General Information
Primary Commodities: gold, silver, lead, zinc, cadmium
Deposit Type(s): Vein Polymetallic Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Location(s): 60.0250 N, -134.634720 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 105D02
Location Comments: .5 Kilometres
Hand Samples Available at YGS: Yes
Work History
The north end of the Venus Vein system was staked in Sep/01 by J.M. Pooley, A.B. Palmer & J.M. Stewart as Venus, Uranus, etc (3768) and was transferred in 1905 to Conrad Cons ML, which explored with at least 914 m of drifting from four adits and three shafts and constructed a 460 m aerial tramway and a 91 tonne mill, at a total cost of over $750 000 between 1905-12. The claims were taken to lease in 1912 by Yukon District Gold Mg CL. About 1830 tonnes were mined, mostly from the Venus 2 claim, but only a small portion was milled due to poor recoveries. The remainder was hand sorted and shipped directly to smelters at Ladysmith and Tacoma. Lessees, mainly Lackinaw and Tagish ML in 1916 and Can Harper Mg Corp L and Montana-Yukon Mg CL in 1920, shipped 1556 tonnes of high grade ore worth $120 000 and 03 tonnes of concentrate worth $26 000, according to one report. C.E.G. Brown estimated in 1963 that 2450 tonnes averaging 21.9 g/t Au and 2338.2 g/t Ag were shipped between 1910 and 1920.
The south end of the main Venus vein, plus the Red Deer and Humper veins, were mostly staked in 1904-06 and were known as the Dail-Fleming group (Venus Extension, Nipper, Beach, Red Deer, Ruby Silver & Humper 1 & 2 claims). These were optioned by the Anglo-American Cons C from 1906-08, by Conrad Cons ML briefly in 1908, and by Caribou Mg CL in 1917. They were explored with at least five adits and three shafts.
In 1922, Maybell MC put in a 975 m adit on the Maybelle fraction adjoining the Venus Mine. In 1928, Yukon Gold Co acquired the Venus Extension, the Ray cl (19024) and Peggy cl (19023) but did little work.
Except for examination by Treadwell Yukon ML in 1919, Hollinger in 1922, Yukon Gold ML in 1929, Transcontinental Res L in 1946-47 and Giant Yellowknife in 1963, the property was idle until 1966. Between 1940 and 1960, the property was consolidated by the Tagish Lake Synd, which sold it in 1966 to Venus ML. Venus built a road from Carcross, completed 2059 m of drifting, 387.7 m of raising and 2191.8 m of u.g. drilling from two adit levels (2700 ft and 2600ft). Production commenced in Sep/70 and by Jun/71, when the mine was closed because of poor recoveries (68% Au, 79% Ag, 84% Pb & 73% Zn) and heavy losses, the mill had treated 58 900 tonnes grading 5.8 g/t Au, 181.7 g/t Ag, 3.7% Pb and 2.5% Zn.
The Tagish Lake Synd property was optioned in 1979 by United Keno Hill ML, which added GHI cl (YA24093) in April, resampled the underground workings, drove 295 m of crosscuts off the 2600 Level and drilled 27 holes (1378 m) below the level later in the year. Between Oct/80 and Oct/81, about $9 million was spent on construction of a new 91 tonne/day mill, 10 km south of the adit, but production was deferred because of low metal prices. Exploration in 1984 consisted of 324 m of drifting, plus two raises (193 m) on the 2850 Level and 108.5 m of sublevel drifting from the raises. In addition, 9 diamond drill holes (1430 m) and 31 rotary holes (2819 m) explored the Venus and Uranus Vein systems on surface.
Modern fringe staking includes Mars cl (90626) to the north in Sep/64 by Peso Silver ML; Gold cl (Y78168) in Mar/74 by D. Waugh; Columbia cl (Y98410) in May/75 by B. Fitch; Red cl (YA19296) in Jul/77 by R. Piercy; & Rainbow & Sandpiper cl (YB6940) to the north in Aug/87 by J.B. O'Neill & R. Hilker.
A feasibility study on remediation of the mine tailings was planned in summer 1994 under the Federal Arctic Environmental Strategy. In the summer of 1995 the tailings were partially dug up and then sealed in a clay liner. In Aug/95 Raindrop cl 1-2 (YB06940) were tansferred in trust to the Carcross First Nation as partial settlement of their land claim.
In Jul/97 J. O'Neil staked Venus fraction (YB97803) adjacent to the occurrence. In Sep/97 B. Scott staked Au (YC08183) 2.5 km to the north, along the shore of Windy Arm Lake.
