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Occurrence Details

Occurrence Number
105G 071
Occurrence Name
R 15
Occurrence Type
Drilled Prospect

General Information

Secondary Commodities: beryllium, tungsten, tin, gold, copper, lead, zinc, silver, selenium
Aliases: Myda
Deposit Type(s): Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) Kuroko Cu-Pb-Zn
Location(s): 61.440860 N, -130.493780 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105G07
Location Comments: Approximate center of R 15 zone.
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No
Last Reviewed: Dec 19, 2016


Last Updated: Dec 19, 2016
     *This occurrence was moved 3.6 km to the north-northeast in Dec/2016 to reflect the approximate center of the R 15 zone.

Staked as Myda cl 1-32 (Y74102) in Aug/73 by Finlayson Joint Venture (Standard Oil Company of British Columbia Ltd; Union Oil Company of Canada Ltd; and Marietta Resources International Ltd), which conducted mapping and rock sampling. 

Restaked as Lena cl 1-42 (YA46194) in Oct/79 by Chevron Canada Ltd which sampled the occurrence and carried out a reconnaissance magnetometer survey over the claims in 1980. 
In 1994 the area surrounding the occurrence was withdrawn from staking (known as RRDC R15A) due to land claims negotiations.
In 1994 Cominco Ltd flew an airborne electromagnetic/magnetic geophysical survey over the Kudz Ze Kayak property (Minfile Occurrence #105G 117) located immediately northwest of the RRDC R15A land parcel and northeast portion of the land parcel. The company carried further airborne electromagnetic and magnetic surveys over the land parcel in 1998. Due to the withdrawal from staking of the R-15 area due to land claims negotiations no follow-up work was carried out on the land parcel.
In Feb/2004 Kaska Minerals Corporation (wholly owned by Ross River Dena Council) entered into a lease agreement with the Yukon Government to obtain exclusive rights to explore for, and if warranted, exploit, the minerals located within withdrawn area known as RRDC R15A. Following the completion of the lease negotiations, Kaska Minerals Corporation implemented a previously negotiated option agreement (late 2003) with Teck Cominco Ltd.
In 2004 Teck Cominco carried out ground UTEM and magnetic geophysical surveys and reconnaissance geological mapping on the northern portion of the property located directly across from Teck Cominco’s neighboring GP4F deposit (Minfile Occurrence #105G 143). Teck Cominco followed up this work with 7 diamond drill holes (1 480.5 m). An eighth hole (K04-199 – 246 m) was collared to the northwest on Teck Cominco’s Kudz Ze Kayah property. Teck Cominco appears to have dropped its option on the land parcel sometime after the completion of the work program.
On August 23, 2012 Redtail Metals Corp signed an option agreement with Kaska Minerals Corp to acquire the R 15 project (as it became known as) in return for cash, shares and certain work commitments. In addition Redtail Metals entered into an Exploration Memorandum of Understanding and Traditional Knowledge Protocol with the Ross River Dena council governing the R 15 Project. In the fall of 2012 Redtail Metals drilled 5 diamond drill holes (686.88 m) to confirm and expand the size of the R 15 mineralized zone. In August 2013 Redtail Metals terminated its option on the R 15 project.
In Oct/2013 Redtail Metals merged with Northern Tiger Resources Inc with Northern Tiger becoming the successor company. In Dec/2013 Northern Tiger and Redtail Metals announced their intention to buy certain assets from American Bullion Royalty Corp and change the combined companies name to Golden Predator Mining Corp. Information regarding the earlier option agreement between Redtail Metals and Kaska Minerals Corp can be found under Golden Predator’s listing on SEDAR.
It appears that sometime in 2013 the assets of Kaska Minerals Corp were transferred to Dena Nezziddi Development Corp, a development corporation 100% owned by the Ross River Dena Council, which holds the lease for the R 15 property.
In Jan/2015 BMC Minerals Ltd a private United Kingdom resource company purchased the Kudz Ze Kayah property from Teck Resources Ltd, successor company to Cominco Ltd.
In July/2016 Dena Nezziddi Development Corp filed a Technical Report on the R 15 project with the Department of Economic Development, Yukon Government. 


