General Information
Secondary Commodities: gold, zinc, silver, lead
Deposit Type(s): Vein Polymetallic Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Location(s): 60.789720 N, -135.228330 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105D14
Location Comments: .5 Kilometres
Hand Samples Available at YGS: Yes
Work History
R. Suits staked Bee cl 25-27 (YA3106) in Jul/75 to cover this occurrence location and Whitehorse Copper Mines Ltd subsequently explored these claims and adjoining Bee claims (Minfile Occurrence #105D 121) which had earlier been staked by L. Patenode. Whitehorse Copper carried out geochemical sampling, magnetometer surveying and geological mapping in 1979 and 1980, and IP surveying in 1980 under an option that terminated in early 1981.
Following a program of road building and diamond drilling of 2 holes (58.5 m) on Bee cl 27, in 1982 which was reportedly funded by Noranda Exploration Company Ltd the claims were transferred to Silver Sabre Resources Ltd. In 1984 the remaining Bee claims in the area were transferred to Silver Sabre Resources Ltd, which staked Cee cl 1-13 (YA82524) to the south in Jun/84, Cee cl 14-19 (YA82576) to the west in Jul/84 and staked Cee cl 20-27 (YA85579) to the southwest in Oct/84.
Noranda Exploration Company Ltd staked Bee cl 36-63 (YA86575) adjoining to the east and west from April to Jul/85 and formally optioned the property in Aug/85. Noranda carried out geochemical soil sampling, HLEM and magnetometer surveying and geological mapping on the central part of the claim group on a grid (Grid No. 3) which covers this occurrence and the adjoining Minfile Occurrence #105D 121 to the east, before dropping the option.
In the fall of 1986 Silver Sabre carried out drilling of one rotary holes (45.7 m) and cat trenching east and west of this occurrence. The company also carried out detailed geological mapping of Noranda¿s 1985 Grid No. 3 at that time.
Silver Sabre carried out shallow test pitting to facilitate resampling of Noranda¿s 1985 soil grid during 1989 and 1990, collecting a total of 159 samples, and subsequently carried out excavator trenching and detailed rock chip sampling in the area in June and Jul/90. The company carried out rotary drilling of one hole (38.1 m) in 1992 and another single hole (18.3 m) in 1994.
Hemlo Gold Mines Inc examined the property in Oct/95 and resampled the core from the two 1982 drill holes. Silver Sabre Resources drilled two short rotary drill holes (18.28 m) on this occurrence in 1996; a single rotary drill hole (47.24 m) in 1997; carried out geological mapping, induced polarization and resistivity surveying in 1999; prospecting and geochemical rock sampling of the area in 2000; and total field magnetic and VLF-EM surveying from Dec/2000 to Jan/2001.
Capsule Geology
The occurrence lies in the overburden covered Yukon River valley at the northern end of the Whitehorse Copper Belt, an area which has been extensively explored since the early 1900's. Geological mapping by the Yukon Geology Program determined that the area is underlain by a folded sequence of upper Triassic Lewes River Group clastic sediments and carbonaceous and fossiliferous limestone. The base of the sequence consists of a thick unit of fossiliferous and carbonaceous limestone. It is overlain by a sequence of clastic sediments consisting primarily of greywacke, argillite, sandstone, mudstone and tuff with intercalated limestone. The entire sequence is intruded by the Haeckel Hill Pluton, a Late Paleocene biotite granite pluton assigned to the Nisling Range Plutonic Suite.
The occurrence commonly known as the Main showing consists of galena and sphalerite in sheeted quartz veins cutting hornfelsed Triassic Lewes River Group clastic sediments and limestone near the margin of the Haeckel Hill Pluton within the axial region of a large east-west trending anticline. A grab sample from the showing assayed 8 % Pb, 5 % Zn and 171 g/t Ag.
In 1982 two drill holes collared over the showing, intersected a quartz vein cutting tuffaceous sedimentary rock which assayed 34 g/t Ag, 0.34 g/t Au, 1.80 % Pb and 1.58 % Zn across 1.5 m. Results for the two 1986 rotary step-out holes included a 1.52 m intersection that returned 1 650 ppb gold from a pyrrhotite bearing quartz vein.
The 1990 test pitting program returned numerous anomalous (>100 ppb) gold samples trending approximately northeast. Rock chip samples from the 1990 excavator trenches returned values as high as 399 ppb Au and 1 37 1ppm As over 2 m. Only four of twelve trenches reached bedrock.