Between April and Jun/99, R. Berdahl restaked the occurrence and surrounding area as O'Neil cl 1-4 (YC14558), Neptune cl 1-5 (YC14606), Mars cl 1-3 (YC14601), Neptune cl 6-7 (YC15295), Uranus cl 1-3 (YC15301) and MM cl 1-4 (YC15304).
Capsule Geology
Most of the development has been on the main Venus vein, a north-trending, shallowly west-dipping, quartz fissure vein system which cuts intermediate volcanic rocks of Cretaceous age. The vein has been traced for more than 1.6 km on surface along a steep mountainside overlooking Tagish Lake. Fourteen other veins are present but most have not been explored. The 2700 adit is located 760 m southwest of the original mine on the Venus #2 claim, while the 2600 adit is 365 m northeast of the 2700 adit. The Red Deer vein is located farther uphill to the west, and strikes more northeasterly, whereas the Humper Vein is situated at the south end and strikes easterly.
The Venus vein, which is the strongest structure on the property, ranges from about 8 cm to 2.4 m wide (average 0.9 m) and is surrounded by an alteration envelope up to 3 m wide. Mineralization consists of coarsely crystalline quartz and carbonate carrying irregular bands and pods of pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena and sphalerite with minor tetrahedrite and chalcopyrite. Mineralization on the other two veins was reportedly similar in composition but narrower and less abundant. In the mine, two types of faults cut the vein: weak normal and reverse faults that strike normal to the vein, and strong faults that trend almost parallel and cause the vein to roll, pinch and swell. Most mineralization is concentrated in swells associated with the strong faults.
Twelve ore shoots ranging in length from 14 to 42 m were sampled by Venus ML and gave an average grade of 13.4 g/t Au, 396.0 g/t Ag, 2.6% Pb, 1.7% Zn & 0.09% Cd across a minimum width of 1.2 m. At the start of production, ore reserves were calculated at 68 466 tonnes proven and 53 865 tonnes probable. After the mine closed, remaining reserves were recalculated as 54 364 tonnes proven and 16 017 tonnes probable averaging 9.26 g/t Au, 247 g/t Ag, 2.1% Pb and 1.4% Zn across a 1.5 m mining width. Operational problems were blamed on insufficient cutting of high assays, dilution caused by the flat dip, and poor gold recoveries from arsenopyrite because the cyanide circuit never reached full operation. Resampling and further exploration drifting and drilling by by United Keno Hill Mines Ltd extended mineralization to 170 m below the 2 600 level and led to the calculation of new reserve figures in Jun/80. These figures indicated proven reserves of 54 354 tonnes, probable reserves of 16 017 tonnes and indicated reserves of 38 329 tonnes, grading 7.55 g/t Au, 226.3 g/t Ag, 1.89% Pb and 1.37% Zn.
The 1984 work on the Venus Vein increased proven reserves to 61 689 tonnes grading 10.98 g/t Au, 305.14 g/t Ag, 2.5% Pb and 1.5% Zn. These figures do not include 12 156 tonnes of ore grading 5.83 g/t Au, 147.43 g/t Ag, 1.3% Pb and 0.7% Zn stockpiled at the Venus mill site. The 1984 drilling on the Uranus Vein outlined a zone 50 m long averaging 3.8 g/t Au, 870.8 g/t Ag, 5.7% Pb and 2.6% Zn across 1.5 m.
The paragenesis can be divided into two stages: (1) early quartz-arsenopyrite-pyrite; and (2) late quartz-sphalerite-galena ± Au. Gold occurs with galena primarily as fracture fillings in arsenopyrite. Steeply dipping ore shoots, which are not visually apparent, comprise 20% of the veins and typically contain both types of mineralization. The wallrocks are altered to a sericite-carbonate-quartz-pyrite assemblage with local pods of intense clay alteration. A rare hydrous arsenite of iron and calcium was identified here in 1913 by Tyrrell & Graham and named Yukonite.
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, Summary Report 1905, p. A31-32; 1906, p. A25-26; 1916, p. 39-44.
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, Paper 68-68, p. 62-64; Paper 69-55, p. 37-38.
MACLEAN, T.A., 1914. Lode Mining in Yukon. Mines Branch Publication 222, p. 188-200.
MINERAL INDUSTRY REPORT 1969-70, p. 115,147; 1971-72, p. 54-55.
PHELPS, J.L. AND SCOTT, J.D., 1960. Summary Report on the Venus Mine. Private report on file at Resident Geologist's office, Whitehorse.
RALFS, KEN, Apr/75. A study of the mineralogy, paragenesis, zoning and wallrock alteration, Venus Mine. Unpublished B.Sc. thesis, University of British Columbia.
