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Occurrence Details

Occurrence Number
105H 036
Occurrence Name
Occurrence Type
Drilled Prospect

General Information

Secondary Commodities: arsenic, silver, gold
Deposit Type(s): Plutonic Related Au, Vein Au-Quartz
Location(s): 61.709040 N, -128.326890 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105H09
Location Comments: Location marks road side trench where high grade samples collected.
Hand Samples Available at YGS: Yes
Last Reviewed: Jan 23, 2013


Last Updated: Jan 23, 2013
Work History
*This occurrence covers all 3Ace property claims located east of the Little Hyland River.

Staked as Bill cl 1-4 (86912) in Apr/63 by W. Peters. Restaked as Bill cl 1-4 (Y64026) in Aug/71 by J.C. Turner; as Bill cl 1-4 (Y83077) in Jul/74 by W. Peters; as Kerry cl 1-8 (YA46847) in Dec/79 by B. Peters; and as Bam cl 1-3 (YA57321) in Dec/80 by A. Mercier. The target was fringe staked as Bee cl 1-8 (YA50487) etc, in Mar-Jul/80 by K. Peters and restaked as Isis cl 1-6 (YB35011) in Aug/92 by W. Egg. There is no record of any work being filed for assessment on any of these claims during this period.

In 1997 Hudson Bay Exploration and Development Company Ltd conducted a regional geochemical survey and in Sep/97 subsequently staked Hit cl 1-32 (YB90489) north and west of the occurrence location.  During the summer of 1998 Hudson Bay carried out silt sampling and grid based rock and soil sampling programs on the claims. The company enlarged their claim holdings by staking Hit cl 33- 104 (YB91408) in Jul/98 and Hit cl 105-129 (YB91642) in Sep/98.

The occurrence was restaked within 3 Ace cl 1-83 (YB91498) between August and Sep/98 by A. McMillan who optioned the claims in Dec/98 to Hudson Bay.

In Sep/98 Hudson Bay staked Hab cl 1-20 (YB91711) and Hat cl 1-20 (YB91691) 9.5 km and 13.5 km to the north-northwest respectively,(measured from  the occurrence location). Hudson Bay added Hab cl 21-113 (YB91873) in Dec/98 to surround the original 20 Hab claims, forming a contiguous claim block with the Hat claims to the northwest and the Hit/3 Ace claim group to the southeast. By the end of 1998 Hudson Bay’s claim holdings formed a contiguous, northwest-southeast trending block that straddles the Nahanni Range Road and covers the this occurrence and the neighbouring 3Ace occurrence located approximately 3 km to the northwest (west side of the Little Nahanni River).

In 1999 the company carried out geological mapping, rock and silt sampling and grid based soil sampling on the Hab and Hat claims. Hudson Bay also carried out a grid based soil sampling program on the 3 Ace claims. In addition the company explored the Hit claims with airborne geophysics, prospecting, geological mapping and follow-up soil sampling programs. In September and Oct/99 the company collared 4 diamond drill holes (600.1 m) to test gold and arsenic soil anomalies located on the Hit claims.

In Nov/2000 Hudson Bay dropped its option on the 3 Ace claims and returned the property to McMillan. The following year McMillan carried out prospecting and additional soil sampling to follow up airborne geophysical and soil anomalies identified by Hudson Bay in 1999.
In Mar/2003 ATAC Resources Ltd optioned the 3 Ace claims from McMillan. In early Jun/2003 ATAC carried out excavator trenching, geological mapping and rock sampling in and around the Road occurrence. The company also carried out hand trenching and prospecting on several other targets located within the claims. Approximately two weeks later the company terminated its option on the claims. Later in the summer McMillan sampled a quartz vein located approximately 2 km northwest of the Road occurrence which assayed 5 401.1 g/t gold (~157.53 g/t gold). The outcrop is located within an area now known as the “Main” zone.
In Feb/2005 McMillan optioned the claims to North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd, operators of the Cantung Tungsten Mine located approximately 30 km to the north, just across the border in the Northwest Territories. At the time of signing, the 3 Ace claim block consisted of 38 remaining claims. During June and Jul/2005 North American Tungsten carried out grid soil sampling and horizontal loop electromagnetic (HLEM) and ground magnetic geophysical surveys over the Road occurrence and other parts of the claim block. In Mar/2008 North American Tungsten’s option on the 3 Ace claims expired.