The 1992 rotary hole, designed to intersect the same easterly trending vein structure outlined in previous drilling, yielded low (<42 ppb) gold values. The 1994 rotary drill hole, tested a magnetic anomaly, and did not return any economic mineralization.
Resampling of the core from the two 1982 drill holes yielded low gold values in 1995. Of the two holes drilled in 1996, one failed to reach the desired target and the other returned values of <100 ppb Au, 10.25 ppm Ag, 6 761 ppm Pb and 4 135 ppm Zn over 3.04 m.
The 1997 rotary drill hole collared on this showing intersected two mineralized intervals, an upper one hosted by metasediments which returned values of <200 ppb Au, 32.2 ppm Ag, and >10 000 Pb and Zn over 1.52 m and a lower interval hosted by rhyolite which returned values of 1 206 ppb Au and 2 910 ppm Zn over 1.52 m. The rhyolite is similar in composition to that discovered on the adjacent showing (Minfile Occurrence #105D 121), suggesting that the intrusive body is more extensive then previously assumed.
Prospecting in 2000 revealed that the galena-sphalerite bearing veins that comprise this showing are restricted to within 50 m of the anticlinal fold axis. Geophysical surveying carried out in 1999 and 2000/01 failed to identified any VLF-EM or total magnetic features that were directly related to known bedrock gold mineralization.
HART, C.J.R., 1997. A Transect Across Stikinia: Geology of the Northern Whitehorse map Area, Southern Yukon Territory (105D/13-16). Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Bulletin 8, 112p.
HART, C.J.R., 1997. Geology of Upper Laberge map area, southern Yukon, (NTS 105 D/14). Exploration and Geological Services Division, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Geoscience Map 1997-5, 1: 50 000 scale.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Apr/87. Assessment Report #091942 by S. Mackay and W. Ried.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Aug/90. Assessment Report #092864 by B. Patnode.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Aug/92. Assessment Report #093037 by B. Patnode.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Jan/95. Assessment Report #093275 by B. Patnode.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Nov/95. Assessment Report #093446 by C. Schulze.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Oct/96. Assessment Report #093548 by C.C. Lee.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Jul/98. Assessment Report #093878 by R.A. Doherty and A.J.A. Clarke.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Dec/99. Assessment Report #094125 by M. Power.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Dec/2000. Assessment Report #094201 by M. Power.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Feb/2001. Assessment Report #094219 by M. Power.
YUKON EXPLORATION 1984, p.79; 1985-86, p. 184, 205; 1987, p. 122-123.
R. Suits staked Bee cl 25-27 (YA3106) in Jul/75 to cover this occurrence location and Whitehorse Copper Mines Ltd subsequently explored these claims and adjoining Bee claims (Minfile Occurrence #105D 121) which had earlier been staked by L. Patenode. Whitehorse Copper carried out geochemical sampling, magnetometer surveying and geological mapping in 1979 and 1980, and IP surveying in 1980 under an option that terminated in early 1981.
Following a program of road building and diamond drilling of 2 holes (58.5 m) on Bee cl 27, in 1982 which was reportedly funded by Noranda Exploration Company Ltd the claims were transferred to Silver Sabre Resources Ltd. In 1984 the remaining Bee claims in the area were transferred to Silver Sabre Resources Ltd, which staked Cee cl 1-13 (YA82524) to the south in Jun/84, Cee cl 14-19 (YA82576) to the west in Jul/84 and staked Cee cl 20-27 (YA85579) to the southwest in Oct/84.
Noranda Exploration Company Ltd staked Bee cl 36-63 (YA86575) adjoining to the east and west from April to Jul/85 and formally optioned the property in Aug/85. Noranda carried out geochemical soil sampling, HLEM and magnetometer surveying and geological mapping on the central part of the claim group on a grid (Grid No. 3) which covers this occurrence and the adjoining Minfile Occurrence #105D 121 to the east, before dropping the option.
In the fall of 1986 Silver Sabre carried out drilling of one rotary holes (45.7 m) and cat trenching east and west of this occurrence. The company also carried out detailed geological mapping of Noranda¿s 1985 Grid No. 3 at that time.
Silver Sabre carried out shallow test pitting to facilitate resampling of Noranda¿s 1985 soil grid during 1989 and 1990, collecting a total of 159 samples, and subsequently carried out excavator trenching and detailed rock chip sampling in the area in June and Jul/90. The company carried out rotary drilling of one hole (38.1 m) in 1992 and another single hole (18.3 m) in 1994.
