General Information
Primary Commodities: gold, silver
Secondary Commodities: bismuth, lead, arsenic, antimony, tungsten, copper, zinc
Aliases: Porker
Deposit Type(s): Plutonic Related Au
Location(s): 60.506260 N, -127.856550 W
NTS Mapsheet(s): 95D12
Location Comments: Location marks approximate center of Main zone.
Hand Samples Available at YGS: No
Last Reviewed: Sep 28, 2017
Last Updated: Sep 28, 2017WORK HISTORY
Staked as SN cl 1-50 (Y72516) in Aug/54 by Liard River Mining Company Ltd, which carried out mapping, hand trenching, soil sampling and an EM survey in 1954, and drilled 4 diamond drill holes (about 365 m) about 2 km west in 1955.
Restaked as Porker cl 1-56 (Y73646) in Jul/73 by Hyland Joint Venture (Marietta Resources International Ltd, Mitsubishi Metal Corporation and L.T. and Harris Clay). The joint venture later added Porker cl 57-74 (Y83953) to the north and carried out detailed mapping, prospecting and grid soil sampling in 1973, a gravity survey in 1974 and drilled 4 diamond drill holes (303 m) about 2 km northeast in 1975.
Kidd Creek Mines Ltd tied on Quiver cl 1-40 (YA68429) to the east in Jun/82, which it explored with geological mapping and grid soil sampling later in the year. Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Ltd restaked the Porker group as Piglet cl 1-32 (YA70902) in Mar/84, performed geological mapping, soil sampling and prospecting later in 1984, acquired the remaining Quiver claims and sold the property to Silverquest Resources Ltd, which performed geological mapping, soil sampling and prospecting in 1986.
In 1987, Silverquest entered the Hyland Joint Venture (with NDU Resources Ltd and Novamin Resources Inc) which explored with mapping, bulldozer trenching and sampling. After Novamin dropped its interest and was replaced by Adrian Resources Ltd, the partners added Boar cl 1-28 (YB14247), Sow cl 1-5 (YB15352), Ham cl 1-11F (YB14388) and explored with bulldozer trenching, soil sampling, geophysical surveying, 4 diamond drill holes (376 m) and road construction in 1988. A winter road was built to the property from the Alaska Highway in 1989, and 41 reverse circulation percussion holes totaling 3,800 m were drilled in 1990.
In May/94 Westmin Resources Ltd surrounded this occurrence and the Cuz occurrence (Minfile Occurrence 095D 033), located 3 km to the south, with a large block of Ver claims (1-262, YB49031) before adding the CJ cl 1-140 (YB55638) and CJ cl 141-154 (YB56194) to the south and west in Sept/94. During the summer and fall of 1994, Westmin carried out airborne EM, Mag/VLF and radiometric geophysical surveys, property scale geological mapping, prospecting, rock, soil and stream sampling and grid development on their claims.
In Dec/94 Hemlo Gold Mines Ltd acquired an option on the Piglet, Quiver and Sow claims from Adrian Resources, NDU Resources and Cash Resources. In July/95 Hemlo drilled three diamond drill holes (439.2 m) along the northern extension of the Main Zone.
In Aug/95 Westmin completed two lines of fill-in soil sampling on the Ver claims, located immediately south of the occurrence and staked HL cl 1-84 (YB79485) adjoining the Ver claims to the north of the deposit. In 1996 their work program consisted of soil sampling, geological mapping and rock sampling of the HL claims, as well as auger sampling of the area located south of the deposit.
In Mar/98 Westmin Resources was acquired by Boliden Ltd and in Apr/99 Expatriate Resources Ltd purchased the Ver and CJ claims from Boliden. Expatriate subsequently formed the Hyland Gold Joint Venture (Cash Resources Ltd 55%, Expatriate 31% and Nordac Resources Ltd 14%) thereby consolidating property interests and occurrences (Minfile Occurrences 095D 011 and 033) and facilitating exploration in the area.
In the summer of 1999 the joint venture carried out prospecting and grid soil sampling over areas which had not previously received detailed sampling. During the winter of 1999-2000 the joint venture completed a data compilation of all previous exploration work undertaken within the boundaries of the newly consolidated property.
In May/2001 Cash Resources re-organized and changed its name to Cash Minerals Ltd and in Jun/2001 Nordac Resources re-organized and changed its name to Strategic Metals Ltd. During the 2001 exploration season the Joint Venture group carried out soil sampling, hand trenching and prospecting programs over various portions of the property.
Expatriate purchased Cash Minerals 55% interest in the Hyland Gold Joint Venture in Nov/2002 for cash and a 1% Net Smelter Return on production. In Jan/2003 the company purchased Strategic Metals 14% interest for cash and a 0.25% Net Smelter Return. Adrian Resources Ltd continues to hold a 1% Net Smelter Return royalty capped at $1,500,000.00 on 88 of the original claims
In Feb/2003 Expatriate optioned a 51% interest in the newly consolidated Hyland Gold property to Northgate Exploration Ltd for cash and a commitment to spend $5,000,000.00 over 4 years. In Jun/2003 Expatriate commenced a two phase diamond drill program on the property, funded by Northgate Exploration. By the end of September the companies had completed 12 diamond drill holes (2,416.2 m) over various portions of the property.
In Jul/2003 Expatriate shareholders approved a plan to transfer Expatriate's precious metal assets, including the Hyland Gold Property to a separate company, StrataGold Corporation. In May/2004 Northgate Exploration changed its name to Northgate Minerals Corporation. During the 2004 exploration season StrataGold carried out 15.7 km of induced polarization geophysical surveys and drilled eight diamond drill holes (1,800 m) on the property. The exploration program continued to be funded by Northgate. In 2005 StrataGold collared 4 diamond drill holes (984.81 m) on the property. Three holes (784.86 m) tested targets in and around the Cuz occurrence/zone and 1 hole (199.95 m) tested a coincident geochemical and geophysical anomaly located 2.1 km east of the Main zone. In Dec/2005 Northgate Minerals dropped its option on the property without earning any interest.
In Feb/2009 Victoria Gold Corp purchased all outstanding shares of StrataGold Corp. thus transferring control of the Hyland Gold property to Victoria Gold. In Dec/2009 Victoria Gold optioned a 100% interest in the Hyland Gold property to Argus Metals Corp. in return for cash, shares and certain work commitments. StrataGold retained a 2.5 % capped Net Smelter Return with a provisional buyback of 1.5% for $1,000,000.00.
In 2010 Argus Metals carried out geological mapping and reconnaissance prospecting on and north of the Main zone, followed by 4 diamond drill holes (765 m) collared on and north of the Main zone. Later in the fall the company carried out a Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) survey across the Main zone and collected samples of drill core for petrography descriptions.