Beginning in Oct/2007 A. McMillan began restaking 3 Ace, Hat and Hit claims as they lapsed. By February 2010 McMillan had staked 112 King claims over the expired Hat and Hit claims and 20 Ace claims over various expired 3 Ace claims. The restaking of these claims eliminated any doubt that the high grade gold showings found by McMillan were located within claims he owned. On March 5, 2010 Northern Tiger Resources Inc announced that the company had signed a Letter of Intent to acquire the newly named 3Ace property in return for cash, shares and certain work commitments. The agreement was finalized one month later.

In May/2010 Northern Tiger staked Ace cl 21-152 (YD59388) 8 km to the northwest (on NTS map sheet 105H 16) overtop lapsed Hit and Hat claims. In Jul/2010 the company staked Jack cl 1-5 (YD29172)  and Jack cl 23-39 (YD29199) approximately 4 km west of the occurrence and Jan cl 1-4 (YD10902) approximately 1.5 km to the south east. By mid-July/2010 the 3Ace property consisted of 293 claims.
Northern Tiger’s 2010 exploration season was geared towards verifying previous results obtained on the 3Ace property and planning for an extensive exploration program in 2011. All exploration work was focused on the claims located west of the Little Hyland River. The claims located on the east side of the river including this occurrence only received a cursory examination. 
Between August and Nov/2010 Northern Tiger staked an additional 682 claims in the area. The claims were staked to fill in gaps located between existing claim groups and cover the potential strike extensions of various mineralized structures. Claims associated with this occurrence include Joe cl 1 – 102 (YD24701) and Queen cl 1-14 (YD11172) staked in Sep/2010. 
In 2011 Northern Tiger carried out a large exploration program on their claim holdings. The company conducted an airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey over their entire 3Ace property. In relation to this occurrence the company silt sampled all drainages, prospected and collected reconnaissance rock samples from several areas. In conjunction with a large drill program carried out on the western side of the Little Hyland River, the company tested the Road occurrence (this occurrence) with two diamond drill holes (462 m).
In 2012 the area surrounding this occurrence did not see any significant exploration work.

Capsule Geology

The area is located in the Little Hyland River valley, approximately 175 km north of the Town of Watson Lake. The actual occurrence lies approximately 30 m east of the Nahanni Range Road which services North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd’s Cantung tungsten mine which is located approximately 30 km to the north. The area lies within the Selwyn Mountains and is underlain by a sequence of Selwyn Basin stratigraphy composed primarily of shallow marine shelf and off-shelf sedimentary rock derived from the ancient North American Platform.
The occurrence area is underlain by a broad package of west-northwest trending, north-northeast dipping coarse grained clastic sediments, siltstones, pyllitic shale, limestone and calcareous siltstone and shale of the Upper Proterozoic to Lower Cambrian Hyland Group. Various companies have previously assigned the Hyland Group rocks to the Neoproterozoic Yusezyu Formation. Recent mapping by C. Buchanan, a geologist employed by Northern Tiger Resources suggests that the bulk of the claims located east of the Little Hyland River are underlain by calcareous sedimentary rocks tentatively assigned to the Algae Lake member. The Algae Lake member is comprised of a succession of calcareous phyllite, calcareous arkosic sandstone, thin-bedded calcareous siltstone, ribbon-bedded limestone, thick-bedded non-calcareous quartz pebble conglomerate and locally limestone cobble to boulder breccias that were deposited at the top of the Yusezyu Formation, and separate it from the overlying Narchilla Formation. The Algae member has been mapped elsewhere within the Selwyn Basin by Colpron (2012) and others. Buchanan is the first geologist to record its presence in the Little Hyland River-Nahanni Road region.
On the west side of the Little Hyland River, the Little Hyland Fault separates Yusezyu rocks from the Algae Lake member. Northeast of the claims, a northwest-southeast trending fault separates the Hyland Group rocks from a thin to medium bedded limestone unit assigned to the Cambrian to Ordovician Rabbitkettle Formation. Southeast of the claims a thrust fault separates Algae member rocks from younger Narchilla Formation rocks. Two periods of compressional deformation are recorded in the rocks and the package is bounded to the north and south by inferred lateral to oblique-slip faults in the Sprogge and Dayo Creek valleys. Mid-Cretaceous age quartz monzonite and quartz-biotite monzonite dykes and related veining associated with stocks of the Tombstone Plutonic suite have intruded tensional features related to the inferred faulting.
     *Previous versions of Yukon Minfile plotted the occurrence location approximately 0.75 km to the southeast. The original location likely marked the center point of the 1979-80 claim blocks.  The new location marks the actual trench which Northern Tiger Resources drill tested in 2011.
Geological Survey of Canada Paper 67-36 contains a mineral potential map which identifies a gold occurrence which is referred to as the Little Hyland River occurrence. The report does not contain any other information and likely resulted from local knowledge of the claims. The map’s large scale makes it impossible to accurately locate the occurrence.
Hudson Bay Exploration’s 1998 soil sampling program on the Hit outlined 8 anomalies which returned gold values 100 ppb or greater. Anomaly A1 located in the northeast corner of the Hit claim block near the boundary of the Sprogge claims was the only anomaly identified on the east side of the Little Hyland River. Hudson Bay’s 1999 drill program tested 4 soil geochemical anomalies on the west side of the Little Nahanni River. No work was completed on the east side. Soil sampling carried out by Hudson Bay on the 3 Ace claims in 1999 did not identify any soil anomalies on the east side of the Little Hyland River.
In 2001, A. McMillan collected several lines of soil samples between the east side of the Little Hyland River and the Nahanni Road. McMillan also collected several additional lines over the northeast corner of the 3 Ace claims located east of the Hit claim, where in 1998 Hudson Bay Exploration identified anomalous gold in soil values. None of the samples returned anomalous values. A grab sample collected from a trench dug on the occurrence location returned 7.81 g/t gold and 1.40 g/t silver. The grab sample was described as consisting of quartz-feldspar pebble conglomerate overlying limestone and shale. During this program McMillan collected a sample of quart-feldspar pebble conglomerate 2 km to the northwest (on the west side of the Little Nahanni River) which assayed 4.61 g/t gold. The sample was collected from within an area now known as the “Main” zone.

