General Information
Primary Commodities: copper, gold, silver, molybdenum
Secondary Commodities: magnetite
Aliases: War Eagle,Pueblo,Copper King,Carlisle,Grafter,Best Chance,Littlle Chief,Arctic Chief,Keewenah, Cub,
Deposit Type(s): Skarn Cu
Location(s): 60.626670 N, -135.055560 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105D11
Location Comments: .5 Kilometres
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No
Work History
The Copper King deposit was discovered in 1897 and first staked in Jul/98 by Jack McIntyre. By 1900, most of the important deposits which form the Whitehorse Copper Belt had been discovered and staked (Dobrowolsky and Ingram (1993), p. 3) and the first small ore shipment was made that year. Mining continued at intervals for the next 20 years at seven different mines - Copper King, Carlisle, Pueblo, Valerie, Grafter, Arctic Chief and War Eagle - and some 14 7330 tonnes of cobbed ore were shipped at an average grade of about 4% copper, mostly from the Pueblo Mine in 1912-17, prior to a disastrous cave-in. Companies involved in this early work included Whitehorse Copper Company Ltd, Yukon Copper Company Ltd, British American Corporation Ltd, Yukon Pueblo Mining Company Ltd, Arctic Chief Copper Mines Company Ltd, Grafter Copper Mining Company Ltd and Atlas Mining Company Ltd. Between 1924 and 1929, Richmond Yukon Company Ltd and Richmond Consolidated Mining Company Ltd drilled 20 holes at the Pueblo deposit, worked underground on the Carlisle and shipped about 900 tonnes.
In 1947 Noranda Mines Ltd conducted linecutting, geophysical surveys and in 1948 drilled 2 holes in the Pueblo deposit, 3 holes (302 m) between the Verona and Arctic Chief deposits, 5 holes (435 m) in the Keewenaw deposit and 7 holes (471 m) in the Big Chief deposit. Yukon Mining Company Ltd conducted bulldozer trenching in 1952 at the Grafter and Valerie properties. In 1953, Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting drilled 10 holes (682 m) on the Cowley Creek deposit, optioned from J.A. Smith, J.A. Hanna and Per Johnson. This showing was later restaked as the Sue cl (75653) by D.J. MacIssac, who bulldozer trenched in 1961-62. Imperial Mines & Metals Ltd was formed in Sep/54 and began acquiring claims on the Copper Belt. In 1956, it conducted magnetometer surveys and drilled two properties. The name was changed in Mar/57 to New Imperial Mines Ltd and, by 1963 the company had acquired by staking, option or purchase, all the properties on the Copper Belt (including the Pueblo from Beadak Mines Ltd except the Spring Creek and Polar (see G.S.C. Paper 63-41).
Accelerated exploration from 1963 to 1965 outlined 5.0 million tonnes of open pit reserves in six separate deposits grading 1.2% Cu and a feasibility report in Nov/65 recommended an 1 800 tonne mill. Sumitomo Metal Mining Company Ltd provided senior financing for milling, which commenced in March/67. Additional financing to develop deep ore found in 1965 beneath the Little Chief pit was provided in Oct/69 by Hudson Bay Mining & Anglo American Corporation of Canada Ltd, which also entered a joint venture with the company in Aug/72, when it changed its name to Whitehorse Copper Mines Ltd, for exploration of the north half of the property.
Modern fringe staking by companies which did no significant work or which does not cover known showings (all in sheet 105D/11) include Ajax cl (98649) in Feb/66 by Ambassador Mining Developments Ltd; Joe cl (23667) in Feb/68 by Giltana Copper Corp Ltd; At cl (Y11916) in Feb/67 by Cree Lake Mining Ltd; and Tag cl (Y23331) in Jan/68 by Canzac Mines Ltd. Whitehorse Copper conducted substantial exploration between 1973 and 1982, including 188 holes (35 480 m) in the Little Chief, Cowley Park, Black Cub, War Eagle, Valerie, North Star, Arctic Chief, Pueblo, Empress of India, and Black Cub South deposits, a 4 500 tonne bulk sample from the Cowley Park South Zone, and IP, gravity and EM surveys. Holes were drilled as deep as 991 m.
Between Mar/67 and the end of 1982, Whitehorse Copper mined 10 247 936 tonnes of ore. Of this, 2 851 870 tonnes grading 1.06% Cu were mined from several open pits prior to Jun/71 and the remainder, 7 396 116 tonnes grading 1.50% Cu, from underground in the Little Chief deposit. Precious metal content averaged about 0.7 g/t Au and 13.0 g/t Ag. Total production, some 70% of which came from the Little Chief, was 123 145 041 kg Cu, 7062.4 kg Au and 85 577 kg Ag. The combined size of the open pit and underground portion of the Little Chief deposit totaled about 7.25 million tonnes averaging 1.5% Cu.
After the mine closed, 3 holes (1171 m) were drilled at the Cowley Park, Black Cub, War Eagle & Best Chance deposits and near Rabbit's Foot Canyon, mainly exploring for gold-rich skarns. Part of the property was optioned in 1989 to Aurora Gold Ltd which performed linecutting and in 1990 drilled seven reverse circulation holes totaling 500 m and a mag and VLF survey in 1991. Other claims were allowed to lapse.
In 1990, W.B. Wallis restaked the Rabbit's Foot showing as Fox cl 1-16 (YB27111) and trenched in two areas east and west of the shafts. B. Scott staked Carl cl 1-4 (YB27182), Railway cl 1-4 (YB27186), and Big Four cl 1-2 (YB27190) in the Keewenaw-Black Cub area. R. Stack prospected on the Polar group. H. Larsen performed blast trenching in the Arctic Chief area in 1990 and 1991. H. Coyne restaked an area south of Arctic Chief as Thule cl 1-4 (YB35746) in Mar/91.