Between October and Nov/2011 Argus Metals surrounded the Hyland Gold property with Pork cl 1-236 (YD113001), Bean cl 1-354 (YD115103) and Roast cl 1-56 (YD115047). In 2011 the company carried out a Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) survey over the Main zone and areas located south of the zone, continued mapping the geology between the Main and Cuz occurrences and expanded rock, soil and silt sampling programs across the property. The company also completed 16 diamond drill holes (3,128 m); of which 13 targeted the Main zone and points south and 3 holes targeted the Cuz occurrence. In Oct/2011 Argus Metals fulfilled its obligations under its option agreement with StrataGold Corp, thus earning a 100% interest in the Hyland Gold property subject to the various royalty interests spelled out in various historic agreements.
In Mar/2012 Argus Metal released a National Instrument 43-101 compliant technical report on the Hyland Gold property. The report summarized all exploration completed to date on the property. As part of the summary the company released a maiden NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate for the Main zone. Based on an 0.6 g/t gold equivalent (AuEq) cut-off the Main zone hosts an Inferred Resource of 12,503,994 tonnes grading 0.90 g/t gold, 5.6 g/t silver and a AuEq of 0.99 g/t gold.
In Sep/2012 Argus Metals announced it had signed a letter of intent (LOI) with Banyan Coast Capital Corporation for the sale of the Hyland Gold project for shares and cash. In Nov/2012 Banyan Gold released an updated NI 43-101 technical report on the Hyland Gold property. This report is essentially the same report released by Argus Metals in Mar/2012 except for the addition of data related to the purchase of the property by Banyan Gold. The Inferred mineral resource calculated in Mar/2012 for the Main zone remained the same. In Feb/2013 Banyan Coast Capital closed the sale of the Hyland Gold property and transitioned from a Capital Pool Company to a Tier 2 Mining Issuer resulting in a change in name to Banyan Gold Corporation.
In 2013 Banyan Gold carried out follow-up soil sampling south of the Cuz occurrence to test high priority gold/arsenic-in-soils anomalies defined by ridge and spur soil sampling and silt sampling programs previously carried out in 2011. The program led to the discovery of the Montrose Ridge zone a coincident gold/arsenic-in-soil anomaly located approximately 2.5 km southeast of the Cuz zone/occurrence. In 2014 Banyan Gold carried out infill soil sampling between the Cuz and Montrose Ridge zones. The company also carried out coincident rock sampling and geological mapping over the same area.
In 2015 Banyan Gold carried out a systematic surface sampling and trenching program over the Montrose Ridge gold and arsenic gold in soil anomaly. The company also completed an access trail to connect the area to existing trail network. In addition the company drilled three diamond drill holes (739.85 m), on the Camp zone, a gold and arsenic soil anomaly located 500 m north of the Main zone.
In 2016 Banyan Gold dug 2 trenches on the Camp zone and 5 trenches on the Montrose Ridge zone and collected follow-up grid soil samples from around the Main, Montrose Ridge and South Ridge zones. The company also collared three diamond drill holes (475 m) on the Main zone. In 2017 Banyan Gold continue diamond drilling on the Main and Cuz zones and investigating soil anomalies in the South Ridge area.
The area is located in the southeast corner of Yukon, approximately 74 km northeast of Watson Lake. Access is by float plane from Watson Lake to Quartz Lake (Hulse Lake) or by helicopter from Watson Lake. A 40 km winter road built in 1989 provides access to the property in the winter months allowing the mobilization of heavy equipment and fuel to the property.
The property is located at the southeastern end of the Selwyn basin, an off-shelf sequence that developed at the continental margin of the North American craton prior to Cordilleran deformation and accretion. Structural complexity coupled with folding and faulting and a general lack of bedrock expose has hampered geological mapping on the property. The property is underlain by an interbedded sequence of quartzite, limestone and phyllite, with individual beds varying from less than one metre to tens of metres in thickness. The underlying bedrock in the central part of the property is interpreted by L. Pigage et al., (2011), of the Yukon Geological Survey to belong to a transition zone between the Yusezyu and Vampire Formations of the Precambrian Hyland Group.
In general a mixed unit of quartzites, phyllites and limestones appears to be folded about a north-south trending, southerly plunging anticline with the Main zone gold mineralization aligned along its axis. Flanking the mixed unit to the east and west in an overlying relationship is a relatively clean, massive limestone unit. A north-south structural corridor referred to as the Quartz Lake Lineament trends through the core of the Main zone coincident with the anticline axis and is thought to be a major control of mineralization. Although the property is located near the end of a belt of Cretaceous granitic plutons no large intrusive bodies are exposed on the property. Evidence for buried intrusion on the property includes a few narrow mafic dikes, magnetic lows outlined by geophysical surveys and a 2 km squared area east of Hulse Lake where sedimentary rocks are locally thermally metamorphose to garnet-staurolite schist.
The most important structural feature on the property is the Quartz Lake Lineament, a north trending recessive topographic linear that likely corresponds to a steeply dipping structural zone. The linear is usually filled by glacial till or talus but where bedrock is exposed in a number of trenches across the Main zone, it consists of a series of anastomosing, subparallel faults. Sense of motion on the structures is unknown but local stratigraphy appears to have negligible offset. The lineament bisects the Main zone and strikes toward the Cuz zone where it is cut by a normal fault that juxtaposes Yusezyu Formation against Vampire Formation stratigraphy. The lineament also coincides with resistivity and magnetic lows in the vicinity of the Main zone.
Gold mineralization occurs in at least four different settings: (1) breccia zones, veins and auriferous sulphide disseminations, best developed in silicified quartzite or jasperoid altered zones in phyllite; (2) north-trending recessive weathering fault zones in the Quartz Lake Lineament containing pods of semi-massive to massive pyrrhotite ± pyrite; (3) manto-like siderite replacement bodies up to 40 m thick, formed along the limestone-quartzite contacts in a corridor along the Quartz Lake Lineament. These contain relatively minor amounts of pyrite, pyrrhotite, and arsenopyrite; (4) narrow quartz veins containing erratic pods of nearly massive jamesonite, samples of which assayed up to 41% lead, 154.3 g/t silver and 3.4 g/t gold. All types of mineralization are oxidized to varying depths, depending on fault-induced density and local degree of glacial erosion. Character and intensity of mineralization depends on the character and chemistry of the host rocks. To that extent, gold mineralization is both stratigraphically and structurally controlled.
Initial exploration in the area was geared towards stratabound zinc-lead-silver mineralization similar to that discovered at the McMillian occurrence located on strike about 5 km to the southwest (Minfile Occurrence 095D 006). The deposit hosts a non-compliant and unclassified historical resource of 1.1 million tonnes grading 8.5% zinc, 4.1% lead, and 62 g/t silver in the Main zone and 0.4 million tonnes grading 1.7% zinc, 9.3% lead and 214 g/t silver in the south zone.