SELCO NORTHERN LTD and VENUS MINES LTD, 1966. Assessment Report *#018872 by A.J. Macdonald.
UNITED KENO HILL MINES LTD, May/80. Assessment Report *#091114 by K.K.
UNITED KENO HILL MINES LTD, 1987. Assessment Report *#062278 by K.W. Watson.
VENUS MINES LTD, 1960. Assessment Report *#018870 by J.L. Phelps and J.D. Scott.
VENUS MINES LTD, 1963. Assessment Report *#018874 by C.E.G. Brown and J.A. Kelly.
VENUS MINES LTD, May/66. Report by A.J. MacDonald in Venus ML Prospectus.
VENUS MINES LTD, 1966. Assessment Report *#018871 by A.J. Macdonald and J.M. O¿Brien.
VENUS MINES LTD, 1967. Assessment Report *#018873 by A.J. Macdonald and J.M. O¿Brien.
VENUS MINES LTD, Aug/68. Assessment Report *#092550 by C. Bottaro.
VENUS MINES LTD, Oct/68. Feasibility Report by MacDonald Cons L & Acres Western L.
WALTON, L. AND NESBITT, B.E., May/86. Evidence for late stage Au-galena mineralization in the Venus vein. Geological Survey of Canada, Program with Abstracts.
WALTON, L., 1987. Geology and Geochemistry of the Venus Au-Ag-Pb-Zn Vein Deposit, Yukon Territory. Unpublished MSc Thesis, University of Alberta.
The north end of the Venus Vein system was staked in Sep/01 by J.M. Pooley, A.B. Palmer & J.M. Stewart as Venus, Uranus, etc (3768) and was transferred in 1905 to Conrad Cons ML, which explored with at least 914 m of drifting from four adits and three shafts and constructed a 460 m aerial tramway and a 91 tonne mill, at a total cost of over $750 000 between 1905-12. The claims were taken to lease in 1912 by Yukon District Gold Mg CL. About 1830 tonnes were mined, mostly from the Venus 2 claim, but only a small portion was milled due to poor recoveries. The remainder was hand sorted and shipped directly to smelters at Ladysmith and Tacoma. Lessees, mainly Lackinaw and Tagish ML in 1916 and Can Harper Mg Corp L and Montana-Yukon Mg CL in 1920, shipped 1556 tonnes of high grade ore worth $120 000 and 03 tonnes of concentrate worth $26 000, according to one report. C.E.G. Brown estimated in 1963 that 2450 tonnes averaging 21.9 g/t Au and 2338.2 g/t Ag were shipped between 1910 and 1920.
The south end of the main Venus vein, plus the Red Deer and Humper veins, were mostly staked in 1904-06 and were known as the Dail-Fleming group (Venus Extension, Nipper, Beach, Red Deer, Ruby Silver & Humper 1 & 2 claims). These were optioned by the Anglo-American Cons C from 1906-08, by Conrad Cons ML briefly in 1908, and by Caribou Mg CL in 1917. They were explored with at least five adits and three shafts.
In 1922, Maybell MC put in a 975 m adit on the Maybelle fraction adjoining the Venus Mine. In 1928, Yukon Gold Co acquired the Venus Extension, the Ray cl (19024) and Peggy cl (19023) but did little work.
Except for examination by Treadwell Yukon ML in 1919, Hollinger in 1922, Yukon Gold ML in 1929, Transcontinental Res L in 1946-47 and Giant Yellowknife in 1963, the property was idle until 1966. Between 1940 and 1960, the property was consolidated by the Tagish Lake Synd, which sold it in 1966 to Venus ML. Venus built a road from Carcross, completed 2059 m of drifting, 387.7 m of raising and 2191.8 m of u.g. drilling from two adit levels (2700 ft and 2600ft). Production commenced in Sep/70 and by Jun/71, when the mine was closed because of poor recoveries (68% Au, 79% Ag, 84% Pb & 73% Zn) and heavy losses, the mill had treated 58 900 tonnes grading 5.8 g/t Au, 181.7 g/t Ag, 3.7% Pb and 2.5% Zn.
The Tagish Lake Synd property was optioned in 1979 by United Keno Hill ML, which added GHI cl (YA24093) in April, resampled the underground workings, drove 295 m of crosscuts off the 2600 Level and drilled 27 holes (1378 m) below the level later in the year. Between Oct/80 and Oct/81, about $9 million was spent on construction of a new 91 tonne/day mill, 10 km south of the adit, but production was deferred because of low metal prices. Exploration in 1984 consisted of 324 m of drifting, plus two raises (193 m) on the 2850 Level and 108.5 m of sublevel drifting from the raises. In addition, 9 diamond drill holes (1430 m) and 31 rotary holes (2819 m) explored the Venus and Uranus Vein systems on surface.