Hemlo Gold Mines Inc examined the property in Oct/95 and resampled the core from the two 1982 drill holes. Silver Sabre Resources drilled two short rotary drill holes (18.28 m) on this occurrence in 1996; a single rotary drill hole (47.24 m) in 1997; carried out geological mapping, induced polarization and resistivity surveying in 1999; prospecting and geochemical rock sampling of the area in 2000; and total field magnetic and VLF-EM surveying from Dec/2000 to Jan/2001.
Capsule Geology
The occurrence lies in the overburden covered Yukon River valley at the northern end of the Whitehorse Copper Belt, an area which has been extensively explored since the early 1900's. Geological mapping by the Yukon Geology Program determined that the area is underlain by a folded sequence of upper Triassic Lewes River Group clastic sediments and carbonaceous and fossiliferous limestone. The base of the sequence consists of a thick unit of fossiliferous and carbonaceous limestone. It is overlain by a sequence of clastic sediments consisting primarily of greywacke, argillite, sandstone, mudstone and tuff with intercalated limestone. The entire sequence is intruded by the Haeckel Hill Pluton, a Late Paleocene biotite granite pluton assigned to the Nisling Range Plutonic Suite.
The occurrence commonly known as the Main showing consists of galena and sphalerite in sheeted quartz veins cutting hornfelsed Triassic Lewes River Group clastic sediments and limestone near the margin of the Haeckel Hill Pluton within the axial region of a large east-west trending anticline. A grab sample from the showing assayed 8 % Pb, 5 % Zn and 171 g/t Ag.
In 1982 two drill holes collared over the showing, intersected a quartz vein cutting tuffaceous sedimentary rock which assayed 34 g/t Ag, 0.34 g/t Au, 1.80 % Pb and 1.58 % Zn across 1.5 m. Results for the two 1986 rotary step-out holes included a 1.52 m intersection that returned 1 650 ppb gold from a pyrrhotite bearing quartz vein.
The 1990 test pitting program returned numerous anomalous (>100 ppb) gold samples trending approximately northeast. Rock chip samples from the 1990 excavator trenches returned values as high as 399 ppb Au and 1 37 1ppm As over 2 m. Only four of twelve trenches reached bedrock.
The 1992 rotary hole, designed to intersect the same easterly trending vein structure outlined in previous drilling, yielded low (<42 ppb) gold values. The 1994 rotary drill hole, tested a magnetic anomaly, and did not return any economic mineralization.
Resampling of the core from the two 1982 drill holes yielded low gold values in 1995. Of the two holes drilled in 1996, one failed to reach the desired target and the other returned values of <100 ppb Au, 10.25 ppm Ag, 6 761 ppm Pb and 4 135 ppm Zn over 3.04 m.
The 1997 rotary drill hole collared on this showing intersected two mineralized intervals, an upper one hosted by metasediments which returned values of <200 ppb Au, 32.2 ppm Ag, and >10 000 Pb and Zn over 1.52 m and a lower interval hosted by rhyolite which returned values of 1 206 ppb Au and 2 910 ppm Zn over 1.52 m. The rhyolite is similar in composition to that discovered on the adjacent showing (Minfile Occurrence #105D 121), suggesting that the intrusive body is more extensive then previously assumed.
Prospecting in 2000 revealed that the galena-sphalerite bearing veins that comprise this showing are restricted to within 50 m of the anticlinal fold axis. Geophysical surveying carried out in 1999 and 2000/01 failed to identified any VLF-EM or total magnetic features that were directly related to known bedrock gold mineralization.
HART, C.J.R., 1997. A Transect Across Stikinia: Geology of the Northern Whitehorse map Area, Southern Yukon Territory (105D/13-16). Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Bulletin 8, 112p.
HART, C.J.R., 1997. Geology of Upper Laberge map area, southern Yukon, (NTS 105 D/14). Exploration and Geological Services Division, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Geoscience Map 1997-5, 1: 50 000 scale.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Apr/87. Assessment Report #091942 by S. Mackay and W. Ried.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Aug/90. Assessment Report #092864 by B. Patnode.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Aug/92. Assessment Report #093037 by B. Patnode.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Jan/95. Assessment Report #093275 by B. Patnode.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Nov/95. Assessment Report #093446 by C. Schulze.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Oct/96. Assessment Report #093548 by C.C. Lee.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Jul/98. Assessment Report #093878 by R.A. Doherty and A.J.A. Clarke.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Dec/99. Assessment Report #094125 by M. Power.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Dec/2000. Assessment Report #094201 by M. Power.
SILVER SABRE RESOURCES LTD, Feb/2001. Assessment Report #094219 by M. Power.
YUKON EXPLORATION 1984, p.79; 1985-86, p. 184, 205; 1987, p. 122-123.
