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Yukon Geological Survey

Compilation Details

Layer Name
Surficial Geology dataset
Layer Type
Surficial Geology
Feature Type

General Information

Update Frequency: Yearly
Released By: Yukon Geological Survey
Contact Info:
Summary: A Yukon-wide compilation of spatial data derived from over 195 surficial geology maps originally published at scales ranging from 1:10,000 to 1:250,000. Polygon features describe surficial material, texture, age, surface expression and geomorphological processes. Line features include surficial geological contacts, glacial limits and linear landforms. Point features include field stations and small site specific landforms.
Citation: Yukon Geological Survey, 2023. Surficial Geology dataset. Yukon Geological Survey, [accessed month day, year].


Name Type Comment
Surficial Geology Index Map PDF Index map showing mapped areas of the Yukon and their corresponding scale. (842 kb) Download PDF
Web Map Webmap Web map of surficial geology maps. Open Link
Shapefiles Shapefile Shapefile dataset containing all scales of surficial line data. Use the provided .lyr file for best results. (244 mb) Download ZIP
Geodatabase File Geodatabase Database containing all scales of surficial point data. Use the provided .lyr file for best results. (163 mb) Download ZIP
FTP Directory Web FTP Directory containing all of the surficial dataset items inthe following formats: .shp, .kmz, .fgdb. Open Link


Over 195 surficial geology maps have been compiled by the Yukon Geological Survey (YGS) into a standardized GIS format. The maps provide approximately 80% coverage of the territory at scales ranging between 1:250,000 and 1:10,000, with some overlap between scales. Source maps were originally produced by a variety of agencies, including: the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) (112), Yukon Geological Survey (48), Yukon Government (12), universities (2) and the City of Whitehorse (1). 22 of these maps were previously unpublished. A complete list of map sources included in the compilation is found at the end of this document. While all original feature descriptions have been preserved in the compilation, they have also been converted to standardized values following the Yukon terrain classification system (based on the British Columbia terrain classification system with minor modifications; see section below). The compilation consists of 4 Geographic Information System (GIS) datasets and supporting documents, all of which are available for download by searching for “surficial compilation” on the YGS integrated data system (YGSIDS) or by accessing GeoYukon. Territory-wide point, line and polygon GIS datasets are available in ESRI geodatabase (v10), shapefile and Google Earth (kmz) formats. There is a .lyr file supplied to both symbolize the feature classes and differentiate between overlapping maps at different scales. One additional dataset is a surficial geology map index.Polygon attributes captured include: surficial material, texture, age, surface expression and geomorphological processes. Line features captured include: surficial geological contacts; glacial limits; glacial landforms such as cirques, arêtes, eskers, meltwater channels and moraines; and non-glacial landforms such as faults, lineaments, landslides, and escarpments. Point features captured include: field station, fossil and sample locations; glacial landforms such as erratics, kames, kettles, drumlins and flutings; permafrost features such as pingos, palsas, patterned ground and thermokarst depressions; and other non-glacial landforms such as landslides and tors.These data are a valuable resource for a variety of land-use applications in the territory, including: mineral and placer exploration, geotechnical engineering, infrastructure planning, granular resource assessments, permafrost modeling, agricultural assessments, forest management and biophysical or ecological land classification.

Revision History

Date revised Comment
2019/07/17 Compiled surficial geology dataset to be easier to access. Dataset was previously separated by scale, and by geometry. It is now available as a single downloadable zip in either file geodatabase or zip formats. This zip file contains the metadata, documentation, feature classes, layer files and map documents.
2023/08/11 Added (20) all new surficial datasets collected since 2014. Restructured data to a simpler format, combining all geometry types into single feature sets differentiated using symbology. Added dataset to GeoYukon and CSW for easier distribution and updates.