Modern fringe staking includes Mars cl (90626) to the north in Sep/64 by Peso Silver ML; Gold cl (Y78168) in Mar/74 by D. Waugh; Columbia cl (Y98410) in May/75 by B. Fitch; Red cl (YA19296) in Jul/77 by R. Piercy; & Rainbow & Sandpiper cl (YB6940) to the north in Aug/87 by J.B. O'Neill & R. Hilker.
A feasibility study on remediation of the mine tailings was planned in summer 1994 under the Federal Arctic Environmental Strategy. In the summer of 1995 the tailings were partially dug up and then sealed in a clay liner. In Aug/95 Raindrop cl 1-2 (YB06940) were tansferred in trust to the Carcross First Nation as partial settlement of their land claim.
In Jul/97 J. O'Neil staked Venus fraction (YB97803) adjacent to the occurrence. In Sep/97 B. Scott staked Au (YC08183) 2.5 km to the north, along the shore of Windy Arm Lake.
Between April and Jun/99, R. Berdahl restaked the occurrence and surrounding area as O'Neil cl 1-4 (YC14558), Neptune cl 1-5 (YC14606), Mars cl 1-3 (YC14601), Neptune cl 6-7 (YC15295), Uranus cl 1-3 (YC15301) and MM cl 1-4 (YC15304).
Capsule Geology
Most of the development has been on the main Venus vein, a north-trending, shallowly west-dipping, quartz fissure vein system which cuts intermediate volcanic rocks of Cretaceous age. The vein has been traced for more than 1.6 km on surface along a steep mountainside overlooking Tagish Lake. Fourteen other veins are present but most have not been explored. The 2700 adit is located 760 m southwest of the original mine on the Venus #2 claim, while the 2600 adit is 365 m northeast of the 2700 adit. The Red Deer vein is located farther uphill to the west, and strikes more northeasterly, whereas the Humper Vein is situated at the south end and strikes easterly.
The Venus vein, which is the strongest structure on the property, ranges from about 8 cm to 2.4 m wide (average 0.9 m) and is surrounded by an alteration envelope up to 3 m wide. Mineralization consists of coarsely crystalline quartz and carbonate carrying irregular bands and pods of pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena and sphalerite with minor tetrahedrite and chalcopyrite. Mineralization on the other two veins was reportedly similar in composition but narrower and less abundant. In the mine, two types of faults cut the vein: weak normal and reverse faults that strike normal to the vein, and strong faults that trend almost parallel and cause the vein to roll, pinch and swell. Most mineralization is concentrated in swells associated with the strong faults.
Twelve ore shoots ranging in length from 14 to 42 m were sampled by Venus ML and gave an average grade of 13.4 g/t Au, 396.0 g/t Ag, 2.6% Pb, 1.7% Zn & 0.09% Cd across a minimum width of 1.2 m. At the start of production, ore reserves were calculated at 68 466 tonnes proven and 53 865 tonnes probable. After the mine closed, remaining reserves were recalculated as 54 364 tonnes proven and 16 017 tonnes probable averaging 9.26 g/t Au, 247 g/t Ag, 2.1% Pb and 1.4% Zn across a 1.5 m mining width. Operational problems were blamed on insufficient cutting of high assays, dilution caused by the flat dip, and poor gold recoveries from arsenopyrite because the cyanide circuit never reached full operation. Resampling and further exploration drifting and drilling by by United Keno Hill Mines Ltd extended mineralization to 170 m below the 2 600 level and led to the calculation of new reserve figures in Jun/80. These figures indicated proven reserves of 54 354 tonnes, probable reserves of 16 017 tonnes and indicated reserves of 38 329 tonnes, grading 7.55 g/t Au, 226.3 g/t Ag, 1.89% Pb and 1.37% Zn.
The 1984 work on the Venus Vein increased proven reserves to 61 689 tonnes grading 10.98 g/t Au, 305.14 g/t Ag, 2.5% Pb and 1.5% Zn. These figures do not include 12 156 tonnes of ore grading 5.83 g/t Au, 147.43 g/t Ag, 1.3% Pb and 0.7% Zn stockpiled at the Venus mill site. The 1984 drilling on the Uranus Vein outlined a zone 50 m long averaging 3.8 g/t Au, 870.8 g/t Ag, 5.7% Pb and 2.6% Zn across 1.5 m.