Between Jan and Mar/94 B. Scott staked FYDB cl 1-16 (YB46665) overtop of the tailing impoundment area of the Whitehorse Copper Mine. Scott sampled the tailings in Jun/94 and drilled 7 shallow auger holes ( 22.5 m) the following January. In Dec/95 Scott drilled 7 deeper auger holes (38.1 m) which penetrated through the tailings pile. In Aug/2001 B. Scott drilled 14 auger holes (108 m) in the middle of the tailings impoundment area.
Capsule Geology
The Whitehorse Copper (New Imperial) property encompasses the Whitehorse Copper Belt, which consists of 28 old mines and showings along a length of 32 km on the western margin of the Whitehorse Batholith. Most of these are skarn deposits which are found both in limy sections of the upper Triassic Lewes River Group and in mid-Cretaceous granodiorite. Many skarns are related to irregularities (embayments, etc) in the margin of the stock and mineralization sometimes extends as much as 150 m from the contact.
Most deposits are lensoid or tabular with irregular edges, are mainly coincident with bedding, and usually dip steeper than 60 degrees, although some are irregular masses (Arctic Chief, Keewenaw) and others are flat-lying (Gem and Black Cub North). The best ore zones have a limestone hanging wall and a quartzite or silicate skarn footwall and appear to develop where limestone-quartzite contacts are within 90 m of, and parallel to, an intrusive margin. Two main types of skarn deposits are present: (a) Iron-rich, in which copper occurs with magnetite, serpentine, specularite, talc, chlorite and occasional pyrrhotite and pyrite, usually associated with relatively non-magnetic diorite and (b) Iron-poor (Silicate), which consist of a wide variety of contact minerals (garnet, diopside, wollastonite, tremolite, epidote, chlorite, calcite and quartz) and usually occur near strongly magnetic phases of diorite. Faulting, shearing and dykes are more common in iron-rich than in silicate skarns.
Bornite and chalcopyrite are the main copper minerals, although chrysocolla, native copper, chalcocite and secondary minerals are present in small amounts, together with minor molybdenite, scheelite, tetrahedrite and valeriite. The copper minerals occur as scattered grains, blebs, pods and stringers that clearly postdate the skarn minerals. Bornite predominates in the iron-rich skarns and is slightly more abundant than chalcopyrite in the silicate skarns. Chalcopyrite shows a tendency to be on the footwall or hanging wall of iron-rich skarns but is more evenly distributed through silicate skarn. Magnetite concentrates contain 0.01 to 0.06% gallium. Silver grade is proportional to copper grade but gold is more erratically distributed, being more abundant in the iron-rich skarn deposits.
Whitehorse Copper evaluated at least 12 zones grading between 0.71% and 1.84% Cu. The deep portion of the Little Chief deposit, which occurs in an iron-rich skarn, is the only one which graded over 2% Cu and exceeded 1.2 million tonnes in size. The Keewenaw and Reservoir Lake deposits somewhat resemble porphyry deposits in that the mineralization is related to fracture networks in hornblende granite and is accompanied by weak alteration. Unmined reserves at the Cowley Park deposit are 213 200 tonnes grading 2.46% Cu and 0.14% MoS2. The 1987 drilling at Kodiak Cub intersected massive magnetite-serpentinite-bornite skarn that assayed 2.9% Cu, 4.46 g/t Au and 21.3 g/t Ag over 4.63 m.
In 1990, drilling by Aurora Gold near the old Grafter workings intersected 30.5 m of copper mineralization averaging 1.49% Cu, 0.38 g/t Au and 6.2 g/t Ag. The mineralization coincides with a north-trending IP anomaly. Trenching by B. Wallis near the Rabbit's Foot shafts exposed 6.1 m of coarse garnet-epidote skarn strongly mineralized with bornite and chalcopyrite. A chip sample from one of the trenches east of the shafts averaged 5.83% Cu over 0.9 m.
Scott staked the tailing impoundment areas in hopes of recovering economic quantities of magnetite and gold. A scoping study completed by Kilborn Ltd in 1984 estimated that the tailing impoundment areas host approximately 10 000 000 tonnes of tailings grading approximately 19% magnetite and a private report completed by Whitehorse Copper in 1985 estimated that the tailings contain approximately 1 500 kg of gold (or 0.15 g/t) (see introduction, Meinert, 1986). Six grab samples collected from the tailings in 1995 returned up to 0.45 g/t gold. The seven auger holes returned an average gold content of 0.24 g/t gold. The nine deeper holes drilled in Dec/95 targeted areas assumed to hold higher gold values. Gold assays ranged from 35 ppb to 827 ppb.
The majority of holes drilled in 2001 reached 9.1 m in depth which is the approximate limit of the drill employed. An average hole consisted of between 3.6 to 4.2 metres of fine dry grey sand, followed by up to 0.6 metres of wet grey clay, followed by fine wet grey sand to the end of hole. Fourteen composite samples returned an average gold content of 0.204 g/t gold (slightly higher than that reported by Whitehorse Copper) and 17.9% magnetite slightly lower than Kilborn¿s 1984 estimate.
AURORA GOLD LTD, Dec/90. Assessment Report #092887 by L.W. Carlyle.
DOBROWOLSKY, H., AND INGRAM, R., 1993. A History of the Whitehorse Copper Belt. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Yukon Region, Open File 1993-1.
DUKE, N.A. and HODDER, R.W., 1974. Preliminary Report on Geological Control to Ore Distribution in the Whitehorse Copper Belt, Yukon Territory, filed as Assessment Report *#062018.
HILKER, R.G., 1967. The Whitehorse Copper Belt. Western Miner, Jul/67, p. 37.