Prospecting and rock sampling carried out in the 1970s by the original Hyland Joint Venture outlined massive siderite-pyrite lenses replacing limestone, 1 km north of the present day Main Zone. These lenses contain some gold but they occur peripheral to silica flooding that hosts the gold showings. Two drill holes collared in 1974 to test coincident gravity and lead-arsenic anomalies intersected only a thin horizon, assaying less than 0.1% lead and zinc, within a relatively unaltered sequence.
In the mid-1980s exploration turned towards gold mineralization. Grid based soil sampling outlined two principal areas of strongly anomalous gold values over the present Main zone (this occurrence) and the Cuz zone (Minfile Occurrence 095D 033) located 4 km to the south. Exploration carried out since then has identified 2 additional zones of significant mineralization; the Camp zone located approximately 500 m north of the Main zone and the Montrose Ridge zone (Minfile Occurrence 095D 033) located approximately 2 km south of the Cuz zone.
Based on maps publicly released by Banyan Gold, the Main zone (occurrence location) measures approximately 700 m long by 400 m wide. The zone trends north-south across a low, heavily vegetated hilltop with gold mineralization occurring within the core and nearby limb of a slightly overturned anticline. The best gold values are associated within three parallel, strongly fracture and brecciated zones developed along the Quartz Lake Lineament in the core of the anticline in the Lower Quartzite or jasperoid replacement horizons developed in the overlying Lower Phyllite. The fault zones are up to 40 m wide and typically consist of recessive weathering, limonitic sand, clay gouge and quartz fragments. Minor gold mineralization occurs with massive sulphide or siderite altered zones at the base of the overlying Lower Limestone. Pre-glacial weathering and consequent oxidation of sulphide minerals extends to depths of up to 60 m from surface, especially in highly fractured areas. Glaciation has removed most of the oxide facies at lower elevations where fresh pyrite and arsenopyrite are present near surface.
The best assays (>5 g/t gold) in the oxide zone are returned from samples containing scorodite stained grey quartz veins with abundant boxwork cavities after sulphide minerals. Moderately mineralized intervals grading 1.0 to 5.0 g/t gold occur with brecciated jasperoid altered horizons adjacent to higher grade vein mineralization. The jasperoid horizons are surrounded by sericite-clay altered rocks which carry gold grades between 0.3 and 1.0 g/t gold. Massive sulphide and siderite altered limestone typically contains 0.3 to 1.0 g/t gold. Although structural complexity makes unit by unit stratigraphic correlation in the Main zone difficult, it appears that the best mineralization is in 3 m to 20 m thick, stratabound zones that may be linked by irregular, steeply dipping breccia bodies. Oxidation extends much deeper in the highly fragmented gold-rich central zone than it does in the less fractured weakly mineralized adjacent sections.
The best gold grades are accompanied by highly anomalous values of arsenic and bismuth. The recessive linear is flanked by resistant zones, several tens of metres wide of silicified but relatively unfractured rock that carries moderately anomalous gold values but with moderately to strongly anomalous bismuth and arsenic. These, in turn are flanked by less silicified zones which carry only weakly to moderately anomalous gold. The association of anomalously high antimony, tungsten and copper values with gold in the Main zone has been suggested as evidence for a magmatic source at least in part, for the hydrothermal fluids responsible for gold mineralization. It is also possible that sediment hosted gold mineralization at the Hyland Gold property is part of a larger system that includes the neighboring McMillian silver-lead-zinc manto deposit.
Replacement of the basal part of the Upper Limestone unit by manto-like bodies of siderite up to 20 m thick, occurs in the flanking position to the Main zone mineralization, along the sides of the anticline. It is possible and probable that the entire Main zone may have been capped by siderite replacement of overlying limestone before erosion removed all but the flanking bodies. The resulting interpretation is that iron metasomatism also played an integral part of the hydrothermal alteration and mineralization suite at the Main zone.
In December 1990 K. Sax and R. Carne, of Archer Cathro and Associates (1981) Ltd calculated a historic estimate of the Main zone for the Hyland Joint Venture. The historic estimate was prepared for an internal report but was republished in subsequent assessment reports 093465 and 094150. Based solely on the results obtained from 41 reverse circulation percussion holes (totaling 3,800 m) drilled in 1990, the oxidized core of the Main zone was estimated to contain a historic estimate of 3.2 million tonnes grading 1.1 g/t gold that was amendable to open pit mining with a stripping ratio of about 1:1 (Assessment Report 094150, p. 8). The authors noted that sample recovery was poor thus gold grades were likely higher.
In Aug/2012 Argus Metals commissioned GeoVector Management Inc of Ottawa, Ontario to prepare a maiden National Instrument (NI) 43-101 compliant resource estimate for the Main zone. GeoVector Management reported that the Main zone hosts an Inferred Mineral Resource, at a 0.6 g/t gold equivalent (AuEq) cut-off grade, of 12,503,994 tonnes grading 0.9 g/t gold, 5.59 g/t silver and a AuEq of 0.99 g/t gold. The gold equivalent is based on silver content valued at 0.016 gold value using a $1,016 US gold price and a $15.82 US silver price which approximates the average price for these metals over the previous 3 years (Armitage and Gray, 2012). The resource model used to calculate the resource estimate is open for expansion to the north and east and to depth.
The Camp zone (UTM 562830 W, 6709500 N) lies approximately 500 m north of the northern boundary of the Main zone. Soil sampling outlined a kilometre plus gold and arsenic-in soil-anomaly centered over Quartz Lake Lineament. Early exploration appears to have been focused on a large scale “feeder zone” sulphide system and appears to have missed a deeper lying, relatively localized system of mineralization with strong structural and stratigraphic control. Mineralization consists of oxidized to partially oxidized iron carbonate and/or semi-massive sulphide (mostly pyrrhotite with lesser pyrite and arsenopyrite) bodies that occur in limestone peripheral to the north trending Quartz Lake Lineament.
The carbonate, sulphide and oxide replacement zones are shown by mapping and prospecting to be relatively continuous and mappable. The zones follow a nearly continuous trend along the Quartz Lake Lineament. On surface iron oxide occurs in two bands that strike north and take a bend to the east before returning to a northerly trend approximately 300 m further on. The western band appears to be thicker (~10 m) with more intense alteration and mineralization. Both contain moderate to intense secondary iron oxide mineralization (limonite, goethite and locally earthy hematite) and moderate to intense manganese oxides. These manto-like or chimney-like replacement bodies may represent deeper “feeder style” mineralization than the more silica flooded open space filling style of mineralization of the Main zone. Diamond drilling conducted before 2015 appears not to have been drilled deep enough, thus missing the zone.