The paragenesis can be divided into two stages: (1) early quartz-arsenopyrite-pyrite; and (2) late quartz-sphalerite-galena ± Au. Gold occurs with galena primarily as fracture fillings in arsenopyrite. Steeply dipping ore shoots, which are not visually apparent, comprise 20% of the veins and typically contain both types of mineralization. The wallrocks are altered to a sericite-carbonate-quartz-pyrite assemblage with local pods of intense clay alteration. A rare hydrous arsenite of iron and calcium was identified here in 1913 by Tyrrell & Graham and named Yukonite.
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, Summary Report 1905, p. A31-32; 1906, p. A25-26; 1916, p. 39-44.
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, Paper 68-68, p. 62-64; Paper 69-55, p. 37-38.
MACLEAN, T.A., 1914. Lode Mining in Yukon. Mines Branch Publication 222, p. 188-200.
MINERAL INDUSTRY REPORT 1969-70, p. 115,147; 1971-72, p. 54-55.
PHELPS, J.L. AND SCOTT, J.D., 1960. Summary Report on the Venus Mine. Private report on file at Resident Geologist's office, Whitehorse.
RALFS, KEN, Apr/75. A study of the mineralogy, paragenesis, zoning and wallrock alteration, Venus Mine. Unpublished B.Sc. thesis, University of British Columbia.
SELCO NORTHERN LTD and VENUS MINES LTD, 1966. Assessment Report *#018872 by A.J. Macdonald.
UNITED KENO HILL MINES LTD, May/80. Assessment Report *#091114 by K.K.
UNITED KENO HILL MINES LTD, 1987. Assessment Report *#062278 by K.W. Watson.
VENUS MINES LTD, 1960. Assessment Report *#018870 by J.L. Phelps and J.D. Scott.
VENUS MINES LTD, 1963. Assessment Report *#018874 by C.E.G. Brown and J.A. Kelly.
VENUS MINES LTD, May/66. Report by A.J. MacDonald in Venus ML Prospectus.
VENUS MINES LTD, 1966. Assessment Report *#018871 by A.J. Macdonald and J.M. O¿Brien.
VENUS MINES LTD, 1967. Assessment Report *#018873 by A.J. Macdonald and J.M. O¿Brien.
VENUS MINES LTD, Aug/68. Assessment Report *#092550 by C. Bottaro.
VENUS MINES LTD, Oct/68. Feasibility Report by MacDonald Cons L & Acres Western L.
WALTON, L. AND NESBITT, B.E., May/86. Evidence for late stage Au-galena mineralization in the Venus vein. Geological Survey of Canada, Program with Abstracts.
WALTON, L., 1987. Geology and Geochemistry of the Venus Au-Ag-Pb-Zn Vein Deposit, Yukon Territory. Unpublished MSc Thesis, University of Alberta.
Location Map
Last Updated: Sep 15, 2011
Work History
Year | Work Type | Comment |
1995 | Development, Underground: Rehabilitation | Using Federal Arctic Environmental Strategy funds, tailings were partially dug up and then sealed in a clay liner. Land around former tailing area reverted to Carcross First Nation as part of their land claim. |
1994 | Studies: Feasibility | Federal Government carried out several studies to determine feasability of clening up mine tailings. |
1984 | Drilling: Diamond | Number of holes drilled: 9 Amount of work done: 1430 METRES |
1984 | Drilling: Rotary | Number of holes drilled: 31 Amount of work done: 2819 METRES |
1984 | Other | Amount of work done: 626 METRES |
1981 | Development, Surface: Mill/Concentrator Construction | |
1980 | Development, Surface: Mill/Concentrator Construction | |
1979 | Drilling: Diamond | Number of holes drilled: 27 Amount of work done: 1378 METRES |
1979 | Other | Resampled underground workings. |
1979 | Other | Amount of work done: 295 METRES |
1971 | Other | |
1970 | Other | Over 5 years company completed 2 059 m of drifting, 387.7 m of raises and 2191.8 m of underground drilling. |
1969 | Other | |
1968 | Other | |
1967 | Other | |
1966 | Other | |
1963 | Studies: Feasibility | |
1947 | Studies: Feasibility | |
1946 | Studies: Feasibility | |
1929 | Studies: Feasibility | |
1922 | Other | Amount of work done: 975 METRES Examined adit. |
1922 | Studies: Feasibility | |
1920 | Other | On North Venus vein. |
1919 | Studies: Feasibility | |
1917 | Other | Dug 3 shafts, drove 5 adits. |
1912 | Development, Surface: Mill/Concentrator Construction | |
1912 | Development, Surface: Tramway | Amount of work done: 460 METRES |
1912 | Other | |
1912 | Other | Amount of work done: 915 METRES |
Regional Geology - Terrane
Group: Intermontane
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: Stikinia
Realm: peri-Laurentian
Regional Geology - Bedrock
Group/Suite: Mount Nansen
Period Max: Cretaceous
Age Max: 110 MA
Period Min: Cretaceous
Age Min: 90 MA
Rock Major: andesite/dacite/breccia/tuffs/rhyolite/porphyry/plugs/dykes/sills
Rock Minor:
Reference: Hart & Radloff (1990) - YGS OF 1990-4
Geological Unit (1M): mKN
Geological Unit (250K): mKN
Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence
Report Number | Year | Title | Worktypes | Holes Drilled | Meters Drilled |
062278 | 1980 | 1980 Report on the Surface, Venus Mines Area | Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology | ||
091114 | 1979 | [Rehabilitation and Drifting on the Venus Project] | Drifting/Raising - Development, Underground, Rehabilitation - Development, Underground | ||
092550 | 1968 | [Underground Development on the Venus Mine Property] | Tunnelling - Development, Underground | ||
018873 | 1966 | Report on Venus Mines Ltd. (N.P.L), Carcross Property | Drifting/Raising - Development, Underground, Diamond - Drilling, Rock - Geochemistry, Resource Estimate - Studies | ||
018872 | 1966 | Report on Venus Mines Ltd., Details of Work Accomplished between May 1966 and November 1966 | All Weather Road - Development, Surface, Drifting/Raising - Development, Underground, Diamond - Drilling | 7 | 298.65 |
018871 | 1966 | Report on the Venus Group Mineral Claims | Cursory Property Visit - Other, Data Compilation - Pre-existing Data | ||
018874 | 1963 | Report on the Venus Group | Research/Summarize - Pre-existing Data | ||
018870 | 1960 | Summary Report on the Venus Mine and Related Properties | Research/Summarize - Pre-existing Data |
Related References
Number | Title | Page(s) | Document Type |
ARMC005272 | Correspondence Re: Venus Mines Ltd., Carcross area | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC005273 | Summary - Venus deposit | Report | |