Related References

Last Updated: Nov 11, 2024
Number Title Page(s) Document Type
2000-9 Surficial geology and till geochemistry of Weasel Lake (105G/13), central Yukon Open File (Geological - Surficial)
1999-7 Surficial Geology Map and Till Geochemistry of Mt. Mye and Faro (105K/3 E & 6 E), central Yukon Open File (Geological - Surficial)
1999-8 Surficial Geology Map of Mount Mye and Faro (105K/3 & 6 W), central Yukon Open File (Geological - Surficial)
1999-17 Surficial Geology Map of Rose Mountain (105K/5 SE), Central Yukon Open File (Geological - Surficial)
GM1998-3 Surficial Geology of Mount Haldane Map Area, Central Yukon (105M/13) Geoscience Map (Geological - Surficial)
GM1998-5 Surficial Geology Map of North McQuesten River, Central Yukon (116A/1) Geoscience Map (Geological - Surficial)
2005-1 Surficial Geology of Seagull Creek (parts of NTS 105F/10 and 7), Yukon (1:50,000 scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
GM1998-2 Surficial Geology of Seattle Creek, Central Yukon (115P/16) Geoscience Map (Geological - Surficial)
GM1998-1 Surficial geology of Sprague Creek, central Yukon, NTS 115P/15 Geoscience Map (Geological - Surficial)
1999-16 Surficial Geology Map and Till Geochemistry of Rose Mountain (105K/5 NE), Central Yukon Open File (Geological - Surficial)
1999-18 Surficial Geology Map and Till Geochemistry of Rose Mountain (105K/5 NW), Central Yukon Open File (Geological - Surficial)
1999-19 Surficial Geology Map and Till Geochemistry of Swim Lakes (105K/2 NE), Central Yukon Open File (Geological - Surficial)
1999-5 Surficial Geology Map and Till Geochemistry of Swim Lakes (105K/2 NW), Central Yukon Open File (Geological - Surficial)
GM1998-6 Surficial Geology of Dublin Gulch Map Area, Central Yukon (106D/4) Geoscience Map (Geological - Surficial)
GM1998-4 Surficial Geology of Keno Hill, Central Yukon (105M/14) Geoscience Map (Geological - Surficial)
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GM2005-3 Surficial Geology of Fenwick Creek (NTS 105D/3), Yukon (1:50 000 scale) Geoscience Map (Geological - Surficial)
GM2005-5 Surficial Geology of Robinson (NTS 105D/7), Yukon (1:50 000 scale) Geoscience Map (Geological - Surficial)
GM2005-6 Surficial Geology of MacRae (NTS 105D/10), Yukon (1:50 000 scale) Geoscience Map (Geological - Surficial)
GM2005-7 Surficial Geology of Whitehorse (NTS 105D/11), Yukon (1:50 000 scale) Geoscience Map (Geological - Surficial)
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GM2005-2 Surficial Geology of Carcross (NTS 105D/2), Yukon (1:50 000 scale) Geoscience Map (Geological - Surficial)
2005-7 Surficial Geology of Watson Lake (NTS 105A/2), Yukon (1:50 000 scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
1999-20 Surficial Geology Map and Till Geochemistry of Blind Creek (105K/7 SE), Central Yukon Open File (Geological - Surficial)
1999-6 Surficial geology map and till geochemistry of Blind Creek (105K/7 SW), central Yukon (1:25,000 scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
1999-9 Surficial geology map and till geochemistry of Mount Mye (105K/6 E), central Yukon (1:25,000 scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
1999-10 Surficial geology map and till geochemistry of Mount Mye (105K/6 W), central Yukon (1:25,000 scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2008-19 Surficial Geology of the Howard’s Pass area (NTS 105I/12 and parts of 105I/11, 6 and 5 and 105J/9 and 8 ), Yukon and Northwest Territories Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2008-20 Surficial Geology of the Howard’s Pass Area (NTS 105I/11 and parts of 105I/10, 6 and 7), Yukon and Northwest Territories Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2009-45 Surficial geology of Toshingermann Lakes (115G/14), Yukon (1: 50 000 scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2009-46 Surficial geology of Kiyera Lake (115G/15), Yukon (1: 50 000 scale). Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2009-47 Surficial geology of Rhyolite Creek (115G/16), Yukon (1: 50 000 scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2009-48 Surficial geology of Talbot Creek (115G/09), Yukon (1: 50 000 scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2009-43 Preliminary assessment of aggregate potential in Peel River basin (including parts of 106E, 106F, 106K, 106L, 116H and 116I). Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2011-3 Surficial Geology of the Village of Mayo (parts of NTS 105M/12) Yukon (1:20 000-scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2011-4 Surficial Geology of Pelly Crossing (part of NTS 115I/15) Yukon (1:20 000-scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2012-1 Surficial geology of Selwyn River (115J/09), Yukon (1:50 000) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2012-2 Surficial geology of Colorado Creek (115J/10), Yukon (1:50 000 scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2012-3 Surficial geology of Doyle Creek (115J/11), Yukon (1:50 000 scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
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2012-5 Surficial geology of Home Creek (115J/13), Yukon (1:50 000 scale) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2013-7 Surficial geology of Klaza River (115J/01), Yukon Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2013-8 Surficial geology of Onion Creek (115J/02), Yukon Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2013-9 Surficial geology of Wellesley Lake (115J/05) Open File (Geological - Surficial)
2013-10 Surficial geology, 115J/06, Yukon Open File (Geological - Surficial)
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