HUDSON BAY EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LTD, Mar/86. Assessment Report *#091789 by G. Bidwell.
HUDSON BAY EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LTD, Mar/86. Assessment Report *#092042 by G. Bidwell.
HUDSON BAY MINING AND SMELTING COMPANY LTD, Mar/87. Assessment Report *#091937 by G. Bidwell.
McCONNELL, R.G., 1927. The Whitehorse Copper Belt. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report, Publication 1050, Part A, p. 16-18.
MEINERT, L.D., 1986. Gold in skarns of the Whitehorse Copper Belt, southern Yukon. In: Yukon Geology, Vol. 1. Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, p. 19-43.
MINERAL INDUSTRY REPORT, 1971-72, p. 48-51; 1973, p. 74-77; 1974, p. 142-143; 1975, p. 99-101; 1976, p. 150-152; 1978, p. 35-36.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, 1964. Assessment Report *#091123 by A. Parker.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, 1965. Assessment Report *#062226 by L.F. Wright, A.C. Skerl, J.A.C. Ross and T. Swanson.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, 1966. Assessment Report *#062227 by A.T. Jordan.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, Jun/67. Assessment Report *#092558 by R. Hilker.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, 1967. Assessment Report *#018884 by R. Hilker.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, Nov/68. Assessment Report *#091116 by R.G. McCandless.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, 1969. Assessment Report *#062228 by H.H. Cox.
NORTHERN MINER, 19,26 Nov/90; 3,26 Dec/90.
SCOTT, B., Jan/95. Assessment Report #093323 by B. Scott.
SCOTT, B., Jan/96. Assessment Report #093360 by B. Scott.
SCOTT, B., Jun/2002. Assessment Report #094306 by B. Scott.
TENNEY, D., 1981. The Whitehorse Copper Belt: Mining, Exploration and Geology (1967-80). DIAND, Bulletin 1.
WALLIS, W.B., Jan/91. Assessment Report *#092922 by W.B. Wallis.
WATSON, P.H., 1984. The Whitehorse Copper Belt (105D/11): A Compilation. 1:250 000 scale map and marginal notes. DIAND, Open File 1984-1.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1970. Assessment Report *#060894 by D. Tenney.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1971. Assessment Report *#060896 by D. Tenney.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1973. Assessment Report *#060525 by V.V. Jutronich and D. Tenney.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1973. Assessment Report *#060940 by R.A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1973. Assessment Report *#061172 by T.R.B. Dundas, D. Tenney and J.E. Wyder.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, Feb/74. Assessment Report *#092025 by D. Tenney.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, Dec/75. Assessment Report *#091124 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, Nov/77. Assessment Report *#091125 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1977. Assessment Report *#091229 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, Jan/80. Assessment Report *#091126 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1980. Assessment Report *#090823 by unknown.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1987. Exploration proposal by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, Jun/81. Assessment Report *#090834 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1981. Assessment Report #092763 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1982. Assessment Report *#091394 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, Dec/88. Assessment Report *#092606 by R. Stroshein
YUKON EXPLORATION AND GEOLOGY, 1981, p. 115; 1982, p. 112-113.
YUKON EXPLORATION 1985-86; p. 197; 1987, p. 128-129.
The Copper King deposit was discovered in 1897 and first staked in Jul/98 by Jack McIntyre. By 1900, most of the important deposits which form the Whitehorse Copper Belt had been discovered and staked (Dobrowolsky and Ingram (1993), p. 3) and the first small ore shipment was made that year. Mining continued at intervals for the next 20 years at seven different mines - Copper King, Carlisle, Pueblo, Valerie, Grafter, Arctic Chief and War Eagle - and some 14 7330 tonnes of cobbed ore were shipped at an average grade of about 4% copper, mostly from the Pueblo Mine in 1912-17, prior to a disastrous cave-in. Companies involved in this early work included Whitehorse Copper Company Ltd, Yukon Copper Company Ltd, British American Corporation Ltd, Yukon Pueblo Mining Company Ltd, Arctic Chief Copper Mines Company Ltd, Grafter Copper Mining Company Ltd and Atlas Mining Company Ltd. Between 1924 and 1929, Richmond Yukon Company Ltd and Richmond Consolidated Mining Company Ltd drilled 20 holes at the Pueblo deposit, worked underground on the Carlisle and shipped about 900 tonnes.
In 1947 Noranda Mines Ltd conducted linecutting, geophysical surveys and in 1948 drilled 2 holes in the Pueblo deposit, 3 holes (302 m) between the Verona and Arctic Chief deposits, 5 holes (435 m) in the Keewenaw deposit and 7 holes (471 m) in the Big Chief deposit. Yukon Mining Company Ltd conducted bulldozer trenching in 1952 at the Grafter and Valerie properties. In 1953, Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting drilled 10 holes (682 m) on the Cowley Creek deposit, optioned from J.A. Smith, J.A. Hanna and Per Johnson. This showing was later restaked as the Sue cl (75653) by D.J. MacIssac, who bulldozer trenched in 1961-62. Imperial Mines & Metals Ltd was formed in Sep/54 and began acquiring claims on the Copper Belt. In 1956, it conducted magnetometer surveys and drilled two properties. The name was changed in Mar/57 to New Imperial Mines Ltd and, by 1963 the company had acquired by staking, option or purchase, all the properties on the Copper Belt (including the Pueblo from Beadak Mines Ltd except the Spring Creek and Polar (see G.S.C. Paper 63-41).
Accelerated exploration from 1963 to 1965 outlined 5.0 million tonnes of open pit reserves in six separate deposits grading 1.2% Cu and a feasibility report in Nov/65 recommended an 1 800 tonne mill. Sumitomo Metal Mining Company Ltd provided senior financing for milling, which commenced in March/67. Additional financing to develop deep ore found in 1965 beneath the Little Chief pit was provided in Oct/69 by Hudson Bay Mining & Anglo American Corporation of Canada Ltd, which also entered a joint venture with the company in Aug/72, when it changed its name to Whitehorse Copper Mines Ltd, for exploration of the north half of the property.