ARMC005274 | Correspondence Re: Arctic Mining Company's Arctic Caribou property, Carcross area | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC005275 | Report - Geology of the Montana Mountain area | Report | |
ARMC005276 | Report on the 1987 field examination of Dundalk Mountain | Report | |
ARMC004226 | Map - 28-790 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004212 | Mine workings map - Venus ore blocks | Miscellaneous Company Documents | |
ARMC004213 | Composite plan and projections for 1970 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004214 | Composite map - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004215 | Composite map - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004216 | Claim map showing location of old and new workings - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004217 | Map - 2850 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004218 | Map - 27-2B North drift - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004219 | Transit survey map - Ore blocks - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004220 | Map - Mine site topography - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004221 | Map - Proposed ore-pass - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004222 | Map - Mine workings map - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004223 | Map - 26-2A-920 sub raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004224 | Map - Map showing 27-2A-N-Dx and 28-2-N-Dx - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004225 | Map - 28 Service.rse - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004569 | Geological composite map - F-12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004570 | Sketch map showing main south slope - D13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004571 | Geological composite map - C-14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004572 | Geological composite map - D-14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004573 | Geological composite map - C-15 - Venus | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004574 | Geological composite map - F-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004575 | Geology plan map - 2900 level - E-11 - Venus extension | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004576 | Geology plan map - 2800 level - G-10 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004577 | Geology plan map - 2800 level - G-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004578 | Geology plan map - 2800 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004579 | Geology plan map - 2800 level - E-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004580 | Geology plan map - 2800 level - F-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004581 | Composite plan geology map - E-12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004582 | Geology plan map - 2800 level - E-12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004583 | Geology plan map - 2700 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004584 | Geology plan map - 2700 level - Main adit - 1-1DR N 1-2DR W - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004585 | Geology plan map - 2A west drift - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004586 | Geology plan map - 2700N level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004587 | Geology plan map - 2700 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004588 | Geology plan map - 2700 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004589 | Geology plan map - 2A north drift - Venus - sheet 2 | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004590 | Geology plan map - 2700N level - F12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004591 | Geology plan map - 2700N level - F13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004593 | Geology plan map - 2650 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004594 | Geology plan map - 2450 level - F-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004595 | Geology plan map - 2650 level south - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004596 | Geology plan - 2600 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004597 | Geology plan - 2600 level - revised - 206-26-K,14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004598 | Geology plan - 2600 level - revised - 206-26-L,14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004599 | Geology plan - 2600 level - revised - 206-26-N,14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004600 | Geology plan - 2600 level - revised - 206-26-N,13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004601 | Survey plan map - 2650 - Master grid - F-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004602 | Survey plan map - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004603 | Survey plan map - 2600 level - revised - 206-26-N13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004604 | Survey plan map - 2600 level - revised - 206-26-N14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004605 | Survey plan map - 2600 level - revised - 206-26-M14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004606 | Survey plan map - 2600 level - revised - 206-26-L14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004607 | Survey plan map - 2600 level - revised - 206-26-K14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004608 | Survey plan map - 2600 level - revised - 206-26-L15 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004609 | Survey plan map - 2650 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004610 | Survey plan map - 2650 - G-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004611 | Survey plan map - 2800 - G-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004612 | Survey plan map - 2800 - E-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004613 | Survey plan map - 2800 - F-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004614 | Map of F-12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004615 | Survey plan map - 2700 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004616 | Survey plan map - 2700 level - 27-L-15 