ATAC Resources examined the occurrence area in Jun/2003. The company collected numerous mineralized rock samples. Mineralization was described as massive to semi massive arsenopyrite and stibnite and trace amounts of galena in a quartz vein of varying width. In some places the quartz vein is hosted within coarse quartz-feldspar pebble conglomerate. In others the conglomerate is absent and only quartz vein material exists. The bulk of the mineralization was observed to be coming from a 3.75 cm wide section of till located as close as 15 cm above the bedrock in the vicinity of a fast draining seep. A grab sample collected by McMillan from this area returned 33.94 g/t gold and 30.5 g/t silver however other samples only returned up to 6.81 ppm gold and  >100 000 ppm arsenic.
It appears that McMillan continued prospecting the 3 Ace claims after ATAC Resources dropped its option. In the fall of 2003 McMillan discovered a quartz vein containing visible gold approximately 2 km northwest of this occurrence (on the west side of Little Hyland River) which returned an assay of 5 401 g/t gold.  (~157.53 Oz/ton). The outcrop is located within an area now known as the “Main” zone.
Prior to North American Tungsten commencing their summer e exploration program, a company representative and a geologist from Aurora Geosciences paid a one day visit to the 3Ace claims. Inspection of some of the claim posts located along the assumed boundary between Hudson Bay Exploration’s Hit claims and the 3 Ace claims determined that the claims were mis-plotted on government claim maps and there was a variable amount of overlap on the northeastern boundary of the two claim groups raising doubt whether the high-grade visible gold showing was actually located within the 3 Ace claims. Soil and geophysical grids were adjusted accordingly.
The main grid straddled the Little Hyland River with approximately half the grid lying on each side. Soil sampling identified a few scattered one station anomalies on the east side of the grid (this occurrence). Arsenic values outlined a strong anomaly measuring up to 400 m long and 80 m wide and centred between the occurrence and the Little Hyland River. Neither the total magnetic nor horizontal loop electromagnetic surveys return any geophysical anomalies. Two grab samples collected from the occurrence location and consisting of arsenopyrite bearing quartz vein in metasedimentary rock returned assays of 3.3 g/t gold and 7% arsenic and 4.46 g/t g and 18.7% arsenic. 
Northern Tiger Resources 2010 exploration program was aimed at verifying the high gold grades located on the west side of the Little Hyland River. Only cursory exploration work appears to have been carried out around this occurrence. The 2011 rock and silt sampling programs did not return any significant anomalies.  The company also collared two diamond drill holes from the same location to test the Road occurrence. Both holes intersected narrow zones of low-grade gold mineralization. The best result was obtained from hole 3ARS11-01 which returned 0.76 g/t gold over 1 m.