Modern fringe staking by companies which did no significant work or which does not cover known showings (all in sheet 105D/11) include Ajax cl (98649) in Feb/66 by Ambassador Mining Developments Ltd; Joe cl (23667) in Feb/68 by Giltana Copper Corp Ltd; At cl (Y11916) in Feb/67 by Cree Lake Mining Ltd; and Tag cl (Y23331) in Jan/68 by Canzac Mines Ltd. Whitehorse Copper conducted substantial exploration between 1973 and 1982, including 188 holes (35 480 m) in the Little Chief, Cowley Park, Black Cub, War Eagle, Valerie, North Star, Arctic Chief, Pueblo, Empress of India, and Black Cub South deposits, a 4 500 tonne bulk sample from the Cowley Park South Zone, and IP, gravity and EM surveys. Holes were drilled as deep as 991 m.
Between Mar/67 and the end of 1982, Whitehorse Copper mined 10 247 936 tonnes of ore. Of this, 2 851 870 tonnes grading 1.06% Cu were mined from several open pits prior to Jun/71 and the remainder, 7 396 116 tonnes grading 1.50% Cu, from underground in the Little Chief deposit. Precious metal content averaged about 0.7 g/t Au and 13.0 g/t Ag. Total production, some 70% of which came from the Little Chief, was 123 145 041 kg Cu, 7062.4 kg Au and 85 577 kg Ag. The combined size of the open pit and underground portion of the Little Chief deposit totaled about 7.25 million tonnes averaging 1.5% Cu.
After the mine closed, 3 holes (1171 m) were drilled at the Cowley Park, Black Cub, War Eagle & Best Chance deposits and near Rabbit's Foot Canyon, mainly exploring for gold-rich skarns. Part of the property was optioned in 1989 to Aurora Gold Ltd which performed linecutting and in 1990 drilled seven reverse circulation holes totaling 500 m and a mag and VLF survey in 1991. Other claims were allowed to lapse.
In 1990, W.B. Wallis restaked the Rabbit's Foot showing as Fox cl 1-16 (YB27111) and trenched in two areas east and west of the shafts. B. Scott staked Carl cl 1-4 (YB27182), Railway cl 1-4 (YB27186), and Big Four cl 1-2 (YB27190) in the Keewenaw-Black Cub area. R. Stack prospected on the Polar group. H. Larsen performed blast trenching in the Arctic Chief area in 1990 and 1991. H. Coyne restaked an area south of Arctic Chief as Thule cl 1-4 (YB35746) in Mar/91.
Between Jan and Mar/94 B. Scott staked FYDB cl 1-16 (YB46665) overtop of the tailing impoundment area of the Whitehorse Copper Mine. Scott sampled the tailings in Jun/94 and drilled 7 shallow auger holes ( 22.5 m) the following January. In Dec/95 Scott drilled 7 deeper auger holes (38.1 m) which penetrated through the tailings pile. In Aug/2001 B. Scott drilled 14 auger holes (108 m) in the middle of the tailings impoundment area.
Capsule Geology
The Whitehorse Copper (New Imperial) property encompasses the Whitehorse Copper Belt, which consists of 28 old mines and showings along a length of 32 km on the western margin of the Whitehorse Batholith. Most of these are skarn deposits which are found both in limy sections of the upper Triassic Lewes River Group and in mid-Cretaceous granodiorite. Many skarns are related to irregularities (embayments, etc) in the margin of the stock and mineralization sometimes extends as much as 150 m from the contact.
Most deposits are lensoid or tabular with irregular edges, are mainly coincident with bedding, and usually dip steeper than 60 degrees, although some are irregular masses (Arctic Chief, Keewenaw) and others are flat-lying (Gem and Black Cub North). The best ore zones have a limestone hanging wall and a quartzite or silicate skarn footwall and appear to develop where limestone-quartzite contacts are within 90 m of, and parallel to, an intrusive margin. Two main types of skarn deposits are present: (a) Iron-rich, in which copper occurs with magnetite, serpentine, specularite, talc, chlorite and occasional pyrrhotite and pyrite, usually associated with relatively non-magnetic diorite and (b) Iron-poor (Silicate), which consist of a wide variety of contact minerals (garnet, diopside, wollastonite, tremolite, epidote, chlorite, calcite and quartz) and usually occur near strongly magnetic phases of diorite. Faulting, shearing and dykes are more common in iron-rich than in silicate skarns.
Bornite and chalcopyrite are the main copper minerals, although chrysocolla, native copper, chalcocite and secondary minerals are present in small amounts, together with minor molybdenite, scheelite, tetrahedrite and valeriite. The copper minerals occur as scattered grains, blebs, pods and stringers that clearly postdate the skarn minerals. Bornite predominates in the iron-rich skarns and is slightly more abundant than chalcopyrite in the silicate skarns. Chalcopyrite shows a tendency to be on the footwall or hanging wall of iron-rich skarns but is more evenly distributed through silicate skarn. Magnetite concentrates contain 0.01 to 0.06% gallium. Silver grade is proportional to copper grade but gold is more erratically distributed, being more abundant in the iron-rich skarn deposits.