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004617 | Survey plan map - 2700 level - 27-L-14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004618 | Survey plan map - 2700 level - 27-L-12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004619 | Survey plan map - 2700 level - Sheet L-13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004620 | Survey plan map - 2800 level - E-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004621 | Survey plan map - 2700 level - 27-K-13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004623 | Survey plan map - 2800 level - G-10 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004624 | Survey plan map - 2800 - E-12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004625 | Plan map - 2800 level - Sheet 206-28-L13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004626 | Survey plan map - 2900 - E-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004627 | Composite geology plan map - G-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004628 | Composite map - F-13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004629 | Geology plan map - 2850 level - E-12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004630 | Composite map - G-10 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004631 | Geology plan map - 2800 level - G-10 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004632 | Geology plan map - 2800 level - G-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004633 | Geology plan map - 2800 level - F-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004634 | Geology plan map - 2700 level - 206-27-1-2 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004635 | Geology plan map - 2700N level - F-10 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004636 | Geology plan map - 2700N level - F-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004637 | Geology plan map - 2700 level - 1-2DR N 1-2A DR N - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004638 | Geology plan map - 2700 level - 206-725 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004639 | Geology plan map - 2700 level - 206-726 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004640 | Geology plan map - 2700N level - F-14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004641 | Geology plan map - 2650N level - F-13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004642 | Geology plan map - 2600 level - revised - 206-26-L,15 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004643 | Geology plan map - 2600 level - revised - 206-26-M,14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004644 | Plan map - 26-855 raise - F-12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004645 | Plan map - 26-2-825 raise - F-12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004646 | Plan map - 26-2-795 raise - F-12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004647 | Plan map - 26-683 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004648 | Plan map - 26-2-438 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004649 | Plan map - 2650 serv. raise - F-12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004650 | Plan map - 2650-070 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004651 | Plan map - 2650-766 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004652 | Plan map - 2650-560 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004654 | Plan map - 2650-320 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004655 | Plan map - 2650-520 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004656 | Plan map - 27-802 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004657 | Plan map - 27-740 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004658 | Plan map - 27-020 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004659 | Plan map - 27-2A-962 raise - G-11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004660 | Plan map - 27-836 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004661 | Plan map - 26-283 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004662 | Plan map - 28-045 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004663 | Plan map - 28-931 and 914 raises - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004664 | Plan map - 28-884 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004665 | Plan map - 28-848 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004592 | Geology composite plan map - F-14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004622 | Composite plan map - E-13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004653 | Plan map - 2650-350 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004227 | Map - 26-2-920 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004228 | Map - 26-540 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004229 | Map - 27-2A-285 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004230 | Map - 27-2A-027 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004231 | Map - 27-2A-015 west raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004232 | Map - 27-2A-040 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004233 | Map - 27-2A-735 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004234 | Map - 28-2-830 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004235 | Map - Geology plan - 2600(N) level - Venus | Geoscience Map (Geological - Bedrock) | |