The R 15 property lies within the Yukon Tanana Terrene near the center of the Finlayson Lake area. The property abuts the southeast boundary of BMC Minerals Kudz Ze Kayah property and hosts geology similar to the neighboring ABM (Minfile Occurrence #105G 117) and GP4F (Minfile Occurrence #105G 143) deposits.
Geological mapping by Murphy and Piercey (1999, 2000) and Murphy et al., (2001) and Cominco and Redtail Metals geologists shows that the R 15 zone is hosted by felsic volcanic and variably carbonaceous sedimentary rocks assigned to the Kudz Ze Kayah Formation part of the Upper Devonian to Lower Mississippian (?) Grass Lakes Succession.  The R 15 zone is thought to lie at the same stratigraphic level as the GP4F deposit located approximately 400 m to the west. The Kudz Ze Kayah deposit located approximately 5.4 km to the northwest is thought to lie stratigraphically higher within the same unit.
The Myda and Lena claims appear to have been staked (to the south) to cover the contact between felsic volcanic and carbonaceous rocks and a Cretaceous granitic intrusion. Scheelite was reported to occur in skarn developed in a limestone horizon (6.1 to 15.3 m thick) located at the contact. The zone does not outcrop and has only been seen in felsenmeer. Grab samples assayed up to 0.73% WO3 (tungsten oxide) and 0.17 g/t gold but careful sampling gave assays between 0.01 and 0.06% WO3, trace gold, 0.05 to 0.09% BeO (beryllium oxide)  and 0.01 to 0.04% tin across sample lengths of 15.2 to 30.5 m. The beryllium is probably present in vesuvianite. 

Chevron carried out a reconnaissance proton magnetometer survey to confirm the equipment's ability to locate large-scale geological features, specifically iron-rich skarns.
Cominco’s 1994 airborne electromagnetic/magnetic survey outlined a coincident electromagnetic/magnetic anomaly east of the GP4F deposit. Since the anomaly was located within the R 15 block which was withdrawn from staking due to land claims Cominco did not follow up the anomaly. Follow-up ground electromagnetic/magnetic surveys undertaken by Cominco in 2004 identified a significant conductor corresponding to the airborne anomaly detected in 2004. The conductor measured approximately 700 m in length. A second conductor assumed to be the fault offset of the first conductor was mapped a further 700 m to the east.
All 7, 2004 diamond drill holes collared on the R 15 zone intersected massive sulphide mineralization, 4 holes outlined a 200 m by 250 m of mineralized zone that returned an average grade of 0.32 % copper, 7.17 % lead, 14.87 % zinc, 88 g/t silver, 283 ppb gold and 7 ppm selenium. The low selenium values were important as the neighboring ABM deposit and the Wolverine deposit (Minfile Occurrence #105G 072) both contained high average values of selenium (ABM = 210 ppm, Wolverine = 1 035 ppm) which were thought at the time to result in significant refining penalties.
Cominco Ltd collared an eighth diamond drill hole (K04-199- 246.0 m) approximately 800 m north of the R 15 zone on Cominco’s Kudz Ze Kayah property. The hole tested a 600 m long east-west trending magnetic conductor lying within the favorable felsic volcanic sequence. The drill hole intersected a thick package of strongly foliated, variably sericite-muscovite altered felsic tuff and lesser lapilli tuff with minor intervals of epiclastic felsic tuff and an interval of dark, thin banded mixed metasediments. A wide brittle fault separate this sequence from more felsic metavolcanic at the bottom of the hole. Mineralization was comprised of thin intervals containing 3 to 10 % sulphides (pyrite + pyrrhotite) in wispy disseminations and thin bands that returned weakly elevated zinc, lead, copper and silver values. Cominco geologist theorized that the anomaly represents the hanging wall of the R 15 zone.
All 5 diamond drill holes collared in 2012 By Redtail Metals intersected significant sulphide mineralization. Notable results were obtained from drill hole R12-11 which returned an 8.25 m intersection that assayed 8.49 % zinc, 3.94 % lead, 0.24 % copper, 34.7 g/t silver and 0.061 g/t gold and drill hole R12-09 which returned a 6.99 m intersection which assayed of 7.68 % zinc, 3.05 % lead, 0.28 % copper, 30.21 g/t silver and 0.059 g/t gold. All holes were oriented due south and were drilled at -70 or - 75 degrees.
The 2012 results enlarged the R 15 mineralized zone to approximately a 400 m by 300 m area which continues to be open in all directions. Mineralization consists of a 3 - 8 m thick zone of massive, semi-massive and disseminated sulphide within altered Mississippian-aged felsic metavolcanic and metasediments of the Kudz Ze Kayah Formation. The zone consists of several 1 - 3 m thick horizons of massive to semi-massive, brecciated and recrystallized sphalerite, galena, pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite with minor silica, plagioclase +/- chlorite and biotite gangue.
The 2016 technical report was prepared as part of the reporting requirements for funding under a Yukon Government regional development program. 