Whitehorse Copper evaluated at least 12 zones grading between 0.71% and 1.84% Cu. The deep portion of the Little Chief deposit, which occurs in an iron-rich skarn, is the only one which graded over 2% Cu and exceeded 1.2 million tonnes in size. The Keewenaw and Reservoir Lake deposits somewhat resemble porphyry deposits in that the mineralization is related to fracture networks in hornblende granite and is accompanied by weak alteration. Unmined reserves at the Cowley Park deposit are 213 200 tonnes grading 2.46% Cu and 0.14% MoS2. The 1987 drilling at Kodiak Cub intersected massive magnetite-serpentinite-bornite skarn that assayed 2.9% Cu, 4.46 g/t Au and 21.3 g/t Ag over 4.63 m.
In 1990, drilling by Aurora Gold near the old Grafter workings intersected 30.5 m of copper mineralization averaging 1.49% Cu, 0.38 g/t Au and 6.2 g/t Ag. The mineralization coincides with a north-trending IP anomaly. Trenching by B. Wallis near the Rabbit's Foot shafts exposed 6.1 m of coarse garnet-epidote skarn strongly mineralized with bornite and chalcopyrite. A chip sample from one of the trenches east of the shafts averaged 5.83% Cu over 0.9 m.
Scott staked the tailing impoundment areas in hopes of recovering economic quantities of magnetite and gold. A scoping study completed by Kilborn Ltd in 1984 estimated that the tailing impoundment areas host approximately 10 000 000 tonnes of tailings grading approximately 19% magnetite and a private report completed by Whitehorse Copper in 1985 estimated that the tailings contain approximately 1 500 kg of gold (or 0.15 g/t) (see introduction, Meinert, 1986). Six grab samples collected from the tailings in 1995 returned up to 0.45 g/t gold. The seven auger holes returned an average gold content of 0.24 g/t gold. The nine deeper holes drilled in Dec/95 targeted areas assumed to hold higher gold values. Gold assays ranged from 35 ppb to 827 ppb.
The majority of holes drilled in 2001 reached 9.1 m in depth which is the approximate limit of the drill employed. An average hole consisted of between 3.6 to 4.2 metres of fine dry grey sand, followed by up to 0.6 metres of wet grey clay, followed by fine wet grey sand to the end of hole. Fourteen composite samples returned an average gold content of 0.204 g/t gold (slightly higher than that reported by Whitehorse Copper) and 17.9% magnetite slightly lower than Kilborn¿s 1984 estimate.
AURORA GOLD LTD, Dec/90. Assessment Report #092887 by L.W. Carlyle.
DOBROWOLSKY, H., AND INGRAM, R., 1993. A History of the Whitehorse Copper Belt. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Yukon Region, Open File 1993-1.
DUKE, N.A. and HODDER, R.W., 1974. Preliminary Report on Geological Control to Ore Distribution in the Whitehorse Copper Belt, Yukon Territory, filed as Assessment Report *#062018.
HILKER, R.G., 1967. The Whitehorse Copper Belt. Western Miner, Jul/67, p. 37.
HUDSON BAY EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LTD, Mar/86. Assessment Report *#091789 by G. Bidwell.
HUDSON BAY EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LTD, Mar/86. Assessment Report *#092042 by G. Bidwell.
HUDSON BAY MINING AND SMELTING COMPANY LTD, Mar/87. Assessment Report *#091937 by G. Bidwell.
McCONNELL, R.G., 1927. The Whitehorse Copper Belt. Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report, Publication 1050, Part A, p. 16-18.
MEINERT, L.D., 1986. Gold in skarns of the Whitehorse Copper Belt, southern Yukon. In: Yukon Geology, Vol. 1. Exploration and Geological Services Division, Yukon, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, p. 19-43.
MINERAL INDUSTRY REPORT, 1971-72, p. 48-51; 1973, p. 74-77; 1974, p. 142-143; 1975, p. 99-101; 1976, p. 150-152; 1978, p. 35-36.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, 1964. Assessment Report *#091123 by A. Parker.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, 1965. Assessment Report *#062226 by L.F. Wright, A.C. Skerl, J.A.C. Ross and T. Swanson.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, 1966. Assessment Report *#062227 by A.T. Jordan.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, Jun/67. Assessment Report *#092558 by R. Hilker.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, 1967. Assessment Report *#018884 by R. Hilker.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, Nov/68. Assessment Report *#091116 by R.G. McCandless.
NEW IMPERIAL MINES LTD, 1969. Assessment Report *#062228 by H.H. Cox.
NORTHERN MINER, 19,26 Nov/90; 3,26 Dec/90.
SCOTT, B., Jan/95. Assessment Report #093323 by B. Scott.
SCOTT, B., Jan/96. Assessment Report #093360 by B. Scott.
SCOTT, B., Jun/2002. Assessment Report #094306 by B. Scott.
TENNEY, D., 1981. The Whitehorse Copper Belt: Mining, Exploration and Geology (1967-80). DIAND, Bulletin 1.
WALLIS, W.B., Jan/91. Assessment Report *#092922 by W.B. Wallis.
WATSON, P.H., 1984. The Whitehorse Copper Belt (105D/11): A Compilation. 1:250 000 scale map and marginal notes. DIAND, Open File 1984-1.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1970. Assessment Report *#060894 by D. Tenney.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1971. Assessment Report *#060896 by D. Tenney.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1973. Assessment Report *#060525 by V.V. Jutronich and D. Tenney.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1973. Assessment Report *#060940 by R.A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1973. Assessment Report *#061172 by T.R.B. Dundas, D. Tenney and J.E. Wyder.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, Feb/74. Assessment Report *#092025 by D. Tenney.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, Dec/75. Assessment Report *#091124 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, Nov/77. Assessment Report *#091125 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1977. Assessment Report *#091229 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, Jan/80. Assessment Report *#091126 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1980. Assessment Report *#090823 by unknown.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1987. Exploration proposal by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, Jun/81. Assessment Report *#090834 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1981. Assessment Report #092763 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, 1982. Assessment Report *#091394 by A. Hureau.