ARMC004236 | Map - Composite G12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004237 | Map - Geology plan - 2600 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004238 | Map - Geology plan - 2600(N) level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004239 | Map - 2600N-13 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004240 | Map of Ten Mile Ranch | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004241 | Map - Tailings area - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004242 | Map - Camp plan - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004243 | Map - Map showing mine workings - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004244 | Map - Mine section - Looking north at 12,500 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004245 | Map - Composite E11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004246 | Map - Geology plan - 2650(E) level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004247 | Map - Geology plan - 2650(N) level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004248 | Map - Geology plan - 2650 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004249 | Map - Geology plan - 2600 level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004250 | Map - Geology plan - 2600(S) level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004251 | Map - Geology plan - 2600(N) level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004252 | Map - Composite D12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004253 | Map - Geology plan - 2600(N) level - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004254 | Map - Geology plan - 2600 x-cut D11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004255 | Map - Composite D11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004256 | Map - Unnamed workings - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004257 | Map - 27-2A-962 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004258 | Map - 2650-320 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004259 | Map - 26-2-825 raise - F12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004260 | Map - 26-2-795 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004261 | Map - 26-2-920 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004262 | Map - Co-ordinate section 11800N - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004263 | Map - Service and ventilation raise - Working plan - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004264 | Map - 26-2A-825 raise - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004265 | Map - 2650 service raise - F12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004266 | Map - Mine workings showing caved, flooded and inaccessible shafts - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004267 | Map - 2700 level assay plan - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004268 | Map - 2800 survey plan - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004269 | Map - Map showing 3100 and 3101 benches - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004270 | Map - Composite plan - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004271 | Map - Composite plan with legend - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004272 | Map - Composite F13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004273 | Map - 2650 survey plan F13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004274 | Map - 2650 level sheet F12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004275 | Map - 2600 survey plan - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004276 | Map - 2600 K-14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004277 | Map - 2600 L-15 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004278 | Map - 2600 M-14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004279 | Map - 2600 level sheet L-14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004280 | Map - 2600 survey plan F12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004281 | Map - 2600 level survey plan - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004282 | Map - 2600 level survey plan - E12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004283 | Map - 2600 level survey plan - D12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004284 | Map - 2600 level survey plan - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004285 | Map - 2600 level survey plan - D11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004286 | Map - 2700 level sheet - L-14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004287 | Map - 2700 level sheet - K-13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004288 | Map - 2800 level sheet - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004289 | Map - 2700 level survey plan - F13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004290 | Map - 2700 level survey plan - F14 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004291 | Map - 2700 level survey sheet - L12 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004292 | Map - 2700 level survey plan - L13 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004293 | Map - 2700 survey plan - F11 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC004294 | Map - 2700 survey plan - F10 - Venus | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC013499 | Report on the Venus mine - Windy Arm district, Yukon Territory | Report | |
ARMC013501 | Progress Report to on Carcross Y.T. property Sept. 30, 1967 - Venus Mines Ltd. | Report | |
ARMC013503 | Venus mine feasibility report | Report | |
ARMC013502 | Venus Mines Ltd. - Report to shareholders | Report | |
ARMC016299 | Mine plan map - Hand drawn - Venus Mines | Geoscience Map (General) | |
ARMC013500 | News clippings - Venus Mines | News Release |
Citations |
Drill Core at YGS Core Library
Number | Property | Year Drilled | Core Size | Photos | Data |
68-25 | Venus | 1968 | BQ | 10 | 0 |
68-30 | Venus | 1968 | BQ | 2 | 0 |
68-38 | Venus | 1968 | BQ | 4 | 0 |
68-39 | Venus | 1968 | BQ | 10 | 0 |
141 | Venus | 1966 | AQ | 2 | 0 |
143 | Venus | 1966 | AQ | 2 | 0 |
153 | Venus | 1966 | AQ | 2 | 0 |
154 | Venus | 1966 | AQ | 4 | 0 |
190 | Venus | 1966 | AQ | 4 | 0 |
26-63 | Venus | 1966 | 0 | 0 | |
27-46 | Venus | 1966 | BQ | 2 | 0 |
27-47 | Venus | 1966 | BQ | 2 | 0 |
27-48 | Venus | 1966 | BQ | 6 | 0 |
27-49 | Venus | 1966 | BQ | 2 | 0 |
38-49 | Venus | 1966 | 0 | 0 | |
68-26 | Venus | 1966 | BQ | 11 | 0 |
68-40 | Venus | 1966 | 0 | 0 | |
Hole 1 | Venus | 1966 | NQ | 6 | 1 |
Hole 2 | Venus | 1966 | NQ | 2 | 1 |
Hole 3 | Venus | 1966 | 0 | 1 | |
Hole 6 | Venus | 1966 | NQ | 4 | 1 |
Hole 7 | Venus | 1966 | NQ | 4 | 1 |
Hole 8 | Venus | 1966 | NQ | 4 | 0 |
Hole 9 | Venus | 1966 | NQ | 6 | 0 |
S-12 | Venus | 1966 | BQ | 4 | 0 |
S-8 | Venus | 1966 | BQ | 2 | 0 |
S-9 | Venus | 1966 | BQ | 2 | 0 |
UNKNOWN Hole 1 | Venus | 1966 | 0 | 0 | |
UNKNOWN Hole 2 | Venus | 0 | 0 |