General Information
Core condition: Fair
Core size: NQ
Complete hole: NO
Total length: m
Total boxes: 104
Drilled by:
Location: 60.62280 N, -135.04900 W
Location comment:
Elevation (m): 839
Azimuth: 217°
Dip: -58°
Comments: Box Details: Missing boxes 46 and 96.
Core is available for viewing. If you wish to sample the core, please send an email to This core has not been vetted and we are working to improve the data quality. If you find errors or omissions please let us know.
Core is available for viewing. If you wish to sample the core, please send an email to This core has not been vetted and we are working to improve the data quality. If you find errors or omissions please let us know.
Location Map
Deposit Type and Commodities
Commodities: copper
Deposit Type Hierarchy:
- Metallic
- Epigenetic
- Replacement
- Skarn