Location Map
Last Updated: Aug 28, 2018
Work History
Year | Work Type | Comment |
2001 | Ground Geophysics: EM | Also VLF and total field magnetic surveys. |
2000 | Geochemistry: Rock | |
2000 | Other: Prospecting | |
1999 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1999 | Ground Geophysics: Resistivity | Also IP survey. |
1997 | Drilling: Rotary | One hole, 47.24 m. |
1996 | Drilling: Rotary | Two holes, 18.28 m. |
1995 | Geochemistry: Rock | Property examination by Hemlo Gold Mines Inc. |
1994 | Drilling: Rotary | One hole, 18.3 m. |
1992 | Drilling: Rotary | One holes, 38.1 m. |
1990 | Geochemistry: Rock | |
1990 | Trenching: Mechanical | |
1989 | Geochemistry: Soil | |
1986 | Drilling: Rotary | One hole, 45.7 m. |
1986 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1986 | Trenching: Mechanical | |
1985 | Geochemistry: Soil | |
1985 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1985 | Ground Geophysics: Magnetics | Also HLEM survey. |
1982 | Development, Surface: Access Road | |
1982 | Drilling: Diamond | Two holes, 58.5 m. |
1980 | Geochemistry: Soil | |
1980 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1980 | Ground Geophysics: IP | Also magnetic survey. |
1979 | Geochemistry: Soil | |
1979 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1979 | Ground Geophysics: Magnetics |
Regional Geology - Terrane
Group: Intermontane
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: Stikinia
Realm: peri-Laurentian
Regional Geology - Bedrock
Group/Suite: Lewes River
Formation: Aksala
Member: Mandanna
Terrane: Stikinia
Period Max: Triassic
Age Max: 204 MA
Period Min: Triassic
Age Min: 200 MA
Rock Major: shale/sandstone/conglo
Rock Minor: siltstone
Reference: Hart (1997) - YGS GM 1997-5
Geological Unit (1M): uTrAK
Geological Unit (250K): uTrAK3
Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence
Report Number | Year | Title | Worktypes | Holes Drilled | Meters Drilled |
096341 | 2012 | Resistivity and Induced Polarization Survey - Dee Claims | IP - Ground Geophysics, Line Cutting - Other | ||
094219 | 2000 | Total Magnetic Field and VLF-EM Surveys at the Haeckel Hill Property | EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Line Cutting - Other | ||
094201 | 2000 | Summary Report on the Haeckel Hill Property | Rock - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Research/Summarize - Pre-existing Data | ||
094125 | 1999 | Geophysical Surveys, Geological Mapping and Diamond Drilling on the Bee and Cee Claims | Diamond - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, IP - Ground Geophysics, Resistivity - Ground Geophysics, Line Cutting - Other | 3 | 138.68 |
093878 | 1997 | Assessment Report Reverse Circulation Drilling on the Bee and Cee Claims | Reverse Circulation - Drilling, Drill Cuttings - Geochemistry | 2 | 94.48 |
093548 | 1996 | Reverse Circulation Program on the Bee and Cee Claims | Reverse Circulation - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry | 2 | 18.28 |
093275 | 1994 | Assessment Report on Bee and Cee Mineral Claims | Rotary - Drilling, Drill Cuttings - Geochemistry | 1 | 18.28 |
093037 | 1992 | Assessment Report on Bee and Cee Mineral Claims | Rotary - Drilling, Drill Cuttings - Geochemistry | 1 | 38.10 |
092864 | 1990 | Excavator Trenching, Hand Dug Pits and Chip Sampling on the Bee and Cee Claims | Rock - Geochemistry, Backhoe - Trenching, Hand - Trenching | ||
091942 | 1986 | Geological, Trenching and Rotatry Drilling Report on the Bee Claims | Rotary - Drilling, Rock - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Landsat - Remote Sensing, Mechanical - Trenching | 3 | 201.16 |
091682 | 1985 | Geology, Prospecting and Geochemistry Report on the Bee and Cee Claims | Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Heavy Mineral Concentrate - Lab Work/Physical Studies, Prospecting - Other, Hand - Trenching | ||
091781 | 1985 | Assessment Report on the Bee and Cee Claims | Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, EM - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Heavy Mineral Concentrate - Lab Work/Physical Studies, Line Cutting - Other, Mechanical - Trenching | ||
091489 | 1982 | Diamond Drilling Assessment Report on the Bee Mineral Claims | Diamond - Drilling, Drill Core - Geochemistry | 2 | 58.52 |