In addition to the jasperoid, carbonate and sulphide replacement style mineralization, a few scattered jamesonite veins or pods up to 10 cm wide cut a siderite body exposed in a bulldozer trench located approximately 400 m northeast of the north end of the Main zone.
Banyan Gold’s continues to explore the property with the view towards expanding the existing inferred Main zone resource, defining a maiden mineral resource for the neighboring Cuz zone and testing other zones located on the property.
Staked as SN cl 1-50 (Y72516) in Aug/54 by Liard River Mining Company Ltd, which carried out mapping, hand trenching, soil sampling and an EM survey in 1954, and drilled 4 diamond drill holes (about 365 m) about 2 km west in 1955.
Restaked as Porker cl 1-56 (Y73646) in Jul/73 by Hyland Joint Venture (Marietta Resources International Ltd, Mitsubishi Metal Corporation and L.T. and Harris Clay). The joint venture later added Porker cl 57-74 (Y83953) to the north and carried out detailed mapping, prospecting and grid soil sampling in 1973, a gravity survey in 1974 and drilled 4 diamond drill holes (303 m) about 2 km northeast in 1975.
Kidd Creek Mines Ltd tied on Quiver cl 1-40 (YA68429) to the east in Jun/82, which it explored with geological mapping and grid soil sampling later in the year. Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Ltd restaked the Porker group as Piglet cl 1-32 (YA70902) in Mar/84, performed geological mapping, soil sampling and prospecting later in 1984, acquired the remaining Quiver claims and sold the property to Silverquest Resources Ltd, which performed geological mapping, soil sampling and prospecting in 1986.
In 1987, Silverquest entered the Hyland Joint Venture (with NDU Resources Ltd and Novamin Resources Inc) which explored with mapping, bulldozer trenching and sampling. After Novamin dropped its interest and was replaced by Adrian Resources Ltd, the partners added Boar cl 1-28 (YB14247), Sow cl 1-5 (YB15352), Ham cl 1-11F (YB14388) and explored with bulldozer trenching, soil sampling, geophysical surveying, 4 diamond drill holes (376 m) and road construction in 1988. A winter road was built to the property from the Alaska Highway in 1989, and 41 reverse circulation percussion holes totaling 3,800 m were drilled in 1990.
In May/94 Westmin Resources Ltd surrounded this occurrence and the Cuz occurrence (Minfile Occurrence 095D 033), located 3 km to the south, with a large block of Ver claims (1-262, YB49031) before adding the CJ cl 1-140 (YB55638) and CJ cl 141-154 (YB56194) to the south and west in Sept/94. During the summer and fall of 1994, Westmin carried out airborne EM, Mag/VLF and radiometric geophysical surveys, property scale geological mapping, prospecting, rock, soil and stream sampling and grid development on their claims.
In Dec/94 Hemlo Gold Mines Ltd acquired an option on the Piglet, Quiver and Sow claims from Adrian Resources, NDU Resources and Cash Resources. In July/95 Hemlo drilled three diamond drill holes (439.2 m) along the northern extension of the Main Zone.
In Aug/95 Westmin completed two lines of fill-in soil sampling on the Ver claims, located immediately south of the occurrence and staked HL cl 1-84 (YB79485) adjoining the Ver claims to the north of the deposit. In 1996 their work program consisted of soil sampling, geological mapping and rock sampling of the HL claims, as well as auger sampling of the area located south of the deposit.
In Mar/98 Westmin Resources was acquired by Boliden Ltd and in Apr/99 Expatriate Resources Ltd purchased the Ver and CJ claims from Boliden. Expatriate subsequently formed the Hyland Gold Joint Venture (Cash Resources Ltd 55%, Expatriate 31% and Nordac Resources Ltd 14%) thereby consolidating property interests and occurrences (Minfile Occurrences 095D 011 and 033) and facilitating exploration in the area.
In the summer of 1999 the joint venture carried out prospecting and grid soil sampling over areas which had not previously received detailed sampling. During the winter of 1999-2000 the joint venture completed a data compilation of all previous exploration work undertaken within the boundaries of the newly consolidated property.
In May/2001 Cash Resources re-organized and changed its name to Cash Minerals Ltd and in Jun/2001 Nordac Resources re-organized and changed its name to Strategic Metals Ltd. During the 2001 exploration season the Joint Venture group carried out soil sampling, hand trenching and prospecting programs over various portions of the property.
Expatriate purchased Cash Minerals 55% interest in the Hyland Gold Joint Venture in Nov/2002 for cash and a 1% Net Smelter Return on production. In Jan/2003 the company purchased Strategic Metals 14% interest for cash and a 0.25% Net Smelter Return. Adrian Resources Ltd continues to hold a 1% Net Smelter Return royalty capped at $1,500,000.00 on 88 of the original claims
In Feb/2003 Expatriate optioned a 51% interest in the newly consolidated Hyland Gold property to Northgate Exploration Ltd for cash and a commitment to spend $5,000,000.00 over 4 years. In Jun/2003 Expatriate commenced a two phase diamond drill program on the property, funded by Northgate Exploration. By the end of September the companies had completed 12 diamond drill holes (2,416.2 m) over various portions of the property.
In Jul/2003 Expatriate shareholders approved a plan to transfer Expatriate's precious metal assets, including the Hyland Gold Property to a separate company, StrataGold Corporation. In May/2004 Northgate Exploration changed its name to Northgate Minerals Corporation. During the 2004 exploration season StrataGold carried out 15.7 km of induced polarization geophysical surveys and drilled eight diamond drill holes (1,800 m) on the property. The exploration program continued to be funded by Northgate. In 2005 StrataGold collared 4 diamond drill holes (984.81 m) on the property. Three holes (784.86 m) tested targets in and around the Cuz occurrence/zone and 1 hole (199.95 m) tested a coincident geochemical and geophysical anomaly located 2.1 km east of the Main zone. In Dec/2005 Northgate Minerals dropped its option on the property without earning any interest.
In Feb/2009 Victoria Gold Corp purchased all outstanding shares of StrataGold Corp. thus transferring control of the Hyland Gold property to Victoria Gold. In Dec/2009 Victoria Gold optioned a 100% interest in the Hyland Gold property to Argus Metals Corp. in return for cash, shares and certain work commitments. StrataGold retained a 2.5 % capped Net Smelter Return with a provisional buyback of 1.5% for $1,000,000.00.
In 2010 Argus Metals carried out geological mapping and reconnaissance prospecting on and north of the Main zone, followed by 4 diamond drill holes (765 m) collared on and north of the Main zone. Later in the fall the company carried out a Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) survey across the Main zone and collected samples of drill core for petrography descriptions.