Location Map

Last Updated: Jan 23, 2013

Work History

Year Work Type Comment
2011 Airborne Geophysics Magnetic and radiometric survey flown over entire 3Ace property.
2011 Drilling: Diamond Northern Tiger tested occurrence with 2 holes (462 m).
2011 Geochemistry: Rock Northern Tiger collected rock samples from various areas located east of Little Hyland River.
2011 Geochemistry: Silt Northern Tiger silt sampled all drainages on 3Ace property.
2010 Other Northern Tiger carried out cusory examination of area surronding this occurrence.
2005 Geochemistry: Soil Grid soil sampling.
2005 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Also HLEM survey completed.
2003 Geochemistry: Rock ATAC Resources collected grab samples from trench and other areas on 3 Ace claims.
2003 Trenching: Backhoe ATAC Resources trenched occurrence location.
2001 Geochemistry: Soil Work carried out by A. Mcmillan on 3 Ace claim group.
1999 Airborne Geophysics Magnetic and radiometric surveys flown over all claims.
1999 Geochemistry: Rock Carried out on all claims.
1999 Geochemistry: Soil Carried out on Hab, Hat and 3 Ace claims.
1999 Geology: Bedrock Mapping Carried out on Hit, Hab and Hat claims by Hudson Bay.
1998 Geochemistry: Soil Grid based.
1998 Geochemistry: Silt Sampled all drainages.
1997 Geochemistry Regional silt sampling carried out by Hudson Bay prior to staking.

Regional Geology - Terrane

Group: Ancestral North America
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: North America - basinal strata
Realm: Laurentia

Regional Geology - Bedrock

Supergroup: Windermere
Group/Suite: Hyland
Formation: Yusezyu
Member: middle, grit
Terrane: Laurentia
Period Max: Ediacaran
Age Max: 635 MA
Period Min: Cambrian
Age Min: 541 MA
Rock Major: conglomerate, sandstone
Rock Minor:
Reference: Moynihan (2016) - YGS OF 2016-36
Geological Unit (1M): PCH
Geological Unit (250K): PCH3

Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence

Report Number Year Title Worktypes Holes Drilled Meters Drilled
096895 2013 Geochemical Report on 2013 Exploration on the 3 Ace Property Soil - Geochemistry
095790 2011 2011 Exploration Activity on the 3Ace Property: Drilling, Geochemical, and Geophysical Surveys, Little Hydland River Gamma-Ray Spectrometry - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Diamond - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry, Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Prospecting - Other 4 8458
094318 2001 3 Ace Target Analysis Program, YMIP 01-017 Soil - Geochemistry, Prospecting - Other
094077 1999 Assessment Report Diamond Drilling Geochemical Survey 3Ace Property Soil - Geochemistry, Prospecting - Other
093975 1998 Assessment Report Geochemical Survey Hit Property Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry

Related References

Number Title Page(s) Document Type
ARMC008142 Heavy mineral sampling map - NTS 105H-9 - MacMillan project - Anmac Geochemical Map
YEG2005_08 Gold mineralization in the upper Hyland River area: a non-magmatic origin p. 109-125. Annual Report Paper
YEG1999_OV Yukon Mining & Exploration Overview 1999 p. 12, 29, 31. Annual Report
YEG2010_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2010 p. 34-35, 58. Annual Report
YEG2011_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2011 p. 29-30, 62, 72. Annual Report
YEG2012_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2012 p.41-42, 61. Annual Report
ARMC013764 Hyland River prospecting results including NTS sheet 105H - Hyland Lake area Report
ARMC013763 Letter Re: Bill claim group - Hyland River Miscellaneous Company Documents
BROCK000251 Mineral occurrence map with regional geochemical anomalies and notes - 105H - Frances Lake Geoscience Map (General)
ATAC RESOURCES LTD, Interim Financial Statements for the periods ended June 30, 2003, p. 8. Available on SEDAR, August 26, 2003
ATAC RESOURCES LTD, News Release. 3 Jun/2003, 17 Jun/2003.
NORTH AMERICAN TUNGSTEN CORPORATION LTD, 2005. Yukon Exploration Incentive Plan (YEIP) Report - 2005-60, by S. Casselman.
NORTH AMERICAN TUNGSTEN CORPORATION LTD, Jan/2009. Consolidated Financial Statements for the Years Ended Sep 30, 2008 and 2007. p. 12. (Available on SEDAR).
NORTH AMERICAN TUNGSTEN CORPORATION LTD, News Release, 3 Feb/2005, 18 Feb/2005.
NORTHERN TIGER RESOURCES INC, Apr/2012. Assessment Report #095790 by C. Buchanan.
NORTHERN TIGER RESOURCES INC, News release. 5 Mar/2010, 7Apr/2010, 26 May/2010, 3 May/2011, 31 Aug/2011, 17 Jan/2012.
NORTHERN TIGER RESOURCES INC, Nov/2010. Assessment Report #095347 by C.M. Schulze and C. Buchanan.

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