WHITEHORSE COPPER MINES LTD, Dec/88. Assessment Report *#092606 by R. Stroshein
YUKON EXPLORATION AND GEOLOGY, 1981, p. 115; 1982, p. 112-113.
YUKON EXPLORATION 1985-86; p. 197; 1987, p. 128-129.
Location Map
Last Updated: Jun 24, 2019
Work History
Year | Work Type | Comment |
2001 | Drilling: Auger | Fourteen holes, 108 m. Drilled 14 in tailings impoundment area. |
1995 | Drilling: Auger | Scott drilled 7 shallow auger holes in January and 7 deeper auger holes in December. |
1994 | Geochemistry: Rock | Scott sampled mine tailings. |
1991 | Drilling: Rotary | Ten holes, 500 m. |
1982 | Ground Geophysics: IP | Also gravity and EM surveys. |
1967 | Development, Surface: Mill/Concentrator Construction | |
1965 | Studies: Feasibility | |
1964 | Studies: Feasibility | |
1963 | Studies: Feasibility | Accelerated exploration on six deposits outlining a 5.0 MT reserve. |
1962 | Trenching: Mechanical | |
1961 | Trenching: Mechanical | |
1953 | Drilling: Diamond | Ten holes, 682 m. Cowley Creek deposit. |
1952 | Trenching: Mechanical | On Grafter and Valerie deposits. |
1948 | Drilling: Diamond | Number of holes drilled: 17 Amount of work done: 1208 METRES Drilling on the Pueblo, Verona, Arctic Chief, Keewenaw, and Big Chief claims. |
1948 | Ground Geophysics | |
1920 | Development, Underground: Drifting/Raising | Mined 14,7330 Tonnes. Represents production from 1901 to 1920. Average grade 4% copper. |
1900 | Development, Underground: Drifting/Raising | First ore shipment. |
Regional Geology - Terrane
Group: Intermontane
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: Stikinia
Realm: peri-Laurentian
Regional Geology - Bedrock
Group/Suite: Whitehorse
Period Max: Cretaceous
Age Max: 112 MA
Period Min: Cretaceous
Age Min: 105 MA
Rock Major: granodiorite/quartz diorite
Rock Minor:
Reference: Hart & Radloff (1990) - YGS OF 1990-4
Geological Unit (1M): mKW
Geological Unit (250K): mKgW
Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence
Report Number | Year | Title | Worktypes | Holes Drilled | Meters Drilled |
094265 | 2001 | Trenching and Geology on the Margaret 1,Dorothy 2 and Betty 3 Claims | Rock - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Backhoe - Trenching | ||
060525 | 1973 | [Proposed Surface Drill Programs on the Little Chief-Big Chief-Valerie Properties] | Research/Summarize - Pre-existing Data | ||
062018 | 1973 | Preliminary Report on Geological Control to Ore Distribution in the Whitehorse Copper Belt | Reverse Circulation - Drilling, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Petrographic - Lab Work/Physical Studies | 665 | 5555 |
062227 | 1966 | An Evaluation of the New imperial Mines Ltd. | Feasibility - Studies |
Related References
Number | Title | Page(s) | Document Type |
ARMC005254 | Correspondence Re: Aeromagnetic anomalies near Whitehorse | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC005258 | A geological bet between Lewes River Mines Ltd. and New Imperial Mines Ltd. - Prince claims | News Release | |
ARMC005265 | Cordilleran roundup notes - Skarns 2 p.m. potential - Whitehorse Copper belt | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC005266 | Geophysics map of Best Chance claims | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC005267 | Report on some new prospects in the Whitehorse copper belt | Report | |
ARMC005268 | Sketch maps - Whitehorse Copper belt | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC005269 | Telex Rw: Imperial Mines' copper showing | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC005270 | Sketch map - J. McCall claim groups | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC005271 | Correspondence Re: Whitehorse Copper Belt | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC006920 | Summary report - Copper Cliff | Report | |
ARMC006921 | Geology map - Copper Cliff | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC005353 | Map 49-1962 - Geology - Whitehorse Copper Belt | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004797 | Map showing Valerie, Big Chief, Little Chief | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004798 | Map of geology - Little Chief | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004799 | Correspondence Re: North Star drilling | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004800 | Geology map - North Star | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004801 | General geology map - North Star and Little Chief | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004802 | Summary report and recommendations - North Star area | Report | |
ARMC004803 | Simmons group - Quartz mineral claims | Report | |
ARMC004804 | Map - Diagram to illustrate North Star drill program | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004805 | Map of Valerie, Arctic Chief, and War Eagle | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004806 | General geology map - North Star and Little Chief | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004807 | Geology and DDH plan map - North Star | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004808 | Geology geology map - North Star and Little Chief | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004815 | Report - Pueblo exploration | Report | |
ARMC004816 | Summary Re: Pueblo area | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004817 | Long section map - Pueblo mine | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004818 | Exploration composite map - 200' level - Pueblo area | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004819 | Correspondence Re: Pueblo area drilling | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004820 | Document from James White | Report | |
ARMC004821 | Map of Best Chance/Grafter | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004822 | Sketch map of Grafter mine | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004823 | Map - North grid - Best Chance | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004824 | Notes on exploration possibilities | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004825 | Correspondence Re: Arctic Chief exploration | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004826 | Properties in the central part of the belt - Arctic Chief | Report | |
ARMC004827 | General geology map - Arctic Chief and Best Chance | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004828 | Map sections - 9850 and 9250 - Arctic Chief and Little Chief | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004829 | Map of mineral claims - Arctic Chief | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004762 | The Whitehorse Copper Belt: Fall 1997 limited geophysical assessment report | Report | |
ARMC004785 | Survey map - Kopper King grid | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004810 | Plan map - North Star | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004811 | Summary report - North Star | Report | |
ARMC004812 | Report - Possible reserves - North Star | Report | |