Location Map

Last Updated: Dec 19, 2016

Work History

Year Work Type Comment
2016 Pre-existing Data: Data Compilation Dena Nezziddi Development Corporation files Technical Report on property.
2012 Drilling: Diamond Five holes (686.88 m) collared on R 15 zone.
2004 Drilling: Diamond Seven holes (1,480.5 m)collared on R 15 property. One hole ( 246 m) drilled northwest on Tag claims.
2004 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Also UTEM survey carried out on northern end of property.
2004 Other Kaska Minerals Corp signs lease with Yukon Government to explore withdrawn area know as RRDCR15A.
1998 Airborne Geophysics: Electromagnetic Also magnetic survey. Additional surveys designed to improve data set.
1994 Airborne Geophysics: Electromagnetic Also magnetics. Survey flown over Kudz Ze Kayah property but covered part of R 15 property.
1980 Geochemistry: Rock
1980 Ground Geophysics: Magnetics Conducted a test proton magnetometer survey over several reconnaissance lines.
1973 Geochemistry: Rock
1973 Geology: Regional Bedrock Mapping

Regional Geology - Terrane

Group: Intermontane
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: Yukon-Tanana
Realm: peri-Laurentian

Regional Geology - Bedrock

Group/Suite: Grass Lakes
Formation: Kudz Ze Kayah
Terrane: Yukon-Tanana
Period Max: Devonian
Age Max: 365 MA
Period Min: Devonian
Age Min: 357 MA
Rock Major: fp-ms-qtz schist
Rock Minor:
Reference: Murphy et al. (2001) - YGS OF 2001-33
Geological Unit (1M): DMF
Geological Unit (250K): DMF2

Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence

Report Number Year Title Worktypes Holes Drilled Meters Drilled
096901 2016 Technical Report on the R-15 Project in the Finlayson Lake VMS District, Yukon Territory Cursory Property Visit - Other, Data Compilation - Pre-existing Data
096914 2012 2012 Diamond Drilling Summary Report R15 Project Diamond - Drilling 5 686.88
094513 2004 2004 Assessment Report KZK (R-15) Project, Tag Property Diamond - Drilling, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Line Cutting - Other 8 1726.50
096913 2004 2004 Summary Report, R-15 Option (KZK Project), Line Cutting, Grid Ground Geophysical Surveys (UTEM/Mag), Diamond Drilling, and Minor Geological Mapping Diamond - Drilling, Rock - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Line Cutting - Other 7 1480.50

Related References

Number Title Page(s) Document Type
ARMC016590 Geochemical map - 105G/8 - Wolverine Lake Geochemical Map
ARMC016578 Geology map - 10G/8 - Wolverine Lake Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock)
MIR1973 Mineral Industry Report 1973 p. 87. Annual Report
YEG2001_17 Finlayson Lake Targeted Geoscience Initiative (southeastern Yukon), Part 1: Bedrock geology p. 189-207. Annual Report Paper
1999-4 Geological map of parts of Finlayson Lake area (105G/7, 8, and parts of 1, 2 and 9) and Frances Lake (parts of 105H/5 and 12) map areas, southeastern Yukon Open File (Geological - Bedrock)
2001-33 Preliminary bedrock geological map of northern Finlayson Lake area (NTS 105G) Yukon Territory (1:100 000 scale) Open File (Geological - Bedrock)
YEG2004_OV Yukon Mining, Development & Exploration Overview 2004 p. 20, 31, 33. Annual Report
YEG2012_OV Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2012 p. 45, 64. 65. Annual Report
YEG1979_80 Yukon Geology and Exploration 1979-80 p. 180. Annual Report
DENA NEZZIDDI DEVELOPMENT CORP AND KASKA MINERALS CORP. Jul/2016. Technical Report on the R-15 project in the Finlayson Lake VMS District, Yukon Territory. By J. Pautler. (Report was given an assessment Report Number #096901 in order to catalogue and track the report. Available from the EMR Library).
DICK, L.A., 1980. A Comparative study of the geology, mineralogy and conditions of formation of contact metasomatic mineral deposits in the Northeastern Canadian Cordillera. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Queen's University.
FINLAYSON JOINT VENTURE, Nov/73. Final Report Finlayson Joint Venture, by R.J. Cathro. (Available in EMR Library – TN27 .Y8 C4 F52).

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