Between October and Nov/2011 Argus Metals surrounded the Hyland Gold property with Pork cl 1-236 (YD113001), Bean cl 1-354 (YD115103) and Roast cl 1-56 (YD115047). In 2011 the company carried out a Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) survey over the Main zone and areas located south of the zone, continued mapping the geology between the Main and Cuz occurrences and expanded rock, soil and silt sampling programs across the property. The company also completed 16 diamond drill holes (3,128 m); of which 13 targeted the Main zone and points south and 3 holes targeted the Cuz occurrence. In Oct/2011 Argus Metals fulfilled its obligations under its option agreement with StrataGold Corp, thus earning a 100% interest in the Hyland Gold property subject to the various royalty interests spelled out in various historic agreements.
In Mar/2012 Argus Metal released a National Instrument 43-101 compliant technical report on the Hyland Gold property. The report summarized all exploration completed to date on the property. As part of the summary the company released a maiden NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate for the Main zone. Based on an 0.6 g/t gold equivalent (AuEq) cut-off the Main zone hosts an Inferred Resource of 12,503,994 tonnes grading 0.90 g/t gold, 5.6 g/t silver and a AuEq of 0.99 g/t gold.
In Sep/2012 Argus Metals announced it had signed a letter of intent (LOI) with Banyan Coast Capital Corporation for the sale of the Hyland Gold project for shares and cash. In Nov/2012 Banyan Gold released an updated NI 43-101 technical report on the Hyland Gold property. This report is essentially the same report released by Argus Metals in Mar/2012 except for the addition of data related to the purchase of the property by Banyan Gold. The Inferred mineral resource calculated in Mar/2012 for the Main zone remained the same. In Feb/2013 Banyan Coast Capital closed the sale of the Hyland Gold property and transitioned from a Capital Pool Company to a Tier 2 Mining Issuer resulting in a change in name to Banyan Gold Corporation.
In 2013 Banyan Gold carried out follow-up soil sampling south of the Cuz occurrence to test high priority gold/arsenic-in-soils anomalies defined by ridge and spur soil sampling and silt sampling programs previously carried out in 2011. The program led to the discovery of the Montrose Ridge zone a coincident gold/arsenic-in-soil anomaly located approximately 2.5 km southeast of the Cuz zone/occurrence. In 2014 Banyan Gold carried out infill soil sampling between the Cuz and Montrose Ridge zones. The company also carried out coincident rock sampling and geological mapping over the same area.
In 2015 Banyan Gold carried out a systematic surface sampling and trenching program over the Montrose Ridge gold and arsenic gold in soil anomaly. The company also completed an access trail to connect the area to existing trail network. In addition the company drilled three diamond drill holes (739.85 m), on the Camp zone, a gold and arsenic soil anomaly located 500 m north of the Main zone.
In 2016 Banyan Gold dug 2 trenches on the Camp zone and 5 trenches on the Montrose Ridge zone and collected follow-up grid soil samples from around the Main, Montrose Ridge and South Ridge zones. The company also collared three diamond drill holes (475 m) on the Main zone. In 2017 Banyan Gold continue diamond drilling on the Main and Cuz zones and investigating soil anomalies in the South Ridge area.
The area is located in the southeast corner of Yukon, approximately 74 km northeast of Watson Lake. Access is by float plane from Watson Lake to Quartz Lake (Hulse Lake) or by helicopter from Watson Lake. A 40 km winter road built in 1989 provides access to the property in the winter months allowing the mobilization of heavy equipment and fuel to the property.
The property is located at the southeastern end of the Selwyn basin, an off-shelf sequence that developed at the continental margin of the North American craton prior to Cordilleran deformation and accretion. Structural complexity coupled with folding and faulting and a general lack of bedrock expose has hampered geological mapping on the property. The property is underlain by an interbedded sequence of quartzite, limestone and phyllite, with individual beds varying from less than one metre to tens of metres in thickness. The underlying bedrock in the central part of the property is interpreted by L. Pigage et al., (2011), of the Yukon Geological Survey to belong to a transition zone between the Yusezyu and Vampire Formations of the Precambrian Hyland Group.
In general a mixed unit of quartzites, phyllites and limestones appears to be folded about a north-south trending, southerly plunging anticline with the Main zone gold mineralization aligned along its axis. Flanking the mixed unit to the east and west in an overlying relationship is a relatively clean, massive limestone unit. A north-south structural corridor referred to as the Quartz Lake Lineament trends through the core of the Main zone coincident with the anticline axis and is thought to be a major control of mineralization. Although the property is located near the end of a belt of Cretaceous granitic plutons no large intrusive bodies are exposed on the property. Evidence for buried intrusion on the property includes a few narrow mafic dikes, magnetic lows outlined by geophysical surveys and a 2 km squared area east of Hulse Lake where sedimentary rocks are locally thermally metamorphose to garnet-staurolite schist.
The most important structural feature on the property is the Quartz Lake Lineament, a north trending recessive topographic linear that likely corresponds to a steeply dipping structural zone. The linear is usually filled by glacial till or talus but where bedrock is exposed in a number of trenches across the Main zone, it consists of a series of anastomosing, subparallel faults. Sense of motion on the structures is unknown but local stratigraphy appears to have negligible offset. The lineament bisects the Main zone and strikes toward the Cuz zone where it is cut by a normal fault that juxtaposes Yusezyu Formation against Vampire Formation stratigraphy. The lineament also coincides with resistivity and magnetic lows in the vicinity of the Main zone.
Gold mineralization occurs in at least four different settings: (1) breccia zones, veins and auriferous sulphide disseminations, best developed in silicified quartzite or jasperoid altered zones in phyllite; (2) north-trending recessive weathering fault zones in the Quartz Lake Lineament containing pods of semi-massive to massive pyrrhotite ± pyrite; (3) manto-like siderite replacement bodies up to 40 m thick, formed along the limestone-quartzite contacts in a corridor along the Quartz Lake Lineament. These contain relatively minor amounts of pyrite, pyrrhotite, and arsenopyrite; (4) narrow quartz veins containing erratic pods of nearly massive jamesonite, samples of which assayed up to 41% lead, 154.3 g/t silver and 3.4 g/t gold. All types of mineralization are oxidized to varying depths, depending on fault-induced density and local degree of glacial erosion. Character and intensity of mineralization depends on the character and chemistry of the host rocks. To that extent, gold mineralization is both stratigraphically and structurally controlled.
Initial exploration in the area was geared towards stratabound zinc-lead-silver mineralization similar to that discovered at the McMillian occurrence located on strike about 5 km to the southwest (Minfile Occurrence 095D 006). The deposit hosts a non-compliant and unclassified historical resource of 1.1 million tonnes grading 8.5% zinc, 4.1% lead, and 62 g/t silver in the Main zone and 0.4 million tonnes grading 1.7% zinc, 9.3% lead and 214 g/t silver in the south zone.