ARMC004813 | Correspondence Re: The North Star mineralized skarn zone | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004814 | Interpreted geology map - 200' level - 2455 elev. - Pueblo mine | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004763 | Map of the Whitehorse Copper Belt - Geophysical data 1 - 1981 airborne EM anomaly occurrence map 1 - 1975 Geoterrex IP survey overlay | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004764 | Map of the Whitehorse Copper Belt - Geophysical data 1 - 1981 airborne EM anomaly occurrence map 2 | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004765 | Report on Whitehorse copper mines - Future exploration - 1973 onwards | Report | |
ARMC004766 | Correspondence Re: Exploration possibilities - Whitehorse Copper Belt | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004767 | Correspondence Re: Whitehorse copper exploration programme 1978 | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004768 | Correspondence Re: Proposed project to identify the dolomite/batholith contact areas in the copper belt | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004769 | Report on evaluation of exploration targets in the Whitehorse Copper Belt, Yukon | Report | |
ARMC004770 | Correspondence Re: Brief exploration summary for 1979 - Whitehorse Copper Belt | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004771 | Summary of August 31, 1980 and proposals for completion of 1980 exploration program - Whitehorse Copper Belt | Report | |
ARMC004772 | Summary of remaining exploration target areas - Whitehorse copper mines | Report | |
ARMC004773 | Summary - Whitehorse Copper Mines | Report | |
ARMC004774 | Progress report - Whitehorse Copper Mines Limited | Report | |
ARMC004775 | Correspondence Re: Proposed diamond drilling - WCM | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004776 | Progress Report - Whitehorse Copper Mines Limited | Report | |
ARMC004777 | Maps of claim blocks and report - Whitehorse Copper Belt | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004778 | Correspondence Re: City of Whitehorse - Geophysical data evaluation | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004779 | Sketch maps of Cowley Park area | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004780 | Map of McLean Lake - Area development scheme - Study boundary | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004781 | Tables - Whitehorse Copper Belt | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004782 | Stratigraphic correlations of Lower Paleozoic strata across northern Yukon Territory | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004783 | Correspondence Re: Copper King - Carlisle Drilling | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004786 | Summary of Whitehorse area deposits | Report | |
ARMC004787 | Maps of War Eagle area | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004788 | Report on induced polarization survey in the Whitehorse area | Report | |
ARMC004789 | Maps of War Eagle area | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004790 | Preliminary proposal for the Middle Chief pit surface - diamond drilling | Report | |
ARMC004791 | Summary and map - Valerie | Report | |
ARMC004792 | Exploration composite map - Middle-Big Chief | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004793 | Exploration composite map - Little Chief | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004794 | Map of Middle Chief and Little Chief ore zones | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004796 | Map of Little Chief to Big Chief - DDH BC 1 to 6 drilled | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004835 | Correspondence Re: Gem open pit - current status | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004836 | Map of Gem claims | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004837 | Report - Black Cub exploration drilling | Report | |
ARMC004838 | Longitudinal section map - Gem and Brown Cub | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004839 | Geology map - Gem-Keewenaw | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004840 | Map showing chargeability contours - 4 m/sec, 20 ppm contour - Gem and Keewenaw | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004841 | Geology and geophysics map - Chargeability milliseconds - Gem and Keewenaw | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004842 | Map showing Tavern Lake | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004843 | DDH locations map - Bear Cub area | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004856 | Claims location map - Prince and Snell | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004857 | Correspondence RE: Magnetite and gold potential in tailings at Grey Mountain | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004882 | Resistivity map - 200' spacing - Best Chance | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004883 | Magnetic survey map - I.P. chargeability - Best Chance | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004884 | Magnetic survey map - IP survey chargeability - 400' separation - Best Chance | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004885 | Magnetic survey map - Detail IP (chargeability) 100' separation - Anomaly 'A' - War Eagle grid | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004886 | Magnetic survey map - I.P. chargeability contours from 1970 survey - Anomaly 'B' - Pueblo grid | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004887 | Magnetic survey map - Whitehorse Copper Mines | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004888 | WCB summary table - Whitehorse Copper Mines | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004889 | Notes on composite data for specific area | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004890 | Notes on field visit - Black Cub area | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004891 | Area map - Whitehorse Copper Belt | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004892 | Induced polarisation report on the Grafter and Best Chance deposit - Whitehorse Copper Belt | Report | |
ARMC004893 | Magnetic survey map - sheet 460N/610E - Big, Middle & Little Chief and Valerie claims | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004894 | Induced polarization survey map - Best Chance | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC005248 | Report - Start-up of mine and mill at New Imperial Mines Ltd. | Report | |
ARMC005250 | Report - The Whitehorse Copper Belt | Report | |
ARMC005252 | Correspondence Re: Powellite discovery - Whitehorse Copper Belt | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004904 | Table showing MINFILE occurrences - Whitehorse Copper | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004905 | Maps of HBED copper claims | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004906 | Re: Data on War Eagle to the North Star occurrences | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004895 | A report on an induced polarization survey - Whitehorse Copper Mines | Report | |
ARMC004897 | Report on induced polarization and resistivity survey for New Imperial Mines Limited - Whitehorse Copper | Report | |
