - 105J/12 - With notes on Selwyn project Geochemical Map
BOOTLEG EXPLORATION INC, Dec/2004. Yukon Mineral Incentive Program (YMIP) 2004-70 by S. Casselman.
BOOTLEG EXPLORATION INC, Dec/2004. Yukon Mineral Incentive Program (YMIP) 2004-71 by S. Casselman
EAGLE PLAINS RESOURCES LTD, Jan/2006. Yukon Mineral Incentive Program (YMIP) 2005-044 by S. Casselman. Report is same as Assessment Report #094566.
EAGLE PLAINS RESOURCES LTD, Mar/2010. Yukon Mineral Incentive Program (YMIP) 2009-035 by A. Higgs. Report is same as Assessment Report #095257.
EAGLE PLAINS RESOURCES LTD, Mar/2010. Assessment Report #095257 by A. Higgs.
EAGLE PLAINS RESOURCES LTD, Mar/2010. Assessment Reports #095334 and #095415 by A. Higgs. (Both reports are identical).
EAGLE PLAINS RESOURCES LTD, News Release. 16 Aug/99, 28 Sep/99, 9 Jan/2003, 24 Jun/2004, 2 Jun/2010, 27 Oct/2010, 27 Jun/2011, 6 Jul/2011, 22 Nov/2011.
GORDEY, S.P. AND IRWIN S.E.B., 1987. Geology, Sheldon Lake and Tay River map areas, Yukon Territory. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 19-1987 (3sheets), scale 1:250 000.
OLYMPIC RESOURCES LTD, Jan/2012. Assessment Report #095467 by M. McQuaig.

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