Prospecting and rock sampling carried out in the 1970s by the original Hyland Joint Venture outlined massive siderite-pyrite lenses replacing limestone, 1 km north of the present day Main Zone. These lenses contain some gold but they occur peripheral to silica flooding that hosts the gold showings. Two drill holes collared in 1974 to test coincident gravity and lead-arsenic anomalies intersected only a thin horizon, assaying less than 0.1% lead and zinc, within a relatively unaltered sequence.
In the mid-1980s exploration turned towards gold mineralization. Grid based soil sampling outlined two principal areas of strongly anomalous gold values over the present Main zone (this occurrence) and the Cuz zone (Minfile Occurrence 095D 033) located 4 km to the south. Exploration carried out since then has identified 2 additional zones of significant mineralization; the Camp zone located approximately 500 m north of the Main zone and the Montrose Ridge zone (Minfile Occurrence 095D 033) located approximately 2 km south of the Cuz zone.
Based on maps publicly released by Banyan Gold, the Main zone (occurrence location) measures approximately 700 m long by 400 m wide. The zone trends north-south across a low, heavily vegetated hilltop with gold mineralization occurring within the core and nearby limb of a slightly overturned anticline. The best gold values are associated within three parallel, strongly fracture and brecciated zones developed along the Quartz Lake Lineament in the core of the anticline in the Lower Quartzite or jasperoid replacement horizons developed in the overlying Lower Phyllite. The fault zones are up to 40 m wide and typically consist of recessive weathering, limonitic sand, clay gouge and quartz fragments. Minor gold mineralization occurs with massive sulphide or siderite altered zones at the base of the overlying Lower Limestone. Pre-glacial weathering and consequent oxidation of sulphide minerals extends to depths of up to 60 m from surface, especially in highly fractured areas. Glaciation has removed most of the oxide facies at lower elevations where fresh pyrite and arsenopyrite are present near surface.
The best assays (>5 g/t gold) in the oxide zone are returned from samples containing scorodite stained grey quartz veins with abundant boxwork cavities after sulphide minerals. Moderately mineralized intervals grading 1.0 to 5.0 g/t gold occur with brecciated jasperoid altered horizons adjacent to higher grade vein mineralization. The jasperoid horizons are surrounded by sericite-clay altered rocks which carry gold grades between 0.3 and 1.0 g/t gold. Massive sulphide and siderite altered limestone typically contains 0.3 to 1.0 g/t gold. Although structural complexity makes unit by unit stratigraphic correlation in the Main zone difficult, it appears that the best mineralization is in 3 m to 20 m thick, stratabound zones that may be linked by irregular, steeply dipping breccia bodies. Oxidation extends much deeper in the highly fragmented gold-rich central zone than it does in the less fractured weakly mineralized adjacent sections.
The best gold grades are accompanied by highly anomalous values of arsenic and bismuth. The recessive linear is flanked by resistant zones, several tens of metres wide of silicified but relatively unfractured rock that carries moderately anomalous gold values but with moderately to strongly anomalous bismuth and arsenic. These, in turn are flanked by less silicified zones which carry only weakly to moderately anomalous gold. The association of anomalously high antimony, tungsten and copper values with gold in the Main zone has been suggested as evidence for a magmatic source at least in part, for the hydrothermal fluids responsible for gold mineralization. It is also possible that sediment hosted gold mineralization at the Hyland Gold property is part of a larger system that includes the neighboring McMillian silver-lead-zinc manto deposit.
Replacement of the basal part of the Upper Limestone unit by manto-like bodies of siderite up to 20 m thick, occurs in the flanking position to the Main zone mineralization, along the sides of the anticline. It is possible and probable that the entire Main zone may have been capped by siderite replacement of overlying limestone before erosion removed all but the flanking bodies. The resulting interpretation is that iron metasomatism also played an integral part of the hydrothermal alteration and mineralization suite at the Main zone.
In December 1990 K. Sax and R. Carne, of Archer Cathro and Associates (1981) Ltd calculated a historic estimate of the Main zone for the Hyland Joint Venture. The historic estimate was prepared for an internal report but was republished in subsequent assessment reports 093465 and 094150. Based solely on the results obtained from 41 reverse circulation percussion holes (totaling 3,800 m) drilled in 1990, the oxidized core of the Main zone was estimated to contain a historic estimate of 3.2 million tonnes grading 1.1 g/t gold that was amendable to open pit mining with a stripping ratio of about 1:1 (Assessment Report 094150, p. 8). The authors noted that sample recovery was poor thus gold grades were likely higher.
In Aug/2012 Argus Metals commissioned GeoVector Management Inc of Ottawa, Ontario to prepare a maiden National Instrument (NI) 43-101 compliant resource estimate for the Main zone. GeoVector Management reported that the Main zone hosts an Inferred Mineral Resource, at a 0.6 g/t gold equivalent (AuEq) cut-off grade, of 12,503,994 tonnes grading 0.9 g/t gold, 5.59 g/t silver and a AuEq of 0.99 g/t gold. The gold equivalent is based on silver content valued at 0.016 gold value using a $1,016 US gold price and a $15.82 US silver price which approximates the average price for these metals over the previous 3 years (Armitage and Gray, 2012). The resource model used to calculate the resource estimate is open for expansion to the north and east and to depth.
The Camp zone (UTM 562830 W, 6709500 N) lies approximately 500 m north of the northern boundary of the Main zone. Soil sampling outlined a kilometre plus gold and arsenic-in soil-anomaly centered over Quartz Lake Lineament. Early exploration appears to have been focused on a large scale “feeder zone” sulphide system and appears to have missed a deeper lying, relatively localized system of mineralization with strong structural and stratigraphic control. Mineralization consists of oxidized to partially oxidized iron carbonate and/or semi-massive sulphide (mostly pyrrhotite with lesser pyrite and arsenopyrite) bodies that occur in limestone peripheral to the north trending Quartz Lake Lineament.
The carbonate, sulphide and oxide replacement zones are shown by mapping and prospecting to be relatively continuous and mappable. The zones follow a nearly continuous trend along the Quartz Lake Lineament. On surface iron oxide occurs in two bands that strike north and take a bend to the east before returning to a northerly trend approximately 300 m further on. The western band appears to be thicker (~10 m) with more intense alteration and mineralization. Both contain moderate to intense secondary iron oxide mineralization (limonite, goethite and locally earthy hematite) and moderate to intense manganese oxides. These manto-like or chimney-like replacement bodies may represent deeper “feeder style” mineralization than the more silica flooded open space filling style of mineralization of the Main zone. Diamond drilling conducted before 2015 appears not to have been drilled deep enough, thus missing the zone.
In addition to the jasperoid, carbonate and sulphide replacement style mineralization, a few scattered jamesonite veins or pods up to 10 cm wide cut a siderite body exposed in a bulldozer trench located approximately 400 m northeast of the north end of the Main zone.