ARMC004898 | Report on Whitehorse CSA | Report | |
ARMC004899 | The N.I.M. coordinate system - a new reference coordinate system for the Whitehorse Copper Belt | Report | |
ARMC004900 | Correspondence Re: City of Whitehorse - Mineral resource assessment | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004901 | Table showing tracts of proposed exploration - Whitehorse Copper | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004902 | Table showing deposits or claims, mineral types and notes - Whitehorse Copper | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004903 | WCB summary table - Whitehorse Copper Mines | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC005015 | Mineral potential map - City of Whitehorse | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC005025 | Correspondence Re: Mineral potential study of the City of Whitehorse | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC005026 | Correspondence Re: City of Whitehorse - Mineral potential study | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004858 | Report on potential for gold exploration - Whitehorse Copper Belt | Report | |
ARMC004859 | Notes on Geophysics IP reports | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004860 | Notes on potential for Au | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004861 | Summary report - Pueblo mine | Report | |
ARMC004862 | Report - The Copper Chief | Report | |
ARMC004863 | Correspondence Re: Whitehorse Copper Mines Ltd. | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004864 | Preliminary report on the geological control to ore distribution in the Whitehorse Copper Belt, Yukon Territory | Report | |
ARMC004865 | Report - The application and applicability of geochemical prospecting techniques to Whitehorse Copper Belt | Report | |
ARMC004866 | Re: Figures from the geoscience forum poster exhibit | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004867 | Interpretation of AC53-613', AC-343', AC52-177', AC50-454', AC52-635' - | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004868 | Correspondence Re: War Eagle deposit | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004869 | Correspondence Re: Sulphur isotope analyses on the Arctic Chief samples | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004870 | Summary Re: Vallerite | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004871 | Mineral assessment - City of Whitehorse | Report | |
ARMC004872 | Report on Cu Fe (Au Ag) deposits | Report | |
ARMC004873 | Report - Gold in skarns of the Whitehorse Copper Belt, Yukon Territory, Canada | Report | |
ARMC004874 | Exploration proposal report - Whitehorse Copper Mines | Report | |
ARMC004875 | Report - War Eagle and progressing to the southernmost Carcross bad claims | Report | |
ARMC004876 | Magnetic survey map - I.P. chargeability - North Star grid | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004877 | Magnetic survey map - I.P. chargeability - North Star grid | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004878 | Magnetic survey map - I.P. mag & geology - Line 128N - War Eagle and North Star | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004879 | Magnetic survey map - I.P. chargeability - War Eagle grid | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004880 | Report on magnetic data - Compilation, analysis and interpretation - Best Chance grid | Report | |
ARMC004881 | Resistivity contour plan map - Whitehorse Copper Mines | Geophysical Map | |
ARMC004830 | General geology map - Arctic Chief and Best Chance | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004831 | Map sections - 9850 N looking north and 9250 looking north of Arctic Chief and Little Chief | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004809 | Cross section maps - North Star - Figure 7 | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004832 | Vertical longitudinal section map - looking east - Arctic Chief | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004833 | Outcrop geology map - Arctic Chief | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC008766 | Fig. 2- Geological map - General area showing relationship to Tintina Fault & Unit "3" rocks - Gem group 1-16 | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC008767 | Fig. 3 - Geology map - Gem group 1-16 | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC008768 | Figure 28 - Geochemical and geology map - Area 7 | Geochemical Map | |
ARMC008769 | Figure 30 - Geochemical map - Grid #2 - Area #7 | Geochemical Map | |
ARMC008770 | Correspondence Re: Visit to Yukon Revenue Mines' Gem claims to examine diamond drill core | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC008771 | Map - GEM claim group | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC008772 | Re: Diamond drill hole log - GEM Group - GEM 6 | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC008773 | Correspondence Re: GEM property - Ross River area | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC008774 | Report on the GEM group - Ross River area | Report | |
ARMC008775 | Report on initial prospecting - GEM and B.B. claim groups - Selwyn Basin - Ross River area | Report | |
ARMC008776 | Report on the GEM property of Yukon Revenue Mines Ltd., Yukon Territory | Report | |
ARMC008777 | Correspondence Re: Review of Yukon Revenue's diamond drilling - Reports on the GEM claims | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC008778 | Notes - Telephone enquiry to Harry Fromme & recent diamond drilling on GEM - Yukon Revenue - GEM claims | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC008780 | Correspondence Re: Visit to R.A. Granger's office in Whitehorse, to discuss the GEM claims | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC013524 | Property report and correspondence - Topazzio claims | Report | |
ARMC014219 | Map of Whitehorse area with field notations | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC014223 | Drillhole location map - Pueblo area | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC014221 | Claim map - North Star-Arctic Chief | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC014220 | Claim map - Whitehorse Copper Belt | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC014222 | Claim map with grid - Valerie-North Star | Geoscience Map (General) |
Citations |
Drill Core at YGS Core Library
Number | Property | Year Drilled | Core Size | Photos | Data |
87-GR-24 | Grafter | 1987 | NQ | 14 | 2 |
87-KC-21 | Kodiak Cub | 1987 | NQ | 8 | 2 |
AC-1 | Arctic Chief | 1976 | BQ | 4 | 0 |
AC-38 | Arctic Chief | 1976 | BQ | 18 | 0 |
ACH-1 | Arctic Chief | 1976 | BQ | 0 | 3 |
ACH-2 | Arctic Chief | 1976 | BQ | 2 | 2 |
ACH-3 | Arctic Chief | 1976 | BQ | 2 | 0 |
ACH-4 | Arctic Chief | 1976 | BQ | 2 | 0 |
ACH-5 | Arctic Chief | 1976 | BQ | 2 | 0 |
ACH-6 | Arctic Chief | 1976 | BQ | 2 | 0 |
137 | Big Thing | 1967 | BQ | 0 | 2 |
138 | Big Thing | 1967 | BQ | 0 | 2 |
140 | Big Thing | 1967 | BQ | 0 | 2 |
150 | Big Thing | 1967 | BQ | 0 | 2 |
151 | Big Thing | 1967 | BQ | 0 | 2 |
187 | Big Thing | 1967 | BQ | 0 | 2 |
U-177 | Big Thing | 1967 | BQ | 0 | 2 |