Banyan Gold’s continues to explore the property with the view towards expanding the existing inferred Main zone resource, defining a maiden mineral resource for the neighboring Cuz zone and testing other zones located on the property.
Location Map
Last Updated: Jul 3, 2019
Work History
Year | Work Type | Comment |
2017 | Drilling: Diamond | Estimated that company will drill approximately 4,000 m. Number of holes not announced. |
2016 | Drilling: Diamond | Three holes (475 m). |
2016 | Geochemistry: Soil | Follow-up sampling. |
2016 | Trenching: Backhoe | |
2015 | Development, Surface: Trail | Built trail to connect Montrose Ridge to existing trail network. |
2015 | Drilling: Diamond | Three holes (739.85 m). |
2015 | Trenching: Backhoe | Trenched and sample over Montrose Ridge. |
2014 | Geochemistry: Soil | Infill sampling. Also rock sampling. |
2014 | Geology: Detailed Bedrock Mapping | |
2013 | Geochemistry: Soil | In Montrose Ridge area. |
2012 | Studies: Resource Estimate | Armitage and Gray, for Argus Metals March 2012, updated version for Banyan Coast Capital, Nov/2012. |
2011 | Geochemistry: Rock | Also soil and silt surveys. |
2011 | Geology: Detailed Bedrock Mapping | |
2011 | Ground Geophysics | Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) survey. |
2010 | Drilling: Diamond | Four holes (765 m). |
2010 | Geology: Detailed Bedrock Mapping | |
2010 | Ground Geophysics | Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) survey. |
2005 | Drilling: Diamond | Four holes (984.81 m). |
2004 | Drilling: Diamond | Eight holes (1,800 m). Drilling targeted sulfide ore and IP and geochemical anomalies |
2004 | Ground Geophysics: IP | IP survey. |
2003 | Drilling: Diamond | Twelve holes, (2,416.2 m). All drilling focused on identifying sulfide ore. |
2001 | Geochemistry: Soil | |
2001 | Other: Prospecting | |
2001 | Trenching: Hand | |
1999 | Geochemistry: Soil | Work completed on consolidated property. |
1996 | Drilling: Auger | Auger sampling by Westmin in area located south of Main zone. |
1996 | Geochemistry: Rock | Also soil on Westmin's surrounding claims. |
1996 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | Westmin mapped on adjoining claims. |
1995 | Drilling: Diamond | Three holes (439.2 m) collared to test northern extension of the Main Zone. |
1995 | Geochemistry: Soil | Westmin carried out further sampling on surrounding claims. |
1994 | Airborne Geophysics: Electromagnetic | Also Mag/VLF and radiometric surveys. Westmin Resources carried out surveys on surrounding claims. |
1994 | Geochemistry: Rock | Also gris soil and silt sampling by Westmin on surrounding claims now covered by present property boundaries. |
1994 | Geology: Detailed Bedrock Mapping | Westmin carried out mapping on surrounding claims now part of present property |
1990 | Drilling: Reverse Circulation | Forty-one holes (3,800 m). |
1990 | Studies: Resource Estimate | Non compliant NI 43-101 resource estimate prepare for internal use. Released later in assessment reports. |
1989 | Development, Surface: Winter Road | Connected to Alaska Highway. |
1988 | Development, Surface: Trail | Built trail system to connect various showings. |
1988 | Drilling: Diamond | Four holes (376 m). |
1988 | Geochemistry: Soil | |
1988 | Trenching: Mechanical | |
1987 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1987 | Trenching: Mechanical | |
1987 | Geochemistry: Rock | |
1986 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1986 | Other: Prospecting | |
1986 | Geochemistry: Soil | |
1984 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1984 | Other: Prospecting | |
1984 | Geochemistry: Soil | |
1982 | Geochemistry: Soil | Grid based. |
1982 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1975 | Drilling: Diamond | Four holes (303 m). |
1974 | Ground Geophysics: Gravity Survey | |
1973 | Geochemistry: Soil | Grid based. |
1973 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1973 | Other: Prospecting | |
1955 | Drilling: Diamond | Four holes (365 m). |
1954 | Geochemistry: Soil | |
1954 | Geology: Bedrock Mapping | |
1954 | Ground Geophysics: EM | |
1954 | Trenching: Hand |
Regional Geology - Terrane
Group: Ancestral North America
Affinity: W Laurentia
Name: North America - basinal strata
Realm: Laurentia
Regional Geology - Bedrock
Supergroup: Windermere
Group/Suite: Hyland
Formation: Yusezyu
Member: limestone
Terrane: Laurentia
Period Max: Ediacaran
Age Max: 635 MA
Period Min: Cambrian
Age Min: 541 MA
Rock Major: limestone
Rock Minor:
Reference: Pigage et al. (2011) - YGS OF 2011-1
Geological Unit (1M): PCH
Geological Unit (250K): PCH4
Assessment Reports that overlap occurrence
Report Number | Year | Title | Worktypes | Holes Drilled | Meters Drilled |
096993 | 2016 | 2016 Diamond Drill, Trench and Geochemical Report on the Hyland Gold Project | Diamond - Drilling, Soil - Geochemistry, Mechanical - Trenching | 3 | 475 |
095840 | 2011 | 2011 Geophysical Report on the Hyland Project | Electromagnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Prospecting - Other | ||
095859 | 2011 | 2011 Geophysical Report on the Hyland Project | EM - Ground Geophysics | ||
095325 | 2010 | 2010 Geological, Geophysical and Diamond Drilling Report on the Hyland Project | Diamond - Drilling, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, EM - Ground Geophysics, Petrographic - Lab Work/Physical Studies, Prospecting - Other | 4 | 765 |
094492 | 2004 | Hyland Project 2004, Preliminary Report, 2004 Diamond Drilling | Diamond - Drilling, IP - Ground Geophysics | 8 | 1800 |
094455 | 2003 | Hyland Project, Assessment Report 2003, 2003 Diamond Drilling | Diamond - Drilling | 12 | 2416.16 |
094296 | 2002 | Geological Report Describing the Hyland Gold Property Including 2001 Geochemical Surveys and Prospecting | Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Prospecting - Other, Hand - Trenching | ||
093308 | 1995 | 1994 Assessment Report Hyland Property (Ver 1 to 262, CJ 1 to 154 Mineral Claims) Geological Mapping, Lithogeochemical Sampling, Stream Sediment Sampling, Soil Sampling, and Airborne Geophysical Surveys | Electromagnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Gamma-Ray Spectrometry - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Rock - Geochemistry, Silt - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology | ||
092664 | 1988 | Report on Soil Geochemical, Geophysical, Bulldozer Trenching and Diamond Drilling Program Conducted for Adrian Resources Ltd., NDU Resources Ltd., and Silverquest Resources Ltd., at Piglet, Quiver, Sow, Boar and Ham Claims | Diamond - Drilling, Soil - Geochemistry, EM - Ground Geophysics, IP - Ground Geophysics, Magnetics - Ground Geophysics, Backhoe - Trenching | 4 | 375.80 |
062298 | 1988 | Report on the Hyland Gold Property | Backhoe - Trenching | ||
092005 | 1987 | Report on Soil Geochemical and Bulldozer Trenching Program Piglet 1-32, Quiver 1, 2, 11, 12, 21-24, 25, 30, 32, 34, and Sow 1-5 Claims | Winter Road - Development, Surface, Rock - Geochemistry, Soil - Geochemistry, Backhoe - Trenching | ||
062221 | 1986 | Report on the Piglet 1-32 Quartz Claims | Data Compilation - Pre-existing Data | ||
091639 | 1985 | Geochemical and Geological Report on the Piglet 1-32 Claims | Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Prospecting - Other | ||
061037 | 1975 | Report on Interpretation of Gravity Data on Porker Claims, Hulse Lake Yukon Territory | Gravity Survey - Ground Geophysics | ||
092910 | 1974 | Hyland Joint Venture Assessment Report 1974 | Line Cutting - Other | ||
061188 | 1973 | Report on Porker 1-54 Claims | Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Line Cutting - Other, Prospecting - Other | ||
060920 | 1973 | Report on Porker 1-54 Claims | Soil - Geochemistry, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Line Cutting - Other, Prospecting - Other | ||
060678 | 1967 | Report on a Combined Helicopter-Borne Electromagnetic and Megnetometer Survey of Quartz Lake, Yukon Territory for Redfort Syndicate | Electromagnetic - Airborne Geophysics, Magnetic - Airborne Geophysics | ||
060677 | 1966 | Geological Reports on the Redfort Group Comprising the Red, Fort, and Plus Claims (192 Claims) | Interpretation - Airphotography, Detailed Bedrock Mapping - Geology, Petrographic - Lab Work/Physical Studies |
Related References
Number | Title | Page(s) | Document Type |
ARMC008140 | Recce geochem survey map - Results: Cu, Pb, Zn in ppm - Hulse Lake | Geochemical Map | |
YEG1984 | Yukon Exploration 1984 | 32 | Annual Report |
YEG1985_86 | Yukon Exploration 1985-86 | 94-95 | Annual Report |
YEG1987 | Yukon Exploration 1987 | 29, 64 | Annual Report |
YEG1988_89 | Yukon Exploration 1988 | 9-11 | Annual Report |
YEG1979_80 | Yukon Geology and Exploration 1979-80 | 105-108 | Annual Report |
MIR1975 | Mineral Industry Report 1975 | 155-156 | Annual Report |
MIR1973 | Mineral Industry Report 1973 | 83-84 | Annual Report |
YEG1990-pg36 | Hyland Gold property, southeastern Yukon | Annual Report Paper | |
2011-1 | Bedrock geology of Coal River map area (NTS 95D), Yukon | Open File (Geological - Bedrock) | |
YEG1982 | Yukon Exploration and Geology 1982 | 84 | Annual Report |
YEG2003 | Yukon Exploration and Geology 2003 | 12 | Annual Report |
YEG2004 | Yukon Exploration and Geology 2004 | 10 | Annual Report |
ARMC018636 | Field map - 95D/12 | Geoscience Map (General) | |
YEG2010_OV | Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2010 | p. 35, 59, 64. | Annual Report |
YEG2011_OV | Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2011 | p. 27-28, 64, 72. | Annual Report |
YEG2013_OV | Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2013 | p. 30, 41. | Annual Report |
YEG2014_OV | Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2014 | p. 31, 39. | Annual Report |
YEG2015_OV2 | Yukon Hard Rock Mining, Development and Exploration Overview 2015 | p. 33, 42, 46. | Annual Report Paper |
YEG2016_OV4 | Yukon Hardrock Mining, Development and Exploration Overview 2016 | p. 51, 55, 59. | Annual Report Paper |
ARMC020120 | Location map - July 1988 - Yukon properties - NDU Resources Ltd. | Geoscience Map (General) |
Citations |
ADRIAN RESOURCES LTD, NDU RESOURCES LTD AND SILVERQUEST RESOURCES LTD, Dec/88. Yukon Mining Incentive Plan (YMIP) 1988 – 044. Available in EMR Library. |
ARGUS METALS CORP, Mar/2012. Technical Report on the Hyland Gold Property in the Yukon Territory, Canada, March 1, 2012 by A. Armitage and P. Gray. (Available on SEDAR). |
ARGUS METALS CORP, Press Release. 7 Jul/2011, 11 Aug/2011, 27 Sep/2011, 31 Oct/2011, 28 Nov/2011, 5 Dec/2011, 10 Sep/2012. |
ARGUS METALS CORP. Apr/2010. Consolidated Financial Statements, April 30, 2010, p. 13. |
BANYAN GOLD CORP, Aug/2016. Technical Report on the Hyland Gold Project, Yukon Territory, Canada, August 4, 2016 by R. Carne and A. Armitage. (Available on SEDAR). |
BANYAN GOLD CORP, Mar/2014. Assessment Report #096575 by P. Gray. |
BANYAN GOLD CORP, May/2016. Assessment Report #096993 by P. Gray. |
BANYAN GOLD CORP, News Release. 19 Feb/2013, 18 Nov/2013, 30 Sep/2014, 16 Apr/2016, 8 Sep/2015, 17 Sep/2015, 3 Nov/2016, 14 Nov/2017, 25 Jul/2017, 18 Sep/2017. |
BANYAN GOLD CORP, Nov/2012. Technical Report on the Hyland Gold Property in the Yukon Territory, Canada, November 2, 2012 by A. Armitage and P. Gray. This is an updated version of Argus Gold’s March 1, 2012 technical report. (Available on SEDAR). |
BANYAN GOLD CORP, Nov/2015. Assessment Report #096791 by P. Gray. |
NOVAMIN RESOURCES INC, NDU RESOURCES LTD AND SILVERQUEST RESOURCES LTD, Dec/87. Yukon Mining Incentive Plan (YMIP) 1987 – 010. Available in EMR Library. |
STRATAGOLD CORPORATION, Mar/2006. Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004, p. 13. Reports Northgate Minerals dropped its option on the property. (Available on SEDAR). |
VICTORIA GOLD CORPORATION, Press Release. 11 Feb/2009. |
Drill Core at YGS Core Library
Number | Property | Year Drilled | Core Size | Photos | Data |
DDH-75-01 | Hyland Gold | 1975 | AQWL | 0 | 0 |
DDH-75-02 | Hyland Gold | 1975 | AQWL | 0 | 0 |
DDH-75-03 | Hyland Gold | 1975 | AQWL | 0 | 1 |
DDH-75-04 | Hyland Gold | 1975 | AQWL | 0 | 1 |